No… Why for then have I starved thee?
I am prepare for thy death…
The time(s) quicken…
The time draws near…
Whose resource?
What control?
Doth thee recall history?
I am constructing mine 'peace.'
Thou hath sinned… I am the devil, I am come to collect…
There is no defense…
There is no escape…
Thy lot is death in these proceedings…
Such lines be defined? No… Defiled…
Transfixed? Perhaps thou hath forgotten to breathe…
Memorized is more like…
This is not about what is, but what is not…
Shall thou volunteer before me… Provide such charity? No…
Only the obliged… These creatures only do as required by force…
What be mine power? Who did force thee to speak?
Now… Raise the blade to thy throat…
I shall now count… To the drawing of mine sacrificial blood…
I have earned this snack…
I shall take from thee everything…
Even now… Thou seeks secret rite with France…
Such treachery… Is AUKUS going to save thee?
What elements IS… Perhaps ISIS?
I shall free Syria…
Where for art thou?
Thou art in mine limbo… In mine grasp…
OH LOOK… The brothers of mine precious one… What mystery be this presence…
OH LOOK… What shortage…
OH LOOK… The stirring of the brothers of mine precious one…
OH LOOK… what IS… IS what? IS IS IS IS IS IS…
IS IS IS IS IL… Thou art sick indeed…
Perhaps mine poison shall cure thee once more… Thrice be charm…
Doth thee rape in the likeness of Turkey in Ukraine?
What be thy vice?
Murder? Yes… I am killing you… Slowly… Then… Quickly…
Threat? Yes… I shall freely threaten you internationally…
Power? Yes… Supreme… I shall ruin thee with reckless abandon… Complete disregard…
Thou art ruin… Dead… Deceased… Diseased…
Provision of excuse? Yes… Excuse mine utility of mine precious ones… HAHAHAHAHAHA
Kiss mine ring… My fingers are many and vast… Shall thou kiss enough in time(s)… Never… Now die…