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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 9e26742d7a29577⋯.png (677.07 KB, 729x613, 729:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c43012e83d2e74e⋯.mp4 (14.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, SPARROW_WAR_8kun.mp4)

81fc10  No.282273

I know nothing of the war strategy details. I was merely told to post this. It appears Purple and his empire are now unified in a pact to retrieve and subdue his Russian Red Sparrow, or else to die and lose all trying. But this Red Sparrow girl of his will not go willingly, and she has called upon all of her Russian allies to her aid; rather than to face the glass encased cross Purple has been threatening her with. Rather than let Purple have his way with this one woman, amongst an army of Red Sparrow’s who are little cared for individually by their Russian controllers; they have denied all his offers and requests.

As they let individual red sparrows die for trivial reasons for minor gains in their wars, it would seem a small thing to hand over this Red Sparrow to Purple who loves her so dearly, in exchange for a greater peace. But no; and in that sense it does seems like they were intent on going to war either way, being insincere in negotiations the entire time. Thus it is better it start the war now rather than later. But the Russian Red Sparrow and her army of Love Terrorists will have to go through us first! Let us die with our emperor if we have to, if now is the time. What a great cause to fight for, for the love of our emperor for a woman, even as treacherous as this one; which goes to show this difference of a man’s love than a woman; loving her unconditionally, whilst most women only love their men based on their ability to provifde. Let our emperor be an example to our women in also how to unconditionally love their men. Divorce is the true pandemic. And thus as a man, I do understand Purple Anon; he MUST have his woman, who is rightfully his. HEIL PURPLE! To war we go!


VIDEO EMBED ALTERNATE LINK:https://secretagentwars.com/wp-content/uploads/manual_upload/SPARROW_WAR.mp4

Story Taken from SecretAgentWars.com Purple Pill Article January 5.https://secretagentwars.com/purplepill

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26042b  No.282282


Reported to FBI for obsessing on Taylor Swift in the same ways John Hinckley Jr. did in 1881 when trying to impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he had developed an erotomaniac obsession, just like "Purple" has developed for "Tay Tay".

Story Taken From History Continuing to Repeat Itself…

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46853b  No.282411


"I know nothing….."

stopped reading there

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46853b  No.282413


whenPurple Penis Puffertried to suggest that he "needed to wear his mother's Mardi Gras Mask because he has a high-level job and his coworkers might see him in here"…

hee hee !! you fucking PUTZ !!!

Anyone with a brain stem knows you only work PART TIME…

sometimes in the evenings, sometimes in the daytime….

a part time, swing shift job….

and your coworkers ARE NIGGERS.. .

how much for a thin crust pepperoni?

I ordered a 2 liter of Sprite


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46853b  No.282414

I've never heard of a HIGH-LEVEL part time swing shift 3 days a week 'career' working with niggers

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6955bd  No.282415


>how much for a thin crust pepperoni?

>I ordered a 2 liter of Sprite

You do know nitrites/nitrates (in mass produced meats) plus sugar/fructose in soda = diabetes and possibly cancer earlier in life, right?

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6955bd  No.282416

Anyone willing to drink soda and eat nitrites/nitrates in mass processed meat might as well do drugs and binge drink. It's pretty much doing the same amount of damage to your system.

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46853b  No.282417



I'd imagine just the thought of pizza makes you physically sick by now, huh?

of course, you've also eaten so many lava cakes, 6 piece wings, and cinnamon pizza dough twists, that you want to vomit when you walk in and smell them cooking

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6955bd  No.282418

American food allowed by the FDA is absolute CRAP lowest of standard GARBAGE. That's why so many Americans suffer from heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimers disease as many many other problems. Ironically, eating mass produced crap foods is actually FAR FAR worse than binge drinking. And that's horrible for you as well.

You really need to know the local farmers, where you are getting your fresh meat and inquire how they raise livestock. If you are willing to buy bulk they'll allow you to visit and see their livestock and how they are raised, what they eat etc.

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46853b  No.282419


….says the raging uncontrollable alcoholic who has given himself cirrhosis and is already in the early stages of pancreatic cancer….

Thanks for the health advice

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46853b  No.282420


lol @ how black customers NEVER tip you well when you deliver their pizza

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6955bd  No.282421


Cancer is curable. You are being lied to by the medical establishment which is fully 100% corrupted to its core $$$.

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46853b  No.282422



You better run your white ass back to the store and bring me my fucking Sprite FAST !!!

I better have it before I finished my first slice of pizza, or I'm going to call your manager and have you fired.

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46853b  No.282423


Of course it is, Mr. 4th Grade Education….

Of course you are an expert on internal medicine and oncology….

So I always take my medical advice from illiterate people in chat rooms

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46853b  No.282424


Cancer is curable, and Jesus existed……

You're not exactly Albert Einstein, huh?

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46853b  No.282425


My wife INSISTS that you'reactively homosexual


whereas I say you're DEFINITELY GAY, but not currently in an active homosexual relationship

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46853b  No.282426


It's strange how you pretend that you need to worry about your coworkers finding out that you are an angry jealous bitter unaccomplished inexperienced lonely little sexual and social reject who blames other races for your own incompetence and self-induced failures…

But apparently you're not even the least bit worried about everybody realizing you're a homosexual

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46853b  No.282427


Everybody at Papa John's already realizes you are an angry uptight closet homosexual

You are incapable of hiding your true nature

It's really not that hard to figure out

You don't have a girlfriend

You never have a girlfriend

You don't talk with girls

You're not attracted to girls

You have no interest in females

And you're an uptight little piss ant

See how easy that was?


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6955bd  No.282434


Pardon my timely response, I had to put another log in the wood burning stove…

If you control your pH level and are less acidic, as well boost your immune system cancer cannot properly metastasize or become malignant. All you need is a healthy diet and to take high quality vitamins daily (liquid form), along with curcumin. As for 'detox' try cod liver oil and sodium bicarbonate mixed with lots and lots of water. The sodium bicarbonate will reduce acidity. Cod liver oil is a form of detox, not just for natural anti-inflammatory but good for organs as well. If you suffer ulcers, take cod liver oil daily, it will help with that too. Of-course I also recommend keeping fit.

Stay away from mass processed meats with nitrites/nitrates, sugary foods (excluding organic fruit which is good for you), any products with aspartame, any products with fluoride (use hot water and sodium bicarbonate for brushing your teeth), make sure to filter tap water if you rely on a public municipality, and never ever use canola oil for cooking.

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