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ac6c09  No.282932

Stop seizing my heroine, you antisemite!

Iran Annually Seizes 800 Tons of Illicit Drugs Despite Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary-General of Iran’s Anti-Narcotics Headquarters Brigadier General Eskandar Momeni said despite the US sanctions’ negative impact on the Islamic Republic’s campaign on illicit drugs, the country captures 800 tons of narcotics each year.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference in Tehran on Tuesday, Brigadier General Momeni highlighted Iran’s major role in the global campaign on illicit drugs and said, “According to United Nations statistics, 75 percent of the world’s opium seizures, 61% of morphine seizures and 17% of heroin seizures take place in the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

In 2017, Iran seized 21 tons of heroin while only about 4 tons of the illicit drugs were captured in entire Europe, he noted. The official said that annually, 800 tons of narcotics are captured in Iran, adding that the Islamic Republic is combating “this sinister phenomenon” with all its might. Brigadier General Momeni went on to say that other countries can also fight illicit drugs more powerfully but they do not do so. The Islamic Republic, however, is strongly combatting the phenomenon despite the fact that sanctions imposed against the country are hampering its campaign, he stated. Iran, which has a 900-kilometer common border with Afghanistan, has been used as the main conduit for smuggling Afghan drugs to narcotics kingpins in Europe.

Despite high economic and human costs, the Islamic Republic has been actively fighting drug-trafficking over the past decades. The country has spent more than $700 million on sealing its borders and preventing the transit of narcotics destined for European, Arab and Central Asian countries. The war on drug trade originating from Afghanistan has claimed the lives of nearly 4,000 Iranian police officers over the past four decades.



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262428  No.282934

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ac6c09  No.282936


Iran's turnabout in combating drugs under US sanctions puts Europe's security in jeopardy

Sharing a long border with Afghanistan, the world’s main poppy cultivation and drugs production, Iranian roads have also anti-narcotics police stations.

The number of Iranian police fatalities is nothing less than the number of fatalities in a small civil war.

“It was us that paid billions of dollars in combating the narcotic drugs and their transit to Europe. The best Iranian youth have been martyred. We have lost 4,000 martyrs so drugs don’t make it to Europe and your kids. However, due to the US pressures, we don’t have the money to pay for this,” these are Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s words that were transmitted on May 8 on radio and television after US President Donald Trump’s statements on Iran.

What’s clear is that Iranian anti-narcotics forces are making that verbal threat of Rouhani a reality.

Even despite the sanctions and the lack of necessary funds for combating drug trafficking, Iran has been trying hard to contain the flow of narcotics to Europe. But, as Europe is unwilling to stand up against the US and take some measures to let Iran export and get its money back, Tehran is now showing its threat more practically.

More than 11% of Iran’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is spent on combating drug trafficking. Is it OK that we spend such huge amount for those who don’t want to support us?

“According to the US reports, some 25 to 35% of Afghanistan’s drugs pass through Iran,” Said Safatian, head of a working group to reduce drug addiction at the Expediency Council was cited as saying by Iranian Shargh Daily.

“Some 4,000 Iranian forces have been killed and 10,000 more disabled in combating drugs. What will happen in Europe is Iran decides to open its eastern borders?” stressed the official.

“This is what Europe think about,” he warned.

Safatian urged the European countries to consider several factors in this regard: first, they are weighing more relaxed drug laws and should the narcotics flow into them, they need to reconsider those laws.

Shargh Daily continues to cite the official as saying that drugs will be more accessible and cheaper, that is a larger number of people will use them, incurring more costs on their governments.

“We have told the Europeans several times that if you fail to pay us 5 billion tomans (some $5 million) to secure our eastern borders, then they need to pay billions of dollars more in their own countries,” he warned.

The Iranian official also told Europe to be careful of the number of drugs busts that will take place every day.

Drug trafficking is always connected to terrorism, meaning Eastern Europe mafia groups will cause lots of terrorist acts there.

“Iran is a shield right now, they tells us that we are sanctioned and that we can’t pay you,” Safatian said.

“Sanctions don’t allow us to combat terrorism the way we want,” according to anti-narcotics police chief Eskandar Momeni, who went on to say that drug busts require modern technology and equipment.

Iran has busted 75% of the world’s opium, 61% of the world’s morphine and 17% of the world’s heroine, Momeni said. “Back in 2017, Iran busted 21 tons and Europe in general 4 tons,” he noted.



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1214b8  No.282942


>Iran's turnabout in combating drugs under US sanctions puts Europe's security in jeopardy

<Iran's turnabout in combating drugs under US sanctions puts Europe's security in jeopardy

LOL. Can't even make it up anymore. Western Narco Governments BTFO by a backwards third world Muslim country that is actually a hell of a lot LESS corrupted. Just……

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262428  No.282943


cant the drugs be weaponized for foreign policy?

Perhaps they can be sent back to the sender lmao

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daaf1c  No.282948

You are a very insightful, well educated, extremely intelligent and influential young man..

…….. Who doesn't know the difference between heroin and a HEROINE….

Did you get your education in a McDonald's Happy meal?….

I hope it came with a little plastic toy, so at least there was something of value

(I find it interesting that you can spell the word "seize", but you don't know how to spell the word "heroin"…

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daaf1c  No.282952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Some people mighte simply thinke you misspelle wordes becaus your dumbe ore lazye, butt I amm willinge too give you the benefite of the doubte, and I thinke you just forgotted there's a worde "heroine" thate hase nothinge to doe withe the druge "heroin"

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daaf1c  No.282953


It's not all bad news….

Sure, when typing the title to your life-changing post, you demonstrated that you're incapable of executing a six word statement without showing your lack of intellect…

But at least you managed to copy and paste everything else…

Who knows? Maybe there's some Fortune 500 corporation out there looking to hire an illiterate copy and paste expert….

And you'll be set for the rest of your life

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262428  No.282954


>You are a very insightful, well educated, extremely intelligent and influential young man..

Is that what you put in your GPT prompt?

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daaf1c  No.282956


….. Without wasting any effort developing a retort, I guess I'll just go ahead and say it….

I have no context or idea what GPT stands for in this particular case

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daaf1c  No.282958


YES….. .

You are correct, sir…

That is indeed what I put in my GPT prompt…

…. Whatever the fuck that means….

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1d04ba  No.282997


The governments seem to control lots of drugs these days

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981c23  No.283016


Most governments are narco governments today, including our own government. Fully corrupted, fully complicit in felony crime.

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7624f4  No.283022


>fully complicit


And that's… how it is.

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