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File: b4e83629dc38250⋯.jpg (707.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Special_Report_Flesh_Goo.jpg)

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e3df93  No.283298

Soylent Green Coming To Washington State As Despots Plan To Mass Murder Unvaccinated For Fertilizer!

The State of Washington legalized the liquefaction and disposal of human corpses just one year before the state activated covid concentration camps, providing for an efficient, stealth mechanism for mass disposal of human corpses.

This is a fact. No one can shoot this down with a fake “fact check,” so they simply try to censor the conversation and hope no one is paying attention.

Washington’s legalization of this “flesh goo” mechanism for liquefying human corpses — known as “alkaline hydrolysis” — went into effect on May 1, 2020. The law is RCW 68.50.110 and the passage refers to “alkaline hydrolysis” as the new, legal means to dispose of human corpses.

In just the last two years, there has been an aggressive push by several US states to legalize this corpse disposal process, which uses lye (caustic soda) mixed with water to dissolve human bodies into a “flesh goo” which is then flushed into the municipal sewage system. To date, 20 US states have legalized this process. Those states, as documented by Nolo.com, include Oregon, California, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada and many others.

Once the “flesh goo” is flushed into the sewers, it is collected as “biosludge” and distributed on orchards and food farms where it is claimed to be a source of “free fertilizer” for farmers. In America today, governments are quite literally dissolving dead human corpses and spreading the flesh goo on food farms to feed the living.

This practice of biosludge is documented in my earlier film Biosludged which is available on Brighteon.com as well as a free download from Biosludged.com. The film interviews Dr. David Lewis, former EPA scientist and author of “Science For Sale.” Dr. Lewis blew the whistle on this practice years ago and saw his career destroyed by the EPA.

Here’s the full documentary via Brighteon Films:


Washington State legalizes the liquefaction of human corpses, then launches covid concentration camps with “strike team” operations.

The legalization of “flesh goo” human liquefaction practices has accelerated after the creation of the Biosludged film. In 2020, after the covid pandemic exploded, Washington State legalized the practice as it began the launch its plans to build covid concentration camps run by “strike team” operators.

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e3df93  No.283301

File: d2b84f3f7eb76b2⋯.jpg (79.02 KB, 719x798, 719:798, 1638458788620.jpg)


Natural News covered the story in September of 2021, documenting Gov. Inslee’s regime efforts to publicly advertise for “strike team” job positions as they were staffing up the covid concentration camps.

Earlier last year, in July of 2021, the White House (Jen Psaki) publicly announced that “strike forces” would be unleashed into communities across America to enforce vaccine coercion programs.

Now, confirming the covid concentration camp / strike team plan, Washington State legislators filed a bill (WAC 246-100-040) which would legalize the medical kidnapping of Americans (at gunpoint), ripping them from their homes and depositing them as prisoners in covid concentration camps.

Although the lying, genocidal corporate media has tried to claim this is all a “conspiracy theory,” you can read the text of the proposed bill at this link on Leg.WA.gov: https://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=246-100-040

The proposed law clearly states that law enforcement officials may use the threat of violence to medically kidnap people who are merely suspected of being infected with something, even if they show no symptoms and haven’t tested “positive” for anything.

This is, essentially, medical martial law.

What’s obvious here is that Washington State, run by murderous left-wing Marxist criminals and tyrants who literally advocate the killing of their own human babies (i.e. abortion and infanticide), has developed a way to dispose of large masses of human bodies without having to dig mass graves or run incinerators which would be detectable by drones or satellites. By disposing of all the bodies from the covid death camps via alkaline hydrolysis, they simply turn human beings into liquid goo and flush them into the sewage system.

From there, the city’s biosludge trucks transport the liquefied human corpses as “free fertilizer” for farmers, so that the bodies of the dead are used to grow food for the living.

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23f9f6  No.283304


Take the Sacred Vaccine or get death penalty, infidel!!!!

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fe0ded  No.283305

open season

let the purges commence

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e3df93  No.283310


The only people that need to be purged are traitors who would target innocent Americans and their families. If this is not a form of unconstitutional seditious activity then nothing would be.

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22d9df  No.283334


i agree with you.

i was being sarcastic when i made the post.

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44cbfe  No.283335


Tell me you haven't seen Soylent Green without telling me you haven't seen Soylent Green.

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bb18ac  No.283347

wolf bump

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6bcf3f  No.283390


🐺wolf bump grrrrrrrr🐺

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2b6f99  No.283414

anti-static news bump

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2b6f99  No.283421

To be honest, even if it does pass, it's going directly to the courts and will very likely be struck down as brazenly unconstitutional.

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973a56  No.283477


This is irrelevant. Some triggered asshole was just desperate for an excuse to fart up a storm with Washington's name on it.

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4c6bae  No.283542

Bumping true news.

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a11d86  No.302683

File: 5e663de8cbaf36c⋯.jpeg (33.58 KB, 474x712, 237:356, Nightmare_Over.jpeg)

Thanks OP.

Somehow I missed this story until now.

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