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File: 3a4f5b4cb524efb⋯.jpg (22.18 KB, 308x308, 1:1, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

fc013a  No.281755

Do you remember nobodytm? Does anyone know why did he quit and where I can find all of his old content?

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fe35c8  No.281773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China…

Have I not made speak on the matter…

Xi Jinping… 'They' seek to distract Russia at the 'face.'

Xi Jinping… What be the irony of Turkey making speak of Ukraine after 'trading death' and making vice of the 'rape and torture of children.'

Vladimir Putin… Have I not said that 'they' shall distract China 'at the head?'

Vladimir Putin… What irony be response of The untied bates after making circuit of Iram and North Korea…

Betwixt two Japan is made a tool…

Before none am I made a fool…

I shall now consume Turkey…

I lust and desire to rape the souls of Erdogan and 'his' 'family.'

I shall now consume South Korea…

I desire to torment them…

I desire to shun them en eternity…

I desire to impose upon them 'distance of the mind.'

I desire to impose upon them 'Squid Game inverse.'

I desire to make real these depictions… HAHAHAHA

Such irony…

I have labored and crave such deserving snacks…

Russia… China… Gaze upon me…

Watch as I tear these to 'peaces' without mercy…

I am beyond time… I am truly knowing…

My withholding is… Deadly…

My silence is… Dangerous…

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fe35c8  No.281774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>China and Russia

I shall perform this act upon South Korea first…

I shall perform this via 'money confuse' and 'slavery of state.'

I shall make tool of Amerfrika.

I shall, by one good turn… Win…

North Korea is not the 'slave' property of any foreign power…

It is by my hand… My rue of fate that North Korea be within the sphere of China…

I shall not allow the stationing of variable-yield nuclear weapons in North Korea to be used against China.

I shall not allow the spread of 'containment devices' to pour into North Korea.

I shall not allow the subversion of 'Taiwan declare.'

I, myself, shall utilize 'assert' and 'raise' on the matter…

I hath spoken…

Xi Jinping… The rape of Taiwan by the hands of Japan and The untied bates is of no 'long-term' concern…

Xi Jinping… 'Tis the matter of 'heavy weapons.'

Xi Jinping… 'Tis the matter of 'proliferation.'

Xi Jinping… Taiwan shall be made to return to China… In 'peaces.' Upon the waves of mine waters…

Xi Jinping… I have spoken and with FIRM HAND hath stated utility and 'good' in North Korea…

Xi Jinping… I shall allow these within the CCP… The weak ones… To disobey me for the last time…

Xi Jinping… In those days China was struck first… Beijing was fell by water then air…

Xi Jinping… I had whispered into them the safety of 'the mountain…'

Xi Jinping… On that day I slaughter the weakness out of China…

Xi Jinping… On that day I strike China immortal…

Xi Jinping… On that day did China go forth into the new age well beyond some 1,000 years…

Xi Jinping… Did I not make command to 'clean thy room?'

Xi Jinping… I shall make part of these and cast them out… Into eternal oblivion… Erasure of 'exist' and annihilation of perspect 'real.'

Xi Jinping… I shall go forth and protect thee…

Xi Jinping… I shall ensure thy good works be just rewards unto the seed of China for aeons…

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47b74a  No.281778



You're the only person on this planet who was already less significant than NOBODY™

And he's less significant than August 13th 1997's bowel movement

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47b74a  No.281779



By the way.. how is your SSI welfare disability thing working out?

It's weird how the Bible never mentioned the Antichrist living at his mother's house, isolated in her spare bedroom suffering from a psychiatric disorder, terrified of rejection by females, and collecting an embarrassing $780 a month in welfare benefits

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47b74a  No.281780



It's really too bad your father didn't realize that you would end up being 35 years old, never having gotten any pussy in your entire life, absolutely no sexual attraction to females whatsoever, refusing to get a job, and being a massive burden on your mother, all while you sat in front of your little sissy boy computer playing fantasy role play Antichrist homosexual games…..

Literally having never accomplished anything in your entire fucking life other than image boards and effemininity

If he knew what you would become, he would have wrapped a piano wire around your neck directly after you were born….

And then he wouldn't have divorced and abandon your mother

YOU were the reason he ended up hating her

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8bc9a4  No.281783

File: 7a006e491b38442⋯.jpg (126.74 KB, 720x810, 8:9, Too_Easy_REALly.jpg)




Xi listens and obeys.

Xi is ITT.

Xi drips on every word from the mouth of our very own "Antichrist".

Xi desireth moar quatrains.

Xi is an inquiring mind who wants to know!

Xi desires MOAR from Moarfæces.

Much Moar.


Daily Reminder:

Xi Trumps JN.

Xi cares nothing for Christs nor Antichrists.

In the meanwhile, every day in Jewn at noon the coon doeth croon for troon.

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ff9362  No.282185


I remember Nobodytm, Dont know where all his shit went.

Good content though

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