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My name is Nate Higgers

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9fbcfb  No.281950

I'm an American and one of my relatives lives in SA (an upscale, mostly white neighborhood that's not right next door to mupdadoo slumville or anything), and her car still got stolen.

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4e2ead  No.281955


Yeah, so what? White people steal cars, too, moron.

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af9d4d  No.282032


Eat Shit, you shelteredpittle inexperienced whiner

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af9d4d  No.282033


LOL apparently, you're one of those little creampuff sissies who thinks he's 'better than others'….

aren't you in for a ride awakening ?.

It's coming soon …I'd suggest you learn to enjoy sucking dick

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6ce149  No.282117


Here you go:

Want To Clean Up The Cities? Recall & Replace Every Last Soros Prosecutor!



Until you stop voting for the madness, or at least vote out the corrupt politicians and incumbents who hide behind positions of power, this won't stop and it won't get any better. Like it or not, voting does have consequences!

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6ce149  No.282131

Rich Beverly Hills Residents Panic-Buy Guns Amid Crime-Wave

The rich and famous in Beverly Hills are panic-buying guns and ammo amid a dramatic increase in violent crime.

Los Angeles Magazine spoke with Beverly Hills Guns owner Russell Stuart who said, "since opening in July 2020, the store has seen upscale residents from Santa Monica to the Hollywood Hills increasingly in a panic following several high-profile smash-and-grab and violent home invasion robberies."

Stuart told the magazine that "prominent actors, real estate moguls and film execs" flock to his store to load up on self-defense firearms.

"This morning, I sold six shotguns in about an hour to people that say, 'I want a home defense shotgun,'" he said. "Everyone has a general sense of constant fear, which is very sad. We're used to this being like Mayberry." Mayberry is the name of an idyllic fictional town from "The Andy Griffith Show."

The recent string of high-profile retail robberies and home burglaries has sent many Beverly Hillers into a panic. Wealthy folks are also purchasing bulletproof cars, safe rooms, employing armed guards, and even constructing walls with barbed wire around their properties.

The issue of violent crime is nothing new to Los Angeles, but a spillover to upscale neighborhoods has put elites on edge. The increase in crime stems from an alarming cocktail of criminal justice reforms. For instance, thieves can steal up to $950 in goods and receive a slap on the wrist, the equivalent of a traffic ticket. Criminal gangs have taken advantage of relaxed laws and have recently gone on a wave of retailer smash and grab robberies. There have also been high-profile robberies of elites.

When philanthropist Jacqueline Avant was murdered in her Beverly Hills mansion last month, that was a cue for the rich and famous to flock to gun stores for protection.


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6ce149  No.282132



That's not a solution, I'd suggest buying a gun for self defense and learn the reasons why this shit is happening so often now days, hint: systemic corruption and bad political leadership. I know you'll whine about that fact but it's true and you all know damn well it is.

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f7420f  No.282249


Manhattan's Soros-Funded DA Lays Foundation For Next Crime Wave

Manhattan's newly elected DA, Alvin Bragg, has ordered prosecutors to stop seeking prison sentences for most offenses, and to downgrade felony charges in cases which include armed robberies and drug dealing, according to the New York Post.

In his first memo to staff on Monday, Alvin Bragg said his office “will not seek a carceral sentence” except with homicides and a handful of other cases, including domestic violence felonies, some sex crimes and public corruption.

According to Bragg, whose campaign was funded in part with a $1 million donation from billionaire George Soros, also told assistant DAs that they must now keep in mind the "impacts of incarceration," including whether it actually increases public safety (ZH: to keep violent criminals physically separated from the public? Uh, yeah…)

This is insane. You can carjack a dozen people at gunpoint, and as long as you don't use the gun to seriously injure someone, the Manhattan DA won't seek prison time for you. t.co/gubG1s5TDk

— Amy Swearer (@AmySwearer) January 4, 2022

When prosecutors want to put a convict behind bars, they can't ask for more than 20 years for a 'determinate' sentence - i.e. one which can't be reviewed or changed by a parole board, according to the report.

What's more, "The Office shall not seek a sentence of life without parole," which according to state law is a punishment reserved for the worst offenders; murderers, terrorists, serial killers, cop killers, and people who kill children under the age of 14 during sex crimes or torture.

Bragg’s memo also detailed the following instructions for prosecutors to reduce charges filed by cops in various cases:

1: Armed robbers who use guns or other deadly weapons to stick up stores and other businesses will be prosecuted only for petty larceny, a misdemeanor.

2:Convicted criminals caught with weapons other than guns will have those felony charges downgraded to misdemeanors unless they’re also charged with more serious offenses.

3: Burglars who steal from residential storage areas, parts of homes that aren’t “accessible to a living area” and businesses located in mixed-use buildings will be prosecuted for a low-level class D felony that only covers break-ins instead of for more serious crimes.

4: Drug dealers believed to be “acting as a low-level agent of a seller” will be prosecuted only for misdemeanor possession.

Bragg claims the changes will "not only will, in and of themselves, make us safer; they also will free up prosecutorial resources to focus on violent crime."

Meanwhile, the head of the NYPD's largest union expressed "serious concerns about the message these types of policies send to both police officers and criminals on the street."

"Police officers don’t want to be sent out to enforce laws that the district attorneys won’t prosecute," said Police Benevolent Association president Patrick Lynch. "And there are already too many people who believe that they can commit crimes, resist arrest, interfere with police officers and face zero consequences."

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