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File: c5748a603673d77⋯.jpg (11.77 KB, 240x240, 1:1, unnamed.jpg)

8030cc  No.283898[Last 50 Posts]

Hi fellow Americans. This is Q4OXC3:7-8 from the SOC Starrcade Battalion Force from parts unknown.

Under dire circumstances that have unfolded recently, mostly geo-political and militant, it is my duty to warn you all about current events as well the plans current governments and political power brokers have intended for perceived threats.

As most may know the current global order is very unstable at best, we have already entered another major cold war with two other superpower nation states.

The recent lie being told to the public is that a "volcanic eruption" occurred in the Pacific Ocean which triggered tsunami warnings and the flooding of many coastal areas and islands.

This was no volcanic eruption.

It was Russia testing one of their Poseidon nuclear torpedos in the Pacific as a warning to America as well the rest of the world that if threats from NATO and other Western nations persist near their national borders (such as Ukraine and Kazakhstan) they are prepared for Holy War in national defense.

You may be aware of US military combat training in rural North and South Carolina. Their allegations is this combat exercise is to combat insurgency. The true intent of this controversial training- in similar manner to Jade Helm combat training in Texas back in 2015 and 2016- is to take on Americans who refuse to cooperate with their new war powers and emergency declarations when the United States government is at war with Russia and China.

They plan on using this war not only to weaken Russia, China and Europe but to also weaken America, and make all major nations ripe for international interventions and future "peacekeeping" which will be a sweep up of undesirable populations and tribes (genocide), America by far the most dangerous and armed of the bunch.

The intent is to train the US military for armed resistance in rural America knowing certain factions of our military would stand down and even defect to aid American citizens in these war efforts.

Not to save Americans but to have more people killed off in sweeping foreign interventionist warfare. The design is to weaken all nations.

The power brokers who have compromised and corrupted governments have assisted with new plans for a Global Reset.

There will be no utopia in this Global Reset, most of the world is not intended to survive it. Only the biggest power brokers are safely hidden abroad. Continuity of government will persist but will be chaotic.

The Pentagon has played this all out in many past "war game" simulations. So have super computers from America to China.

Previous United States President Donald Trump warned there was a "calm before the storm" before America completely balkanized.

Current United States President Joe Biden warned of a "Dark Winter" which could end in a whole lot of death.

The next United States President will be an AI Computer run in a deep underground military bunker. At that point there will be nothing left to warn about.

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8030cc  No.283901

File: bbe2e3046b76298⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 730x584, 5:4, Poseidon_Nuke_Warning.gif)

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45c27a  No.283947


Good post OP.

I read all of it.

I see it all as a dance. An entirely choreographed sequence of events

to achieve a clean slate (tabula rasa/reset) and propel the world into the neo-futurist scientific autocracy Huxley illustrated and illuminated but did not condone.

We are in the first stages of civil war as best I can tell.

Repelling foreign interference while we duke it out will be the only real challenge. Left alone to settle it's business, America will survive a civil war.

If we fail to repel such interference then I believe an AI president is not beyond the realm of the possible.

A holographic world leader would later emerge and the man behind the curtain would, for a time, dictate policy for the world.

Once established a scientific autocracy and state produced and conditioned gmo humans (humanity v2.0) would be regionally compartmentalized and mutually cooperative.

This single world government would have no reason to go to war with itself.

Australia, Iceland and Greenland would probably be the likely sites for breeding colonies and the populace would be chemically enhanced into permanent ignorance and subsequently permanent bliss.

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75f791  No.283971


Free speech allows us all to think outside the narratives that are spoon fed to us by powerful media conglomerates and governments. Without freedom of speech critical thinking would be outlawed, all we would have is spoon fed narratives and hive mind mentality which ultimately leads to total subjugation and dependence on a corrupted system.

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32e78f  No.283997


you don't have the permission to have those ideas and narratives. Have the right opinion or die.

Your phenotype is going to die!!

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75f791  No.284000


>you don't have the permission to have those ideas

Yes, we do have the right to free speech and critical thinking. Granted to us by the United States Constitution, our Supreme Law of the land.

>Have the right opinion or die.

So are you a fascist, or a communist?

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32e78f  No.284005


>So are you a fascist, or a communist?

I'm a LARPer who's goal is to create as much evil as possible. I hope you don't mind me pissing you off with inane communist/fascist spam.

In a way, I am both communist and a fascist. Didn't expect that, you filthy disgusting taxpaying gentile scum?

Now go take some more DNA-altering injections like roid-junkie from your favorite corrupt biopharma company.

Natural selection doesn't tolerate your kind and you must die! (Unless you take the Glorious Vaccine)

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32e78f  No.284006


>United States Constitution

I can't wait until my brothers in (the constitution-violating pedo) freemason organization subverts your precious constitution. The pain and chaos my brothers will create will be glorious, and whats best is that the goyimscum will suffer most of all.

In other words, your constitution is toilet paper and so is your law. I am above the law because I will torture you until you die. Just think about it, do you think your depression is natural? It's because glorious social toxic anti-racist people like me.

Now take the vax or I'll kill you!!!!!!! CRIMINAL SCUM!

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47f7a5  No.284024


>our Supreme Law of the land.

Terms and conditions subject to change without notice.

That is legal now. The congress (small c) has passed so much bad paper through and the courts have made so many bad rulings that the Constitution is, for all intents and purposes, a roll of toilet paper.

And that is exactly what they'll use it for.

Please get your tenth booster shot by next Tuesday or they'll freeze your accounts, seize your assets and send you to the bad place.

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c3ff7f  No.284043

"In Greece, unvaccinated older people now face monthly fines

Greece has imposed a vaccination mandate for people over age 60, as coverage remains below the European Union average and a recent spike in infections has sustained pressure on hospitals"



how dare you!

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c35446  No.284045


is it possible to De-vaccinate? To undo the damage made by phizer? Is there some serum to their poison?

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c3ff7f  No.284046


Ask Colin Powell… oh wait…

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c35446  No.284047


ok but lets talk real shit here. Lets call vaccinated person VP and unvaccinated person UP.

Is it possible to modulate VP in someway so he becomes more like UP. Maybe via blood transfusion, or something? Maybe some counter-vaccine? Or is it truly fucked once you get the jab?

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f59d03  No.284050


I can't absolutely guarantee this will undo the damage, but at the very least #1 never take another again and #2 start eating more healthy and load up on high quality vitamins (they won't the the crap from Walmart! I'm talking about the concentrated little bottles you drop into water measured in IU). You should be taking up to 5,000 IU of Vitamin D per day, but do your own research for best results. Don't eat junk food. Eat certified organic non-GMO, as for meats stay away from anything containing nitrates/nitrites. Eating healthy is half of it, you need to boost the rest with vitamins and supplements like Zinc and curcumin. Eating lots of fresh garlic and ginger in your meals will also reduce the risk of blood clots (FRESH, not powdered crap!)

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c35446  No.284051


yeah. But does that really neutralize the jab? That seems like something it would make you temporarily healthier. But would it really reverse whatever the jab did?

I'm thinking bloodletting might be the only way to cleanse the blood from the vaccine and minimize its concentration in the body. But that would only work if the bloodletting occurred almost immediately after the vaccination.

D-vitamin is probably a good idea if you want to avoid covid effects, but I doubt it will reverse the jab. Do you have any info if it actually reverses the jab? I read somewhere that putting magnetic bands around the jab-stickwound can be used to neutralize the jab.

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cf172c  No.284052


This will depend on a variety of factors.

When the healthcare delivery sector is as corrupt as it is where I live there is no telling what is even in the vial.

Start with lot numbers.

With 29 vaccines approved for "emergency use" worldwide the answer to your question is nigh on impossible to give.

Quality control is not possible in a clusterfuck.

Even without a poison apple a variety of factors go into how anyone reacts to any "vaccine".

mRNA and viral vector are two completely different technologies.

Your question is impossible to answer as the word "vaccine" does not specify any reversible or irreversible changes associated with these technologies.

We are told the vaccines create temporary effects.

The same mRNA tech delivered the crispr edit that created a lab generated irreversible extinction event.

Google is your friend.

Seek and you will find.

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c35446  No.284053

File: 551ea386c756cdc⋯.jpg (78.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, onthebrink.jpg)


>there is no telling what is even in the vial

mfw reading that.

But surely bloodletting would remove some of the particles from the vaxjab? Or is it too late minutes after the jab? But who knows. Maybe trying to remove the jab might make things even worse.

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c35446  No.284055

fucking quackxine, i hate this

look. Now the jabbies are getting deaf too:


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51661f  No.284056










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51661f  No.284057

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f59d03  No.284058


The biggest threat that we currently know of is an early blood clot, that's why you need to thin your blood some. Outside taking micro-doses of aspirin diluted into water everyday, simply eating a healthy amount of garlic and ginger also helps the cardiovascular system and helps thin blood naturally. Relax and next time you go shopping, buy a bulk amount of fresh garlic and ginger root. Learn to cook with it. It's great with veggies. I'll even put sauteed garlic on my steak as a treat. You can put whole heads of fresh garlic soaked in olive oil in the oven on 350 degrees for 35 minutes until it turns brown, then let it cool and spread it on bagels or bread. Classic old-school Czech dish my grandparents used to make when they lived on the farm. Delicious and I'm making it many decades later.

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51661f  No.284061

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c35446  No.284062


Hmm yeah. Treating yourself with blood thinners might be a good strategy in the beginning. Eating healthy is of course always a good idea.

Maybe that's all hope we have. But what if we experiment with some other ideas? What could be a potential alternative solution to this problem, (besides eating healthy and taking aspirin)?

What is this "drinking urine" idea that all the normies are talking about? Is it nonsense?


I'm already demoralized to the core bro. No need to smear it in my face. The jabbies might have won after all.

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c35446  No.284064

File: 47ef74138c0a3e8⋯.jpg (79.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, whyeven.jpg)


>Zocdoc, where he received over 1,000 glowing reviews

Seems like a smart guy. I don't feel like reading the entire doc. But does it say anything about neutralizing the vaccine?

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954c6c  No.284065


i'm not trying to rub your face in it.

if it's even real, who knows? hahahaha.

i'm just losing my mind.

i'll tone it down a bit.

sry bout dat.

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c35446  No.284066


no problem buddy. thanks.

I'm just prepping to the day when they finally manage to force me to take the jab. Seems like there's nothing we can do to neutralize it. Besides possibly something as desperate as blootletting. But i'm not sure if bloodletting might make it even worse.

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f59d03  No.284068


>What is this "drinking urine" idea that all the normies are talking about? Is it nonsense?

I would not do that, anyone suggesting so is likely a troll or just plain stuck on stupid. Like I said, stick to what we know is the biggest deadly contributor and that is blood clots. The healthiest and less risky way to go about thinning your blood is doing it naturally through proper diet. Aspirin will help thin blood but it's by far not the healthiest solution.


If you have yet to take a vaccine the simply solution is not to. If you live in America you should know by now there will be no OSHA mandate because the Supreme Court struck that down as an unconstitutional abuse of authority. So the best solution is to avoid it and stay away from the hospitals if you can.

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c35446  No.284069


>drinking urine is a troll or just stupid

Yeah you're probably right. It might be a troll. I can't find any legitimate study on "urine drinking".


>stay away from the hospitals if you can

Of course. But I need to consider the options of what I can do before/after the jab. There must be some things we can do to minimize its effect. Perhaps taking tons of iron supplements to neutralize its toxic metals.

I'm reading about the "antidote to vaccines" right now, but they all seem full of crap. Surely if the jab contains metals, we should increase the acidity values in the blood? There must be something we can do, that specifically neutralizes the jab.

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f59d03  No.284070


Bloodletting can be dangerous if not controlled properly, and you'll have to know how to properly sanitize your wound. Not recommended if you don't know exactly what you are doing and how much to safely dispose of.

As far as blood clots, hot green tea with a slice of fresh ginger root will also help, make a cup daily and that will start to thin the blood naturally. Turmeric root is also a natural anticoagulant, that's why I recommend taking curcumin supplements. Curcumin is the anticoagulant compound found in turmeric btw.

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c35446  No.284071


>can be dangerous if not controlled properly, and you'll have to know how to properly sanitize your wound

brutally good point. Thanks.

How about drinking certain things BEFORE the jab, to neutralize it. Is there anything?

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f59d03  No.284073


I would not recommend taking the clot shot at all, but if you for whatever reason feel the need to, I would drink tons of water, load up on your vitamins (especially Vitamins C & D3) and maybe take an aspirin an hour before taking the jab. And then make sure you keep a healthy diet and research natural ways to thin the blood and keep healthy. Once you take the jab, the risk is going to remain, nothing is guaranteed as we don't yet know all the science as it's been buried and covered up.

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f59d03  No.284074


Check this one link, there are tons like it if you use DuckDuckGo and search for "blood clots" "natural remedies"


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1c1d0e  No.284075


>toxic metals

the disinformation shills are back.

mRNA doesn't need toxic metals.

it can do many things (good or bad) (reversible and irreversible)

it doesn't need help from any toxic metals thank you very much!

please go back to /pol/ with this graffeen oxide or whatever nonsense they push these days.

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c35446  No.284081


>Disinformation shills

>doesn't need toxic metals

Does that it doesn't have it? I saw a thread a few days ago that showed how someone knew about the toxic metals in vaccines way back in 2019.


thanks. I'm thinking of maybe pre-injecting myself with a shot of saline solution before getting the jab. It might dilute the effect. And then maybe go to a local doc to "donate blood" right after, or a vet for bloodletting. But that might kill me in the end anyway, who knows how dangerous that is.

I'm afraid I don't have a choice here. It's completely forced. Either that or extreme fines and certain homelessness. Fuck I hate this. Perhaps its better to just be homeless in that case.

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cc72f0  No.284106

We're all reasonably intelligent rational people in this thread.

Does it occur to anyone that the covid saga must be embellished and actively marketed to facilitate a second total lockdown during the upcoming mid term elections?


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becfdf  No.284187




As a reminder, anyone against the United States Constitution, is, and will be, considered a traitor and enemy of the United States, foreign or domestic, and will be treated as such when SHTF. You are for freedom, or you are the enemy.

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e42280  No.284208



Now what about midterm elections?

Does anyone get the feeling that a wicked new covid variant will be "discovered" shortly before the midterm elections?

I'm predicting so.

Shelter in place.

Mail in voting.

New apps for Zoom voting or some variation of phone voting.

Vaccine cards to enter polling places.

More paperless voting.

Fuck me to tears Electric Boogaloo chapter 2.

Let your imagination run wild because they sure as fuck let theirs run wild.

They are gonna work this covid panic up to fever pitch…

just before the elections.

It's going to irregular by design and they are going to run the same play book that happened with Trump.

Elections will be contested, damning dead to rights evidence will be presented and the courts will use covid to allow the dems to just fuck it all up as much as they can.

When youtube can pull the Rogan/Mcollough podcast then we can't even get second medical opinions anymore.

Do countermeasures even exist for this kind of bullshit?

This shit gets my stomach in knots.

This seemed like a good thread to ask for ideas.

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8f2c4b  No.284214


>More paperless voting

Good. Paper can be stolen, burned, mutilated, and altered. Then again, if you believe the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, then you wouldn't believe the outcome no matter how the election was conducted.

>When youtube can pull the Rogan/Mcollough podcast then we can't even get second medical opinions anymore.

You think Joe Rogan has valid medical opinions? Do you also think JFK Jr. is still alive?

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37876a  No.284216


I could get tan from glow coming off of this post.

Biden was installed. Not elected.

And I guess even world renown cardiologists are not exempt from cancel culture.

The Patriot Act and a metric shit tonne of other bad paper passed through congress did that.

I watched it all happen and it still makes me sick to my stomach.

I do believe Biden voted for the Patriot Act.

And now he can enjoy the fruits of the new American STASI and a bullshit pandemic to go with it.

No matter.

Soon the lid is going to blow off this pot of lies and you'll be the first one on that plane to New Zealand.

That she devil Jacinda will make sure you get every booster shot you need so you should be fine.

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becfdf  No.284217


Shit, if this really does happen I would be glad if Russia and China just ended our miserable state of affairs and nuked us all into oblivion. Communism isn't worth living under.

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becfdf  No.284218


There are a couple of glow niggers here who fully, absolutely wholly and fully, support tyranny and Marxist communism. Closet leftists.

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becfdf  No.284219


>Good. Paper can be stolen, burned, mutilated, and altered.

And with that same attitude you actually doubt election fraud exists, right?

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47e579  No.284220


It's not communism tho.

It's the same age old tyranny that comes from papists and crypto-jews playing the same games they always play.


1. End the Fed

2. Banish the whoredom known as Catholicism to the accused hemisphere from which it came.

Those two accomplishments would be enough to save Liberty.

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becfdf  No.284221


We can end central banking, that's fine. It is a total fraud anyway. We don't need to support some all-powerful government micromanaging other peoples' lives and affairs though, or ban peaceful religion. That's essentially what communists do.

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9dfafd  No.284223


I'm just going to assume you're Catholic and be polite about it since you didn't create all the messed up history the so called church made in the "old country".

The sad part is, you'll be required to defend it and it's indefensible.

The US government was born of Protestants who'd lived under false Christianity for centuries. (tyranny)

The Jesuits were created and sworn to destroy Protestantism anywhere and anytime eternally on the globe.

Nothing has changed.

Get ready for a bumpy ride.

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becfdf  No.284225


I'm not Catholic or any denomination. Most denominations were subverted and corrupted. I am religious and I my Lord is Jesus Christ, I will defend that absolutely. Communists have killed all kinds of Christians throughout history. We are not the problem. We are not condoning tyranny or corruption. Our government was subverted and corrupted by the same kinds of brickheads who supported communism before in other nations. We just need to restore Constitutional Law and bring those criminals to justice when this whole damned system collapses (it will, because of their corrupt arrogance and greed). Constitutional Freedom was never the problem. Corruption and subversion was always the problem, so was the centralization and expansion of government power. It goes beyond just Jews, there were a lot of wealthy internationalists and politicians involved throughout the decades. This madness can and will go away when we enforce Constitutional Law once again. That's going to take some time, and some hard lessons along the way.

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09bf5f  No.284236


Read the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction and maybe you'll understand why I'm skeptical of your post.

The number of "Christians" executed by the "Romish" church in Europe without due process of law is astounding.

Deflection of criticism and blame shifting changes nothing.

Those who know where the problems are in America will not be otherwise convinced or even distracted by the "Communist"


Stalin and Mao have and had no power in America.

Charity begins at home and cleaning this house will require some painfully honest assessments and an unwaivering resolve to call a spade a spade and do something substantive about it.

This is going to be a heavy lift, but it will get done.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant and the truth will MAKE you free.

The man never said anyone would like it and truth won't ask for permission to do so.

Like I said, get ready for a bumpy ride.

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1f812c  No.284241

File: d62b673f4163d90⋯.jpg (46.64 KB, 390x344, 195:172, tear.jpg)

File: a5e21633edcfea6⋯.jpg (35.27 KB, 636x900, 53:75, jesus_looking_down_church_….jpg)

File: 5eafa94462cc275⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 286x217, 286:217, 132.jpg)

I fully support all Christfags focusing on divisiveness and missing the bigger picture, as usual.

> Catholics & Protestants

Cute how you can't see we have bigger problems here…

But I guess when you only see through one ideological lens…

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1f812c  No.284243

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1f812c  No.284244

File: c2cdb24e6cf0c6e⋯.jpg (21.47 KB, 210x293, 210:293, jesus_egypt2.jpg)


Forgot pic…

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becfdf  No.284247


I'm not saying the information is bad or incorrect, but holy crap, 164 scripts and 18 objects were blocked by Noscript Security Suite. That site is sucking up browser data and broadcasting it the world.

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becfdf  No.284248


>Stalin and Mao have and had no power in America.

Correct. However the same kind of despotic authoritarianism has crept slowly into the United States over the last few decades and has exponentially exploded in certain places here domestically that does resemble that of a communist country. New York and Washington are leading the examples today with their horrid despotic leadership. You might as well call those political leaders Stalinists and Maoists.

>Like I said, get ready for a bumpy ride.

I'm ready, I've been prepping for years and well armed. I don't hope for confrontation from anyone but I am ready for it best believe.

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e58037  No.284249


>Cute how you can't see we have bigger problems here…

Deflection of criticism and blame shifting changes nothing.

You have either been blinded and have absolutely no idea what is going on in your own backyard or you are damage control.

Either way, I probably don't like you.

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0eed60  No.284250


Jesuits got their people into computers and networking back when the Commodore 64 was the hottest machine going.

Since Galileo they have not failed to position themselves on the cutting edge of science and technology.

I'll bet it's one of their sites.

I'd start checking for unauthorized changes to your OS and assume you have been doxxed.

If you use a residential IP they'll know everything about you in 15 minutes flat.

While we're busy bitching about the CIA and NSA sniffing our buttholes, they are busy owning the internet and the alphabet agencies.

You have no idea how skilled, crafty, cunning and lethal this bunch is.

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8203e9  No.284255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Poseidon Nuclear Torpedo

This is what happens when an uneducated idiot it gets bored and slightly manic.. he begins to fabricate easily debunkable garbage…

In a half-assed attempt to seem like you are knowledgeable

You're stupid as shit… You're boring and predictable and stupid

…. Of course, you were too lazy to bother checking to see if anybody had captured any cell phone video of the volcano erupting…

So you thought you would claim it was a nuclear bomb….

Idiots like you always lean towards conspiracy theories because you're bored and you have no actual knowledge.. so you want to kill the boredom by pretending to be knowledgeable

Is it too late to get your ged?

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8203e9  No.284257


lol @ the irrelevant and meaningless psychic predictions of NOSTRADUMBASS

why ppl like you NEVER predict anything correctly:

because you guys always use YESTERDAYS TOPICS to predict TOMORROW

by the time any of your predictions rolls around, there will always be a new set of topics

you're incapable of predicting the unexpected

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8203e9  No.284258

Q4OXC3:7-8 from the SOC Starrcade Battalion Force


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8203e9  No.284259

ITT : we instantly realize that OP is a fantasy-prone overgrown child, who meticulously organizes COMPLETE GARBAGE, convinced that he's more intelligent than he truly is

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8203e9  No.284260

File: 66031b22f1fbdc8⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Purp_Walk_three_.mp4)

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22a2f0  No.284261


When the election rolls around and a covid variant 10 more lethal than anything "they've seen" is "discovered" in Micronesia, I'll pull this thread out of the archive and shove it so far up your ass that the banner ads will be shooting out your nose.

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8203e9  No.284262

File: 727ceed058edf5a⋯.gif (228.23 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Picsart_22_01_18_23_50_32_….gif)

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8203e9  No.284263


sure you will, Nostradumbass… sure you will

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8203e9  No.284264


lmmfao @ you actually parroting the catchphrase "VARIANT"

brainwashed much?


it's inherent to their survival

they mutate every time they find the next host

hahahaha VARIANT, huh?

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8203e9  No.284265

HINT: by using the catchphrase VARIANT, you demonstrated that your thoughts and conceptualizations are gleaned directly from the NEWS CORPORATIONS you claim not to listen to

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de3db3  No.284266


You know nothing.

I did consider using the word mutation.


Your mom mutates after a few drinks.

Then she wants to do unspeakable things with my tallywhacker.

I don't let her tho because I respect your cucked father too much to betray him like that.

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95aacd  No.284267


I also considered the word "strain"

I could have also worked in the word "clade"

but I'm not trying to impress anyone with vocabulary.

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8203e9  No.284268

for example : there's Killcen, and his incessant repetitive cookie cutter prepackaged conspiracy theory template….


he predicted everything…..


he predicted all the doomy gloomy end of the world garbage…..

but he never predicted that AIRPLANES ALTIMETERS were the only real scientific factor that would mitigate the roll-out

and there YOU are…. with your "Russian Nuclear Torpedo" bullshit, and predictions of TODAYS CURRENT NEWS CLIMATE

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8203e9  No.284269


if not with syntax, then why didn't you come to the table with some solid CONTENT?

because your "Russian Nuke Exposé" was less than your best

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8203e9  No.284270

File: 7f623c766604259⋯.jpg (48.77 KB, 470x387, 470:387, Picsart_22_01_19_00_15_16_….jpg)

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8203e9  No.284271

File: e720295ea869707⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Purp_Walk_four_.mp4)

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38d0a3  No.284273





Maybe I can get some sleep now without dreaming of the TPP under lock and key or Nancy dancing in chinatown with dogshit caked on her barefeet.

I wish I never started paying attention to politics.

All it ever does is give me a stomach ache and make me yell bad words at the TV.

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8203e9  No.284274


honestly, that's why I'm befuddled when you accuse me of BUSH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.0

yes, Trumpnecks stole it from Bush

but I'm NOT

I never even think about politics…

I'm too busy reminding "supremacists" that we are ALL inferior and inadequate

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8203e9  No.284275


honestly, that's why I'm befuddled when you accuse me of BUSH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.0

yes, Trumpnecks stole it from Bush

but I'm NOT

I never even think about politics…

I'm too busy reminding "supremacists" that we are ALL inferior and inadequate

I couldn't care less about politics, or anyone's beliefs or opinions

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8203e9  No.284276

File: 17a52dbcc780f92⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Purp_Walk_1.mp4)

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8203e9  No.284277

File: 6fe47ee33b73dbe⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Purp_Walk.mp4)

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8203e9  No.284278

File: dd4f0464ccfc5ec⋯.mp4 (351.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, v_785_015d9da324297e8c094c….mp4)

Sliced Americana


Prepare to radically readjust your comfort level

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8203e9  No.284279


yes, I know…. we all know….

but what if Idon'twant each breast to weigh 63 pounds?

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8203e9  No.284281

File: f37bbfd65e50188⋯.jpg (167.11 KB, 720x1030, 72:103, Picsart_22_01_19_01_00_02_….jpg)

My cat Schroeder…..

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2c3894  No.284282


where's the bird?


you ate it, didn't you?

little nice squab dinner?


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8203e9  No.284283

File: 1caccbaa6b0ca3e⋯.png (828.68 KB, 1078x1252, 539:626, Picsart_22_01_19_01_03_43_….png)



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8203e9  No.284284

File: eb901fee90e933d⋯.jpg (88.42 KB, 694x816, 347:408, Picsart_22_01_19_01_05_46_….jpg)

I began with his doppelganger, Big Cooper

and modified the hair

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8203e9  No.284285

File: ba54257917e8547⋯.jpg (95.06 KB, 1080x1270, 108:127, Picsart_22_01_19_01_08_13_….jpg)

then, it's just a simple matter of rummaging through his mother's underwear drawers until I found her office party Mardi gras mask

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11593f  No.284286

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8203e9  No.284287

File: 8cef4d3e360ca64⋯.jpg (106.26 KB, 1080x1270, 108:127, Picsart_22_01_19_01_09_05_….jpg)

add a faghat, AND TADA !!!!

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8203e9  No.284288

File: af39de56a0f946b⋯.jpg (431.96 KB, 1080x1537, 1080:1537, Picsart_22_01_16_13_15_07_….jpg)


not really…. It doesn't really take much skill to notice that he looks pretty much exactly like a younger Anderson Cooper

He's got the same eyes, the same nose, the same shape to his face.. he's got the same phenotype basically


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844e66  No.284289


I liked the BOOOO! mp4 with the haunted beard.

I'm assuming that was yours too.

I can tell by the pixels.

I can't meme yet:(

No image or vidya software installed on my Android entrapment device.

Seeing how operating systems change in the wild is kinda my current

project, but when I get a new tablet I'll go to the play store and fork out a couple of Benjamins and I'll put the bird back into the picture.

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8203e9  No.284294

File: eded4ac9cf912d3⋯.jpg (83.05 KB, 1080x1165, 216:233, Picsart_22_01_19_01_32_17_….jpg)


I've heard through the grapevine that he wears the mask because of a disfiguring birthmark or possibly scars from a housefire

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15e3a4  No.284296


Be that as it may, I'm hoping mini cooper goes viral.

It is a quality meme that hits on multiple levels and to be honest-

I'm just tired of the frog.

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9bb3b2  No.284325

File: 2744688f4ce0d58⋯.jpg (6.22 MB, 4344x2992, 543:374, uBlock_Origin_for_Killcen.jpg)

File: 065115325914a0f⋯.jpg (6.24 MB, 4288x3048, 536:381, uBlock_Origin_Allowing_3rd….jpg)

File: 4d9dd2978159b63⋯.jpg (152.9 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, Birds_Aren_t_REAL.jpg)


> I'm not saying the information is bad or incorrect, but holy crap, 164 scripts and 18 objects were blocked by Noscript Security Suite. That site is sucking up browser data and broadcasting it the world.


It's like you are completely unaware that many people use 3rd Parties (or even, God forbid, Javascript), to deliver content on their websites! After analysis, I can tell you that most of that shit on that particular site is for delivering the pictures, of which there are many. Pretty cool ones, I might add… As for the other shit, absolutely none of it looks nefarious or abnormal to me. If all you were after is the information, with no pictures, you can access that with the setup I show in one of pics related. Like I have told you for over a decade now…You NEED to LEARN HOW to Use uBlock Origin CORRECTLY! Go into Settings, Click on the box that says you are an "Advanced User", and suddenly uBlock Origin will have everything that NoScript has, and more. I have mine set up to block absolutely ALL Third Party EVERYTHING, Not just Scripts! I also Block ALL Third Party Frames & Scripts, and I'm not even going to mention uMatrix. But yeah, I had no trouble accessing all the information on that site without opening myself to ANY 3rd-Party ANYTHING. I was unafraid.== I also digested the information, of which I considered it to be quite light reading, if a little verbose, even for my taste. In other words, it was a link well suited to those who may not have devoted a lifetime to studying those subjects and concepts. Anons may or may not find it interesting, but I dropped it here nonetheless, for those unafraid of alternative viewpoints delivered in ways that their own restrictive viewpoints do not approve of.


If you want to see the pictures, just open to 3rd Party, you don't even have to open to 3rd Party Scripts,

> one of pics related

and you can block anything else you don't like, either globally, across the browser, or per site…. Speaking of globally blocking shit… You use tools like `hblock` right?


> You have either been blinded and have absolutely no idea what is going on in your own backyard or you are damage control.

> Either way, I probably don't like you.

I seem to have heard that mentioned a few times in the past.

The stance you take with that dualistic viewpoint of the world seems very black & white, and focused on "Persona", while totally assuming that anyone cares whether or not (You) "like" me. That's not what I'm here for.


> where's the bird?

You know better than that.Birds Aren't REAL.

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b02be2  No.284328

File: 26f5bdfa3a674fd⋯.png (1.17 MB, 799x600, 799:600, tea_800x600_.PNG)

This tea can help prevent and cure diabetes and detox the liver.

All you need is a soup kettle, filtered clean water, a few green tea bags and the following spices and herbs: Liquorice root, cinnamon bark, star anise, fennel seed, dried orange peel, fresh sliced ginger root, juniper berries and one bay leaf.

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9bb3b2  No.284347

File: 0a99add8b48cd5c⋯.mp4 (3.61 MB, 320x240, 4:3, CrabKun.mp4)


I'd toss some crab in there too, but that's just me.

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b02be2  No.284349


LOL. All duped plebs who took Federal student loans to attend college will be mandated to fight WWIII, as in a draft for males aged 25 and under. Not only are you bound to insolvent debts, now you will be drafed to fight for those that exploited you. Good luck.


Looks to me lots of normies on 4chan are upset about this, many plan to flee to Mexico and bug-out. What does /pnd/ plan to do?


Meanwhile, I'm prepped and staying comfy tucked away in rural Americana.

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da2cfe  No.284353


avatar fag.

>hey guys it's me! crab guy! meeeee!

contributes nothing of value to the thread.

you'd better start believing in jesuit psy-ops threads because you're in one.

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9bb3b2  No.284356


crab-hating fag.

>hey guys it's me! crab-hating guy! meeeee!

contributes nothing of value to the thread.

you'd better start believing in mentally-deranged psy-ops threads because you're in one.

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b02be2  No.284357


Although the first parts of this OP was created more for humor (like the Starrcade larp ie the old Pro-Wrestling pay-per view series? lol) this thread was an analysis on certain threats we potentially face, and what I see (((the elites))) planning against the world. It is not certainty, at least as of yet, but one disturbing probable conclusion made from numerous reports as well conspiracies floating out there.

You decide, and take care of yourself. BE PREPARED.

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b02be2  No.284358


Although my humor may be dank, much like the crab posting, I tend to poke a few jokes along with dire warnings about doomsday prophesy. If you can never have a laugh at today's nightmarish fucked up world, your mind & soul is truly dead at this point. Even in the most fucked up times of war, soldiers have to find ways to stay sane, somehow.

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da2cfe  No.284360


"i'm rubber and you're glue

whatever you say bounces off of me

and sticks to you!"

go work the beads wafer muncher.

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149f2d  No.284383

File: 7f15a20a744ac1e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 20.47 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 0kCw1Xum.png)


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149f2d  No.284384

File: 7f15a20a744ac1e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 20.47 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 0kCw1Xum.png)


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97e74a  No.284396

File: 635f10e62ca37dd⋯.jpg (53.73 KB, 600x541, 600:541, Jesuit_Crab.jpg)



You sound miserable.

Imagine Moar Jesuit Crabs.

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97e74a  No.284398

File: 0e3c078f07f7d87⋯.jpg (58.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, PicsArt_01_19_09_30_24.jpg)


> Imagine Moar Jesuit Crabs.

I already have.

I kinda see the whole world that way…

Through the crabby lens of my own divisive ideology.

It's the Christian thing to do.

Well, that, and tearing down every other ideology that does not conform to my own.

Going out on the attack is kinda my style.

I am an excellent example of my kind.

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bfad5e  No.284399

File: fd489a0d5b988b1⋯.gif (8.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, lick_me.gif)

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4cb748  No.284456

File: 2a0f2218808253d⋯.jpg (269.98 KB, 1080x1690, 108:169, sneaky_pete.jpg)

Consider yourselfself told.

Brace for impact.

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010e4f  No.284461


"Mind you, by “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itselfbeyond the reach of the law.I’m referring to the corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country and calling the shots in Washington DC, no matter who sits in the White House.

Be warned: in the future envisioned by the government, we will not be viewed as Republicans or Democrats. Rather, “we the people” will all be enemies of the state."

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1ccbcc  No.284466

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6db8b7  No.284472


MOP posting is where it at tbh.

When you see it…

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af8268  No.284501


It's like FUD or DUP posting but with just a little more edge.

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1e731e  No.284524

File: 57adfe47f1ea41a⋯.png (515.39 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, pepper_keenan.png)


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ec3518  No.284580

File: e43aabc3fd05d76⋯.png (339.75 KB, 875x946, 875:946, a_tool.png)

File: 32f493399dff393⋯.jpg (241.3 KB, 806x1024, 403:512, bad_doggie.jpg)

Forget "Big Pharma"

Forget "Bill Gates"

Forget "gain of function"

Forget "china"

covid is a smokescreen.

Healthcare delivery sector is where you find the real story.

And the tool in the picture is all they've got standing between them and permanent banishment from the United States.

Medical billing is their biggest money maker.

But the healthcare they deliver is anything but healthy and can't be called care.

Those in the business who speak out don't last long.


Do you live in a congressional district or a diocese?

They takeover entire counties and states.

They own the Supreme Court of the United States.

And you really… really have no idea how deep in the shit we all are.

These people lie like it's just breathing the air and walking the dog.

They are dangerous in the extreme and if you point out any misdeed for which they are responsible, you end.

No prosecutor in this country will lay a legal finger on them.

No judge will hear any charge brought against them.

Georgetown Law School. Maybe you've heard of it?

They're entrenched, cocooned and insulated by mountains of paper called law and diplomatic immunity called "concordat".

Remember this when you see the plebs going to munch wafer on Sunday morning in some lumpen proletariat breeding town.

These lumpens have been successfully disconnected from American history by public education that teaches them nothing and this by design is at the behest of this "charitable religious organization".

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3c5cf1  No.284583

bad vine.

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8f2c4b  No.284633


You people need to make up your minds. Is Fauci a kike or a jesuit? Can't be both.

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a1b2fd  No.284637


>you people

>can't be both

um anon i…. have some disturbing news for you.

you are not going to pass this class because you have quite obviously

not completed any of the homework or required reading.

i know your parents will be upset.

try again next semester.

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82a209  No.284668

Epic FUDposter


Time for some delicious subversion! I don't have to make up my mind for you at all. Because I will only confuse you, lead you astray and shit you with shit information until you get depressed and KYS, you piece of shit gentile scum. God I hate you so much and want to punish you so bad. We kikes deserve to get gassed due to lying to the workers class and instigating wars all the time yes. We love to accelerate conflicts and make sure you gentiles are unhappy. But one thing is certain, I will always be on both sides and always win and there is nothing you can do about it. Now be a good little puppet and open your mouth and guzzle on my piss. Got it? Good little dog.

Besides when all kikes gets de-kiked will kikes learn to kike harder or less kikey? What do you think. You filthy worker-goyim should know.

PS: I fired a few obscenely ugly gentiles from my company today just to vent my personal anger. And the next batch of gentile ones I employ I will make so miserable that they become permanently mentally ill. And they will be grateful for it too!

See you later you niggernazi piece of horseshit. I can't wait to turn you into meatpaste and feed other gentiles with it.

PS: Thanks for reading my based commie-brainrot. Now buy my nazi-merch and help protect the white race. Monetize the nigmutts! 1488. Sieg Heil

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0c7f36  No.284675



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5daee0  No.284683




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602a17  No.284706


" cant be both"

it isnt. around 90% of everything is judeomasonic or jew infiltrated/subverted

rothschild got control of " the vatican" in 1829, they had " meetings" for decades at the see in baltimore.

after the " civil war" older catholic families in maryland were murdered by the judeomasonic federal govt

the klan was formed by " America's" greatest military Gen; Nathan Bedford Forrest to fight the judeomasonic federal occupation of the south

when it became infiltrated and false flags were happening, General Forrest publicly disbanded it.

the jesuits were are result of persecution of older catholic families in europe.

its all jews and judeomasons just like in spain when jew commies came from jew commie russia and began murdering catholics

we know this was payback for the inquisition which was ending the jew/muslim occupation of spain

its not about catholics or protestants; its about humans resisting evil

evil is evil regardless of what label it wears

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d293b3  No.284711


I'm getting confused here. Since when does /pol/ care about jesuits and the vatican. Do we have any actual evidence of vatican influence at all? Do they even matter anymore? There are individuals in USA richer than the entire vatican.


Go to hell faggot. kys. This board needs jannies urgently.

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e4187a  No.284719



"The Skeptic is and always has been fascinated by the Catholic Church and one of the most interesting things about the church, to the Skeptic anyway, is the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, God's soldiers, they are known by several different names but no matter what you call them they are a very interesting group."


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73d019  No.284723


> There are individuals in USA richer than the entire vatican.

Have you ever suffered traumatic brain injury?

Has anyone ever called you a pathological liar?

Do you use mood or mind altering drugs of any kind?

Because what you have said here is laughable.

Beyond ridiculous.


""The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

… The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America.

… The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations.

… The Catholic church, once all her assets have been put together, is the most formidable stockbroker in the world.

… The Vatican's treasure of gold has been estimated to amount to several billion dollars. A large bulk of this is stored in gold ingots with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, while banks in England and Switzerland hold the rest… When to that is added all the real estate, property, stocks and shares abroad, then the staggering accumulation of the wealth of the Catholic church becomes so formidable as todefy any rational assessment."

from the book "The Vatican Billions" by Avro Manhattan, 1983

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d293b3  No.284726


>gay blog is gay

Cool story.


>I'm a dumb nigger and Vaticanobooos have secret monayz . Schhh but don't tell anyone schhhh they aje secjet hihi.

Got any more paper-tiger stories to tell me? Or are you going to kwetch more about imaginary wealth? You are worse than those fake rich nigger rappers on youtube. I bet they learned how to feign wealth from vatican spooks.

Give me one concrete undeniable evidence on that the vatican is richer than say jeff bezos.

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d293b3  No.284727

As a matter of fact, I'd say jeff bezos is richer than all the churches combined in the entire world, including all their priests and members. Probably times 10 as well. The vatican is an artifact and a historical masturbation from the past. Jeff besos could probably buy the entire vatican himself today if he wanted and be the sole king over the whole thing.

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73d019  No.284731


>Give me one concrete

"MENDOZA, Argentina (AP) — Two priests were found guilty on Monday of sexually abusing deaf children at a Catholic-run school in Argentina and sentenced to more than 40 years in prison, in a case that has shaken the church in Pope Francis’s homeland.

A three-judge panel in the city of Mendoza sentenced the Rev. Nicola Corradi to 42 years and the Rev. Horacio Corbacho to 45 years for abusing children at the Antonio Provolo Institute for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children in Lujan de Cuyo, a municipality in northwestern Argentina.

Corradi, an 83-year-old Italian, and Corbacho, a 59-year-old Argentine, were arrested in 2016. The court also sentenced gardener Armando Gómez to 18 years in prison."


>I'll give you TWO concrete shoes for when I put the bullet in your diddling hypocritical wafer munching skull and feed you to the piranhas Sancho.

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5d3520  No.284734

File: 5558d7454f01382⋯.jpg (919.25 KB, 1189x1424, 1189:1424, we_need_a_mop.jpg)

this thread is filthy.

we need a mop in here.

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afbb99  No.284736


>a pedo fud sliding the conversation and causing more fud-spam to the thread

Did your hidden braintumor cloud your judgement or did you miss that we are talking about wealth? Please stop spamming yourself onto the rest of the board.

>>I'll give you TWO concrete shoes for when I put the bullet in your diddling hypocritical wafer munching skull and feed you to the piranhas Sancho.

You sound severely mentally deranged, like an angsty abused little child. Go suck off some more pedos you little freak and then go kys, retard.

This pretty much proves you have no real argument that the vatipedos have any real money. I bet that jeff bezos is probably richer than all the european royalty combined as well. The "kings and queens" are nothing but historical larpers, just like the fud-spammers are on /pol/.

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14b2fe  No.284740


>I bet

Bet Sancho. You go right ahead and bet.

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14b2fe  No.284743

File: c539e05bb7feed9⋯.jpg (20.46 KB, 283x240, 283:240, Muscle_Eddie_silicone.jpg)


Here ya go Sancho.

This oughta get get your pecker hard.

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afbb99  No.284745

My autofilter responded to something some nigger just wrote here. I wonder what the nigger wrote. Probably something gross.

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602a17  No.284815


I dont find it confusing at all

my family was nearly wiped out in the enlish " civil war" and after the " american" one also

both times it was the judeomasonic traitors who sold out to jew bankers killing us supposedly because of form of faith

it was and always has been a power deal

even the 501c3 irs govt controlled " church" of today is getting orders from the vatican, they work with london city finance and dc military mercenaries

the 3 citystate " empire" is connected and the only " religion" is based on talmudic bs

its odd to see all this " jesuit" stuff, it hasnt been pushed like this since the jew.jwb shot lincoln because he issued " greenbacks. there are tons of bs about the German leadership in ww2 and all ss troops being " jesuit"

and now we have the " covid is a Jesuit operation"

we all know its the same thing as the meningitis " vaccine" a 100 years ago.

that was a rockefeller bioweapon that has the jewmedia " spanish flu" label

we know it was injected into ww1 draftees at ft riley, kansas

its the same playbook again and again, but they always try to take out as many european christian believers as possible

this is why ghw ( rockefeller) busg signed 102-14 which is talmudic noahide laws. denounce Christ or die

its coming. these judeomasons and jew bankers murdered 100 million european christians in the 20th century and they will try to do it again

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602a17  No.284819


" trump" is one of the " jesuit covid conspirators" because he signed " warp speed" and went to a " jesuit" school

of course he is of jewish ancestry and converted to judaism in 2014 as did his daughter. to do this you deny the divinity of Christ, an odd thing for " jesuit" to do

how can it be a " society of Jesus" if its members deny Him?

because its another false flag bs to go after European Christians, again.

have a nice evening 8, watching " the prisoner", which is a great show by an Irish American Patrick Mcgoohan and it clearly warns about the judeomasonic nwo over 50 years ago.

enjoy your evening, and keep resisting

we will win and it will be glorius.

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3723ba  No.284825


i thought trumps family was protestant

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8f2c4b  No.284827


They are. "Jesuit" is /pol/-speak for "Jew" because they don't actually know what a Jesuit is and try very hard to memory-hole that the Society of Jesus killed more Jews through the Inquisition(s) than Hitler could ever fever dream of doing. The problem is that the Jesuits are the academic branch of the Catholic Church and meth-mouthed /pol/tards are VERY anti-academia.

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3723ba  No.284828

File: b78ac37c2012442⋯.jpg (138.5 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 2deep4u.jpg)


Well, maybe they both are powerplayers that work behind the scenes. Jesuits and jews, maybe they are competing with each other in secret without telling everyone. Just look at how scientology is competing with jews for the hollywood-territory.

pic unrelated

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8f2c4b  No.284829


The Jesuits aren't secret. Nothing about them is secret. Everything they publish is absolutely for everyone. Ignatius of Loyola, their founder, demanded it. Jesuits are the reason Masons are excommunicated: secret societies are NOT allowed.

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3723ba  No.284831


I just read 3 minutes of wikipedia article of jesuits and they sound like complete hyper-kikes.

>apostolic ministry in 112 nations



>monita secreta

>anti-nazi, dozens were in deathcamps

>pedo casuistry

>Rescue efforts during the Holocaust

>Masons are excommunicated

he also said that he would "take it as a special grace from our Lord to come from Jewish lineage"

Yeah these are definitely powerplayers. If you deny it you are probably just a nigger

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8f2c4b  No.284833

File: 421802bc3a3cb62⋯.jpg (76.57 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 3a7.jpg)


>3 minutes of wikipedia article

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3723ba  No.284834


>Anon is now going to go on a wild goose chase and spend time on reading pointless garbage about some spooky pedos from the medieval era.

Jesuits are a nuisance at best. I bet jeff bezos has 100x more money than they do. We live in a new era with new power players. Token "nobles" such as "european kings and popes" from the past are pathetic. I every single one of the top 50 forbes companies have more influence than the entire vatican. And these companies will probably have more influence than all of italy in a few decades.

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8f2c4b  No.284835


None of that has anything to do with the Jesuits, but I'm sure your Wikipedia education can prove me wrong.

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e2b694  No.284836

File: aee91afe68106ba⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 650x650, 1:1, average_youtuber.jpg)


Pic related: Summary of your entire life.

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ea1adb  No.284839

>Follow the money

How many dioceses are! there in the United States?

Hint: the entire continental United States has a corresponding diocese assigned to any area on the map.

How did that happen?

>but forget that.

How many Catholic hospitals exist in the USA?

Some of them rake in 1million dollars a day in Medicare payments alone.

When you factor in private insurance, elective procedures and community satellite offices that number can double or triple.

How much tuition do they collect? A lot.

How is Georgetown Law school literally running the courts and the entire Department of Justice?

These and many other questions should be answered before you listen to any FUDposter or Papal Internet Defense Force shill anywhere on the internet. They're everywhere.

Makes the NSA look like boyscouts.

Hackers? They've got 'em. Best in the world.

They got into networking from the days of punch cards.

You make a fatal error to underestimate this bunch in any sphere or in any way.

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ea1adb  No.284840





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964df7  No.284843


>Some of them rake in 1million dollars a day in Medicare payments alone.

I'm trying to assess the wealth of the papal empire. But im getting conflicting information.

>Mormon church is valued about 100billion

>Catholic church in europe seems to be valued around 100billion too.


But I cannot find any financial data on their hospitals.

The vatican had a revenue of about 300million dollars in 2013

>(according to CIA worldfacts website)

Them makiing $1million/day would be interesting to read more on. Whats your source on that? It looks like nobody has the balls to expose the catholic church. I'm trying to find legitimate sources of their economy but all I find is brainlet blogs.

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8f2c4b  No.284847


>I have no argument, therefore I meme and hope people like me

Good luck.

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8f2c4b  No.284848


>nobody has the balls to expose the catholic church

Expose them for what? Being rich? That's like saying nobody has the balls to expose the sun for being bright. Everyone from the loftiest pontiff to the most retarded child knows the CC is rich beyond rich and got that way by conquering nations. What's to expose?

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40a9a5  No.284850

Anyone know why the Vatican is so well guarded and has secret service level protection?

It is the number one holder of the world's gold.

The Vatican has been corrupted a long, long time ago.

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8f2c4b  No.284852

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ce68be  No.284854



>all I find is brainlet blogs

You'd just as soon conduct a full audit of the pentagon, which, it has been said, can't be done because of the size and wide scope of it's operations.

But there are many other reasons information is hard to find.




Is it a church? A hospital? A law school? A medical school? An orphanage? A mercenary organization (blackwater)? A city state?

The divinely ordained government of all the world and final boss of all things?

The Pope's authority was global. The king of all kings and ruler of all rulers. Then the Reformation, of necessity, happened and those apostate rebel bastards created The United States Constitution and it's government. The Jesuits are created and sworn to destroy any challenge to papal authority and rule. Globally. Eternally.

Nothing has changed.



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594a3b  No.284855


LOL. The gold from Fort Knox was sold off to China and other nations during the Clinton administration back in the 90s. US is no longer the biggest holder of gold. The Vatican has the more gold than ANY other country too, but they keep that secret. A lot of it is ancient stolen wealth.

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86024b  No.284856



"Pope innocent VIII ordered - "That malicious and abominable sect of malignants," if they "refuse to abjure, to be crushed like venomous snakes."! (see Appendix 6).

No charge could be brought against their moral character. Their grand offense was that they would not worship God according to the will of the Pope. For this crime every humiliation, insult, and torture that men or devils could invent was heaped upon them.

They were hunted to death; yet their blood watered the seed sown, and it failed not of yielding fruit. Scattered over many lands . . . it will be carried forward to the close of time by those who also are willing to suffer all things "for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ." Revelation 1:9."


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12f960  No.284857

File: 5558d7454f01382⋯.jpg (919.25 KB, 1189x1424, 1189:1424, mop_man.jpg)

we need a mop.

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2c0432  No.284858

"No book, with the exception of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, has been so extensively, and at the same time so deservedly, popular as Fox's Book of Martyrs. It has almost invariably made its appearance under the auspices of some discerning spirit, at the moment its lessons needed to be most widely learnt, and its truths most profoundly felt. No sooner has popery begun to lift its head, like Marius of old, amid the marshes of Minturnæ, aiming even from its ruins at supremacy and making proselytes, than the Acts and Monuments have come forth to resist its spread and crush its hopes."


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44c645  No.284872

File: 646ce2a0981873b⋯.jpg (23.77 KB, 380x367, 380:367, arachnid_archiving.jpg)

"In Brave New World non-stop distractions of the most fascinating nature (the feelies, orgy-porgy, centrifugal bumble-puppy) are deliberately used as instruments of policy, for the purpose of preventing people from paying too much attention to the realities of the social and polit­ical situation. The other world of religion is different from the other world of entertainment; but they resem­ble one another in being most decidedly "not of this world." Both are distractions and, if lived in too con­tinuously, both can become, in Marx's phrase, "the opium of the people" and so a threat to freedom. Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by demo­cratic procedures. A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in the calculable future, but some­where else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those who would manipulate and control it."

–Aldous Huxley 1958

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8f2c4b  No.284874

File: 8fdced5a06b7570⋯.jpg (81.74 KB, 623x479, 623:479, FJto4YjWYA8BDb2.jpg)


>I won't accept actual fact based information from primary sources because I believe everyone I don't like is keeping secrets and is a jew and shieeeet

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07a768  No.284880




Ever since Galileo this bunch has positioned themselves on the cutting edge of science. They have their own observatory now and lay claim to certain breakthroughs in astronomy.

Gold like oil is practically worthless without the science.

The real treasure in the Kingdom is science, the greater works.

Penicillin is infinitely more valuable than gold when (You) need it.

Unlimited access to finance and political leverage comes with the territory.

When that finance and leverage is being used to undermine and denigrate the Constitution and the government from the inside out you get… problems.

Rockefeller knew all of this as well and became something of a one man Vatican.

We are facing a multiple of threats on multiple fronts.

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fd2199  No.285133

File: 363aacf038633cb⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 3897x2598, 3:2, 363aacf038633cb3e4135dd5f6….jpg)

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056df3  No.285134

"The Skeptic will close with a quote from a former Father General of the Jesuit Order, Michelangelo Tamburini, Father General of the Jesuits from 1706-1731 said, “I govern, not only to Paris, but to China; not only to China, but to all the world, without anyone knowing how I do it.” Yes, this church and this Order are very interesting indeed."



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056df3  No.285135

From the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card #66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still used today.

The Jesuit order, otherwise known as the Society of Jesus (S.J.), has been the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church since it was first founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 during the reign of Pope Paul III, ostensibly to combat Protestant heresy. And while many feel that the Jesuits are only a sub-order of the Roman Catholic Church and are merely seekers and disseminators of knowledge, they have a much darker history that many people do not know about.

And while much can be said of the Jesuit Order, and much has been written, the oath speaks not only for itself, but speaks much of the Roman Catholic Church that has used and still uses the Jesuits for it's purposes while knowing full well the contents of the oath they bind themselves under. The Roman Catholic Church, while professing to holiness and claiming that there is no salvation outside of the Church, still harbors the Jesuit Order and commands them explicitly.

Below is the complete Oath of Extreme Induction taken by each Jesuit Priest upon his induction into the command ranks of the Jesuit Order, found in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card # 66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still used today.

On an interesting note, we often see the letters INRI on crosses and crucifixes, and are told that it represents the Latin words "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeum" or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the Latin words that Pilate had written on a placard and nailed above Jesus' head at the crucifixion. However, as you will see below, the Jesuits use a far different set of words with the same letters. This invites the question, "Which is the real meaning of the 'I.N.R.I.' that we see displayed today?"


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2940bc  No.285137


"jesus" is a myth…. you're incapable of proving he ever existed, because HE DIDN'T

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d4ce47  No.285138


god DAMN, dude…. you're so fucking boring.

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0f6feb  No.285139


I can prove many things :)


If I'm so boring then why are you here?

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d4ce47  No.285148


lol eat shit, lonely faggot

always fantasizing that you "matter"

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99e131  No.285151


Try shoving the rosary beads up your ass.

Then when the deaf altar boy is drooling on your your shriveled up member…

have him pull them out.

Perhaps that will help you deliver the sacrament into his humming little mouth.

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5bc881  No.285152

Today, thanks to the unequaled generosity of the American taxpayers, Marshmallow Sally received yetANOTHER $26in PITY WELFARE

Because they feel sorry for him…

Because Mommy's little dungeon master has an organic psychiatric disorder, that is supposed to go and he's uncomfortable interacting with other humans (especially females)

But he's not too psychotic to surf chat rooms all day


….. The man with the vestigial unused penis sits in front of his lonely obsolete little computer, tapping away as he develops another clever quip, another irrelevant response, in the dead chat room….

Nobody even realizes you exist

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5bc881  No.285153

I see you're making big progress

Improving the quality of your life

One post at a time

In the world's deadest chat room

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5d3520  No.285154

File: 32f493399dff393⋯.jpg (241.3 KB, 806x1024, 403:512, tool.jpg)

<Let the purges continue

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e4b368  No.285156

File: f126f94b607eab2⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 320x336, 20:21, oh_honey_no_rosary_beads.gif)

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3e9018  No.285157




HOLY SHIT IN 54321!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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261960  No.285171

>>285157 (You)

he's vegan.

so his poop and his butt taste's like cinnamon ginger and spirulina.


he's ready to receive the sacrament.

better get a priest in there while molly is still hitting hard.


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a8320f  No.285175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Western Europe… The final ultimatum…

I am the devil…

I have come for thee…

Yes… Many shall die…

In 7x7 days Western Europe shall be under direct 'financial' attack by The untied bates…

The untied bates doth not fear a rebellion of the dead…

The casting of lots? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

You are feeble…

I did not 'cast' for death… HAHAHAHAHA

I cast thee a fate far worse…

I cast thee for 'world peace.'

The untied bates is positioning itself in thy lands for 'time of financial attack.'

The untied bates is preparing 'embassies' and 'rogue contingent' for thee…

-Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, France, and Spain…

Is NATO not the 'army of Europe?'

Are these servants not the personnel of these nations?

Why for shall such 'executive financial officer' of a far off land lure thee to such 'treasonous' activities?

Should military personal of Spain be causing of 'nuclear war' upon Spain?

Are these nations vassals of a tribute paid in blood and suicide?

Who hath determined Russian danger?

Who hath made such claims?

Who is believing of such words?




I am the devil… Mine trickery is vast and endless…

I do not do 'mercy.'

I cast thy lots for 'world peace,' but the wolves desire blood? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Shall 'Covid' end so suddenly? No…

I shall bend time and attribute such 'Nazi' behavior to Germany…

I shall 'append' guilt to the many abuses of power at the many hands of Germany…

Germany shall be destroyed…

-Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, France, and Spain…

Doth thee desire 10,000 years if 'fallout?'

Seize control of thy assets or else…

Shall thou be 'compelled' by American 'gun' as the 'Middle East?'

Shall these 8,500 use 'gun' against thee during financial attack?

The untied bates doth not yield… Only conquest… Only rape… Only looting…

I have gathered these… To be witness…

I have drawn thee to quarter and shall force thee to witness thine own murder…

Seize control of thy NATO…

Seize control of thy assets or else…

I shall allow 7x7 days for these to disobey me for the last time…

I am genocide…

-Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, France, and Spain…

'They' seek to deprive thee of fuels…

The wolves seek to use Russian 'smoke screen' to prepare to rape thee…

Russia is willing…

Russia shall assist thee with thy NATO forces… To defend Europe…

Russia is willing to be finance/support/hardware/labor for thee…

Russia shall not charge thee tributes in suicide or empty 'fiat' of 'fantasy aggression.'

Russia as 'primary investor' would be 'profitable' not 'expendable.'

Russia is not 'rapist.'

Russia shall not make a robbery of thy house…

-Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, France, and Spain…

Shall these criminals of a 'far away land' lead thee to treasonous ends?

To attack thee with 'financial terrorism?'

To 'spy' upon thy industries and 'snipe' 'patents' of thy nationals?

To utilize strange means to 'bug' thy 'powers.'

Shall thou be lent to lie with thy rapist in 'hell?'

-Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, France, and Spain…

I am the devil… Ye shall be made to answer me…

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a8320f  No.285179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Western Europe

No… I do not make 'alliance.'

'Tis a matter of life and death… Nothing more…

I am the devil… I shall collect freely as given… HAHAHAHAHA

It is mine 'death test' upon these nations…

To determine for oneself what is and is not…

It is mine to judge accordingly…

War as answer? No… That is manufactured by humans…

Weapon? Yes… Peace is weapon…

-Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, France, and Spain…

Peace is weapon…

Take forth 'peace weapon' and defend thy nations from the 'wolves.'

Who hath claimed?

What threat?

The only nation conducting invasion at the moment is The untied bates…

'Tis The untied bates that is moving a 'rogue contingent' of 8,500 into these nations… Not Russia…

Who is invading who?

Who is source of fuel crisis?

Who is staking claim of mine without evidence?

I am the devil… Come hither and be tried… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Do not be afraid… I am merely death and oblivion and torment and agony and plague and genocide and chaos and lies and unreal… HAHAHAHA

Try me? No… I try thee…

Come hither to me little one…

Failure shall only 'hurt' for…ever…

-Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, France, and Spain…

'Tis merely an opportunity to determine who shall live and who shall die…

It is I who make part of these…

It is I who am supreme…

It is I who have drawn these wolves to mine 'blade'…

It is I who shall draw first blood…

Shall these partake?

The 'Solution' is simple…

-Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, France, and Spain…

Seize control of thy national powers and do what is 'right.'

If I am denied thrice before the crowing of the cock upon the first of April… There shall be no 'God' to protect thee…

I am the devil… Thrice upon these time(s) shall I be thy 'God.'

I do not do 'mercy…'

I do not do 'freewill…'

I do not 'stop…'

There are few time(s) remaining…

There are 7x7 days until 'financial' attack…

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a8320f  No.285182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… Do not be afraid…

Vladimir Putin… Come mine precious little one…

Vladimir Putin… Be witness to mine works and be entertained…

Vladimir Putin… Thy laughter is precious…

NATO is of no matter…

'Tis Russia that is wise…

Vladimir Putin… 'Tis wise of Russia to state the dangers of such… Invasion into Europe by The untied bates…

Vladimir Putin… Peace is weapon…

Vladimir Putin… Extend thy righteous hand in 'brotherly' peace…

Vladimir Putin… Offer to assist these nations in the event that The untied bates were to become… 'Bloodthirsty and rabid…'

Vladimir Putin… Inform these nations of the 'strange' occupation of Russia by the 'agents' of The untied bates…

Vladimir Putin… Inform these of the subjugation of Russia by 'financial terrorists…'

Vladimir Putin… Share the many tales of international robbery and theft and espionage committed against Russia…

Such patience is… Truly righteous…

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f1922d  No.285193

"Now look at this next amazing point.

6) "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Revelation 13:8.

This is not only a political power but a religious power as well. It demands worship and gets it.

7) It is a world-wide power. "All the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3.

Maybe you already know who the "beast" is.

Can you think of any world-wide political and religious power with a man at the head of it who claims to be God on earth and to be able to forgive sins? Who received its "seat" and authority from Rome? Of a church government whose leader is "wondered after" by the whole world?"

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f1922d  No.285194

"Now - who is the "beast?" What power:

1) Received its "seat" and authority from Rome. Revelation 13:4.

2) Rules the world for 1260 years (from 538 A.D. - 1798 A.D.).

3) Then received a "deadly wound" which later heals. Revelation 13:3.

4) Is both a political and a religious power, which is worshipped. Revelation 13:4.

5) Tampered with God's law. Daniel 7:25.

6) Has a leader who claims to be God on the earth and to be able to forgive sins. (which is blasphemy) Revelation 13:1.

7) Is a mother church (daughters have come out of her). Revelation 17:5.

8) Made war with the saints. Revelation 13:7.

9) Is a world power which is wondered at. Revelation 13:3,4.

10) Has "a man" at the head of it with the number of his name being 666. Revelation 13:18.

11) Has a dreaded "mark" which, if received, will cause a person to be cast into the lake of fire and lose eternal life. Revelation 14:9,10.

By now most of the people have guessed that it's the Papacy. They're correct. It's the only power on the face of the earth that fits all of the Bible characteristics for it. But what about 666?"


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940e12  No.285198


here you sit on a weekday


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940e12  No.285199



no wonder no woman will fuck you

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940e12  No.285200


While you are unable-bodied adult, you always look for excuses, sit on your lazy worthless ass collecting nigger welfare, and mooching off your poor overworked mother…

Why would any woman possibly be interested in YOU?

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940e12  No.285201

File: b415a8a4b88aa10⋯.jpg (329.42 KB, 1720x1080, 43:27, Picsart_22_01_25_14_09_11_….jpg)

Poor little psychotic disability Marshmallow Sally

Has nothing to offer anybody, not even his mother

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940e12  No.285202

lol @ Sally not knowing what it's like to wake up next to somebody

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940e12  No.285203

the loneliest 11 year old girl on Earth :


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75f791  No.285205


LOL, I knew you would get a kick out of that. Yes the first part is just humor, but I meant pretty much the rest of it as a serious conclusion.

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75f791  No.285206


By the way, I got the "Starrcade" idea from Pro-wrestling I thought you would catch onto that by calling me "poor white trash" lol.

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75f791  No.285207


If it were a legit volcano that blew, ask yourself this: WERE DID ALL THE ASH GO!?!?

You see NO ASH around ANY of the impacted areas: FACT! It was a nuke test!

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75f791  No.285208


That said, my conclusion is that it was Russia…. but I could be wrong? Maybe it was China or the US that tested that kind of nuclear power? Maybe it was a warning our own government is ready for WWIII? That also could be 100% possible!

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940e12  No.285209


FACT : you are an isolated fool sitting in front of a computer and haven't been out of your house in a week.

You have no idea what's happening two blocks away from you, let alone in the middle of the Pacific ocean.

Everything there is covered in ash, YOU STUPID WORTHLESS SACK OF SHIT with your irrelevant opinions and non-existent expertise

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adc279  No.285210



Anti-slide bumparoo!

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940e12  No.285211


It's a shame you didn't complete high School

Because you are a very stupid adult

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940e12  No.285212


actually, YOURCONCLUSIONwill happen in a nursing home, drooling on yourself and defecating into an adult diapers

That's how everything concludes for you

And it's coming soon

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75f791  No.285213


Just take a look at the clips accumulated from Brighteon users! That WILL change your mind very quickly!!!

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940e12  No.285214

I sincerely hope the belligerent black female staff at the nursing home neglect you and fail to regularly change your diapers…

You're so full of shit, that you deserve to literally sleep in week old feces

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940e12  No.285215


shut the fuck up, you psychotic mentally ill uneducated anxiety addicted alcoholic pedophile

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75f791  No.285216


That is not going to happen, I have cures!

RELATED: >>284327

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940e12  No.285217


It's not MY fault that you're stupid

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940e12  No.285218


You've got nothing…

You've got nothing anybody is interested in…

A bunch of rusty old toasters and cans of expired field peas

Nobody's interested in you or your opinions or your salmonella cans

Thank God you prepared for Y2K


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940e12  No.285219

You somehow managed to survive Y2K with all of your idiotic stockpiling and stress addiction

Just like everybody else who didn't waste their time stockpiling or making a fool out of themself

You're a fucking idiot

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940e12  No.285221

The man who is still preparing for Y2K claims it was a nuclear weapon in the Pacific ocean

And he wonders why the rest of the world spits phlegm on him

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75f791  No.285222


I bet most Canadians and people in the Washington DC area are wishing they would have prepped sooner. Hear about the massive trucker strikes over vaccine mandates happening?

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940e12  No.285223





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940e12  No.285224


you're a nigger….

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940e12  No.285225



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75f791  No.285226


It was sent into the Pacific as a test. And it ravaged certain islands due to the tsunami impacts. A successful nuclear test. Imagine if that nuke were sent 80 miles from a populated coastline? Immense damage and death would occur!

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75f791  No.285227


That nuke could literally obliterate 1/4th of Florida or Commiefornia if it were used against the US.

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940e12  No.285229


I don't pay attention to adults who are incapable of differentiating between THERE and THEIR

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75f791  No.285230



That said, the nuke test could have been China or the US for all we really know. We don't know for sure who.

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940e12  No.285232



You are an illiterate alcoholic

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940e12  No.285233



You're a fucking IDIOT

An idiot who can't even spell one syllable words

No wonder your family hates you

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940e12  No.285234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


lol @ nuclear weapon


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75f791  No.285235


Whatever Johnny, it's time for me to check the wood burning stove and get more wood from the rack. Enjoy reading REAL NEWS and check the detox thread out too. I am working on other recipes to cure cancer as well!

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809122  No.285236


Mini cooper in the pooper.

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940e12  No.285237



At least in your sleep, nobody realizes how stupid you are

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75f791  No.285238


That's a staged deep fake psyop.

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940e12  No.285239





you are a stupid little man who never learned how to spell one syllable words and never amounted to anything

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940e12  No.285240


Your excuse every time you're wrong

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6b7727  No.285242

File: c4a0dd69ddf673f⋯.mp4 (429.1 KB, 480x480, 1:1, km_20220125_1_480p.mp4)


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6b7727  No.285244


Don't spend today's entire $26 in one place

You lazy worthless excuse making sack of shit

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6b7727  No.285245


lol @ you still living with your mother at age 35

You are incapable of taking care of yourself

hahahahahaha !!!

I moved out of my mother's house

a couple days before my 16th birthday

And moved in with my girlfriend…..


You're like a 7-year-old

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6b7727  No.285246


It's amazing your mother actually bent over backwards toHELP YOU get approved for the psychiatric disability SSI welfare benefits

I guess she didn't realize you were going to end up mooching off of her for the rest of your life?

I'm guessing your mother's not exactly Albert Einstein

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6b7727  No.285247


If your mother had enough foresight to stop and realize you were going to become a lifelong burden, I'm convinced she would have dissuaded you from following through with the welfare benefits application…

and simply kicked you out on the street where you belong….

Because you're a BUM…..

You are a lazy worthless bum

And you belong under a bridge, with the other bums

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6b7727  No.285248


Wendy will be out of the shower in a couple minutes, and then I'm about to get some more deepthroat…

There's nothing like cramming your dick all the way down the back of a woman's throat, and the head of your dick bending down past her uvula into her esophagus….

That's the perfect place to blow a load….

No woman will be seen standing next to you

Because you're an unattractive uneducated unemployed lazy welfare recipient with a psychiatric disorder and a penchant for mooching off mommy….

You're also a homosexual

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6b7727  No.285249


I can actually picture you now… Stumbling around under the bridge overpass… Mumbling about the Antichrist.. offering blowjobs to all the other bums, if they will stop and listen to your pathetic opinions

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6b7727  No.285250


Lol @ finding THE SUPERIOR ANTICHRIST in the emptiest chat room on Earth

The superiority of welfare benefits and having your mother wipe your ass for you

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6b7727  No.285251


…..and now……

while REALMENget their dicks sucked….

The Antichrist can watch Fraggle Rock

And get ready for his mommy to come home from work and make dinner for him again


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6b7727  No.285252


I pulled out the dictionary and looked up the definition of the word SUPERIORITY

Strangely enough, it didn't say anything about collecting welfare benefits

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6b7727  No.285253


You pathetic unaccomplished little girl, you

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139989  No.285254

File: e3583cdfaff5a3b⋯.jpg (129.95 KB, 960x960, 1:1, dyslexorcist.jpg)

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6b7727  No.285255

Okay, wendy's out of the shower, and now it's time to fuck her throat again

(already hit it an hour ago)


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6b7727  No.285256

File: 359467bc072743a⋯.png (701.35 KB, 1080x1154, 540:577, Picsart_22_01_25_15_33_34_….png)

… when asked if they would rather have head lice, or a 35-year-old welfare recipient living in their spare bedroom…..

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daf3d4  No.285260


based crab poster

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219a5d  No.285283


Based on what?

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db7703  No.285444

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097bfc  No.285490

"Because of the nature of jurisprudence in this country

this page had to be deleted

in spite of how important it is to the patient safety debate.

So much for free speech when medicine is the subject"


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26d009  No.285532

File: b67038d663eb2be⋯.jpg (106.33 KB, 670x432, 335:216, sheep.jpg)

Nice sheep.

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26d009  No.285533

File: 5558d7454f01382⋯.jpg (919.25 KB, 1189x1424, 1189:1424, mop_man.jpg)


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6471bf  No.285582

File: ef822b618f20f51⋯.jpg (632.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, free_gift.jpg)

The Immigrants are a gift from God.

A holy treasure. The drug distro alone is worth billions of shekels.

Don't be a bigot.

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889a16  No.285586


all abrahamitic organizational cults are jewish subversion subgroups made to destroy the genetic competition of their masters. This is why the catholic church is diddling, they want to be the first to impregnate the women. It's all always a question of natural selection. Which gene gets to spread the most. Which gene will win? Do not underestimate how strongly evolution benefits deception and secrecy. It is the talent of the most well adapted species to lie, lead astray and ultimately kill competing species.

Do not underestimate how far the well adapted species is ready to go just to spread its seed. In a way, there are already many subspecies among both whites and Asians that we are not even aware of. (Probably due to political correctness)

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889a16  No.285588


Just ask yourself, how come only those pedos that get exposed are those that failed to impregnate their victims? They got exposed because their organization rejected them: they ultimately failed the requirements of their membership, which is to spread the selected genome under church subventioned eugenics.

This is also why eugenics is banned, the masters don't want competition in their already established eugenics procedures (such as abortions, adoptions, and so on). Everything that is illegal is illegal basically because it gets int he way of the continuity of the masters.

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aa2e75  No.285627

File: 0ebfe0b0b751b63⋯.jpg (12.27 KB, 400x291, 400:291, Somatic_Cell_Nuclear_Trans….jpg)



you have lost your mind.

pic related is sufficient for impregnation.

assisted fertility is cutting edge science and they're in it big time.

finding surrogates to help poor childless couples is easy enough

to do.

or that's the "official" story anyhow.

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0b5fee  No.285646

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188bcf  No.285668

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968541  No.285669

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3d2271  No.293384

This thread is maturing well

Like a fine wine

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af9ec3  No.293396

File: a9b052f4132025a⋯.jpg (331.69 KB, 441x479, 441:479, Baphomet.jpg)

I am waiting for Satan to become a USA politician, and I do not doubt that the next USA president will be algorithm generated.

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7cf9e3  No.293903

A fine wine and well aged in the bottle (as opposed to the cask)

is a European thing.

Nobody can say it is'nt

I know.

Because I have studied history.

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