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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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972fed  No.285068[Last 50 Posts]

“Jason D. Meister is a political strategist and an advisory board member of Donald J. Trump for President Inc. Regularly appears on Fox Business, Fox News, BBC, WSJ Live, One America News, and other media channels.”

https://www.theepochtimes.com/author-jason-meister -> archive.fo/Y8Rb4

www.jasondmeister.com/biography/ -> archive.vn/e4q3r

Isn’t it amazing? He has apparently been able to appear on multiple mainstream media outlets despite his association with Trump. No cancel culture for him, how is that even possible?? Assuming his claims are true and not just made for clout, of course.

2233 X 1488 pixels wide, hope some of you gets inspired to do something similar! jasondmeistercom/question-to-my-fellow-jews-how-can-you-still-vote-democrat/ -> archive.vn/vmgVm Patriots.win thread (where I found it) -> archive.fo/OxCwJ

Examples of posters, so you know what to search! archive.fo/8Fh5W https://archive.vn/pwqPk https://archive.vn/qy5P1 https://archive.vn/205r3

“Look at this BASED jew, fellow pedes!”

Gee, I wonder who gave Trump the idea to peddle the mRna vaccines, huh? Don’t tell the Maga types there is no such thing as good jews tho and not just because most of them won’t accept it. It is better to explain to them that a great number of “good jews” are playing a double game like this, ask them to consider HOW they are being tricked.

Take note of the “weakness” boomer baiting, some of you here might have noticed it too.

Yes, I know, normies are often kinda thick about this and often needs things spelled out for them to break the conditioning but there is no single angle for this.

Sometimes you will be told Kushner did this and Kushner did that, Andrew Torba was apparently specifically told this by the so-called Trump team but that but that is NOT how it works, that is another trick! How?

Think about it, would Kushner prevail if he pushed plan Z and everyone else in the room pushed Plan X? “They” never really work solo. “They” are as powerful as they are because they are “collectivists” and when “they” tell us, when they tell (you) to “not give in to collectivism”, it is to make (you) weaker. For “their” benefice and at (your) expense.

Civic nationalism has once again proven to be a failure.

People could be forgiven to think that Hitler simply went too far, in the last 22 years Putin and the Russian federation have consistently sought to go the opposite way.

It should not be overlooked that they pushed back against the subversion to a certain extent, otherwise this conflict would not be https://dailystormer.su/putin-says-cia-was-running-russia-after-the-fall-of-the-ussr-he-cleaned-house/ but on the other hand, far from “aggression”, they settled for ACTUAL appeasement and weakness and neo-liberalism and civic nationalism and avoiding confrontation with JOG.

What did that give them? They only made things more complicated for them and much less complicated for the other side.

Thoughts?? Ideas? Suggestions?

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b857f5  No.285072

File: 6ab1d20c94e2915⋯.jpg (183.66 KB, 265x370, 53:74, annihilation_card.jpg)

Zionists have turned the Diaspora into degenerates so as to make Zionism appear more desirable to their Western audience. But now that the West has turned against Zionism the Jewish State is attempting to woo the Diaspora which they've openly attacked for nearly 100 years. Of course, this won't work, and Israel has shot itself in both feet. We're marching towards an unscripted World War. Not one with Nazis VS. Bolsheviks but the Global ZOG against the Global Population. Humanity's chance of survival is very low, but whether man survives or not is irrelevant, as the ZOG and Jewish people in general will not.

Moschiach is not coming to save you.

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6f9547  No.285079


how come the diaspora jews are vilifying israel so much abroad? Why can't the diaspora just keep their bipolar insane mouth shut?

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b857f5  No.285080


<Zionists have turned the Diaspora into degenerates so as to make Zionism appear more desirable to their Western audience.

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851057  No.285110

This is really Clinton and the democrat's fault. It's a toxic combination of SJW tendencies, communism and BBC that's corroding the mind, along with 5G and COVID lies. Trump had this in the bag, but the CIA and NSA got too deep involved with the DNC and Bernie. Then there are the vaccines, you think ivermectin on that based…

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075723  No.285378

File: b415a8a4b88aa10⋯.jpg (329.42 KB, 1720x1080, 43:27, Picsart_22_01_25_14_09_11_….jpg)


Today, you got yet another$26 WELFARE BENEFITS

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075723  No.285379


lol @ somebody as STUPID AS YOU actually thinking "you know the truth"


everything you say is so predictable

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075723  No.285381


you're an uninformed, pathetic, lonely little man, completely irrelevant and overlooked.

You sit by yourself in front of your pathetic little lonely computer, and try to convince yourself that you are knowledgeable, that you somehow "matter", with your stupid irrelevant opinions and beliefs.

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7fca41  No.285382

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7fca41  No.285383


Trump's biggest 'mistake' (if you call it that, could have been intentional controlled opposition, can't rule that out) is he surrounded himself with the political enemy, Zionist neo-cons as well as deliberate closet saboteurs who hate real conservatism. More than half the cronies Trump put into office, like Bolton, were hardcore control freaks who fully supported the "Total Information Awareness" doctrine, the unconstitutional "Patriot Act", the aggressive wars for global hegemony disguised as "muh democracy!" when the United States was never meant to be a democracy under our Constitutional Republic! Whether he shot himself in the foot, or deliberately conned everyone is fully up for debate. Honestly I would prefer a REAL CONSERVATIVE that actually cracks down on the corruption and insanity we see today, someone who doesn't surround themselves with hypocrites, war mongering lunatics and central banking interests.

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7fca41  No.285384


I heard Trump is running again too recently. However, if he still supports war criminal freaks like Dr. Fauci and refuses to clean house around him, there is no way I'd vote for him again. You know what America needs instead of a corrupt war criminal that helped fund bio-weapons research and profiteered from it? We need Robert F Kennedy Jr. who leads the Children's Defense Fund! Someone who 100% is against and fighting Big Pharma/Govt medical tyranny! I'd like to see someone moderate like Dennis Kucinich (a former traditional common sense Democrat) helping lead foreign policy in the right direction. Maybe Ross Perot for Secretary of State (if he's still alive).

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075723  No.285387


actually….. trump's BIGGEST MISTAKE was his idiotic decision that he was already smart enough, and didn't pay any attention at school…

Which is how he became an idiotic


Pretty much the same mistake you made

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7fca41  No.285388


There is plenty of blame to go around, our political leadership has been BAD for decades! And has only gotten worse. There are a few real conservatives like Ron DeSantis and Younkin, including my State governor, who are trying to turn things around and preserve our liberties. Only a handful of them at this point. Most the other "conservatives" just twiddle their thumbs and allow the BS to continue without much of a fight.

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29b974  No.285389


he's a crypto jesuit.

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075723  No.285390


There's absolutely no excuse for becoming an adult and not being able to spell simple common one syllable words…


The reason you can't spell is because you are lazy

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075723  No.285391


You've got all the answers, don't you lonely guy?

Sitting there isolated in your little room in front of your stupid little computer, completely alone and overlooked, you've managed to develop all of the answers…..

Didn't you?…. You've got The insider knowledge…

As long as the answers involve crypto or Jews, you have all the answers…

As long as the answers are current trendy topics or predictable repetitive image board catchphrases, YOU'VE GOT ALL THE ANSWERS…

Have you ever considered getting aJOB???

This is a weekday…

You don't have a job….

You are an unemployed BUM

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075723  No.285392


You actually thought the world paid attention to the opinions of a LAZY UNEDUCATED UNEMPLOYED WORTHLESSBUM?

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075723  No.285393


The reason nobody respects you is because


You've accomplished nothing with your life

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075723  No.285394


So you're opinionated?…. NOBODY CARES

nobody cares about the opinions of a lazy unemployed mooch

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075723  No.285395



Tell the rest of the class who pays your bills

Somebody is paying your internet bill

Somebody pays for the roof over your head

But it's not you

Because you don't have a job

You are an unemployed LAZY NIGGER BUM

you're a fucking MOOCH

You are mooching off somebody

That's how you survive

Not by working


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7fca41  No.285396


America needs to address the real problem, and that is our leaders have abandoned Constitutional Law, and have sold out to special interests. We need a clean up, and we need to restore Constitutional Law and bring back Justice for the corrupt actors and subversive Marxist saboteurs! Until then, this nation is going to go down like the USSR.

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075723  No.285397


I'm guessing by this time, it's hot you that everybody already realizes you are most likely mooching off your mother

Because your father gave up on you a long time ago

Your father would not pay your bills while you sat in chat rooms all day and all night

Your father hates you. You embarrass him.. you are a pathetic joke in his eyes

it's YOUR STUPID WEAK MOTHER who's the punching bag

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075723  No.285398


and YOU need to learn how to differentiate betweenyour & you're

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7fca41  No.285399


I'za workin' on dat

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075723  No.285400


Tell the rest of the class


you lazy, unemployed BUM

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075723  No.285401

>inb4 "I'm independently wealthy"

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7fca41  No.285402

HERE IS THE REAL DEAL: get yourselves prepared well in advance for the collapse (economic, maybe even the escalation into WWIII). History proves this amount of corruption and insolvency does NOT end well for nations. You need to be preparing to become self-sufficient as much as possible. Have extra supplies to survive and barter with too. If you live in a populated city there is next to no chance of survival outside joining a well organized and armed gang (and that is still very dangerous).

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075723  No.285403

I've never met a person who pays their bills by sitting in a chatroom pretending to be superior to other people…

this is the behavior of the INFERIOR

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075723  No.285404


so…. You are a coward who is ruled by his own fear of the hypothetical, allowed it to destroy him the very fabric of your life, and you recommend other people do the same thing?

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075723  No.285405


that's how you sit in here…. a woman pays your bills

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7fca41  No.285409


Wrong, that doesn't mean you still can't have some fun, but if you want to have any chance of surviving what is to come you better be prepared, because huge lifestyle changes for average Americans like yourself is coming. You'll be scrambling to heat your own home by wood in the future winters. You'll be rationing stale food to live. You'll be trying to find a clean source of water. You'll be forging weapons to defend yourself and wife. Etc. Etc.

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075723  No.285412


sure I will, dude…… LMMFAO SURE I WILL

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075723  No.285413


btw, Y2K is where all of your credibility died

So don't go trying to resurrect it 22 years later

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075723  No.285414

"surviving what is to come"

lol look everybody! Nostradamus is in the chat room !!

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075723  No.285415


You can't predict what will happen in the next 10 minutes…..

LOL @ you pretending you can predict what's going to happen in the next few years

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075723  No.285416



How many of your predictions have ever come true

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075723  No.285417


I want you to say it….

Say it with me :



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075723  No.285418



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075723  No.285419


After your embarrassing Y2K fiasco, there's only one logical path to follow :



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075723  No.285420

so far, the only thing your predictions have taught us :


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075723  No.285421


in fact, your "predictions" are nothing more than the SAME OLD TIRED WORN OUT USED UP HAND ME DOWN RECYCLED PREDICTABLE GARBAGE CONTENT that paranoid idiots have been predicting since the beginning of time…

You can't even come up with something original

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7fca41  No.285423

File: e2ef64afc3e63d7⋯.png (428.29 KB, 1306x644, 653:322, vaxxed_increasing_complica….png)


Oh, really?

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7fca41  No.285425

File: b751f33144769cf⋯.jpg (64.53 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1643222851799.jpg)



I would like to introduce you to your future slave owners……


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7fca41  No.285426

FACT: 80% of niggers were SMART ENOUGH not to trust a corrupted government and politics…… lol….

But gullible White (mostly)leftists took the poison…..

You know what that means?

If you don't live very rural, your future is about to be BLACK'D BIGLY.

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2d5484  No.285427

<this nigga cant even pinktext

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075723  No.285447


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075723  No.285448

at first, you claimed it was BIOTERRORISM

then, it was aon accident

Then it was A MAGNETIC conspiracy

then it was DEPOPULATION

then it was a TRACKING DEVICE

then it was BIOTERRORISM again


you're all over the place

you've got nothing

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a57a21  No.285449



>you've got nothing

covid is different things to different people for various reasons.

we've got plenty and if we ever get some judges with the integrity to to do their job properly, you end.

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075723  No.285451


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075723  No.285453




the EXACT SAME GARBAGE from facebook grannies

absolutely nothing original

because virology and epidemiology are not your strong points

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075723  No.285455

you haven't "informed" ANYBODY

Because you have no information

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075723  No.285456

paranoid innuendo is NOT information

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075723  No.285457


LOL @ "covid is different things to different people for various reasons."

EVERYTHINGis "different things to different people for various reasons"

people are stupid

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075723  No.285458

repeating cookie-cutter facebook conspiracy theories proves that you've allowed yourself to be manipulated

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075723  No.285459

conspiracy theories = admitting you're clueless

admitting you have


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075723  No.285460

conspiracy theories = want to appear "informed"

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075723  No.285461

a desire to compensate for your LACK OF ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE by trying to appear "knowledgeable"

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67f4f1  No.285462


you'll be stripped naked and burned like the filthy whore you are wafer muncher.

THE PATIENCE OF THE SAINTS is coming close to you.

and they just get smarter and more well informed every day.

there is little wool left for you to pull over their eyes and you will, will not maybe, burn naked and desolate you stupid loudmouthed cunt.

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e483dd  No.285479


"There is no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary."

–Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master's degree program at John Hopkins


"If a person gets a "positive" PCR test result at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher (as applied in most US labs and many European labs), the chance that the person is infectious is less than 3%. The chance that the person received a "false positive" result is 97% or higher."

–Swiss Policy Research


"It's becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic are not going to wipe out large parts of our human population. One could only think of very few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction."

–Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, former Head of the Vaccine Development Office in Germany, the German equivalent of the CDC


"This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a corona scandal; and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages."

–Reiner Fuellmich, German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee

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f6ffe8  No.285492


Nobody is stupider than you. Your posts are evidence.

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