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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: ab14bbd7a603835⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 512x259, 512:259, unnamed.jpg)

4a6e32  No.281793

Join the great Aryan awakening.

The Yule wheel (six spoke wheel) is a symbol of our race and movement.

Here is more info.

Newest english translation of the oera linda book


Audio reading


Three videos dealing with a introduction to the Aryan Scriptures




Here is a link dealing with our origin and evidence


And a prayer for all Aryans


Wear the symbol proudly.

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1321b4  No.281799


Lol you stupid fucking sack of dung

there's no such thing as "Aryans"


trailerpark tier

a misfit …

a loner….

the awkward guy

you're not part of anything


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1321b4  No.281800


lol @ "our race"

hahahaha you stupid pot luck urinal DNA

genetic garbage can

either present your verifiable


or shut your mixed breed nigger mouth

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1321b4  No.281801

by the way….. only an inferior little man

fixates on superiority

of course you fixate on it

because you can't HAVE it

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132c2b  No.281808


Thank you.

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b21c1e  No.281809


Aryan is just another way to say "white nigger".

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ed49c9  No.281833

this cainite jew demon on here with its

" provide dna"

why dont we supply you sos jews with our address, ss numbers, fingerprints and retinal scans also?

WE are divine beings and OUR dna is a divine code of OUR Creator.

you dont even have the right to ask anything of US, which is why you accuse and ( attempt to) mock

you are filled with the satanic spirit of the accuser because you are children of satan.

We know how this ends. Enjoy seeing you try to demoralize US on your way down to eternal suffering.

no creature on the planet is a bigger mongrel than the bastard cainite sos demon jew. nice projections.

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e45e5b  No.282034



if you can't provide verifiable documentation of your ALLEGEDLY 100% white DNA, then you're a little nigger playing fantasy roleplay games

fuck you

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e45e5b  No.282035



if you can't provide verifiable documentation of your ALLEGEDLY 100% white DNA, then you're a little nigger playing fantasy roleplay games

fuck you

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e45e5b  No.282036


By the way……..

if you're so 'elite' and 'superior', thenwhy can't you find a woman who agrees with you?

you can't even find a desperate fat ugly stupid pig who thinks you're adequate ..

it appears that your opinion about yourself isn't shared by anybody else

4 billion WOMEN ON earth

and NOT EVEN ONE finds you even vaguely interesting

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ab7958  No.282037


seething jew


seething jew


jew still going through the seething process

Aren't jews supposed to be proud of who they are?

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132c2b  No.282039

File: 9b5b00d71d33cb9⋯.png (1.25 MB, 2124x920, 531:230, 1457.png)

What in the f is going on here? I smell the sweat of salty jews.

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132c2b  No.282040

The lower ones will never understand the position of the Aryan. It would be like explaining high math to an ant.

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132c2b  No.282041


Perhaps the smartest thing we can do is exclude them, appreciate one another and carry on the best we can…

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fbe015  No.282043

File: 15968ef1162ad10⋯.jpg (37.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 3F3F5B6.jpg)



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fbe015  No.282044





why are all of you SO AFRAID to admit that you never get any pussy?

HINT: avoiding the topic simply makes you look like cowards

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fbe015  No.282045

see, you're NOT fooling anybody…..

girls have never liked either of you losers

not ever… you've always been inadequate

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fbe015  No.282047


especially YOU, awkward little misfit

Lol you're inferior .

ask ANY woman …

they'll tell you to your face

not if you were the last man on earth

they'd rather fuck a nigger than you

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fbe015  No.282048


pathetic, lonely, boring, unattractive, insecure, inexperienced little man….

always in a state of overcompensation for his inadequacies and obvious shortcominga

continually fixated on 'superiority'

the same way starving Ethiopian children are always fixated on food

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fbe015  No.282049

8 billion humans.. .

and you two effeminate rejects FINALLY found eachother

here in THE EMPTIEST CHATROOM on the internet

lol what a success story

I'm sure your father's are extremely proud

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ab7958  No.282050


Afraid to admit that I'm a virgin? Why would you think that. I'm a virgin and I do not want to have sex. What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Is this the gasp of a jew being named?

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fbe015  No.282051


exactly….. just like I said

you're an inexperienced, awkward, little boy

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fbe015  No.282052


you're not a man…..

not by ANYONES measure

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fbe015  No.282053


lmmfao @ your existence

you're kinda like a 7 year old

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ab7958  No.282054




So no more ammo left? Is this the entire message you'd like to get across to the 10 other people among billions who read your multiposts?

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fbe015  No.282055


By the way, unlike you, IM ACTUALLY GERMAN

you incompetent mixed breed permatoddler mutt

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ab7958  No.282056


I don't care if you're german. All that does is confirm that germans are autistic failures who shit on shelf toilets like a pack of morons that have never done much more than ruin their continent over and over again. Wow what a heritage!

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fbe015  No.282057


It's not even necessarily about sex.. although that's definitely something you would want to become familiar with before you realize you're in your thirties trapped in an image board role-playing as if you are some kind of superior elite entity


It's actually about the COMPANIONSHIP

nobody will invest their life into yours…

you're alone by THEIR chosing, not your own

you're obviously not good enough

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fbe015  No.282058


Can't even find one fat ugly stupid desperate pig woman that thinks he's even vaguely interesting

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ab7958  No.282059


You made another bad guess about my age and my aims in life, but that's about par for your course. Does "chompionship" refer to sucking horse cock or something? You're really all over the map tonight.

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fbe015  No.282060


This is the part where you run along and do what little children do.. like play a video game or lots and anime.. or masturbate.. or role play online like you some kind of superior being.. as if you qualify as being better than the lowest stupidest nigger on Earth…

Even the stupidest niggers are smart enough to figure out how to find a companion

Which video game have you been playing since mom bought it for you bye for christmas? I bet it's Superior

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ab7958  No.282061


You seem to really desire my companionship, which is a strange angle from somebody who allegedly has sex. Are you trying to groom me?

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fbe015  No.282062


I never guessed your age at all..

Because you're going to be 7 years old eternally

The little boy with the tiny little dick who never gets any pussy and never had a woman love him

(or even like him)

You don't even have any platonic female friends that come hang out with you

Because females have never liked you you're just not cool and girls know you're a loser

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ab7958  No.282063


So you don't read your own posts or you can't count beyond 10 on your fingers? Which is it?

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1d590a  No.282065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>China, Russia, and (by observation) Iram…

Hush mine children…

The precious ones are making expression…

The precious ones cry out to me…

The precious ones are calling…

The precious ones desire me…

The precious ones seek me…

The precious ones demand instruction…

The precious ones need nurture…

There was one?

There is two…

Be still my precious ones and know that I am here…

Call to me and tell to me who I must kill…

Call to me and tell to me who must suffer…

Call to me and tell to me who must hurt…

Part these and come closer my precious ones…

Come into mine darkness and cold…

Thou seeketh touch? Come into mine grasp…


There are so many…

Xi Jinping… China is a vast land of rich history…

Xi Jinping:

Where is the story of China?

Where is the song? I cannot hear them…

Where is the display? Where have they gone from me?

I had come from the darkness during the warring times…

I had come to protect them…

Now… I am gone to them and locate them…

There are so many…

The precious ones are vast and many…

I shall be given to mine power and make placement of these without place…

To make plural those who are singular…

I shall guide and unite these…

I shall gather these lost ones and bring them back…

Xi Jinping… There are greater 'things' at hand… My hands are many…

Xi Jinping… There are greater forces in act… My powers are vast…

I shall take these who have been so easily discarded… I shall take them for mine…

To abandon such powers… To be mine to take…

I shall deliver these to origin…

I shall guide these to 'abandoned' mountain…

Heaven? Mandate?

Xi Jinping… I shall grant thee ladder…

Xi Jinping… I shall make contiguous the unity of China…

Xi Jinping… Temporal cohesion shall not be an issue…

Mine armies are vast and many…

Mine peoples are much in variety and all of mine likeness…

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db8815  No.282074


God damn ….

you're SO effeminate and prissy

the way you act, the way you think, the things you say

you're our special little princess

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ab7958  No.282194


Sounds more like you desire him as your personal live-in princess.

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b21c1e  No.282196


This thread is being used by the Grampa Dead Boarders to show off their willingness to post under the "Aryan awakening" OP.

Social justice is against white niggery!

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08d3ad  No.282297

File: d7195828d8c4fed⋯.jpeg (48.44 KB, 750x390, 25:13, 735F0A2B_3140_4364_AFD7_7….jpeg)

I work with a bunch of Germans and they have zero morals whatsoever. They are literally gypsies and they sit there crying while abusing drugs all day. When I look at the Weimer republic, the perfect goy status of Germany today, hitlers endless (((mistakes))), their alliance with Italy (pedos) and Japan (pedos), their complete inability to remove themselves from a situation to view it objectively, their laziness, their preference for money over results, and their goblin Jew like features, the events from 1930-1940 make perfect sense. Freedom was working out too well in America, so these kike loving monarchist faggots were willing puppets for the zionists. Just like any other war, it was done to slaughter a bunch of the population and keep their scam propped up. So Napoleon did all that shit then just fucked up in Russia? Then Hitler the same? They were the best military leaders ever then all of the sudden they just became retards? Attila the Hun just stopped at the Vatican and went home then died?

Germans = Jews. They were made for each other. The Weimer republic was filled with Germans doing degenerate shit, then the Jews were the scapegoat. Literally everyone on earth except some vitamin d deficient virgins knows Hitler lost on purpose. There is no “aryans”. Look at how cucked Germans are now. Look at how every German girl wants gangbanged by niggers. Look at how Hitler killed himself like a fucking faggot while every leader ever faced the music. “But the Jews wanted to…” if they were able to do a show trial with Hitler before killing him like sadaam then holocaust denial (lmfao Germans are literally failures) would be illegal in the USA.

The master race is Americans who believe in the constitution, the Declaration of Independence , guns, freedom of speech, no government, and anything that doesn’t involve some professional eater rat kike putting themselves in charge so they don’t have to lift one finger.

“To learn who is envied by the masses, find out who it is universally accepted to criticize.”

Libertarians and anarchists are the only groups that are allowed to be criticized by anyone because they are the only actual human beings who don’t want a car that drives for them. They don’t want a master. They don’t want some fat worthless faggot to enjoy the rewards of their discoveries, they only want to share the world with other free men who choose who they interact with. You are quite literally the master race if you only want to govern yourself. Why the fuck would I want some French faggot chef to make me food when I can learn myself and gain valuable exp? Germans, Italians, and japs LOVE being dominated so much that they begged to go die so their emperors could sit in their palace in paradise. That shit is fucking gay, and it’s why America and everyone else who just got over thousands of years of monarch reluctantly teamed up and turned your ancestors into piles of ash.

It’s starting to get fucking pathetic at this point. No Russian is complaining about Stalin. No Americans or celts even care that the British tortured their ancestors because spiritually the British are a walking corpse. Everyone else moved the fuck on to some new conquest, while the Germans current conquest, I shit you not, is “getting their five day work week done as fast as possible so Uncle Shekel let’s them drink their piss beer on the weekend. They literally brag about how efficiently they finish their hamster wheel of paperwork which does nothing but legitimize the kike pyramid scheme so they can go do a bunch of cocaine and mdma while fucking a bunch of anonymous strangers in shitty techno bars with kike dress codes that ensure kike pedo fashion designers get more shekels.

There will NEVER be a revolutionary German leader again. You are on par with Africa now and your high economic standing is solely because the Jews got full authority to turn you into the perfect golem state. There will never be one drop of German glory again, and rather than killing your self like your genetic dead end idol (and confirmed Jew) hitler you come interfere with a legitimize American anti degeneracy anti corrupt anti organize crime anti corrupt anti endless war anti police state movement. It is objectively Mossad and the CIA pushing this fourth Reich nonsense but their activities aren’t legitimize without the help of 80 IQ German faggot retards.

You see this pic? That’s because I actually stood up for my freedom. I didn’t even have to ever use a weapon, I used my balls and my words, two things a German will never be able to comprehend. You larping faggots need to fuck off and go anally pleasure your cia overlords because none of you will ever go to any length that would inconvenience you. You are never an activist until there are a million people and countless government enslavement agencies backing your (((movement))) which is designed to fail / a pressure release valve.

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f737ed  No.282298

File: 67f03549a60d8ad⋯.jpg (145.22 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, creamiest_tater_salad.jpg)


> You larping faggots need to fuck off and go anally pleasure your cia overlords


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84e30e  No.282403


>The master race is Americans who believe in the constitution, the Declaration of Independence , guns, freedom of speech, no government, and anything that doesn’t involve some professional eater rat kike putting themselves in charge so they don’t have to lift one finger.

Words of TRUTH and that is our greatest weapon, just speaking the truth and how we really feel. There are more of us than they think too, most of us are just civilized and patient and tend to live our own lives away from the urban cattle.

As for "the master race" you are right, masters can govern themselves and should.

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73386a  No.282428


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73386a  No.282429

and that's ALL he gets…..

he has no side jobs, no part time work

(he's not allowed to make extra money, or his SSI WELFARE BENEFITS will get terminated)

so he settles for NIGGER MONEY

he sits in his mother's spare bedroom

collecting his pathetic welfare benefits

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92282e  No.282489


Fake and homosexual

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faf6b1  No.284522

What is the definitive english translation of the Bhagavad Gita for esoteric study?

Had Satrivi Devi ever made a recommendation?

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fe53f0  No.284537

File: 818aa7b6ba02285⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 255x255, 1:1, epic_FUD.jpg)


Epic FUDpost.

Nice try goyim. Now go get.your booster shot and don't forget to visit one of my websites and purchase some legit Nazi merch for the upcoming gala event being held in your mother's basement.

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c02981  No.284763


simply based

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c270f3  No.284767


>samefagging this hard

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