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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: a43f3ca83001a3c⋯.png (651.43 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Picsart_22_01_15_19_24_34_….png)

a32cd0  No.283675

It's so funny how every time Purple PenisPuffer wants to color coordinate his boring words, he must first use the formatting function, and entering the right 'code'…

which, in his case, means he has to type the word SMALL


SMALL !!!…. Isn't that ironic?

Because he's the little man..

He's the child.. the little boy

He's got little man syndrome

He's got a tiny little penis

He never uses his penis with another human being

Because it's his little secret

He's small in stature

a 'runt', some might say

A little man

With the tiny little dick

The tiny little man

With the tiny little inferiority complex


omg, it's so ironic!!..

That seems so demoralizing.. dehumanizing even

Poor Little Purple PenisPuffer

I would love to watch him type the word SMALL

I wouldn't be able to control myself

I would bust out laughing so hard

I'd be rolling on the floor laughing

He couldn't get rid of me.. I would want to stick around and rub it in his face.. I would become his new housemate (with his mother's permission) and I would just follow him around from room to room laughing at him

He looks a lot like Anderson Cooper

Except I've never actually seen Anderson Cooper in drag….

Everybody sees LITTLE Purple in drag


Inside and out

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a32cd0  No.283677

File: 27a7d0596889cd7⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Picsart_22_01_15_19_41_56_….png)

So he has to type the word SMALL every time he uses purple…

Isn't that a lot like a black person having to type MONKEY

or a Chinese person typing WORTHLESS ANT?

It almost seems intentional.. forcing tiny little diminutive purple pipsqueak into typing an embarrassing description of himself…


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a32cd0  No.283678

My wife was the first one to notice how much Purple Pipsqueak resembles the CNN news anchor…

She happened to walk past me and saw his embarrassing video 'manifesto", and of course a weirdo in purple drag caught her eye..

She looked really closely at him.. and said "he's so stupid. The mask doesn't hide the most identifiable parts of his face, and everybody can tell exactly what he looks like"

And she was right… If you knew him in real life, you would instantly recognize him.. the mask only hides a small part of the face, the area around your eyes… That area is the least necessary visual clue to your visual identification..

You can clearly see exactly what he looks like

Then my wife said, "in fact I can see his face well enough that I know he looks just like Anderson Cooper !!"

And that's when I realized she was correct.. she was absolutely 100% correct…

he DOES look exactly like Anderson Cooper

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a32cd0  No.283679

File: 4e6856625d2b2aa⋯.png (28.37 KB, 1080x690, 36:23, Picsart_22_01_15_19_53_04_….png)

Especially if you watch his stupid videos.. when you actually see him moving around and watch him talk, you can see he has the same phenotype as Anderson Cooper

It's actually uncanny

I'm talking about he looks exactly like Anderson Cooper

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a32cd0  No.283680

File: 8c624a4fb8afdf8⋯.png (830.14 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Picsart_22_01_15_19_21_59_….png)

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a32cd0  No.283682

File: 0d30316edcc687d⋯.png (529.9 KB, 1080x1556, 270:389, Picsart_22_01_15_14_20_14_….png)


Once I told her, "you're right! He looks just like Anderson Cooper!" my wife said, '''"notice I didn't say he's the STRAIGHT version of Anderson Cooper!"

Because my wife also instantly recognized that he's gay.. trust me on this one…

Women can spot homosexuals out of a crowd.. it's really easy for them.. they can recognize "the hidden woman" when they see one

And my wife nailed it on the head :

He's effeminate. A closet homosexual, who happens to look exactly like a young Anderson Cooper

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506786  No.283839


>he has to type the word SMALL

No … he doesn't. He uses an em-dash, not the word. Do you have to type the words "RED TEXT" every time you red text?

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1b60f7  No.283965


——Emdashes have no formatting effect on this site.——

--'''''Thou knowest not of which thou speakest.'''''--

Thou knowest not of which thou speakest.

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4f995a  No.284129

ppp.bumping mini cooper because legit OC.

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506786  No.284144


Ok, so the double hyphen. Whatever. My point stands. You don't type the word "small" to make purple text.

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bfa460  No.284147

File: 7eb6afb5437f00d⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, IMG_20220118_081744305.jpg)

Anyways never had an std in my life and I'm gorgeous so organically sex is not and never has been an issue for me until I came to the covert black guerilla south where all the European stock are clinically retarded cowards possessed by African sorcery or convinced through other African sorcery that they need no to handle their drug related and set up ish to feed the cops. Anyways back to what I was saying never had a problem getting laid or chatting a girl until the local boomers and Tyrone's became concious of my perception of their inability and eventual envy now they have gone full 1984 completely hardballing all the pussy through predictive transhumanist bs that they have studied from my complex couple chumps make it in to the military and now the whole community has a telepathic insight in to what I'm thinking 24/7 apparently if note this audibly or visibly I'm apparently the next schizo patsy according to these artificial narrative building literally foreign asset possessed fucking idiots working over time at amateur hour. Anyways what I'm trying to say is I never had an std yet I wake up to this on my face mind you they artificially made another one show up on my face back in September. So the hotspots for rathood and witch worship and anti Godliness are spic filled decker with a side of crackhead zombie no west Columbia north beltline and two notch under five miles from there community table at USC where the one spot with minorities blowing and eating ass before work had the audacity to show up before preparing the students food Waterville drive on the northeast side of Columbia all rat dens to watch out for when visiting Columbia south Carolina full of witches who will use sorcery and transhumanist tech to take you and turn you in to whatever zombie walking humanoid they are or they will infect you with disease artificially using the same methods. Either way the whole industrial complex took a knee to a bunch of looters I'm sure they can take a knee to this anti foreign influence trying to gain a stronghold in the united States Po lease tree Diddy Pooh he tellin statement made state of the art formal. Anyways the name is Ra and last time I check the Dollar says in God we trust not in local old crackhead witch we trust as long as we can preserve the petty amounts of meth that barely feeds our infrastructure.

If there are any heroes out there they invited this disease on decker in front of dollar tree before the magistrate I think but now they shifted the memory to be heading towards the magistrate towards dollar tree and it being due to the one can I didn't buy and the constant sealed bottles of juices I purposely bought.

Death to the rebellion y'all.

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bfa460  No.284148

File: 600bc227ee196f9⋯.jpg (6.32 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, IMG_20220118_083605457_MP.jpg)



Here's a cleaner picture excuse the California Pablo look to the picture it's their to dissuade a unified Europa narrative and keep goy more easily controlled and influenced by the things they have been made to be possessed by

Did I mention they tried to negate my ability with a Prisma cannon from of food lion on decker yet the whole community is going full super Saiyan Borg apparently.

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bfa460  No.284149

Prisma van not cannon no relation to v& but it's implied to keep you all afraid and easily influenced anyways keep taking them knees folks

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bfa460  No.284150

File: 7eb6afb5437f00d⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, IMG_20220118_081744305.jpg)


Also for the sake of clarification the Pablo California look is a deepfakes filter done on behalf of courtesy of rats conveniently no have this year's model phone portrait and the general photo capturing mode but apparently bi can't get a clear picture of the issue at hand without pointing the camera at everything possibly conciously if not already complimenting the photos takes in apparent unwillfull bliss and unawareness as seemingly random.

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bfa460  No.284151

And now the deepfakes are attacking my grammar to make me seem less credible so let me clarify

Also for the sake of clarification the Pablo California look is a deepfake filter done on behalf of courtesy of rats conveniently who have no moral compass , Ihave this year's model phone using portrait and the general photo capturing mode but apparently the camera can't get a clear picture of the issue at hand without pointing it at everything possibly concious if not already complimenting the photos takes in apparent unwillfull bliss and unawareness as seemingly random. Beaware of the mind emo jammer/scrambler when reading any of this and remember folks

Death to the rebellion and your only a crippled neck beard or weird skinny lame pussy because of shit like this or because your community is metaphysically farming your biochem from the innards of your nutsack to the chemicals they believe are responsible for wisdom knowledge and intellect which if their doing so means they have much more insight in to the situation also don't forget the faggotry at Lucius and apparently kill secret agents at rosewood drive.

Good Luck and Remember Kids. Death to the rebellion.

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bfa460  No.284152


Have to clarify apparently emo jammer but in reality I typed emp jammer if not jamming if emo shows up in your auto correct when typing emp congrats your phone is apparently hotter than the snitch down the block from you


Mind you this was me at 8 years old and you faggots are all of a sudden up to par ahaaaaaaaaaa

Anyways all these error are an attempt to trigger flood warnings never feed their narrative because they will literally shoot you with your own gun using the same rules you thought would serve you this is the nth fucking time I'm saying this

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