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File: 5d089c1294d8f2c⋯.jpg (74.27 KB, 620x349, 620:349, 15pIOWtT.jpg)

314b25  No.282563

This brain dead doctor can't stop promoting the jab or talking about climate change….


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9aca82  No.282571


>reeeeeeeeeeeee a WOMAN is speaking reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

no1curr incel

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cdacfd  No.282572

File: b160f4e2ca2b698⋯.png (3.57 KB, 655x113, 655:113, drugpoll.png)

REALITY: A hyped out meth addict who shits on the streets of San Francisco is more trustworthy in this case than the government. That's a cold hard reality.

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a0135f  No.282583


Since phizer is having political effects and causing violence, does that mean phizer is a terrorist organization?

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9aca82  No.282597


Pfizer is a brand name. If it is a terrorist organization, then so is Colt.

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bfe906  No.282609


So what would we do with terrorist organizations such as phizer?

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9aca82  No.282625


First of all, we learn to spell it.

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607b6f  No.282656


Almost as pathetic at jewing as that doctor is at promoting the chingchang clotshot.


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