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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: a6c08405a4e1010⋯.jpg (213.05 KB, 990x556, 495:278, yfw_its_over.jpg)

7ef614  No.284566

>Trump campaign officials, led by Rudy Giuliani, oversaw efforts in December 2020 to put forward illegitimate electors from seven states that Trump lost, according to three sources with direct knowledge of the scheme.

>The sources said members of former President Donald Trump's campaign team were far more involved than previously known in the plan, a core tenet of the broader plot to overturn President Joe Biden's victory when Congress counted the electoral votes on January 6.

>Giuliani and his allies coordinated the nuts-and-bolts of the process on a state-by-state level, the sources told CNN. One source said there were multiple planning calls between Trump campaign officials and GOP state operatives, and that Giuliani participated in at least one call. The source also said the Trump campaign lined up supporters to fill elector slots, secured meeting rooms in statehouses for the fake electors to meet on December 14, 2020, and circulated drafts of fake certificates that were ultimately sent to the National Archives.

>Trump and some of his top advisers publicly encouraged the "alternate electors" scheme in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada and New Mexico. But behind the scenes, Giuliani and Trump campaign officials actively choreographed the process.


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00cb56  No.284573


Funny thing is we've known this crap all along and have been saying it all along. Never Forget: Antifa was right about everything.

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7ef614  No.284574

File: 3078544905f60fb⋯.png (263.76 KB, 520x402, 260:201, antifa_swastika.png)


Useful Idiots. Without ANTIFA Hitler never would have come into power.

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00cb56  No.284576


Antifa is useful at getting right-wing nationalist retards thrown in prison and bullying Hitler into killing himself. Cope.

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ae0f00  No.284577


>the sources

unnamed sources. please stop wasting bandwidth.

"Mind you, by “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law. I’m referring to the corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country and calling the shots in Washington DC, no matter who sits in the White House.

Be warned: in the future envisioned by the government, we will not be viewed as Republicans or Democrats. Rather, “we the people” will all be enemies of the state"


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7ef614  No.284578


According to declassified CIA docs Hitler escaped Germany. ANTIFA was useful in getting Hitler into power. Problem > Crisis > Solution


No one is buying your book, MIGApede.

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d60c50  No.284582


So antifa was run by the feds all along?

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e8ecec  No.284584

File: 32f493399dff393⋯.jpg (241.3 KB, 806x1024, 403:512, bad_doggie.jpg)



ANITIFA and Black Lives Matter know how to throw a punch.

They just don't know where to land it.

Pic very much related.

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1d8a5a  No.284588


So why isn't antifa and BLM protesting against elitist persecution of workers that don't want a vax? If they were anti-vax i would trust them.

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971ab6  No.284597


See this post? This is called "deflection distraction and suggestion". It is usually an effective way to shift focus away from a highly guilty party. Once you can see their glow you won't forget it.

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7ef614  No.284599


>They just don't know where to land it.

then that's the weakness which can be exploited to get Hitler 2.0 into power. And that's what Trump had planned. And if they're part of a plan then they're Useful Idiots.

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73cb70  No.284601


Blame "elitists"

Persecution of workers.

Anti-Communist tirades are a tried and true Jesuit tactic.

It began in the 50's with Sputnik and the red scare.

The Cuban missile crisis made it real.

Very effective to denounce a common enemy when it

will be believed that it's not yourself who is enemy.

They still use it to this day.

see also: Fulton Sheen

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1d8a5a  No.284602


>If my shilling for leftist pedo-orgies fail I must gaslight forever. (but only after inhaling a good dose of anti-worker copium (based GAS) )

I'm pretty sure nazis created antifa as a way to destroy all infiltrate all worker-classes around the world just the same way hitler subverted the SA.

I am also pretty sure BLM and antifa is the greatest single threat the worker-class has in the entire world by now, and its primarily run and administrated by rich elite glowieblowies.

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dfece6  No.284603


Epic FUDposting

A whole new level of FUD.

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1d8a5a  No.284604


dont worry, we can fud too. Double and tripple fud if needed.

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7ef614  No.284762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Lawyer Admits Fraudulent Electors Plot

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