Hi all. Sorry to disturb you if this is too edgy i guess. lol Anyway, thought I'd share this I found with y'all.
Please, give it a read.
Treatise on the Propaganda Against Pedophilia
The natural state of humanity is pedo. Sentiments against have to be enforced and reinforced constantly. People were not afraid of pedos until about the 70's when the media started pushing serial killers like Ted Bundy.
Which is the bigger crime? Allowing children to experience love or not to?
The vast majority of sexual experiences between minors and adults or younger and older minors are great experiences for both of them. Yet the media promulgates only stories of abuse in which any sort of sexuality involved however secondary is promoted to their forefront. Perhaps it is a continuation of the taming of the barbarian. To reject what is natural in order to build what is seen as modern. I argue that this causes much more harm that good just like the war on drugs. So many innocent victims of these laws sit in jails and the minor is subjected to the embarrassing perversion of therapy in order to poison their memories into believing that the experience was a negative one. That they were the victim of something. That they SHOULD be embarrassed.
Who would want to harm children? Not me. Not you. I don't think anybody would. This evil is most likely done in the name of good just as only the most evil acts can be. The evil of course, is in the actions of the perpetrators of the propaganda. The pedo on the child is as good and natural as the ladybug on the leaf. Part of a larger whole. A love and spiritual human ecosystem.
I guarantee that if you disagree with me or feel any anger upon this message that you are the victim of propaganda. You were born with a clean mind capable of making decisions and deciding what was good and bad for you. What felt right and what felt wrong. A child naturally seeks what he or she finds attractive.
Later in life we are shown scenes in film of creepy ugly men who skulk in the shadows before applying chloroform to a woman or child. Shows like Law and Order: SVU. They are exposed to the opinions of the masses whose priorities lie not in finding ultimate truth and righteousness but in fitting in and avoiding turmoil. Often those traits of group behavior lead to exactly the opposite of truth and righteousness and this is one example. Besides movies there are headlines on the news that exclaim these same things.
How is it that Law and Order: SVU is one of the longest running TV shows of all time? Is it really that enjoyable to watch? Or like The View does it conveniently for the world's rulers espouse their propaganda unto the masses? The elites have their secret pedo groups. Surely if they wanted the unenlightened plebs to engage in it they could within one year provide a campaign to change public opinion and perhaps like the passing of the Federal Reserve Act have it voted on in congress during a Christmas break.
Perhaps we are purposefully starved of this enlightenment for a reason. Same as we are starved of real foods, technologies, and medicines. Perhaps by robbing us of our sexual and spiritual enlightenment we are more easily subjugated. The elites enjoy this freedom while the gentiles stay sexually stunted. We grow malformed and our ill minds are too embarrassed to speak up.
The ban on pedophilia amounts to one of the largest yet least obvious crimes against humanity and examples of tyranny.