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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: df5c561c1134274⋯.jpg (47.44 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, 1tajvp.jpg)

00e6cf  No.283179

>Cute, submissive, feminine, virgin, innocent women turned into whores, sluts, and bitches

>Losing your virginity and have kids with a loving wife before the age of 18 through socially acceptable family marriage

>A supportive family that isn't split and fractionated because of politics and generational differences, who won't kick you out when you turn 18

>The ability to afford, and own houses, without having to borrow money at extortionate prices from a bank

>Being able to marry the woman of your dreams without having to worry if she will steal half your money and assets 15 years later in divorce court

>The ability to earn enough money to afford food, water, shelter, support a family by yourself, without having to earn 200k a year as an investment banker, programmer, or politician

>The ability to speak up online your real thoughts without having to worry about getting doxxed and fired from your job, and kicked out by people around you

>Your ability to have a normal childhood as a boy, by brainwashing you into being a soy by fat boomers

>Your ability to play video games, and socialize on anon imageboards without having to worry about racism shoved in your face every 10 seconds

>The ability to use the internet and research cool topics without have to watch for code words such as "conspiracy theory", " racist", "Antisemetic", to see if the site was overrun by Jews

>The ability for you to return to a normal lifestyle, by forcing you to sit in lockdown, take a gene mutating vaccine, and wear a mask to prevent some 10 boomers from dying of Covid

Are you just going to sit and watch as your entire lifestyle is ripped from you piece by piece Anon?

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e9ee67  No.283196


If your entire lifestyle is being ripped from you piece by piece then you are willingly allowing that to happen, just like the "soy boy" you claim "boomers" are turning you into. Stop participating in your own enslavement.

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e9ee67  No.283197

>Finding a young woman

Plenty of unsubverted females still out there, you just have to go and find them. Hint: they won't be at Hooters or strip clubs or raves!

>The ability to afford, and own houses, without having to borrow money at extortionate prices from a bank

Stay out of student loan debt (which most are never be able to pay back off), and join a skilled trade while you are still young. That way you could afford taking a loan for a fixed-rate mortgage and be able to pay it off before you retire as long as you are financially responsible.

>The ability to speak up online your real thoughts without having to worry about getting doxxed and fired from your job

Avoid corporate Big Tech social media. Instead get yourself a private VPN service and use Tor or Lokinet and post on sites like this, or prepper and firearm blogs, or ZH comment section, Bitchute comments, etc. Use forward secrecy and never give our your real name or phone number.

>Your ability to play video games

Waste of time. Join the trade, work hard and make real money from a productive skill. You'll learn to geek out with it too.

>The ability for you to return to a normal lifestyle

You'd have to move to a Free State. Understandable if you can't manage, it's a big life decision and costly, often risky, move.

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591e0d  No.283206

This thread reminds me, I was reading a report just a week ago about how many women today are turning to feminism and becoming 'sluts' simply because of the fact men in the Western world have lost their testosterone, younger men have lost their manly hood and women do notice it too. Most women don't want weak men for companionship when they can get those types paying for sex or paying to get teased. Women want men of courage, and face it, all the fluoride in the water, the chemicals in the plastics, the anime, the video games, the soy products with estrogen-mimickers, the subverted marxist public school system, the porn industry, the tv/corporate brainwashing…. all of this crap has been turning younger men into weaklings, into obedient parent-dependent authority-groveling wussies. Come to think about it, back in my day it was normal to get into at least one fist fight by the time you were 10 years old. I bet if that happened in schools today the police would be called and they'd have trauma therapy classes. I'm not necessarily joking either, that's how upside down the world has become. Do you know, for example, college aged males are being told what they can or can't do off-campus as if they were literally 12 years old? And they're obeying it! This is why you guys don't get women anymore!

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00e6cf  No.283241


Who do you think is squirting those estrogen chemicals in the air, and allowing it to destroy men?

It's not the random guy on the street trying to earn a living that's for sure

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d61021  No.283242



joining the mafia is more safe than being a normal citizen at this point

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d443c1  No.283459

This is only the beginning, satanist joos will take away our meat. finish off our culture and wash off peoples identities. In the next ten years the world will turn in the worst kind of dystopian movie you have ever seen and most likely noone going to do anything about it.

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f67356  No.283462


Go to the local farmers market, buy some beef there and talk to the local farmers and ranchers. Exchange contacts, get to know them. You can buy wholesale for much cheaper than you could buy meat by the pound at an average grocery store. I literally know 4 farmers, 1 hog farmer and have a rancher as a friend who I'll meet with once or twice a year to break bread and have drinks with. There will always be local farmers and ranchers especially in "red states" and especially in more rural areas. I buy my beef by the half cow btw, once every two years.

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ac20a7  No.283487


OP is a misandristic woman. Want to know why I think so? Because modern men don't want "submissive"!

Besides, family marriage practices are a depravity. It's rude to kids to marry them to each other.

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ac20a7  No.283488



The mafia get to have private lives that are actually private. Everyone else is a star on hidden camera, so to speak.

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d443c1  No.283523


Yup thats the only way right now, meat in the cities got too exepnsive, at least where i live.

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319a6c  No.283535


>modern men don't want "submissive"

Of course they don't!

They want she devil castrating bitches with a penchant for eating their young, who engage in mystical blood rituals and invite friends over for spirit cooking parties and where the liver pâté may be seducing them to eat "things" sacrificed to idols.

"Things" that were once human.

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547489  No.283554


mmm… pâté… mmm

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51feda  No.283558

File: f8a27473a7eaeb2⋯.png (541.58 KB, 740x883, 740:883, basedbum.png)

So has /pol/ taken the hobo-pill?

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320e8d  No.283605


Nice try Chang.

Go back to buy-do.

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c57556  No.283648

File: 462daeaa437a58d⋯.jpg (229.99 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1642284285141.jpg)


are nigger hobos based?

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997abb  No.284666

File: a6f2c19b8198e26⋯.jpg (56.03 KB, 491x413, 491:413, 32442b.jpg)

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0dcba6  No.284669

Epic FUDposter


I'm a based nazinigger that loves kikes. But I also love to gas capitalists for the sake of solidarity (I'm literally a God among based tr0lls). I love to gas kikes and race war now. What am I? The Epic FUDposter you bitches!

Get subverted! Your mothers are not proud and your existence is worthless, all thanks to me!

Workers around the world, unite! And gas the kikes!

Glowniggers are based. Workers suck! Because niggerkikes are based. It all makes sense. See you later, my future little trannies slaves.


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d2a263  No.284695


u sound like a mentally insane incel. get laid, freak.

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f89036  No.284712

File: fb5a13747c8f574⋯.jpg (145.08 KB, 960x954, 160:159, 1639852731032.jpg)

So we know the kikes turned us into submissive weak soyfaggots .

It is gonna backfire in the most spectacular way.

Because it is because and only because the west exists that the jew can freely mix in and exploit our white societies.

When our societies collapse(which is likely within our lifetime) the kikes will go down as well because there is no where to flee too and no one left to protect them .

Don't you think the asians are observing the kike?

The arabs and or chinks will turn israel into a glass crater so fast they can't say oy v–

And after that they will wipe all niggers, faggots, libshits of the planet too.

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ea611b  No.284713


daily reminder that depression is just the immunesystem in the body overreacting. It is a normal reaction to a body that has lost muscle and body weight and this is the reason to why men become "depressed soyboys". You don't need SSRI's or gender-surgery. You need testosterone and MUSCLE MASS.

If you don't believe me just look at statistics for males with high muscle mass and you will see they are gravely underrepresented among the suicidal males.

>Don't you think the asians are observing the kike?

The asians seems to be getting out-merched in New York. Which implies that either china isn't giving a fuck about new york, or that the gooks are not immune towards the merch. In any arena where gooks meets the merch, the gooks seem to be losing. Same applies to arabs, but not so much to europeans (if you look at things historically).

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