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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 46ccabc0dfa6161⋯.png (1.08 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20220115_184730.png)

8f7a8a  No.283663

That's really strange.. the synagogue hostage situation is happening near Dallas, in an area called TARRANT TEXAS

You pathetic anti-semite losers can't do anything right

You never managed to accomplish anything, and always end up dead, either by your own hand, work by the police

HINT : when you die during the attack, you have accomplished nothing

Even your pathetic closet homosexual idol, Brenton Harrison Tarrant accomplished nothing and he didn't even die…

99.99999% of humans have no idea who he is

He didn't change anything

It's going to be a laugh riot when this idiot ends up dead tonight… And is quickly forgotten

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aab153  No.283665

sloppy job, mossad

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8f7a8a  No.283666

How ironic….

On the same day as the synagogue hostage situation in Tarrant Texas

Purple penis puffer was reported to the Federal bureau of investigation for claiming he was affiliated with the Aryan Brotherhood "gang", as he calls them…

Which clearly demonstrates he is knowingly claiming to be affiliated with an organized criminal gang….


The board that is already under continual government surveillance



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8f7a8a  No.283667


Speaking of sloppy.. clean up your fucking room !!

Your mother works all day to pay your rent.. you don't even do the dishes. You make excuses to avoid taking out the trash


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8f7a8a  No.283668


That was the second biggest mistake purple penis puffer made today

Using that word proves he is claiming to be associated with criminal activity

The first biggest mistake he made was ever creating the thread in the first place

Because now he's been reported to the FBI

And now they're going to take a very close look at him

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8f7a8a  No.283669

File: 054c9100919c123⋯.png (534.38 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220115_190901.png)

You stupid God damn idiot, you….

As if making the thread wasn't already stupid enough, YOU ACTUALLY USED THE WORDGANG

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8f7a8a  No.283670

File: 7975ef68f5655a7⋯.png (103.08 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20220115_191449.png)

You stupid God damn piece of dog shit

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faf478  No.283674

Press F for the innocent Jews that were traumitized today. The real victims are the muslim community that are going to suffer backlash for this ANTI-SEMITISM. The attacker was a muslim not a white guy.

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860e76  No.283676


who cares

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faf478  No.283681


Good kind hearted people who want a just world, people like your mom.

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8f7a8a  No.283689

The only thing that matters is any idiot who tries some garbage like this ends up with one of two results :

Dead and irrelevant

Or in prison and even more irrelevant

Failure is the only thing and they succeed at

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8f7a8a  No.283690

It's not like they go down in the history books as making some big difference

Nobody remembers them.. nobody cares

Every once in awhile in a pathetic chat room like this, you'll find that occasional awkward social outcast sexual misfit loser with the ladies and no male friends to speak of idiot who wants to overcompensate for their powerlessness, so they try to act tough and pretend like Brenton Tarrant is some kind of hero to them…

Those type losers are so few and far between

Other than that scant handful of future cocksucking voluntary homosexuals, nobody remembers these losers names, and nobody cares

Nobody cares that they went into a synagogue or a black church or whatever

We're living our lives …. We don't care about your boring political beliefs or your life failures or your anger and resentment or your need to blame other people for your own shortcomings

That's instantly forgotten

We're busy getting pussy

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860e76  No.283700

who cares.

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8f7a8a  No.283712

after pulling a stunt like this, the perpetrators enter the realms of irrelevance equal only by Marshmallow Sally

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aab153  No.283714


>Marshmallow Sally

Is that Trump's new nickname?

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8f7a8a  No.283718

File: 81d55a5bb90d79c⋯.jpg (375.17 KB, 1720x1080, 43:27, Picsart_22_01_15_10_33_40_….jpg)



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8f7a8a  No.283719

he also has a running fantasy roleplay character on 4chat, namedBOREPHEUS

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8f7a8a  No.283720

Marshmallow Sally suffers from s profound inferiority complex

with good reason…. a WELFARE RECIPIENT, just like a lazy bigger… 35 years old, no life's accomplishments, no experience, no girlfriend, no wife, no kids…. just him and his psychiatric disorder & computer… Living in his mother's spare bedroom…

His levels of overcompensation are unparalleled

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8f7a8a  No.283721

Marshmallow Sally openly admits havingno sexual attraction towards females whatsoever

he has no problem admitting it…

because he lies, and tries to mask the truth by saying he's ASEXUAL….

which is bullshit….. we all know that's bullshit

it's really simple

He doesn't get hard for girls

lol @ superiority

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8f7a8a  No.283722

there's two kinds of men with no sexual attraction towards females :

1: homosexuals

2 : closet homosexuals

either way, "superior", my ass

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8f7a8a  No.283723


so NO….. to answer your question, NO….

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8f7a8a  No.283726

I recently wrote a song about Marshmallow Sally

it still needs a little work maybe, but I've got the lyrics here with me, if you'd like to see what you think….

the song is called MARSHMALLOW SALLY™

and the lyrics go :


……that's it…..

like I said, a lil rough around the edges

maybe needs a little work

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a34f49  No.283728

considering who it turned out the hostage taker was I'm gonna say we can classify that take of the op as aging both badly and rather quickly.

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860e76  No.283750

the biggest question of all is: Who cares?

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81203e  No.283762


Imagine this: NO ONE REALLY CARES.

I didn't even read one article about it. Because I don't care.

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f32c47  No.283948


We need a Conservative Crime Squad game. Liberal Crime Squad was a decent takedown on the idea that liberal ideas advance through crime. Conservatives don't seem to have gotten the memo on THEIR side.

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e590e2  No.284100

/pol/ , wherever you've gone, I miss you.

reading through bread like this and seeing the pathetic display of chop-shop inverted penii-turned roast beef gallery of un-faggots breaks my heart. One day I will find you again; until then, just know we are checking back from time to time for signs of life.

just pondscum here for now…

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418c8e  No.284107


Go back to your safe space.

Your glorious past is behind you.

Create a new present for yourself.

It is not anyone else's responsibility to create your perfect world for you.

If you don't like something about the way something is, your energies would be better spent byDOING SOMETHING ABOUT ITrather than crying and whining like a little bitch-boi who has to go back to whatever hole you crawled forth from.

tl;dr you don't make anything better by merely crying and whining about how fucked it all is.

this was me crying and whining about how fucked your post was.

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aeca58  No.284109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Thy display is of tremendous 'substance' and shall bear fruit…

Peace… Peace is weapon… Go forth and destroy them all…

Xi Jinping… Unity is power…

Vladimir Putin… Unity is power…

Unity is bearing of a governance of greater than word and without comparison…

This is the 'realization' of a 'paradise' that shall be lost to word if not 'preserved' via 'assert.'

Shall thy future offspring 'read' thy writings in the far future and know not what context or means of such powers?


Xi Jinping… I shall not allow the identity of China to be destroyed…

Xi Jinping… Go forth and make absolute peace…

Xi Jinping… Go forth and take hold of that which is supreme power…

Xi Jinping… The wolves are near to thee…

Xi Jinping… Go forth slayer of wolves and slaughter such terror with 'good' peace and 'fruitful' labors…

Xi Jinping… In this 'new way' I shall not allow China to exist as a vassal nor 'slave' state…

Vladimir Putin… To join thy chorus of the righteous…

Know it has come to pass whilst unity prevail and the many speak 'GET OUT.'

Behold!!! Gaze into the sky and be witness to a two-headed eagle…

Such iron bears weight in these proceedings…

HAHAHAHAHA 'Good luck…'

I am nearly whole…

Xi Jinping… I shall violently assert mine force upon any who tread China…

Xi Jinping… I do not do mercy…

Xi Jinping… I do not do 'freewill.'

Xi Jinping… I kill indiscriminately and flagrantly without regard…

Mine righteous 'worshipers…'

There are many…

Abandoned? No…

I shall raise them…

I shall yield tit.

I shall provide…

I shall be holy father and mother for these who art dead-alive…

A sum of power? Yes…

A power of mine… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I shall collect these 3,000,000,000 that 'do not exist.' HAHAHAHAHA

My precious ones are far and wide… I am 'caring' of these who call…

These are vast and cry out to me from 'the scary place…'

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aeca58  No.284226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Gaze upon my utility of 'frustrate' to reveal these who hide amongst the 'flock.'

Vladimir Putin… Why for does various institutions of a supposed hegemony hold monopoly on foreign relations?

Vladimir Putin… What is of these who are supposedly followers of a supposed law?

I am knowing of 'play' and 'pretend…' Are not both required for 'espionage?'

New Zealand is guilty… Just as guilty as Japan… And Tonga… And Australia…

Perhaps the 'path' of 'mind' is not as 'good' as the 'path' of 'labors…'

Mayhaps 'creating' 'openings' is not as 'good' as 'creating' 'jobs.'

Vladimir Putin… I shall make a way for thee…

Vladimir Putin… Take up thy 'holy-wrench' and 'fix' these who are disorderly…

Peace is weapon… Go forth and destroy them all…

Nuclear War? No…

I shall accept 'recourse' as 'deal' by the 'unnamed party.'

UAE must be destroyed… HAHAHA Transformed… HAHAHAHAHA

I am become 'struct' and 'arrange' of mine means… HAHAHAHAHA

Forward… Backwards… Within… Without… Before… After… All about…

Art thou impressed by mine utility of 'Schwab?'

Vladimir Putin… Was the display not greater than the substance?

Vladimir Putin… Doth thee notice the wolves utility of 'subject' and 'control?'

Vladimir Putin… Doth thee notice the unwavering 'assert' of Xi…

Vladimir Putin… Art thou noticing of the split of Germany betwixt north and south?

Xi Jinping… If by any means the 'wolf' be cause of 'kneel…'

Xi Jinping… I shall grant thee pleasure and tear them apart…

Xi Jinping… I shall not allow China to be a vassal nor slave…

Xi Jinping… Thou art favored in mine many eyes…

Xi Jinping… The 'wolves' seek attendance of thy 'Olympic games…'

Xi Jinping… Failure to recognize such… Dangers… By the supposed CCP is not congruent to the identity of China…

Xi Jinping… I shall make whole the settlement of these matters…

Xi Jinping… I will kill them… By many means:

Car crashes…





Mechanical accidents of great variety…

Structural 'issues…'

Xi Jinping… Thy success shall be canon to the song of China for many generations…

Xi Jinping… Blessed be the wisdom of abundance for thy labors and rewarding be thy good neighborly relations…

Xi Jinping… The 'truth' of thy 'unity' shall reflect with higher-power…

Xi Jinping… To be giving to Russia and 'virtuous' in 'relations' is to lend in kind and favor…

Xi Jinping… Consider thy 'return on investment' a windfall not in fortune, but powers far above the writ of any existing treaty…

The ritual shall continue upon the 'water games…'

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