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My name is Nate Higgers

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de03c4  No.281806

Copper Will Become The New World International Currency

Source: https://illusioncyber.wordpress.com

Many thousand years ago, humanity have used Copper/Bronze as their first and primary for all the daily life transactions. Then later on, we used silver and gold. But do know that those people who “own” gold was the cheaters?

It is time for copper raising again and become the new world international currency.

There are many reasons for that:

– Copper is abundance but limited, no any entities can “cheat/create” copper on Earth.

– The current old US Dollar are not working anymore.

– The only way for fair international trading is using metal as the neutral currency, so the price the exchange rate is fixed and do not change.

– We see and used copper in daily life, all the household and most people have it in electric.

– Global trade war will end if using copper as the metric currency.

For the silver and gold, they are rare and not much people having it. It may still become neutral currency but only is small limited location and for limited people.

Because humanity today are not the same as many thousand years ago, so we won’t dig copper and carry that via full physical form but we will use copper-paper where the amount of copper will be printed in each money paper note and people can exchange it back to real copper at anytime if they want it.

I do believe the future of world international financial system is metals and the favorite will be the copper !

Best Regard,

The Savior

The Illusion Cyber Group

Source: https://illusioncyber.wordpress.com

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