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My name is Nate Higgers

File: e4c2056d1f9eff4⋯.png (1.03 MB, 614x666, 307:333, tjjjj.png)

3bef33  No.282145

What the hell happened to this plantain ethusiast?

TJ uploaded tons of well-received and widely-viewed videos on politics and all sorts of social matters.

Now, he's faded into obscurity due to his content being boring, autistic, and unable to compete with other channels.

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0ff208  No.282151


No one in their right mind goes to Youtube anymore for news or political content. For cooking recipes, DIY projects, finding good music and other information, sure it's still good for that. As far as news and politics? Nope, most good stuff has been censored into oblivion and has left for other platforms like Brighteon, Minds, Bitchute, Rumble etc.

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23f532  No.282156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yes… The ritual…

The utility of destruct as creation means…

The alteration of time…

The final act of a Germany that is no longer under false possession…

The cutting off of the head of the undead state…

The unleashing of the poison upon man…

The state of no state… Once again…

The absence of 'the others' due to 'technical' issues. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA





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23f532  No.282163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yes… I shall allow thee once…

In the time of annihilation…

Come hither to me and confess…

I shall allow thee only one escape…

I shall allow thee redemption…

Commit suicide…

In the face of such powers… Kill thyself…

In the command of the foreign element… Kill thyself…

In the presence of international… Kill thyself…

In the time of repentance… Kill thyself…

In the name of thy peoples… Kill thyself…

In the secret negotiations with France… Kill thyself…

In thy treason against Russian assurance… Kill thyself…

In the name of thy lies… Kill thyself…

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23f532  No.282166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



No… Why for then have I starved thee?

I am prepare for thy death…

The time(s) quicken…

The time draws near…

Whose resource?

What control?

Doth thee recall history?

I am constructing mine 'peace.'

Thou hath sinned… I am the devil, I am come to collect…

There is no defense…

There is no escape…

Thy lot is death in these proceedings…

Such lines be defined? No… Defiled…

Transfixed? Perhaps thou hath forgotten to breathe…

Memorized is more like…

This is not about what is, but what is not…

Shall thou volunteer before me… Provide such charity? No…

Only the obliged… These creatures only do as required by force…

What be mine power? Who did force thee to speak?

Now… Raise the blade to thy throat…

I shall now count… To the drawing of mine sacrificial blood…

I have earned this snack…

I shall take from thee everything…


Even now… Thou seeks secret rite with France…

Such treachery… Is AUKUS going to save thee?


What elements IS… Perhaps ISIS?

I shall free Syria…



Where for art thou?

Thou art in mine limbo… In mine grasp…

OH LOOK… The brothers of mine precious one… What mystery be this presence…

OH LOOK… What shortage…

OH LOOK… The stirring of the brothers of mine precious one…

OH LOOK… what IS… IS what? IS IS IS IS IS IS…

IS IS IS IS IL… Thou art sick indeed…

Perhaps mine poison shall cure thee once more… Thrice be charm…

Doth thee rape in the likeness of Turkey in Ukraine?

What be thy vice?

Murder? Yes… I am killing you… Slowly… Then… Quickly…

Threat? Yes… I shall freely threaten you internationally…

Power? Yes… Supreme… I shall ruin thee with reckless abandon… Complete disregard…

Thou art ruin… Dead… Deceased… Diseased…

Provision of excuse? Yes… Excuse mine utility of mine precious ones… HAHAHAHAHAHA




Kiss mine ring… My fingers are many and vast… Shall thou kiss enough in time(s)… Never… Now die…

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8c6d59  No.282168


Looks like you might be right about NATO 'protecting' Russia, as if you meant NATO countries trying to break it up: https://www.rt.com/news/545090-france-nato-russia-melenchon/

Anyway, almost everyone knows by now there is an economic and geo-political war against the US Dollar. No reserve currency lasts forever, the only thing propping up the USD is debt and rigged markets anyway. Pretty obvious with those circumstances combined with open borders and illegals flooding in, covid vaccine mandates, the stripping away of our Constitutional foundation, the corruption of government/politics/media/all institutions et al, subversion of the public school system, the political division across the country, supply chain shortages, inflation ….and you could keep adding the list of other problems…. it's pretty obvious the end result is a USSR-style collapse, mass normie die-off and back to balkanization (local barter/salvage/trade/skill economies in separate spread-out communities with no more central authority). Highways will go back to nature, etc.

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21bf5c  No.282299


Bitchute is cia run and bans any content which covers Jews. I’m sure they let some kosher anti semetic shit slide but every person on there is larping, they are like those people who hunt to do that to feel badass because they would never actually pick up a gun and go fight for anything. What would they even need to fight for anyways? People in rural areas are the most spoiled faggots of all time who have their entire life planned for them by mommy and daddy. They have never missed a meal or experience the danger of true freedom. No real person has the Jewish time or Jewish money to go fuck around in a 80,000 dollar truck and hunt deer. Literally not one person who actually does some job that contributes something has the energy to do this. It’s always those union faggots who work 2 hours a day then complain that their feet hurt.

Bitchute is just well off “outdoor real men rednecks” discovering the internet and defending their ability to live life on easy mode. These Garth brooks good goys are the only people who keep the facade going, because they “antagonize” their California counterparts and both sides take turns destroying freedom for everyone else then splitting the political loot. This left right scam does not exist without the “big bad boy rednecks”

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21bf5c  No.282300

Lmfao now Ron Watkins, a literal glow nigger / mossad asset who worked with kushner and his black money to destroy the anti Zionist movement in the us is running for Congress because he’s a fucking pussy faggot and cried to the glowniggers for some way to protect him. Kill yourself you ugly faggot.

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21bf5c  No.282301


Lmfao now Ron Watkins, a literal glow nigger / mossad asset who worked with kushner and his black money to destroy the anti Zionist movement in the us is running for Congress because he’s a fucking pussy faggot and cried to the glowniggers for some way to protect him. Kill yourself you ugly faggot.

You are so ugly an irrelevant that nobody would ever even want to get near your failure aura, you literally shouted in the town square that you were qanon and not one person gave a fuck because everyone already knew the Chan’s were honeypots .

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21bf5c  No.282302


The payments kushner and co made to you are public knowledge, and now you are running for Congress in a country where every congressmen has to swear loyalty to Israel to gain federal funding, what a fucking loser faggot

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21bf5c  No.282303


So mossad literally paid this dude off to interfere with the Americans right to free assembly and promote foreign propaganda that promotes kike interests, and now he is running for (((Congress))), despite every (((intelligence agency))) knowing he works directly with foreign governments to work against American interests. You are the biggest loser on earth

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21bf5c  No.282304

“Oh we have all these server fees! And we need legal fees! But now we have 50 million dollars for a political campaign and this 50 million has nothing to do with the 50 million mossad and mossad spy and pedo enabler Jared kushner paid me!

Ugly faggot

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21bf5c  No.282306

Wow the literal cia propaganda peddler hbo gave Ron Watkins a documentary where he talked about helping to create a confirmed mossad counter intelligence movement aimed at destroying American freedom, he is going to help us get our freedom back in two weeks !

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21bf5c  No.282307

“Featuring nsa whistleblower” oh wow he is bringing a whistleblower from the nsa! Every whistleblower in American history was murdered , but Snowden and this other whistleblower are different they have to power of Zeus protecting them! The government was so afraid of that Snowden limited hangout info coming out that they gave him unlimited air time! And Ron Watkins was running a “terror group” qanon that the elites were terrified of but now they are so terrified that they are just going to let him walk into Washington and send them to jail!

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21bf5c  No.282308

Glow in the dark

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