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My name is Nate Higgers

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0835aa  No.281910

So you feel ashamed of our society yet?

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f0b331  No.281917


Society is run by corrupt subversive psychotic tyrannical despots today, but do I blame everyone for the shitty outcome? If I did I'd have to blame myself too. Instead of dwelling on it, as I used to do, I have finally accepted this world is hopelessly fucked and that it really is every last man for themselves from here on. So be that as it is, I'm doing everything in my ability to live it up while I can, enjoy my blessings: family, friends, drinking booze, eating good food, shooting guns in the backyard, taking small road trips, celebrating holidays (and getting fucking smashed all over again with no care what-so-ever!), homesteading out in the country etc. until my fucking liver gives in, or something else does. Is it the right thing to do? Who knows, who gives a flying fuck anymore anyway? The world is dead to me, let it burn, whatever happens fucking happens. There is nothing this old man can do, and even if I attempted something brave I'd likely end up arrested or better off killed anyway. Fuck the world.

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265ef3  No.281974

He is a multiculti heretic

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0835aa  No.282007


You know what anon? I agree with you. At first glance someone might take you response to be nihilistic but I have come to see the value of enjoying your life in the face of others who are incapable of doing so.

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