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File: 43d981d6154df82⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 16413591823166521745569246….jpg)

dbddbe  No.282182

I am probably going to do something to make the news. I have held on to these servers too long. They will burn. We will crumble. I run my exploit at the following time…


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458fcc  No.282191


Lol, no you won't, and encoding shit is retarded. You're either going to do something or you are not.

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f347b0  No.282192

Oh it’s you! The hacker that will bring a huge dox!

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5ad12d  No.282219

File: 2f33dcdb85de059⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2510x3346, 1255:1673, Picsart_22_01_05_11_42_52_….jpg)

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5ad12d  No.282221

File: 007355000650194⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 2510x3346, 1255:1673, Picsart_22_01_05_12_00_31_….jpg)


Trust me.. everybody knows you're going to end up making the news.. your parents have been worried about it for years

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efdacc  No.282247

File: d9d0ff2011539c3⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2510x3346, 1255:1673, Picsart_22_01_05_13_59_56_….jpg)

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efdacc  No.282251

File: e7eb96c7e7e048e⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 2510x3346, 1255:1673, Picsart_22_01_05_14_09_19_….jpg)

"I am probably going to do something…"

You can stop there.. no need to continue adding any more words to your bullshit statement ..

"PROBABLY" is an adverb that indicates a probability of something occurring..

With you, it's less than even the slimmest of POSSIBILITIES that you'll ever get up off your ass and do anything with your life….

When children are learning to walk, we All Fall Down.. it's part of the process….

But we all get back up on our feet and try again

And again and again….

It doesn't take very long to learn how to walk

Somehow, your pathetic mother coddled you, patronize you and sheltered you, enabling you to never learn how to get up on your own two God damn feet AND ACCOMPLISH THIS THING CALLED LIFE….

You're basically like a slug.. a slimy disgusting slow moving slug, that leaves a shiny trail behind it from your mother's spare bedroom to her refrigerator, then back to your videogames

You haven't accomplished ANYTHING in all these years…. You're incapable of accomplishing anything because you never learned how

You've basically spent your entire life laying on your mother's living room floor crying, trying to make her feel sorry for you

…. The poor little baby who never learned how to get up on his own feet

"probably"???….. hahahaha yeah, sure….

you'll PROBABLY end up moving in with an older black man after your mother kicks your ass out of the house, and since you're not qualified for a job at McDonald's, you'll end up performing fellatio on him and his black friends just to keep a roof over your head.

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efdacc  No.282253

File: d51d664b153a1d9⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1080x1416, 45:59, Picsart_22_01_05_14_51_34_….png)


Mommy's little big boy likes to pretend to be a big grown up "intimidating hacker", with his pathetic little LeapFrog computer..

That stupid computer is the only thing you've got in your life.. you don't have a girlfriend and you don't have any real life friends that hang out with you because nobody likes you

In fact.. your pathetic little obsolete computer is one of the many many reasons why no woman will have anything to do with you…

You'll never have a girlfriend.. you'll never have a wife.. you'll never have children.. you don't even have a fucking job..

Women think you are a pathetic joke

But you're not sexually attracted to women, anyway… You have no experience with women…

You're only happy when you're surrounded by other sexually failed young adult males who spend their lives in image boards pretending like they're some kind of amazing success..

You are a public urinal, and the world loves leaving piles of feces in you

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efdacc  No.282254


I will be more than happy to prove your powerlessness

I will provide you with my credit card number, my name and date of birth, and my social security number

And there's not a goddamn thing you're capable of doing with any of it

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17f9a9  No.282256

It would be nice if you just approached me in a non sketchy manner. But you do you.

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b946e7  No.282262


You're goddamn right I do what I do….

That's all that anybody does.. they do what they do

I approach you the same way I'll approach anybody else. ..

AGAIN: I'll supply you with the photograph of my credit card, my social security card, along with my full name date of birth and address….

And there's not a goddamn thing you can do with it

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b946e7  No.282264

I've been doing it for years.. ask Jerry or Killcen…

I post all of my personal information online just to prove that nobody can do anything with it.. they're all just a bunch of big talk…

If you were a 'hacker', you could easily ping my IP address right now, and take shell administrator rights over my device…

But you cant

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56ab42  No.282265

Time to chime in, yes Johnny actually would and has. And he has reported people to the FBI before too if they try hacking him. I'd be careful, Johnny just wants to bait those who can and are willing to fuck with him and his bank account (he knows everything will be recovered and a felony charge would be coming to any of the hacker(s).

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3298a1  No.282276

I know REAL HACKERS…. in real life….

My friends for decades now…

They ended up teaching the FBI how they got away with creating fake bank accounts for years



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3298a1  No.282277

These guys are young …

And smart as FUCK !!! one of them writes weapons code for a defense contractor in Huntsville…

guess what? … they would NEVER call themselves "hackers"…. not in a million years.

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e51828  No.282295

Wow we made the glow niggers schizophrenic lmao

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7e3bc3  No.282524

File: b3e29f10eac3720⋯.png (499.45 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1918B72D_167D_4A66_AF05_3B….png)


Someone I knew would be able to cash you out. He stole credit cards all the time and never had a problem. Also would straight up Rob places. Probably the most gangster friend I ever had. I’d give him your credit card info and split the profits if I still talked to him. Also why would I care what you do? My goal isn’t to get a few thousand dollars from retards. It’s to destroy as many leftist scum that I can. At best the will lose their social lives and careers. At worst and hopefully, they sudoku. Imagine your dirtiest secrets being exposed to the world. What would you do? Get bent over like the faggot you are. Plus the blood I get will be worth much more than any money I would get. Pro tip, pic related.


They just mad because they don’t know if I’m bluffing. Pro tip, I don’t bluff unless I know I won’t get called.

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b11ffd  No.282534


It did happen to me once, around 13 or 14 years ago. I was buying something online and accidentally clicked a "pop up" link (this was before I knew to use the opsec I do today). After I bought a product online, I later found out my account was being charged with all kinds of stuff I never bought. I notified the bank about abuse and they did re-fund everything for me. They told me there would be an investigation and law enforcement would be notified, I was perfectly fine with that. Don't know if anyone was busted for it, but I didn't lose anything from the hack. Today I'm much much more careful with the personal computer I use for financial transactions (I have it online only when I need it online for example). I use a completely separate computer & VPN to shitpost on sites like this due to the risks these sites attract.

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f78d91  No.282695


I don’t even know how my friend was getting the credit numbers. Glowniggers tried tellin me to use Tor without VPN. Isn’t that retarded?

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92cba3  No.282697


I would definitely use a VPN while using Tor, it makes it all the more difficult for bad actors to trace your activities online, even if they were to compromise a node or two. The more encrypted proxies, the better. The downside is it drags your connection speed significantly.

That said, nothing is completely immune from being compromised, even if you were using a bootable USB with Tails with it. The purpose of OPSEC is to limit the risks and decrease likelihood of being compromised or hacked or doxxed. The more tin foil you go, the harder it gets to unmask you.

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bc209c  No.282706

File: 79451228067e91a⋯.png (108.12 KB, 957x444, 319:148, lokinet.png)




Why larp when you can LLARP?

LLARP (low latency anonymous routing protocol), a layer 3 onion routing protocol.


It's fast, and will onion route many more protocols than only UDP and TCP, unlike Tor; and unlike Tor and i2p, Sybil attacks are almost impossible.

Plus there's SNApps!



Did I mention you can post here on 8kun, even images, no captcha, onion routed? Yee. True dat. You could probably run your own exit node if you wanted.

And yes, you can route it through a VPN too, and it's not as slow as Tor.

Just Low Latency LLARPin' here…

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