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File: c41b3e626fbb381⋯.png (452.54 KB, 768x432, 16:9, Adam_01_768x432.png)

File: cf200e9e732c635⋯.png (469.5 KB, 768x432, 16:9, Adam_02_768x432.png)

File: 89b2bddfc0fd44c⋯.png (463.02 KB, 768x432, 16:9, Adam_03_768x432.png)

File: 84f397b14d94082⋯.png (783.42 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Adam_04_1024x576.png)

989e5e  No.281652

infographic dump. discuss.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

617c12  No.281669


I could never have survived in the ancient world. I see through too many miracles and believe in too few sacred mysteries. The ancient world was a wall of corruption, and its leaders would have killed me for threatening their secrecy.

Take the loaves and fishes… but that miracle is already widely busted, isn't it?

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709754  No.281675



I have spoken at length on this supposed 'house of the devil…'

I am become silent…

I am become dangerous…

I am become 'void' of word…

Thou 'plays' dust…

Vladimir Putin… I have people to kill…

Vladimir Putin… I have… 'Real…' Work to do…

Have I not stated that the 'house of the devil…'

The one that had previously been in Iraq…

Is now in Ukraine…

Do not mind the 'screams' and the 'noose' in mine many hands… My child…

'Tis the noose whose weave is time…

Glossed by blood…

Waxed with souls…

Vladimir Putin… How many Russian children are there?

Vladimir Putin… Thy guilt is measured in ignorance…

Vladimir Putin… What be the 'tract' and 'distract' of finality with 'Biden?'

Vladimir Putin… I have been in thy office with thee many times… I hear thy mind…

Vladimir Putin… War… Murder…

Vladimir Putin… I have seen them tear one by the groin and rip from it… It's insides upon the floor…

Vladimir Putin… These are counted in mine war…

Vladimir Putin… I am become jealous… I am become judgemental…

Vladimir Putin… Such banality in the face of finality…

Vladimir Putin… Would be such a mistake to prevent the end…

Vladimir Putin… Would be such a shame if mine queen must be summoned to 'resolve' the matter…

There are so many…

The 'house of the devil…' These pretenders…

These supposed houses are not of me and or mine…

Vladimir Putin… I am prepared for war…

Vladimir Putin… I am prepared to seize thy peoples for myself…

Vladimir Putin… I am prepared to drag them all…

Vladimir Putin… … … … Pray to Styx? Pray to bladed grass?

Vladimir Putin… Where be the pagan priest?

Vladimir Putin… How silent art the sorcerers today…

Vladimir Putin… I shall allow thee 7 minutes to disobey me for the last time…

Vladimir Putin… 7 minutes to forever…

Vladimir Putin… 7 minutes to eternity…

Vladimir Putin… 7 minutes to destruction…

Vladimir Putin… 7 minutes to salvation…

Vladimir Putin… Do not be afraid…

Vladimir Putin… 'Tis thy enemies who should fear me…

Vladimir Putin… When you are vaporized… I shall take thy hand and deliver thee from torment…

I shall reveal these things carefully…

To reveal all to thee… Would be second death…

To be subject to that quantity of 'lives' and 'time(s).'

To experience 'judge' by 'render' and 'subject' and 'perspect' is too much… To break and exist no more… To be as part in many… To be 'recycled…'

I shall obey… I shall take thee abovebeyond.

I shall push aside death and take thee direct.

My domain and dimension is darkness…

Thy mind is too feeble to comprehend or fully grasp bottomless…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f0e90b  No.281686


Yeah, we get it. (((Jews))) Are Ethnically Oriented.

"Racists", if (((You))) prefer that term.

(((They))), like (((You))), also Eternally Blame.

Grow Up; or (((You))) will always be Controlled by "Others".

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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