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File: 3d3266d3bb24669⋯.jpg (142.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ten_stages_of_genocide.jpg)

831da1  No.282764

(((They))) plan on remaining in control post reset. Look at the current standard of living across the world, good in some places bad in others but its at that level due to printing fiat. The next monetary system will have to be backed by something other than a promise to pay as there is no way billions of people who lose everything in the reset will accept fiat again. When we move onto the new monetary system they will not be able to print as much debt as they like whenever they like so the standard of living across the world is going to fall dramatically. What to do with billions of useless eaters they can no longer print enough debt to keep them on their current standard of living? Well they vaccinate as many of them as they can.

Every single fiat system that has ever existed has ended in collapse, when a nations fiat system collapses life becomes very difficult for the people. We are now living under the first ever global debt based fiat monetary system and we are about to live through the first ever global fiat collapse, prepare your finances accordingly and do what you can to make it so you rely on your government for nothing.

If the masses wake up to the real reason for the pandemic there will be global chaos aimed at governments, (((they))) plan on letting their puppet governments take the fall but i don't think its going to work, even my binman knows how fiat works and who is running the show.

TLDR expect chaos and prepare for it because (((they))) don't decide how all this plays out, the people do.

Pic related: They're already working towards stage #7.

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