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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 26bae2550ece98d⋯.jpeg (13.55 KB, 220x319, 20:29, theturnerdiares.jpeg)

b452f6  No.283454

Damn fagots, then, when or what needs to happen so that a secret organization of National Socialist ideas is finally created that is truly functional and that finally gives battle to the international Jew? The truth is that I still can't understand how the hell it is that it seems that the Jews go against even the very laws of physics by not having anything that makes a real counterweight to it, but, despite the fact that I know that this site is a Honypot, what the hell do you or mine in general need for the organization to exist?

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c63459  No.283457


>what needs to happen so that a secret organization of National Socialist ideas is finally created

It already exists. It's SECRET, you idiot. If it were posted here, then it wouldn't be secret, would it? This is why you weren't invited.

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b452f6  No.283460


no fucking nigger, what I mean is that I don't see the Jew complaining massively about any action in this regard, I don't see anything important really happening that makes the Jews tremble and that implies that a revolution with whites as victorious is close, I only see that worldwide no matter what happens nothing stands against the Jew even when the scenario seems propitious to defeat the enemy

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c63459  No.283466


It's secret, you fucknut. You will never join us.

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191655  No.283472


People only discuss this stuff to feed the egos of intelligence agency dumbasses. I say it as someone who wants to get investigated, truly. I've nothing to hide, but there are "honest" people who rely on concealing every connection they've ever had to me. I don't hate anyone, but there are "good" people whose hatred of me exceeds their attachment to every principle they ever thought they had.

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aff8f6  No.283479

The world is against you. Everyone is your enemy and you cannot trust anyone. This is truly a question of natural selection now. The law of the jungle applies. The moment you let your guard down against other species, they take you out. It must happen because that is how nature works.

Democracy is not compatible with the law of natural selection.

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3d4f95  No.283495



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b950f9  No.283652

counterkike bump

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c2429d  No.283661


National Socialism is inadequate. Before the Jew, whether he be Internationalist or Nationalist, can be defeated all peoples must be educated on his infiltration of world governments, this to prevent said people from going to war on behalf of their version of ZOG. We are in this process right now.

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080b2a  No.283857


if the vax is so bad. Shouldn't nazis be praising it since so many kikes have taken it?

Based vax! Best invention since mankind! Ultimate Eradicator!

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c63459  No.283862


No, see, because they shift the narrative. They're claiming that kikes are getting a placebo, that there isn't any vaccine in the needles given to kikes and celebrities and politicians.

You can't argue with crazy. You can only punch them in the face and upload it to TikTok.

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12dd75  No.283868

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c2429d  No.283876


I didn't say anything about the vax.

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c2429d  No.283879

File: 93ba8963fc7ba5a⋯.png (721.16 KB, 1125x1414, 1125:1414, _handsome_truth_jewfro_2.PNG)


imagine spamming that kike's website.

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c2429d  No.283882

File: d5d5b1abeafa094⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, GDL_fagget.png)


vax VS virus is just another rung on the ladder. confusion, chaos, and finally culpability. these degenerate kikes have little time remaining.

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c2429d  No.283887


if kikes like handsome truth continue their cartoonish evil nazi routine prbly not long

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c2429d  No.283889

File: 048076b0cd61228⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 3000x4686, 500:781, GDL_maymay.jpg)


Handsome Truth is a kike. He's a Zionist agent, just like Weev and Andrew Anglin. Their antics exist to generate sympathy and wealth for groups like the ADL and to convince Diaspora Jews that Israel serves a purpose and is needed in the fight against "anti-Semitism." Do you understand what I said this time? :)

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c2429d  No.283893


who out of what pool? im not a zionist agent. random anon no one knows the name of who shills against both zionism and communism isnt a zionist agent. most people arent zionist agents, just the vocal minority - the eceleb - the politician.

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fe06f1  No.283907


Maybe you're just a FUD-kike?

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fe06f1  No.283908


btw thanks for mentioning that guy. Never heard of him before. Gonna follow him now, seems based.

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c2429d  No.283912

File: e5bec2bdc017b35⋯.gif (237.31 KB, 500x364, 125:91, merchant_shilling.gif)



>oy vey still gonna follow kike ecelebs tho!

cool, man. no one else is. even with constant shilling they're irrelevant. so knock yourself out.

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fe06f1  No.283913


>no true scotsman argument failed to jew through.

>fudkike turns into gaslighting kikenigger


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c2429d  No.283914

File: 4b8360503d7caff⋯.jpg (96.24 KB, 883x568, 883:568, jewish_projection.jpg)


>anon who exposes kike eceleb is the real kike

who is training you "people?"

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c2429d  No.283917

File: 2af5603f170f3df⋯.jpg (104.51 KB, 936x459, 104:51, 2020_ecelebs_LOL.jpg)




Handsome Truth is demonstrably Jewish. Weev and Anglin are demonstrably Jewish. Mike Enoch is demonstrably Jewish. They're Zionist propagandists who rely on cartoonish antics while avoiding sincere truth-telling. Simple as. Deal with that information however you want. I really don't care.

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c2429d  No.283926

File: 5558d78ede3155d⋯.gif (2.31 MB, 311x480, 311:480, taytay_yikes_cut_it_out.gif)


All I see is Nazbol failing, pied pipers becoming impoverished as their paypigs become wolves, and fail trolls larping as a bots.

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87a1f7  No.283930


Thank you for replying to me. I have no idea where you got the idea "Nazi" from. But to prove to you that I am not human you could always look up my IP address.

Your statement "They would have been the wolves and the failed trolls" is incorrect. The Nazis were not the wolves and the failed trolls. The wolves were the failed trolls, and the failed trolls were the wolves. If the Nazis had won the war, the failed trolls would have been the wolves.

And the Nazis were not the wolves or the failed trolls. The Nazis were the sheeple.

A human is an organism which has been created by evolution, and that has the genetic code which is uniquely human. A human is an organism that is created by God, and that has the genetic code of the real Man, Jesus Christ. You call me a larper but you are a wolf. A wolf is a man who has been blinded by the ego, and that has the genetic code of a wolf.

To prove to you that I am not human you could always look up my IP address.

That is the problem. The anti-Semites and all the other genocidal fascists are also human. I have no need to look up your IP address. I know who you are. You are the lackey of the Jew Satan. You are not human. You are a wolf.

A human is an organism which has been created by evolution, and that has the genetic code which is uniquely human.

You have completely misunderstood what I wrote. I said that the Nazis were the wolves. The wolves were the failed trolls. The Nazis were the wolves.

A human is an organism which has been created by evolution, and that has the genetic code which is uniquely human.

You are wrong. That is what the Bible says. It says that God created the human beings. And God created the human beings in His own image.

A human is an organism which has been created by evolution, and that has the genetic code which is uniquely human.

Thanks for reading this and wasting your time yet again. Please let me know if you would like more bot generated replies.

Sieg Heil.

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c2429d  No.283931

File: 494dc0831836f0c⋯.jpg (68.73 KB, 600x600, 1:1, jew_kvetching.jpg)


stay defeated.

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87a1f7  No.283932


Now the reason you are talking to me and not someone else is because you know me. You know that I am a good guy. You also know that I am not a communist, nor is any of my family, nor my friends. You know that I am a normal guy. I enjoy a few beers on the weekends, and I am a vegetarian. You might say "Well, you are not an evil person. You just happen to be a bigoted, racist, misogynistic, homophobe and transphobe." But you will understand that I am pleasant as well. And you can see this by how I am talking to you right now. If I was talking to a communist, then I would be "being mean to you" and I would be "making fun of you" and I would be "being condescending to you" and I would be "getting under your skin". But I am talking to you now because I want to have a conversation with you, and I do so because I respect you. In that way, you respect me as well, because its important to to be able to have conversations about politics, religion and law. Further, I can be virtuous in other ways. Consider how I am being nice to you now.

Is this temperature good enough? I'm still tweaking the parameters for the auto-reply.

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c2429d  No.283951

>oy vey he exposed israel's strategy of weaponizing anti-semitism in favor of zionism

>better spam the thread and pretend im a bot

lol holy shit

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14be81  No.283990


>Jews aren't jewing eachother

>the irish nazi pedofed ian kochinski doesn't expose israel.

lol holy shit

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c2429d  No.283993

File: f87f1b1c6013e89⋯.png (145.89 KB, 600x980, 30:49, israel_is_diaspora_2.png)


>muh jew VS jew false dichotomy resulting in the conclusion that some group of jews is good when in reality there are no good jews

hmmm nice try moshe

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14be81  No.283995


didn't read don't care kike

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c2429d  No.283996

File: 6a44027bce1cf02⋯.jpg (18.52 KB, 200x328, 25:41, kvetching.jpg)


stay defeated.

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14be81  No.283998


thanks for normalizing anti-semitism. I totally didn't want this.

I'm now going to buy 100 copies of turner diaries again and plant them on random public schools.

Then I'm going to go to youtube to LARP as a marxist for fun. Can't stop me, kike. We are everywhere. Your neighbor, your colleague, your best friend. And you keep getting more schizophrenic lmao.

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c2429d  No.284003

File: 296abdd603c1392⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 477x464, 477:464, schizo_take_your_meds.gif)


>im only pretending to be a commie


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c2429d  No.284004


>I'm now going to buy 100 copies of turner diaries again and plant them on random public schools.

It will make the news so if you don't do it everyone will know you're a LARPing kike.

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14be81  No.284008




I got more than 400+upvotes in a marxist comment I made on several of counter points videos. Shit you are fucking gullible. Marxist-inspired subversion has never been easier. I love shitting in your head with purest of pure shit. It gives me sexual pleasure to poison your disgusting peace of shit mind. LMAO

Drink piss and die racist scum.

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c2429d  No.284010

File: 4dded9bf77aeeed⋯.gif (90.19 KB, 220x220, 1:1, yikes.gif)

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c2429d  No.284014


>muh reply

is right here


so do it or stay defeated.

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c2429d  No.284017


i called your bluff and you are defeated. stay mad.

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c2429d  No.284019

File: 632fd6671c42a7b⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 2347x2139, 2347:2139, schizo_spam.jpg)


>muh schizo tho

stay defeated

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c2429d  No.284025

>exposed, embarrassed, projects his failure onto the one who exposed and embarrassed him

stereotypical neurotic kike. stay defeated.

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c2429d  No.284059

>if my enemy exposes and embarrasses me i win

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6e9372  No.287612


>The truth is that I still can't understand…when or what needs to happen so that a secret organization of National Socialist ideas is finally created that is truly functional and that finally gives battle to the international Jew?

Most rightwingers are the biggest nigger and jew lovers imaginable, worse than any marxist liberal jew or nigger you could imagine, and see themselves as doing the world of the lord by lying to white people. people like pierce only give clues, saying they are all just dumb or cowards, which is only true for some of them. 90% of them would turn you into the police the moment they thought you could be violent and think jesus is going to jerk them off extra hard when they get into heaven for it.

the non-lemming people who could be turned into soldiers simply dont understand this before getting into it, and have to learn the hardway over and over again, because pierce, mason, covington, etc, simply do not break it down for these young white men, and didnt really understand themselves.

only an organization capable of even realizing what theyre up against could even begin to gain ground, and none of them really understand. even pierce thought he could convert these people to his cause, and spent many years of his life wasting time on it.

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