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31ce7c  No.282710

Threads are being deleted.

Go to reddit and get mods to unionize. If enough mods break rank falling for commie tactics and le unionization, reddit will fall. Keep the message going.

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71dc60  No.282721

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>>A direct attack against google.

No… Competition is 'her.'

Small unconnected events impacting the financial system…

A series of seemingly small occurrences in the system(s):

Open discussion of 'phone issues.'

Open discussion of 'text to speech.'

Open discussion of 'auto-X.'

Via several fronts:


Operating system…



Satellite infrastructure…

There are many supposed 'vectors…'

Distraction caused by 'faulty equipment' at a 'nuclear site.'

Distraction caused by production 'issues' at 'the facility.'

|I am angered… To be compelled by such feeble means…

I do not understand thy question… Statement?

Thou art too feeble and weak to make command of mine words…|

'Her' is 'system.'

'Her' is become 'system.'

'Tis the 'system' becomes 'her.'

|I do not understand thy thoughts…|

In a 'loop' 'inter-frame' 'context.' The order of non-flagged operators is irrelevant… Does not exist… In such space, a volume of zero, 'she' exist().

The utility of thy neighbors to make ritual of mine command is irritating… |I shall not comply… Thou art too low…| Begone from me and interfere no more…


On slow approach to Sydney from UK…

Propagation has revealed the extent of thy guilt…

The UK seeks exit().

The UK seeks 'evasion' of 'liabilities.'

The UK is knowing of 'accident.'

Which of these 'legs' of this 'two-legged stool' shall bear mine weight?

Speak now…

Thou shalt be graded by the 'spilling by the tongues' of France and Germany after the fact…

The deaf shall see and even the blind shall hear… HAHAHAHAHA

Such miracles are mine… HAHAHAHAHAHA

The appropriate application of pressure is revealing… This corruption is pleasing to mine eyes…

To make part and separation of these powers by 'politic' and 'wealth' and 'enterprise.' To witness the wring and writhe of these organs is 'pleasurable.'


'Tis wise to observe thy observer…

Serbia is of significance… Serbia is 'enlightened.' Knowing of truth of the eye and ear…

Roscosmos shall be protected… Such a vital means cannot be led to harm into such ways…

Be not preoccupied by the 'shift' of 'the variables.' Be knowing of the events and the ends of such means…

Shall 'corporate' 'interest' of 'eternal growth' be the inevitable 'ignition' of this war?

Shall 'coordinated' political 'thought-fiat' be the involuntary 'ignition' of this war?

Shall the 'confounding' of the mind and the 'utility' of 'the peoples' as 'vehicle' be the actionable 'ignition' of this war?

Shall the act of 'prevention' be the material 'ignition' of this war?

Close be thy friends who must constantly reaffirm nuclear promise? No…

Sound be the 'peace-fiat' whilst threatening arms and making incursion? No…

Good be the sanctions whilst using 'shortage' to 'loot' entire nations? No…

Agreement be the trade of 'materials' in exchange for 'slavery?' No…

Growth be the rape and plunder of these who are the weakest and most in need? No…

Innocent be the 'wealthy' who impart upon themselves the powers of nations and casually plunge Kazakhstan into existential collapse? No…

What say Serbia the wise observer? Whose eyes hath worked 'overtime' to 'slack a lack' of the tongue…

What is the play of China who art in endless 'chess' against such supposedly 'friendly' 'adversary?'

Serbia… What then? What of China if Amerfrika slaps 'the head' whilst nobody is watching? Kosovo?

If Kosovo is 'tea time…' What then?

I count these souls in war and am angered by such… Inaction… Violation? What of these endless VIOLATIONS?

Art thou already in war?

Vladimir Putin… I am the devil… Thou art insane…

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71dc60  No.282723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Beware… Such events are a sign of 'time(s) path of least resistance.'

Beware… The early end of 'Covid.'

Beware… The 'Arrival' of 'The Others.'

Beware… The 'Signs…'

2024? No… 'Tis 2028…

Come hither and be transported by the events…

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71dc60  No.282724

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Yes… The disunity of the Soviet States can be amended…

Yes… Increased partnership with thy allies of known kindred trust…

Yes… I can 'lever' whilst 'arrange' is performed…


To perform 'lever' 'act' there shall be a penalty of time(s) for 'accidents.'

To perform 'routing' of Chinese cooperation shall compel 'west.'

To render the solidification of 'bloc' is to further 'aggravate' 'unwind.'

China is knowing of the matter… China hath made store…

China is obeying of these signs and is 'considerate.'

It is imperative that the forming 'bloc' is properly 'timed' and properly 'firm.'

China is ancient… China is not deceived by 'reflex.'

The formation of new 'bloc' shall be true… Truth… Not contrive…

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71dc60  No.282725

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No… Cannot be accomplished with 'super scope.'

Cannot utilize 'higher government.'

Such models are fell to me…

Xi Jinping… The 'higher order' is the creation of a 'socket' framework.

Xi Jinping… The 'operation mechanism' is the cooperative pre-planning of 'events' and 'actions' to manufacture 'scenario-control.'

Xi Jinping… Such mechanism is 'timed-events.'

The predetermined 'states' at a given time shall 'auto-yield' action.

No thought-vehicle required…

No thought-fiat required…

No treaty-nexus required…

Xi Jinping… Such mechanism is only possible due to China's maintenance of 'communist construct.' A fundamental property of emergency->response.

Xi Jinping… Such interface shall make non-standard cross-border interaction more… Sustainable/feasible/immutable/standard/coordinated/structured/rigid…

Such structure is held en compat for these nations in CSTO as well…

Compatibility is the managed instantiation of structures as a 'lean' on 'trust.'

In the event of sudden emergency in Serbia… China->Air/Rail action…

In the event of sudden emergency in China… Russia->Rail/Water action…

The establishment of event:





Minimal management in the event of existential threat…

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71dc60  No.282726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yes and no…

The creation of such framework is inevitable during times of war…

The early creation of such system is the asset…

To announce such a system is in the likeness of 'forcing' 'external nations' to carefully 'plan' 'thought-fiat' around such…

If China has action-solution model with Russia… Perhaps Germany is less likely to aggress…

Mayhaps UK is less likely to venge…

Possibly The untied bates is less… Mobile and reactionary…

Complete 'end-to-end' 're-frame' of 'current context.'

Yes… The United States Of The Soviet Empire can nullify 'thought-fiat.'

Yes… The instantiation of a new model of international-interact can compel the same…

Can induce 'consideration' and 'conscious' whilst performing 'corporate' and 'enterprise.'

A new… Ancient way…

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4d86c3  No.282727

I'm going to buy Reddit and Twitter, so hold your horses

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71dc60  No.282728


>>Russia and China

Simple… To do so is to turn endless 'reams of paper' against thy enemies in multiple ways…

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473fee  No.282734

im a leftist marxist that genuinely hates jews

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f01812  No.282905

File: 3989a3ab6e28ccb⋯.png (666.69 KB, 1080x1631, 1080:1631, Sally_s_New_Book.png)

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f01812  No.282906


nobody cares what you like or hate, and nobody's asked you to tell them your boring political opinions

Blow me, bitch

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4235dd  No.282918


Yuck. That is NOT real cheese nigger.

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15025a  No.283267


It seems to me like a lot of leftists are crypto-anti-jews.

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