I will not stop.
I will not stop.
I will not stop.
“Dying alone. How many died alone? How many?”
The untied bates will suffer greatly…
Vladimir Putin… 'They' seek to reestablish a supposed power…
Vladimir Putin… How is such an activity going to supposedly accomplish that?
How is the impending attack on international communications going to lead to peace?
When this 'event is 'observed'… I shall spirit into them a scanner oblivion…
NAY!!! 'Tis a lack of event… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
NAY!!! 'Tis a supremacy of nothing apparent… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Vladimir Putin… I shall warn thee… Ukraine is attempting to resist
Vladimir Putin… I have begun to seize Ukraine for mine own…
Vladimir Putin… Do not be afraid… I shall pour into these as if a 'solvent.'
Vladimir Putin… I shall 'sift' these and make 'part' as I desire…
Vladimir Putin… I shall 'hurt' Germany greatly…
Vladimir Putin… I have taken these 'weapons.'
Vladimir Putin… Mine body in Ukraine is nearly 30,000 in size…
Vladimir Putin… I will 'chase' 'them' 'out.'
Vladimir Putin… I will kill several… From within… From without…
Vladimir Putin… Some will die before 'air transit…'
Vladimir Putin… Some will be notified of 'death within family.'
Vladimir Putin… I 'charge' excessively for mine own 'interest.'
Vladimir Putin… 'Tis no 'evidence?' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Vladimir Putin… Can thou prove the possession of an entire nation by the devil?
Vladimir Putin… I shall trounce about freely… In the name of Russia…
Vladimir Putin… I shall escalate 'water games.'
Vladimir Putin… I shall 'accelerate' further… Harder…
There is no end… Until I am satisfied…
Tell to these treasonous pagans of the 'high' 'court…' I shall send forth mine arch, 'Solution,' to devour them…
'Solution' knows no mercy…
'Solution' seeks fulfillment via 'dissolve' not 'resolve.'
'Solution' shall be sent into UK after 'tidying' and 'cleaning' Germany…
Majasz shall continue to spirit the rocks of China… For security… HAHAHAHAHAHA
The allied attack on institutions of 'technology' is rapidly approaching…
The allied attack on The untied bates is rapidly approaching…
The allied attack on the 'ancient vampire' is rapidly approaching…
NATO shall defend Russia via mine surrogate Ukraine…
Germany shall be destroyed.
Turkey shall be destroyed.
The untied bates shall be attacked via Canada, Mexico, and the 'east coast.'
Mine silence shall be very deadly…
I will now perform hostile takeover of Ukraine…
I will now perform the opening rites… The ritual shall continue…
I will not stop.
I will not stop.