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dba1cb  No.282046

Is Trump Hitler? Can we just admit it now? I feel like lying for the cause of politics will end up being a waste of time. Be noble. Accept the truth.

Trump isn't as great as Hitler because he tames himself for the public eye in the age of extreme sensitivity and mental illness. Though, he embodies the same spirit ("literally Hitler") of saving us from the jewish parasite, corruption, and degeneracy.

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dba1cb  No.282064

Let's stop trying to convert normies to see our light. They never will as they are incapable.

Instead live with honor according to your aryan instincts, recruit other aryans, and carry on the tradition.

Perhaps we can live underground per se; living and developing ourselves. Advancing technologically and spiritually in a covert break away like movement.

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11f607  No.282084



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11f607  No.282085


you're exactly like a nigger

no job .. just a fucking lazy bum

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fdd17a  No.282114


Ghandi was a politician much more like Hitler than Trump was. Figure out what you can learn from that.

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c25586  No.282183

Trump is not the reincarnation of Hitler. You people dont know how to read.

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c25586  No.282184


Steve Jobs was Gandhi

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17f0ec  No.282189


>Is Trump Hitler?

No. Hitler was at least self-aware enough in his own failure to kill himself.

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16941e  No.282215

Vladimir Putin is the reincarnation of Julius Caesar. Elon Musk is the reincarnation of [redacted. Hint: explorer].

The reincarnations of Nero, Alexander, and Darius, are currently here. The reincarnation of Aristotle was in Chicago.

Donald Trump is the reincarnation of [redacted. Hint: dictator].

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1aa8cd  No.282217


"Bring 'em on."

Did someone say Hitler?

Did someone else say Western Imperialist Aggressor?

Wanna get some eggrolls for lunch?

Wanna read Jane Defense weekly magazines until our eyeballs melt?

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