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f6f994  No.282639

The Birth Of Natural Resources Currencies In The Financial System Is A Must Needed

Source: https://illusioncyber.wordpress.com

The world in chaos mode because of the conflict around natural resources, money, financial system.

At the moment there is only 1 single type of currency call as the fiat money issued by national government with the support of certain groups behind with some secret rules.

How to make money on Earth?

There are 2 ways:

– By hard working.

– By luck (such as suddenly find the gold, silver, oil, gas mine).

But because we only have only 1 type of money currency that’s why where the root of problem begin.

So the solution to end the world conflict and financial system is separate and have 2 type of money currency type:

– 1 is the current fiat money issued by the national government/central bank.

– 2 is the new natural resources currencies such as oil, gas, silver, gold, copper, etc. (the metals + oil, gas, petrol).

At the moment the owner of the natural resources are come from various groups/families/government.

In order to make it work:

Step 1: the owner will issue the token/new real assets backed. Get checked via the authority.

Step 2: sell or give it away to the public people via any platform they think as “good” or “fair”.

Step 3: the public people will sell it to the authority/import companies.

Step 4: the companies/authority will use that new currencies to receive the natural resources.

Special rules:

– New natural resource currencies only allowed to buy/sell/trade/invest like any foreign currencies. Not allow to using it in daily life transactions.

– Not allow any natural resources currencies trade with each other because 10000 silver cannot become 1 gold, 1 million gas cannot become 1 trillion oil in real life.

So all they can do with the new natural resources currencies is sell it for the fiat money issued by the national government/central bank.

By doing that, we will have a brand new financial system that do not rely on any currency or any nations. All are free to choose and decide what they want.

Many big natural resources holders want to give it away to the public people for various reasons like:

– It do not really belong to them but belong to the Earth planet and all the public people, they only be chosen to “share” it to the rest via an fair interesting way.

– By holding something, it only stop them from human evolution ascension journey, so it is better to give it to others who needed.

This is the most simple and effective way to end/solve the global conflicts around international financial system, trade war.

It would be much better if get paid to design the system and explain more.

But since I do not get paid so above is just my quick idea. There is no reason to spend time energy to write more.

Best Regard,

The Savior

The Illusion Cyber Group

Source: https://illusioncyber.wordpress.com

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58f4a0  No.282843


thanks, op. this holding was too much for me as well beforehand, the feel thing of much. you gave me a break and a life feeling normal again. even if just wondering and typing and beliefs. I almost never post here.

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