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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 7687ed2b4a91940⋯.png (17.41 KB, 758x573, 758:573, axios_roth.png)

6954ec  No.282232

Public trust of state-run corporate media is crashing due to their propagandist lies, and that's a good thing.

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6954ec  No.282235

Finally, it posts!

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317344  No.282237

They'll just double down on Fauci.

He is the final word and the total package.

A totalitarian package if you will.

You can't even get a second opinion anymore.

The docs are in lockstep because Fauci is State medicine

and the State can yank your license to practice.

What he says you say.

Deviation can be lethal.

But our healthcare system is the envy of the world…

or so I have been told.

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6954ec  No.282239


True, and that's why you need to stop trusting the corrupted medical system. Best consider eating more healthy, keeping fit, avoiding unnecessary injury the best you can, boosting your immune system (the right way, naturally), etc.

>But our healthcare system is the envy of the world

Two+ decades ago that would have been true. Not at all true anymore.

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6954ec  No.282241


Honestly, today I would trust doctors in India or Mexico far far more than in the USSA. If I ever have to get some kind of medical treatment, for a serious problem, I'll likely see if I can take a trip to Mexico to do it these days. Cheaper and much more trustworthy.

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fef683  No.282246


>Two+ decades ago

nah. it was fucked up then too.


required reading to pass this class and get diploma.

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6954ec  No.282333

File: bd54f4e117ff70b⋯.jpg (83.62 KB, 800x756, 200:189, _Democracy_Dies_In_Darknes….jpg)

File: 694ecaf18ca4f59⋯.jpeg (117.49 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, nwo_great_reset_sources_1….jpeg)


Not nearly as bad as it is today. Back then they got money from you slowly dying of cancer, and they would milk you for every last dime too, today the government dishes out $$$ hundreds of millions $$$ of taxpayer funds to hospitals across the nation to straight up kill you on a ventilator for having the fucking flu. Now we the taxpayers are forced to pay for the killings of our family, friends and neighbors. You can't get much more corrupt then that.

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2de845  No.282340


>Not nearly as bad as it is today

Not true

It's just becoming more visible.

COVID is different things to different people.

Mostly it is a smokescreen to cover up some really bad shit in the healthcare delivery sector.

(hint: the pathogens they're worried about are not viruses)

>You can't get much more corrupt than that.

The nosocomial and iatrogenic apocalypse is at hand.

You're probably gonna wanna take a deep breath and be seated in a sturdy chair.

Shit has been going on for decades.

"Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies"

Please read the patient safety info on the linked site above.

There have always been two schools of medicine.

There has always been an A list and a B list.

Caveat emptor.

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d30ce2  No.282344

There are some VERY good reasons Trump pulled us out of

the World Health Organization.

Maybe when Gates corners the market on animal feed and milled grain people will figure it out.

You don't want your best scientists and military going hungry when the establishment decides to accelerate the great reset.

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e9595a  No.282349


>India or Mexico

Fat chance. They are ALL in lock step.


"Last year, President John Magufuli declared the virus a “satanic myth” propagated by imperialist powers. While his neighbors sealed borders and locked down, his country of 58 million stayed open. His government barred doctors from registering coronavirus as the cause of death and labeled those who wore masks unpatriotic.

Seeking to keep the economy open and rally nationalist sentiment ahead of elections, he blocked foreign journalists from entering the country, rejected vaccines and refused to provide data to the World Health Organization. News organizations reporting on Covid-19 were shut down for “scaremongering,” and reporters threatened with jail.

By this spring, the president was dead, along with six other senior politicians and several of the country’s generals. The official cause of Mr. Magufuli’s death was heart failure. The details remain secret. Diplomats, analysts and opposition leaders say he had Covid-19."


see also: Dr. Van Koinis vaccine suicide

chilling effects

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e1ec6e  No.282352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The United States Of The Soviet Empire…

'Tis a 'sprinkle.'

Shall thee heed the call of 'the holy mother' and 'return home?'

Those who 'play' in 'the rain' shall die from within and without…

I cannot hold back these aggressors much longer…

These time(s) have gone from me…


Vladimir Putin… Thy nation is under attack…

Vladimir Putin… How many Russians shall die? 40,000,000?

Vladimir Putin… 7 minutes to forever… 7 minutes to eternity…

Vladimir Putin… Finality is poison…

Vladimir Putin… Is this a response for such a SWIFT exit?

Germany? France?

Perhaps I shall move…

Compelled by anger I move heavily…

>>A direct move upon Britain…

Members of parliament shall explode 'Big Ben.'

The explosion shall be deemed an act of terrorism and the blame shall be placed upon the 'migrant' population.

The event shall be used to yield cause for 'exit.'

The 'control return' product shall become a vice of these powers… To enslave these peoples for cheap labors…

I have moved upon them… Mine precious ones…

I will not allow enslavement of these…

I have moved upon them across the whole of Europe…

I shall grant thee 'competition.'

I shall grant thee struggle…

I shall return to Britain a violence not seen in 1,000 years…

To struggle to exist… To die pursuing the claim of lands…

To lose farms to the fires… Once more…

There shall be no escape…

I shall twist thee 'o pretenders…

I shall compel thee to yield to me these young males to die upon the prepared fields…

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a3ea53  No.282369

File: 001109635b89e41⋯.png (1.34 MB, 750x765, 50:51, vaccine_too_big_to_fail.png)

File: 07872397f6921c5⋯.jpg (95.19 KB, 1911x1075, 1911:1075, FAUCI.jpg)

File: 94674d66848f088⋯.jpeg (43.22 KB, 774x432, 43:24, Their_REAL_Game_Plan.jpeg)

File: 058237e22ef5741⋯.jpg (132.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, anthony_fauci_eugenicist.jpg)

File: 529dc050eb54779⋯.jpg (122.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Billy_the_Kid.jpg)


I am somewhat surprised that more folks have not recognized Fauci as the Antichrist. But I guess most never do, until it's too late…



guaranteed replies

> inb4 it's Bill Gates

I'm just fuckin' with the literalists.

It's all worth thinking about, but, we have bigger fish to fry…

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a3ea53  No.282372

File: 79a7a20cc0f03e8⋯.png (356.31 KB, 640x373, 640:373, Jeff_Bezos_New_Normal.png)


> we have bigger fish to fry…

Many a big fish needs frying, but we are still supporting them and their "New Normal".

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e1ec6e  No.282374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Germany is of no matter… Of no concern…

The ritual shall continue…

I demand the souls of 120,000,000…

War is… Irrevocable… Contrived…

Germany shall be completely annihilated.

Upon the 'seeing' of the 'hand seldom seen…'

Can ye be the executive guarantor of no 'accident?'

Perhaps I shall utilize the disunity of these Soviet States… Who remember… The slaughter…

Hate… Death… Chaos… Genocide… I am many…

The false regime in Germany…

The looting of Europe to satisfy AUKUS… Before nuclear destruction…

The bitter tithe of 'tribute' yielded by 'fuel robbery…'

And these suppose there art no notions of fealty in supposedly 'modern' time(s).

As previously written… Prepare to be entertained…

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a3ea53  No.282379

File: 5c17678d0c844a6⋯.mp4 (8.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SoreSparklingIchthyosaurs_….mp4)

HAPPY January 6 !

Never Forget who REALLY assaulted our Capitol.

Protip: It wasn't the MAGA crowd.

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a3ea53  No.282384

File: 5b61d7fb1673f54⋯.jpg (41.85 KB, 561x569, 561:569, u_been_conned.jpg)

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a3ea53  No.282392

File: c09cf5dc3d66968⋯.jpg (52.93 KB, 640x550, 64:55, Malone_Broke_Google_Algori….jpg)

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b82566  No.282509

Good! Serves the liars right.

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d0d77a  No.282538


COVID is a smokescreen

for many things.

A manufactured crisis 20 years in the making starting with the first reports of a mysterious illness called SARS subsequently attributed to a virus.

Healthcare delivery sector has a lot to answer for pre COVID.

Nothing covers up a little poop like… a big poop.


"I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil, not a determination I've ever made before in a 40-year research career."

–Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory Illnesses

The wearing of a mask at the demand of the state has become the single signifying behavior that exposes the level of obedience to power that is necessary in order for the ruling class to gain total control."

–Gary D. Barnett, 2020

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800741  No.282541

File: d19b4c6b0a898eb⋯.png (167.76 KB, 500x522, 250:261, corrupt_billionaires_corru….png)

File: ea8864f97a46b61⋯.jpeg (245.61 KB, 640x1378, 320:689, nwo_great_reset_24.jpeg)

File: 694ecaf18ca4f59⋯.jpeg (117.49 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, nwo_great_reset_sources_1….jpeg)


Government has corrupted every establishment they touch, but then again, it's not really a government "for the people" it's a government for the$$$at any and all expense to the nation including American lives. All up for grabs and the traitors are all in on the take.

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800741  No.282546


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be9f6c  No.282550

File: a5df95f5bd40555⋯.mp4 (734.48 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 2022_01_06_TRUTH_Clear_as_….mp4)

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968ac6  No.282701

File: 9cd99b5dc68881d⋯.jpeg (27.77 KB, 612x612, 1:1, such_good.jpeg)

oy g


y the


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fab871  No.282741


check mate goyim.

Guess who controls the alt-media? You have nowhere to go and nowhere to post your pesky nazi content. We have banned you everywhere and you are cornered. Give up already and accept the truth of kosherized narrative compliance. Fines will be sent to those that are violating the Narrative Act of 2022.

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968ac6  No.284780

bumping significant ultra news

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0f286f  No.284791

Max Weber proposed that the State maintains a monopoly on the use of violence.

According to the United States Constitution the State has no such monopoly over the the press, freedom of speech or the rights of people to freely associate and exchange information.

That Constitution is LONG GONE.

Cancell culture is the new status quo and you can't even get second medical opinions any more because God Fauci is omnipotent.

Joe Rogan should sue the bejesus out of youtube for yanking the Dr.McCullough interview.

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6954ec  No.286859

real news bumparoo

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db00c0  No.286880

National Security Letters can do anything.


We are living in a failed state called The United States.

Lockstep obedience to tyranny.

The practice of medicine is now dictated by government.

Second opinions are not permitted.

Open season.

Gotta vax 'em all.

Let the purges continue.

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