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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 213b8ae9b8cef2b⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB, 854x480, 427:240, NSA_Reel_.mp4)

d34c8a  No.284626

The newest Wikileaks Drop :

It's a top secret NSA video reel, recently extracted from a NIST-level encrypted files from the VAULT 7 source.

It's a background layer alpha channel designed for surreptitious televised broadcast. The major Network have been playing this video as a imperceptible alpha channel sublayer, hidden beneath their broadcasted programming.

When they are playing it, both the video and the audio are imperceptible to the viewer. It's an A.I. neural processing algorithm, created using sub audible generated tones, and it puts viewers into a state of suggestive hypnosis.

It was created to be broadcast as a hidden sublayer behind the news.


8kun will not be held responsible for any neural damage acquired while watching the video.

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777c19  No.284632




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e478b7  No.284679

File: 24aa642b91ba12d⋯.mp4 (7.04 MB, 426x240, 71:40, 24aa642b91ba12d9b97e0aa7c5….mp4)


OP, besides being a faggot, provided no documentation or links substantiating his claims, nor could I find mention of such am agency on the internet. What I did find, however, was interesting enough to drop a spattering of links in here so someone else can go scampering down the rabbit holes I'm merely pointing out…

Crossing the Cleft: Communication Challenges Between Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence







Allocating Federal Funds for Science and Technology



If you can't run into anything interesting on WordNet, Ivdunno what to tell you…





Commentary: Placing Terrorism in a Violent Non-State Actor Framework for the Great Power Competition Era



National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)


> The mission of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.

> To continue fulfilling this vital public health mission, the Institute must foster innovative thinking and support a full array of novel scientific perspectives to further discovery in the evolving science of the brain, behavior, and experience. In this way, breakthroughs in science can become breakthroughs for all people with mental illnesses.

It goes on from there.


There is no mind control technology (((they))) would not develop, or use, on those (((they))) see as their inferiors.

I will admit these links are kind of all over the map, but semi-interesting, kind of like your own neural pathways, that are being manipulated by someone or something. Is it You?

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f63b7b  No.284686


your reply sounds like fudspam to me. Are you a bot too?

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e478b7  No.284705


The sooner you realize we are all "bots" in on way or another, the better off you'll be.

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baefcc  No.284710


I don't really mind the fudbots so much. As long as I have my precious ID filter. The spammers are the ones wasting their time. I'm comfy here.

It's a shame we cannot share the filters with each other though.

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7c7504  No.284732


I'm not really doubting anything like this is real anymore. I seldomly watch entertainment, have not had any TV service for at least a couple of decades now (cut my service in the early 2000s mostly because it was a waste of money and the modern shows all sucked ass). Over that period without having TV I really started to notice how fucked up and corrupt society was becoming, whereas when I did have TV service I was less aware and more easily baffooned into believing everything was normal even though I still knew deep down something was wrong and we were heading in the wrong direction as a society. I honestly don't think I would have become a prepper if I still relied on TV and newspapers for news and entertainment. I'll still my favorite watch older shows and movies but all I need is DVDs and only watch those before going to bed anyway. Also expect this covert mind control over radio today too, I bet if you listen in on any of the major radio stations (most of the independent ones now gone now days anyway) the CIA plays this kind of mind control frequency in the background that makes you believe anything you hear.

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7c7504  No.284733


If you must filter anything but spam then you simply prefer a safe-space and that's just as bad as being a 'social justice warrior' today. That's what Big Tech platforms are for, not sites like this.

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90f5fe  No.284737

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90f5fe  No.284738


By the way, I wonder if we could share filters by sharing cookies. It could work.

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7c7504  No.284782


LOL, go right ahead and share your cookies with spooks.

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90f5fe  No.284790


maybe we could share just the parts that include the filters, maybe using a monkeyscript or something?

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