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6432ea  No.282699

What if there was no government? No taxes, nor laws, no regulation, no jail, no bureaucracy?

No IRS, no FBI, no president.

What if we could freely harness our collective intelligence and good will?

Build free energy, antigravity, and colonize the galaxy.

What if we lived in harmony with the universal will and nature?

What if we all lived independently, respecting each others property?

What if our structure came from spiritual leaders/shamans?

A psychedelic church.

Becoming one with everything would become a right of passage.

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974596  No.282702


>What if there was no government? No taxes, nor laws, no regulation, no jail, no bureaucracy?

The nigger next door would murder you, skin you, eat you, rape your woman, steal your shit, and never face consequences. That's what.

If you want to live uncivilized, move to the Congo or something.

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1eb182  No.282722


we'd first have to genocide all jews, niggers, communists, trannies, and OP.

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d8e324  No.282729

This New World is our future, brother.

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e024fa  No.282730


and freemasons

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1eb182  No.282731

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2b2ec1  No.282775

The thing that I figured-out early was that anarchy isnt for everybody.

Problem is now, the aliens promote a runaway breeding program, which costs us real life, because everything in the realm of human life is secondary to churning out DNA even if is to our current systems detriment, its to the alien advantage and purpose, and that, above all, is what matters the most. Thats the true realm we live in.

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771dc5  No.282781


freemasons are pretty much immortal by now.

I bet the feds directly report to them at this point. Especially considering freemasons are basically just crypto-jews.

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