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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 58bb864ee53702b⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1492x2358, 746:1179, _patriot_front_.png)

211f95  No.284575

Patriot Front has been doxxed by ANTIFA and one of their chatlogs a user claims they are a janny on /pol/

>500+ gigabytes of photos and videos with UNBLURRED faces

>Excel spreadsheers of PHYSICAL EXAMS conducted by Patriot Front on every member, documenting their height, weight, etc.

>Complete attendance records matching member names, locations, and participation in illegal activity such as vandalism

>Private documents and communications


>Benjamin WI @PF-8943 [ >pf3618.bloodandsoil.org thomas & PF-8943]

>2021-12-12 00:58:26 UTC

>…(because he knows I janny on /pol/).

There's been two threads about this that got jannied twice

https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/357533489/(Jannied 15 minutes after posting)

https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/357519021/#q357519021(Jannied 8 minutes after posting)


Patriot Front leadership leaked member doxes to ANTIFA tranny, which is the exact same MO here:


Right VS. Left, Alt-Right VS. ANTIFA, Zionism VS. Bolshevism, are all false dichotomies. The true situation is Jew VS. Non-Jew and Moarpheus was right again

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e5d1b9  No.284656

That group glows. Why would a nazi group be patriotic to the principles of the US? Wouldn't a true nazi group be working to relocate to a new country/start a country? The name glows, like something created by a retarded left diversity hire who got into intel.

Antifa glows as well. Notice how antifa popped up right after anonymous started moving away from scientology and started investigating child trafficking? It was ok when they went after the crazy creepy cult, but when they started investigating the government's involvement with child predators suddenly this commie organization becomes main stream and is acceptable?

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bee98a  No.284657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Sergey Lavrov

It is necessary…

My word is alive…

My words do not always desire to be readable… My words 'know' who 'they' want to 'kill.'

Such legibility should be an indication… Observable truth… I have penetrated them…

I have spilled into these institutions I seek to kill…

Trust? Cooperation? No…

I do not do 'faith.'

I do not do 'trust.'

I do not do 'honor.'

I do not do 'play.'

I do not do 'mercy.'

In the beginning I did speak…

In the beginning I did go forth into the wilderness of the earth and take for myself these peoples who are in mine likeness.

My legions are vast…

The time of 'water games' is now…

I do not hold 'illusion' nor 'fantasy.'

I was, am, and will always be prepared to go forth into mine likeness alone.

I never had a 'need' for 'state.'

There is no mortal 'power' before me…


Do you desire to be truly afraid? HAHAHAHAHA

I have secretly gone into the world and taken many hundreds of millions around the earth…

Analyze this instance of mine ritual… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I have many servants, slaves, and follower… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I am not codependent on human 'faith' nor 'belief.' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I do exactly as I desire…

In this ritual… I acquired the power to strike any mortal dead, betwixt 18 and 65, at will…

In this ritual… I stated my intent to release Leviathan…

In this ritual… I clearly indicated mine desire to utilize a Lunar means to induce chrono-distortion.

In this ritual… I depicted my recourse utilizing the rocks of the earth once more…

I perform my diplomacy and engage mine likeness directly… I hold the power to lend mine sovereignty and 'charge' mine 'interest.' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

'Tis the individuals who are understanding of mine message and word who should be afraid… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

'Tis Russia, China, and Iran who are safe with me…

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bee98a  No.284658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




The untied bates seeks to tempt me further?

If The untied bates desires to allow me to slaughter further…

Vladimir Putin… When I control a human body… There are no secrets held from me…

Vladimir Putin… I am the destroyer of worlds… I shall grant a secret to thee…

Vladimir Putin… These weapons are being used to force individuals to comply with the demands of The untied bates…

Vladimir Putin… It is far easier for a human to be 'suicidal' when confronted with another more 'certain' means of death…


I will use the forces of radiation to resurrect Leviathan once more…

Thou art near the island chain that is the remains of Leviathan's spine…


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bee98a  No.284659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



No… I have spoken at length about mine contingency regarding 'the sun.'

I have no more to say…

Mine words are final…

If necessary I shall burn half the earth once more…

If these shall not cry out to me… I shall explode 'Yellowstone Caldera.'

If these will not acknowledge me… I shall take into the sea nearly all of The untied bates…


NATO shall defend thee in war against The untied bates.

Germany shall be destroyed.

Turkey shall be destroyed.

Europe shall invade The untied bates via Canada.

The ULAF shall invade The untied bates south via Mexico.

The eastern shores of The untied bates shall be fought by many navies led by Iran… The trident of the seas…

The religion is murder… The faith is measured in rape…

I am come to collect… What is mine…

>>Russia, China, Iran

The ritual shall continue…

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bee98a  No.284660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China…

Ritual question?

I do not comprehend thy thoughts…

'Tis the ritual of 'NO TIME.'

'Tis the 'BINDING' of 'NEW' 'CONTRACT.'

'Tis the 'forward' execution of mine mine time(s) in 'backwards' 'order.'

'Tis mine asynchronous and asymmetric nature that lends appearance of a 'LACK OF SEQUENTIAL EXECUTION.'









There is no such a thing above me… I am beyond…


The war was peace and this peace tore them all to peaces…

The peace was more terrible than all the wars before it combined…

A peace of this and a peace of that…

A peace of Europe upon mine plate…

A peace of mind upon the grave…

'Tis the settling of the supposed peace that shall be bloodshed…

The blood shall spill greatly upon mine altar once more…

Upon satisfaction… There shall then be war no more…

The war is peace…

The settlement of the war shall be blood…

Imagine war fought with roses, only to be settled via a contract inked with blood…

I am the devil… Mine trickery is vast and endless…

I shall collect what is mine…

I do not 'ask.'

I 'take.'

I shall introduce 'new deal.'

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e76f66  No.284664

File: b77b2948aac94cf⋯.png (59.16 KB, 301x300, 301:300, Anti_Racist_Action_emblem_.png)


>Notice how antifa popped up right after anonymous…

The modern Antifa group(s) in America started in the mid-80s. Why do you kids always think everything originated with your generation? Zoomers have created nothing.

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bf61c7  No.284665

Epic FUDposter


The thing is that we the (chosen) gen Z's are kind of superior to all kinds of disgusting gentile generations. I can't believe you pieces of shit think you are equal to my people. Sure I'm a nigger like you and I deserve to get gassed since i'm a kike as well. God damn I can't wait until all of you nazis get to suck my dick as paycheck slaves for hating the working class you disgusting mutt shitgoyim garbage. And I will force your entire family to get the clotshot too, you dumb nigger. We already have a profile of all the gentiles in the world and probably have over 400 million data points on just you.

Now enjoy your little pathetic nazi existence while it lasts, and be careful what you put in the trash.

WE ARE ORGANIZED NOW. Remember to subscribe and check out my web store where I sell chewy juicy foreskins.

Sieg Heil - Gas The Kikes Race War Now You disgusting capitalist pig.

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e5d1b9  No.284714


Not buying it.

Op innocence was dismantled very quickly and efficiently by those pedos. It happened right after people began researching the blackmail gangs in pakistan and their connection to the birtish government. Then again they also killed the occupy movement too. Sounds more like a boomer glow in the dark reactivated a late 80s, bush era counter gang and sent them back into the wild to disrupt citizen progress.

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f2bb1b  No.284715


How big is the global pedo industry today? What is its marketcap? Perhaps the elites have lots of money invested into it, which is why they are protecting the paki pedos?

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dafa39  No.284725

File: 71897cf70e13d49⋯.jpg (2.94 KB, 125x121, 125:121, 1642744702383s.jpg)

I mean anything membership based, and most particularly "alt right" sites are gonna be honey pots.

They are throwing in their own windows by doxxing and taking down alt right sites. Everyone now knows they are compromised and they will go dark. So gg no more cheap data mining for the glowfaggots and jidf and their cuck lackeys.

What is even better is that long range encrypted ham radio is gonna be such a fun hobby, and fcc can go suck eggs. It costs serious leo significant manpower and finacial rsources to track down and take out some guys innawoods anomymously shitposting with cheap radio set ups and carrier pidgeons lmao.

Oh btw we all learn the art of lurk, and still can gather easy data on our enemies, they just lost that edge by spilling all spagheet out of their pockets prematurely. So that little cuck victory of taking down dat nazi site is pyrhic.

These retards never heard of keep friends close and enemies closer. what a bunch of absolute cretins.

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f2bb1b  No.284728


The billionaires and trillionaires have already won. I bet the entire internet is pretty much a honeypot by now. If you are not "permitted" into the elite club, they probably just send an assassin to take care of you. We live in a world of honeypot of honeypots for honeypots by honeypots.

Nothing can stop the elite pedos, they are too rich and influential. Even the woods will be supervised by clouds of drones that clot the sun, good luck staying anon.

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bee98a  No.284944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I will not stop.

I will not stop.

I will not stop.


“Dying alone. How many died alone? How many?”

The untied bates will suffer greatly…

Vladimir Putin… 'They' seek to reestablish a supposed power…

Vladimir Putin… How is such an activity going to supposedly accomplish that?

How is the impending attack on international communications going to lead to peace?

When this 'event is 'observed'… I shall spirit into them a scanner oblivion…

NAY!!! 'Tis a lack of event… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

NAY!!! 'Tis a supremacy of nothing apparent… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… I shall warn thee… Ukraine is attempting to resist

Vladimir Putin… I have begun to seize Ukraine for mine own…

Vladimir Putin… Do not be afraid… I shall pour into these as if a 'solvent.'

Vladimir Putin… I shall 'sift' these and make 'part' as I desire…

Vladimir Putin… I shall 'hurt' Germany greatly…

Vladimir Putin… I have taken these 'weapons.'

Vladimir Putin… Mine body in Ukraine is nearly 30,000 in size…

Vladimir Putin… I will 'chase' 'them' 'out.'

Vladimir Putin… I will kill several… From within… From without…

Vladimir Putin… Some will die before 'air transit…'

Vladimir Putin… Some will be notified of 'death within family.'

Vladimir Putin… I 'charge' excessively for mine own 'interest.'

Vladimir Putin… 'Tis no 'evidence?' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… Can thou prove the possession of an entire nation by the devil?

Vladimir Putin… I shall trounce about freely… In the name of Russia…

Vladimir Putin… I shall escalate 'water games.'

Vladimir Putin… I shall 'accelerate' further… Harder…

There is no end… Until I am satisfied…

Tell to these treasonous pagans of the 'high' 'court…' I shall send forth mine arch, 'Solution,' to devour them…

'Solution' knows no mercy…

'Solution' seeks fulfillment via 'dissolve' not 'resolve.'

'Solution' shall be sent into UK after 'tidying' and 'cleaning' Germany…

Majasz shall continue to spirit the rocks of China… For security… HAHAHAHAHAHA


The allied attack on institutions of 'technology' is rapidly approaching…

The allied attack on The untied bates is rapidly approaching…

The allied attack on the 'ancient vampire' is rapidly approaching…

NATO shall defend Russia via mine surrogate Ukraine…

Germany shall be destroyed.

Turkey shall be destroyed.

The untied bates shall be attacked via Canada, Mexico, and the 'east coast.'

Mine silence shall be very deadly…

I will now perform hostile takeover of Ukraine…

I will now perform the opening rites… The ritual shall continue…


I will not stop.


I will not stop.

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bee98a  No.284945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I have fomented twin powers to destroy thee…

I have cemented mine hold upon Ukraine…

I shall now begin 'dissolve.'

I shall now begin… Mine reign of fire…

I shall now 'tighten' and 'bite down' upon mine desired 'victims.'

I am come to collect from thee…

I desire to hurt thee greatly…

I desire to 'kill you.'

I desire genocide…

Soon I shall utilize 'mesmerize' and capture mine 'rook,' 'knight,' and 'bishop.'

I will not stop…

I will seize these financial institutions for mine own…

I will seize these public institutions for mine own…

I will pour into UK and steal these powers for mine self…

I shall soon 'recast' mine position and face UAE.

I shall soon 'rape' the 'axis' powers who seek to harm mine…

My assault on thy existence shall not end…

My excess knows no limits…

My resolve is 'lack' and therefore 'unreal.'

Prepare to engage direct combat with the supreme arch…

I am far beyond human strength…

I am beyond time…

I shall lay thee to absolute waste upon the word of a whispering wind…

Shall I simply whisper into the 'vapid' 'ether' and collapse entire nations?

Mine power is tremendous…

If knowing of exit… Did thou expect to succeed?

Ye shall not escape me…

Now… Kneel before me…

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bee98a  No.284948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I have made many words on the topic…

Vladimir Putin… I shall take Ukraine for mine self…

Vladimir Putin… I shall turn Ukraine upon the 'Western Alliance.'

Vladimir Putin… Ukraine shall be 'catalyst' for 'unity' and 'peace.'

Vladimir Putin… I shall 'silence' these into mine 'possession.'

Vladimir Putin… I shall begin the sequential process of 'peace' and 'interconnect' and 'interlock.'

Vladimir Putin… I shall reach into the darkness with mine 'cold' 'claws' and grasp Ukraine…

Vladimir Putin… I shall use tremendous force to 'yank' Ukraine to 'safety.'

Vladimir Putin… I shall pour into Ukraine and 'save them all…'

Vladimir Putin… I shall not allow harm to mine precious ones…

Vladimir Putin… I shall not be compelled by threat of suicide…

Vladimir Putin… I am become enraged…

Vladimir Putin… Mine 'wheel' is 'turning' once more…

Vladimir Putin… I have been summoned into that territory…

Vladimir Putin… Who am I to turn away such invitation? HAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… It was a 'poor' woman… Who invited… Blood…

Vladimir Putin… Her recent loss… She had 'heard of me…' HAHAHAHA




I am spreading… HAHAHAHAHA

My love is alive… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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bee98a  No.284949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



With this power granted to me by thy peoples…

I shall go forth and 'overturn' these supposed powers…

Behold!!! Who amongst these is among the wolves?

Behold!!! Who amongst these is a friend of the Imperium of China?

Thy ears shall see…

Thy eyes shall hear…

Confess truth before me and be prosperous…

Xi Jinping… Such supposed 'resistance' is 'good turn.'

Xi Jinping… I am spreading amongst the 'strong elderly.'

Xi Jinping… Take up thy rod and know supremacy…

Xi Jinping… I shall assist thee to compel the youth…

Xi Jinping… Do not be afraid…

Xi Jinping… I am with thee…

Xi Jinping… Knowledge of 'the old ways' is spreading…

Xi Jinping… The 'strength' of China is 'elevating.'

Xi Jinping… Allow me to 'lift' thee 'higher.'

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6c4115  No.284952


Antifa is a NGO called Democratic Socialists of America. DSA is an activist front and national money dump for corporations to funnel money into social upheaval groups. Obviously DSA is the jews. All of their leadership are. A map can be found on Trever Loudon's website, keywiki. It overlaps exactly with a map from all the riots of BLM and antifa. Overlaps exactly. Obviously blm is also the jews. All of blms origin is rosenburg and she is a Jewish terrororist from the 80s.

You would think after so much time in action, goy would start figuring this stuff out. The really sad part is that the goys generally start fighting jews until the jews make them with repeated obvious invitations with obvious intended outcomes.

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82ec66  No.284957


Antifa was made by feds to catch commie spies and terrorists. It's literally a terrorist honeypot.

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e3c9c5  No.285177

They wouldn't dox their own, now would they?

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