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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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62225c  No.283662

This is going to be hilarious, because the armed gunman is going to die tonight

It doesn't matter how many people he injures or kills

Because he won't accomplish anything


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119ee7  No.283705

File: 615a555ab0ec0e4⋯.jpg (40.52 KB, 600x579, 200:193, dont_care.jpg)

who cares lol

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803b64  No.283812


good to see mexicans finally repaying the jews for what they did to the Christeros.

suck on that rockefeller

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138c12  No.283830

File: b39771179dfaa13⋯.jpeg (122.81 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 1B425028_7D5E_4434_99CF_2….jpeg)

can't the same be said for all of the great dead people whove shaped our society? i think this way of thinking is highly flawed, as there actually is a "greater picture" than ones self. as it turns out, not all sacrifice is in vein.

right now, it is a cash fueled consensus.

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f28697  No.283843



>ones self

tell us about the "greater picture" then.

don't just leave it hanging like that.

please, as a selfless seeker of esoteric knowledge, i ask that

you would give a brief description of that picture.

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4a3ee4  No.283845


Gee, I can answer that! With another question!!!!! Why do you get outta bed in the morning. Why do you work. Why is there evolution?

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ecc8da  No.283846


the kikes are getting vaxcided lmao

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4a3ee4  No.283848


>I donno why

because its in our nature little dumbass. you clearly dont have children LOL

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4a3ee4  No.283849


virgin detected

children require sacrifice.

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ecc8da  No.283853

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e5135d  No.283859



>great dead people

children are of the self.

anon is implying some "greater picture" than self

in self sacrifice.

in this case, death by police.

i'm waiting for any legit answer.

but since anon can't spell "vain" correctly, i'm

not really expecting much in the way of a reply… dumbass.

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fbc520  No.283927


i can literally feel the fear and dread radiating from your post.

whatever it is, it's coming.

and you know it is.

go be a glowstick elsewhere.

your foul language is just a tell at this point.

heaven is gonna feel this one in it's balls.

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32b088  No.283933


we are intercepting your signals outside your home right now. Be careful what you put in the trash, you dumb gentile piece of shit.

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b73bec  No.283935


how about you?

how about i put you in the trash? lol.

i don't worry about it because someone else will do it.

you are so fucked. so inevitably fucked.

lil ol me is the least of your problems slick.

go glow elsewhere.

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336076  No.283936


You can't Out-LARP me nigger. I even make great leaders fear in the sight of my Incredible LARP's.

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d3d148  No.283938


those leaders will be nowhere to be found when they start

filming the remake of the classic 1930's film "Post the Muzzle Flash"

starring (You).

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336076  No.283940


I don't understand what you mean, nigger.

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46d2bf  No.283941


but you will :)

i gotta tag out now.

someone will be with you shortly :D

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336076  No.283942

File: aaf42a03852f3ec⋯.jpg (62.53 KB, 698x900, 349:450, 1642397510466.jpg)


looking forward to shadow you with my partyvan.

Remember. The vaccine only works if everyone takes it.

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97a3ad  No.283943


got it. o_o


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b67a6f  No.284119


Children are not of the self. You do not get to do as you please with your children. Child protective services would highly disagree with your assertions.

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ab033a  No.284122


Well hey that is so insightful.

So hey, go ahead and commit suicide by police and join

the great dead that:


is talking about!

Goddam I asked a simple question and you weed head quasi intellectual filthy casuals can't even try to answer.


>do as you please

I never said or intimated such.

Please eat a live round pointed up at the roof of your filthy diseased mouth and brain.

.44 mag preferred round.

Eat it freakshow!!!

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