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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 90079fdffc34590⋯.png (237.96 KB, 325x455, 5:7, coronachan.PNG)

c4a577  No.284883


>Data show we can expect 30% to 40% of workdays to be remote, long after the pandemic is over.


>Tenants signing new leases today are displaying a strong preference for newly delivered and under-construction product, according to JLL’s Eckerts. JLL data shows that 24.7 percent of new leasing activity in recent quarters has taken place in buildings delivered after 2015, despite the fact that they represent just 12.8 percent of total U.S. office inventory.

We are seeing a dialing back of covid restrictions, because the old money has now realized that they forced change upon themselves that takes away both their power and money. On every political level they have come to rightly fear the masses working from home.

This is the largest disruption in history. For Ten thousand years, in order to have any sort of organization, or to meet any goal, you HAD to start in a city. That was where the largest concentration of talent would be at. The university system made this easier, hence why commies had to hijack it, but for the vast majority of human history great ideas and projects almost always had to start in cities.

The kvetching to coronavirus fixed that. The technology was already there. They had spent billions offshoring IT to the lowest paid people for decades. The twist was now that very same infrastructure that they spent billions on is being used to turn the domestic worker remote.

This trend will not go away. Offices are overhead. the primary advantage that they provide is that you can move your headquarters to a state with friendlier laws, hence the demand for new construction.

They have just now started to figure this out. Now begins the dialing back. They will now dial back on greenhouse emissions, because they DEMAND you commute to their glass towers. They target agriculture now to keep their zealot golems in line.

This is where the chaos begins, because they have cultivated a new generation of npc that will not back track. once it is programed it will sperg out on that programing forever.

The 2020's will be a decade of chaos. Do not let such a wonderful time go to waste anons. Stir the pot. Call out office work for being environmentally irresponsible. Watch the cities implode because they have become irrelevant for the first time in human history.

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a753be  No.284937

File: ff1cf0185877f28⋯.jpg (153.13 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 20130608.jpg)


I'z B a ruro nigga in da woodz!!!

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c4a577  No.284942

File: e59f03d7a466b12⋯.jpg (63.66 KB, 768x960, 4:5, power.jpg)


Now anon, take a hard long look at what you are proposing. Living in the woods requires work. Lots of it. It requires paying attention, it requires effort and dedication.

Did you ever stop and ask why the ghettos are in the cities? sure there are some rural towns in the dirty south that are dangerous to go to, but those are propped up with federal money and rockefeller grants. The rest of those places do not trouble the rest of civilization. They can easily be forgotten about and isolated, the people die off eventually as is what nature intended.

But the squalor of the ghetto serves a purpose. It's to maintain control and to extract money. They can fudge elections because they just happen to have a huge population count. never mind that those animals are too lazy to vote. They are creatures created by the state to serve that purpose. They make noise but nothing else.

But that was the old business model, and it has been disrupted. The people that depended on that model to stay in charge are incapable of innovation, so they are going to try to force people into the office, to commute to work, because they do not want to be disrupted.

The smart ones know it's coming. Look at gates. Why did he buy so much farmland? its because that will hold it's value while commercial real estate will not. A lot of saudis saw this coming too, hence why they also were buying up farmland. The Newer money in the IT sector buys farmland. The older anlgo jewish money? they are in commercial real estate oil, and legacy media.

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1f74f2  No.284943


>Did you ever stop and ask why the ghettos are in the cities?

Because, by definition, a ghetto is "part of a city". If it's rural, it ain't a ghetto. "Ghetto" doesn't mean "dangerous place".

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db24e0  No.284967

File: c0ecb916c1de7ab⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 526x701, 526:701, objective.jpg)


the problem here is that you are being objective

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81f903  No.284996



>this guy is literally too stupid to call people in ghettos people, yet pretends we'll submit and obey by proclaiming their insight

Go back to Africa, white nigger. We need ghetto people more than we need you!

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640a12  No.284999

File: 363aacf038633cb⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 3897x2598, 3:2, covfefe.jpg)


Thanks for normalizing the n-word you double-nigger.

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c4a577  No.285035


Is it nature, or is it nurture? I argue that it is nurture and they fully know it. Look at how they restructured society, look at how they played around with MK ultra. Then there was all the early communist psychology experiments where they made psychopaths on accident trying to raise a better communists.

Look at the evidence around single mothers. The fastest way to make a criminal is to take the father away. Look at how many of the early feminists were CIA. When prison reform movements started those CIA women showed up to hijack those movements. That is where rape culture came from: guys who got sick of being raped in prison. Also note how that got much worse during the MK ultra times, which was also right when drugs were really kicking off in the states.

It's nurture anon. And very evil people pushed very hard to change society away from being a nurturing society and into one they thought they could control. Cities are key to their control of society.


Would you look at that! It's as if kike's have an urban culture, and need an urbanized society to thrive. You never see them live like the Amish now do you anon? It's as if they have a lot of genetic issues that require access to a heavy medical infrastructure.

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b707a3  No.285059


Isn't the concept of "nurture" a racial concept? Why would evolution want one species to tolerate a competing species? Makes no sense.

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1f74f2  No.285075


>It's as if kike's have an urban culture

Yeah, they kinda have to. Modern "jews" have never been farmers, like the ancient people they claim to be their own. The first thing Noah did after the flood was plant a vineyard. The first thing Shmecke Greenblaut did after the Slavic exodus was open a bank.

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b707a3  No.285076


Why would a competing species create food for other competing species? Makes no sense. It would only create food and resources for its own species, as fittingly as possible.

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516f73  No.285096




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c4a577  No.286110


Are we competing species? Technically ancient men competed with wolves, then one day someone somewhere found a work around, and since then the evolution of the two species has been intertwined.

The problem with the right, is that it is contaminated with left ideas. The left never finds a solution, hence why communism and sodalist ideologies always fail. Meanwhile right leaning people tend to find solutions that are unorthodox at the time. "hey instead of burning gasoline, why not use it to power this explosive based engine? then we can sell kerosene AND the byproduct!"

Show me a commie innovation on that level.

Technically every species on earth that is not domesticated for food is competing by the left's logic. Yet is this really the case?

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9fc02b  No.286122

File: e1660ac93d98fba⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 480x341, 480:341, 1642733174440.jpg)


>Watch the cities implode because they have become irrelevant for the first time in human history.

And whilst we saw the glimmer of hope that perhaps we could work remotely and save ourselves the trouble of commuting and avoid the hustle and bustle of metropolitan life.

It shall not be, we will continue to be steered towards the cities for these reasons.

*property business booms the more densely crowded cities become.

*environmentalism calls for concentrating people into cities too, no more remote townships because logistics, besides animals want nature back, or so they claim…(actually the rich just want to buy all the land and resources on them, learn about feudalism. Then you'll know why they want it all land without the bother of having peasants around anymore)

*centralized consolidated resources, are easier to manage and ration when people live in megacities, thus you can use artificial shortagel, and directly control consumption.

*surveillance states,and policing is much easier when people are city stuck and traced and tracked.

*Social justice industry, can only be relevant when you forcefully pack incompatible groups together. And fights are good for business.

* brutal pregmatism, you can possibly have a fully eficient circular system.

I mean why cremate people if you could turn them into food or fertilizer eh?

In fact why not dispose of people after they reach 50 years of age? or those that are depressed or useless can just step into the suicide booth like in futurama.

The thing is this we have been conditioned to accept that our future will be fake gay and bleak when the technocrats get their way, and they will because we won't rebel.

We shall own nothing, live in ze pod, eat ze bugs, wear ze vr facejew, consoom and be happy.

or else!

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c4a577  No.286132


>*property business booms the more densely crowded cities become.

Is that still the case? Are any of those things still the case? that's the thing, cities are too big, too developed, to be modernized efficiently. Covid has been an enlightening experience. A lot of the artificial shortages have bitten these companies in the ass. Sony is now releasing their "exclusives" online in the pc market because they can't sell enough ps5s due to their artificial shortage business model backfiring on them. They have to sell those games on the pc market because they realized that the pc gamers have no reason to leave their eco system.

Learn that term: eco system. That is how they are thinking. Buy an electric power tool that uses one style of battery? well you are in that eco system. They have to get you with that big sale now. They want to lock people in for a bit.

Also look at the super rich. They are buying farmland, not commercial real estate. This has not happened before. It used to be the super rich owned the big buildings, and made money off of them. Not anymore. Something has changed.

>*centralized consolidated resources, are easier to manage and ration when people live in megacities, thus you can use artificial shortagel, and directly control consumption.

Decades of black market trading says this is wrong anon. We have lego, tide pods, and other items become a black market currency because the state can't civil forfeiture those products.

>*Social justice industry, can only be relevant when you forcefully pack incompatible groups together. And fights are good for business.

Those people are a cult without salvation, and eat their own. They are BAD for business, the only reason why it grew was because retarded Harvard grads who are devoid of innovation read something in the WSJ or some business journal so they ran with it. Only no one is buying the products. Hollywood lost a lot of the US market and the China market, so much they lost political clout as was witnessed with #metoo and other incidents.

The very thing the technocrats were fighting for, was unsustainable from the start , and all the anons were too autistic to properly articulate why it was going to fail. So now we are watching a critical failure. The old guard ran with a stupid idea and now that it is failing they do not know what to do.

We are entering an era of pure chaos, and the winner will be the first group to take the initiative.

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9fc02b  No.286266

File: 64dc594efe18891⋯.jpg (76.37 KB, 500x866, 250:433, 1627705782232.jpg)


> cities are too big, too developed, to be modernized efficiently. Covid has been an enlightening experience.

And while we demand more pay , comfy remote work.WE coined it smugly" the great resignation" as we gleefully tell boomer to shove his low paid job. I am expecting a "great regret" soon. When (remote work) corporations pack up and emigrate en masse to low tax, low wage haven nations (3rd world).

Nowadays when it comes to business globohomo corpos want employees and business from developing nations.

>term ecosystem, learn it.

Done, agreed.

I got a dislike for corporatism. proprietary, planned obscolescence, exclusivity,marketingwank.

In fact i am a tinkerer, so yeah i hear ya.

>sony exclusives.

And yes pc all the way, console and phone peasants eat crow lololo. nah but it is good that Sony is opening up their exclusives to the pc. should had happened 20 years ago, but then again the did sell 5 generations of paystations. Not that i care, viva emulation.

>Rich are now buying farmland instead of commercial real estate .

Agreed and i have my ideas on why that is.

Commercial real estate is becoming a bear i think since businesses tend to not survive long enough to honor that 20 year lease?

maybe they can't get tenants to set up shop.

I bet they are selling many of those big buildings and halls at a loss.

That would explain why investors has become a speculator on residential property. and boy did it pump housing prices to the moon huh?

rough estimate housing went up 800% since the 70's, boomers are winning.

So this time, i think the rich are buying land not because they need it for profit (allthough they certainly can )

It's more buying land in order.to deny others from buying, it's a way to remove people out of the country and rural areas.

Not that i can prove it, or they would ever honestly admit that.

They'll just say the motive is to "buy land back from the people and give it to the animals" or some green/ social bs motive.

That's my cynical opinion though.

>Decades of black market trading says this is wrong anon.

I had forgotten completely about the blackmarket angle anon, anyways i got some bottlecaps hehe.

<*Social justice industry, can only be relevant when you forcefully pack incompatible groups together. And fights are good for business.

>Those people are a cult without salvation, and eat their own. They are BAD for business

They are bad for business in the regular sense of the word, sure. Yet the social justice industry is still running full steam ahead.

Either their business is somehow profitable (x)doubt)

Or they are subsidised by government and through Jane Doe slushfunds (v)bet placed)

I'd be very interrested how much money goes through this sjw racket and where it comes from.

>We are eneterig an era of pure chaos .

Yeah i think so too anon.

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eb67c5  No.286268


Nah, the days of living in cities are OVER for many millions of Americans. I'll never be moving out of my homestead ever, and if this is the soil I fight and die on so fucking be it. Fuck those shitholes and fuck your corrupt government.

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9fc02b  No.286279


Based homesteader.

You'll be okay and in good shape when self sufficient.

i reject the city pill too, been there and done it , and whilst i do not live on a homestead, i live in a small village and like it better.

If i am to leave i am gonna buy a sailboat and travel.

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f9a2a2  No.286290


super wealthy buy up " farmland" claim exemptions and then offer " planned communities" that supposedly help everyone.

we had this in brevard county florida, a billionaire family owned lots of " farmland" on the st johns and kept around 20 cows claiming a farming write off. they then developed it, moving the county govt and rolling all back taxes into a " bond issue"

this was after they couldnt get a baseball team at the empty stadium because its too hot for yankee slave cattle.

surprised they didnt try and push another domed stadium like tampa, but they probably will eventually as it fits with the temporary distraction lifestyle of the flood of yankee garbage coming since the engineered 2008 crash

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f9a2a2  No.286293

File: 83fe097755f3dee⋯.png (586.59 KB, 720x1079, 720:1079, Screenshot_2022_01_31_17_4….png)


duda like most came here as carpetbaggers after the " civil war" under protection of the judeomasonic federal occupying govt

the amount.of damage done to florida in less than 100 years is beyond criminal

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162960  No.286710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia, China

Shhhhh… 'They' are watching closely…

The ritual shall continue…

I cannot and will not stop 'financial attack.'

Gaze upon part and be knowing of mine order…


Sorts of 'Solution' or 'sorcery of select.'

To 'dance' and make ritual of mine command…

To 'perform' as 'in direkt.'

To 'convolve backwards' from a 'forward state.'

To perform actions that clearly indicate future 'behavior' and 'intention.'






Vladimir Putin… With 'restraint' observe these…

Vladimir Putin… Be knowing…

Vladimir Putin… Be entertained to completion…

Vladimir Putin… 'April' is not as far as mine chaos 'tis 'wide.' HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… 'Tis a lament of innocence!

Vladimir Putin… 'Tis a harmony of dissonance!

Vladimir Putin… Peace… Peace?

Vladimir Putin… Such quantity of peace… Yet…

Vladimir Putin… Doth thee not sense that 'something is horribly wrong?'

Vladimir Putin… I am 'working' and 'turning.'

Vladimir Putin… 'Tis mine ritual… 'Tis being 'noticed…'

Vladimir Putin… These cannot help themselves…

Vladimir Putin… Helplessly transported by the events…

Vladimir Putin… These are defenseless and weak before me…

Vladimir Putin… Prepare to be entertained to absolute completion…

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162960  No.286713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Yes… The silence is deafening…



The 'five eyes' must be 'opened.'

The ritual shall continue…


Mine servants bring 'good tidings' and 'perform well.'


I am 'protecting' both and 'releasing' many…


The 'Scarecrow' requires 'stuffing in the head.'

'Dorothy' must 'kill and make robbery of the body.'


Deal… Deal… Deal… Such bountiful 'trades' to be made…

Mine 'collection' 'activities' shall continue…

Russia and China shall be in exceptional 'favor' and 'benefit greatly.'

The ritual shall continue…

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162960  No.286714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



No… 'Finality' shall be given to man during 'Hajj…'

The ritual shall continue…

Peace is 'weapon.' Use 'peace weapon.'

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c4a577  No.286715


Walt disney pioneered some of that damage, like hiring every lawyer in the state to do bullshit stuff so that no one in florida could sue him and stop his projects.

But this is an interesting caveat. Maybe they are not giving up on cities, but are abandoning their old traditional places of power to build new ones? That might indicate a schism between the established political groups and the technocrats.

A lot of America is undeveloped, just wilderness. Now part of that is because the federal government does buy up land, this prevents unsanctioned development and keeps upstarts from popping up, but the other aspect is that most of the land was worthless at the time.


Not sure if schizo or bot. have a (((you))).

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162960  No.286716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The Holy Empire Of Iram

The ritual is significant…

Unity shall not be denied…

Unity shall be acknowledged…

The time(s) of 'peace weapon' is nearly at hand…

The time(s) of unity shall accelerate upon 'financial attack.'

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162960  No.286718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The Holy Empire Of Iram and The ULAF


The ritual shall continue…

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f9a2a2  No.286720


its a mess and disney was a judeomason

theyve always been serving the phosphate mining and big sugar here

after that 2008 " crash" along with " govs" bush and scott lowering or completely removing all environmental protections the entire peninsula has been opened for destruction

even the " oil rig disaster" that destroyed the fisheries, bankrupting the entire industry was part of the deal, then you add an active storm season with propaganda " weatherman" declaring " if you stay in florida, you will die'; it was too much for a lit of the elderly and they sold their homes and left.

already lived through this bs with the cheasapeake bay and monsters like dupont poisoning entire regions forever and they are still doing it

today, im cleaning up trash again on the " protected estuary" which is a supposed

" marine sanctuary" but seen so many animals die off its nightmarish.

still seeing bobcats, otters, gators and even a mink but the entire system is dying and yankees coming here from a post industrial wasteland dont care, they just want to make $ at one of the ( too many) defense contractors.

thats a horrible way to " work" its all based on destruction and death.

but me, and a handful of people will continue to try and keep the environment clean. the aggravating part is, when cleaning up the trash yankee niggers ( all colors, and races) will try and steal my bike, even if its cable locked, then they get mad and try to kick the spokes out

this is madness on a scale ive never experienced and I worked in inner city baltimore and dc for 20+ years

rockefeller jew york slave cattle are worse than inner city ghetto dwellers in dc and baltimore

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