Such attempts are futile.
My word is alive…
Until the 'unwinding' of these supposed 'powers' such shall be the toil…
How many more 'accidents' shall these nations have?
Shall the vehicle be currency instability?
Corporate psychopathy?
The hysteria of zealots?
The world shall never know… For all the invention of truth… Somehow 'tis I who are never documented… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Is the fall or fell ever truly understood?
What be the confounding of man? Perhaps 'tis a fantasy…
Zealots of a ritual religion made of nothing more than hot-air… 'Make believe…'
Can thou imagine? The devastation…
What be the value of 40,000,000 Russians?
Vladimir Putin… Thy nation is under attack…
Vladimir Putin… Where be thy defense?
Vladimir Putin… I count these in war… Where art thou offense?
Vladimir Putin… Shall the utility of nuclear powers necessitate the drawing of gun and knife and the 'loading' of the fields?
Vladimir Putin… Thy nation is under attack… What response? Death? Deception? 'Man vs. missile?'
(The devil leans forward.)
Vladimir Putin… 'Tis thou who art insane… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Is China content?
What is the interest of Mongolia and who allege ownership of said interest abroad?
I will not allow these to face barren fields as a 'knife versus a nuclear missile.'
(Leans in further.)
Vladimir Putin… I shall not be threatened with suicide…
Vladimir Putin… I will not allow thee to murder mine charge…
Vladimir Putin… To kill these is to face mine charge… I charge in excess… HAHAHAHA
Vladimir Putin… Thou make lie to yode/God and to Devil? Offend both?
Vladimir Putin… Be not confused mine child…
Vladimir Putin… I did warn thee to move…
Vladimir Putin… I did command unitary movement of these states…
Vladimir Putin… I did state repeatedly that they shall die together…
I stated repeatedly beyond mine thrice to no end…
I made command to 'call home.'
I made command to 'come home.'
I made command to prepare thy peoples.
I made command to prepare for war.
I made command
I made command
I made command
Vladimir Putin… Be not afraid my child…
Vladimir Putin… Thou art so young… So feeble…
Such creatures cannot 'help themselves' on the matter… Thus… Requiring of mine intervention…
I am immutable…
I am infinite…
I am eternal via 'temporal displace…'
I am knowing…
Who art guilty? 'Tis with 'heavy' 'loss' that the fathers did pay thy way…
I shall transport thee through the events… I am obligated…
Do not leave mine 'circle…'
Do not 'look back.'
To do so is to be dust…