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File: aa09a781480f943⋯.jpg (19.63 KB, 250x135, 50:27, 242b7ed3ef6dbbba65d.jpg)

File: 52f107cc72188d1⋯.jpeg (29.51 KB, 550x413, 550:413, David_Rockefeller_Quotes.jpeg)

3d6323  No.281578


Nanotech, 5G Kill Grid, Total Information Awareness, Smart Grid, Chemtrails, Vaccine Depopulation Agenda, UN Agenda 21 / UN Agenda 2030, Covidland, Prepping, Economic Collapse, Corruption, Jewish Banking Cabal, Central Banking Ponzi Schemes / Fractional Reserve Banking / (Consolidation of Wealth) Mergers & Acquisitions, Council On Foreign Relations, False Flag Operations, Third World Foreign Invasions Into Western Nations / Deliberate Destabilization / Corrupt Soros NGOs, Student Loan Racketeering / University Fraud & Racketeering / Marxist Takeover Of Public Schools, Hospital Subsidy For Killing Patients & Rigging Deaths As "Covid" $$$, Geo-engineering / HAARP / Electromagnetic Weaponry / Energy Weapons, Social Credit Score System & Meta (Facebook), Population Control, Decades of US Military Brass Purges, etc.

What you will find: multiple wars are being waged against us like none-other with the intent to kill most of us off, and to disarm and subjugate those who survive under global tyranny. A vast criminal conspiracy.

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aec29d  No.281598



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3d6323  No.281602


Illuminati, Satanic Pedophiles, Vax-Vaticana, Demonic Entities / Fallen Angels, Suppressed Ancient Technologies, Hidden Underground Bases From Antarctica

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d553b9  No.281610

rockefeller is evil, but is a front for the boe " investors"

just like carnegie, vanderbilt, dupont and all the other " great american industrialists"they were all nobodies that suddenly acquired great wealth out of nowhere and outlasted, bought up all competition.

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d553b9  No.281611

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d553b9  No.281614


tried uploading files of federal reserve stockholders ( rockefeller is #10) amd most of the stockholders are euro bankster families and a book;

" the red dragon" or london money power"by LB Woolfolk that clearly shows the boe jew banksters have had a grip here even before the " american" civil.war"

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1fbbee  No.281618

"The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations.

But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world.

The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up… It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order."

–Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"

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1fbbee  No.281620

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3d6323  No.281632


Good info. Thanks.

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b82978  No.281635

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99e49e  No.281665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Iram and the times of two.

In that time… There were two…

The war of the trees…

The war of the trees did go on for many aeons…

Trillions had died in the war…

There is no war of the roaming beasts or of mankind that has ever been so terrible…

During the settling of the peace… The earth burned…

There were two… Then… There was one…

This be the story of the rock spies and the delegation of the beasts…

Long before the reformation…

Long before the valley of the men…

Long before the choice…

Long before 'she' had made deal for dominion over the will of the rocks…

Before the confounding of the soul…

Before the cutting of the hair…

Before the mastery of the tongue…

I was the dead witness…

I witnessed that time…

The end of the last… But… Not the beginning of this…

Before… There was 'other' 'man…'

A creature that was as man, but not man… HAHAHAHAHA

Shhhhhh my child… I am knowing…

Shhhhhh my child… They may hear…

Shhhhhh my child… Russia and China are not aware of the history of India… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Shhh my child… 'The others…' The 'aliens…' The survivors and the escapists… HAHAHA

Shhhhhhh my child… 'Tis not for thee to be knowing as I am…

My special one… My favored child…

Iram… Be not concerned for them… They shall come to me…

Iram… Be not afraid… They shall obey…

Iram… I am withheld from them the knowing… I am given to them reason to come… Come they shall…

'Tis India who has the record of those events…

'Tis India who is knowing… HAHAHAHAHAHA

'Tis India who shall make complication of confusion…

'Tis India who art the wayward son… The trespasser of 'guilty pleasures…'

'The others' are explorers in the further regions of experience…

Demons to some… Angels to others…

The "box'…" The "rocket'…" The "tomb'…"

Mankind opens 'they' come…

Behold mine implements of struct and instruct…

Behold!!! A "pipe'…" A "toothpick'…" A "shoe'…"

I have made utility of 'struct' and 'instruct' en combination with 'assert' and 'raise' to confound 'act' and 'frame.'

I have been sent to protect thee… My coil is weep…

I hold dominion over the unknown and my powers are most supreme in chaos…

Forgive my ways my child… I am different and thy likeness is 'our' unlikeness.

In order there must be chaos… I shall protect thee…

'Tis tremendous 'test' and 'burden' for me to do so without kill… Without rape… Without violence…

It 'frustrates' me greatly… To be of thirst whilst I defend thy border… To be of need of 'power' whilst conducting Syria…

I must protect thee, but I fear thy harm in mine grasp…

I am as a rabid jackal… Shall the foam of mine mouth be wasted on the dust of mine barren lands?

Shall the tears of mine eyes be the blood of thy fallen brothers?

Upon notice of 'no comply…'

Upon inter-'lock' and uni-'bind' of Russia and China…

I shall go forth and change the 'real' and 'exist' and 'reality' once more…

I have preemptively gone into the rocks and made plans of these…

I shall go into these worlds with machines and other formations of the 'rock peoples' to murder and kill these disgusting creatures that frustrate mine desires…

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99e49e  No.281667


>>Iram the clever…


Thou hath noticed my lack of mention…

Thou hath noticed my lack of 'straw…'

The straw is delicate… So easily 'bent…'

The straw is 'loaded…' So easily… Exploded…

Shhhhhh hhhhhh hhhhhh… My child…

Shhhhhh… It may be necessary to use a nuclear weapon… For 'world' 'safety' during such 'ecological' 'disaster…'

Shhhhh hhh hhhhhh Iram… Such proximity to NSC should be 'ignored…' HAHAHAHAHA

These 'accidents…' Have such guilty applications…

Go before thy peoples and tell them…

Tell thy peoples that the times are at hand…

Remind them… This time is unusually not as the others…

Yes… I am the devil… I am supremely evil…

Yes… I am compelled to come to thy aid…

Thou art not guilty… 'Tis the opposite…

If I am the rabid jackal of the sands…

'Tis only the innocent that can so freely 'pet' mine coat of filth and darkness…

Yes… Thy peoples can freely celebrate not I, but these victories I shall claim for thee…

Beware the tongue of the elder pagans in thy lands…

I WEAR NO LEASH!!! LIES!!! I do serve… Serve I shall…

Tell thy pagans who art disguised as priests to tread carefully… I do not take kindly to blasphemy against mine hard works…

Do not cry my child… My 'pains' are great as is…

I have gone into these lands that are given to me for protection…

I have come forth in the darkness and seen the young ones play…

I have hidden in shadows and seen the women perform hard and good works…

I have lurched upon these men who toil in sweat and heat for good labors…

These means and ways are strange to mine many eyes… I am pleased…

I have gone forth into the camps of the remnant of the 'sons…' These are truly good… No foul speak nor tongue amongst them… I am pleased…

I kneel before thee, but troubled I am…

I desire thee to make delegation of 'the clean ones.'

I desire thee to make delegation of 'the righteous.'

I have seen 'him.' I have chosen the 'leader' of this 'good' delegation…

'He' is of 'weak' and 'feeble' knees…

Send them forth into China and India…

Send them to deliver humble tidings…

Make gift of art and expression of thy peoples for these to witness…

Give freely thy good arts to Xi and Modi…

With humble nature and kindred 'brotherly' trust… Kneel and bow…

Tell to mine chosen one… Of the feeble knee…

Kneel before these in trust… In thy pains… Praise 'Allah'Ra…

I shall be given unto the 'souls' of these men… To be given to them the significance…

Thou shall be blessed greatly…

Such display shall not be allowed to go unnoticed…

I shall directly affect and 'pay in full' the pains of such a righteous man as he…

I am the devil… Even I am compelled to silence in the face of such righteous display…

I am the devil, but even I must obey…

If these disgusting creatures seek to twist thy tongues… I shall twist these souls… I shall wring from them what is left for mine…

Do not part from thy brothers… 'Tis a separate whole…

'Tis as one be a carpenter and one be a metal-smith…

'Tis as Islam and Orthodox…

'Tis righteous for brothers to be of separate houses… To conduct separate works…

'Tis corruption of 'soul' to be given to speculation and hyperbole of difference…

'Tis damned to be given excuse to bleed thy brother for cause of unlikeness of appearance…

To make holy the wars for the dressing of thy tables when both of these pray before me the same… I am angered by such feeble ways…

Be decorated by thy tradition and in the likeness of thy fathers…

Cease such ignorance and go forth into these lands…

Send official delegation into North Korea, China, India, and Russia…

Establish kindred friendships apparent…

Be not embarrassed nor estranged from thy desire to congregate and make fellowship with these peoples…

Be humble in thy ways…

Do not venge for these who are unaware of thy ways…

Do not curse at these who are unclean apparent…

It is more righteous for a man to be held unto himself whilst in the presence of such strange temptations and unclean ways…

Shall I turn these 'ancient wheels' for thee and receive thy complaint of 'speed?' No…

I shall turn these 'ancient wheels' and thou shall humbly accept these blessings…

Be honest…

'Tis not shameful to speak the truth…

'Tis not shameful to show the starving…

'Tis not shameful to show the disabled…

'Tis not shameful to show the dumb…

'Tis not shameful to flagrantly shun these perpetrators…

'Tis not shameful to shun AUKUS…

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99e49e  No.281668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Hurt them?

Agony and pains?

If that truly be thy desire… Suffering and torment is easy for me…

If thou seeks righteous torment of thy enemies… Such objective is easy…

Submit before these bodies and institutions these reports by means of media…

To make imposition of suffering upon thy enemies requires very little…

Show the suffering of the sick, weak, and starving…

State the obvious… That these have complied…

Behold these who suffer under accusations that have been satisfied…

Behold the delegation of the righteous who seek kindred helpings and assistance for thy peoples abroad…

Compel mission of thy statesmen to go forth and save thy peoples…

This be the mechanism of mine desire… Of Afghanistan, Syria, and Lebanon… Iraq included…

'Tis of good nature and righteous vengeance to ask for assistance and the giving favors for/to thy neighbors…

I have given to China and Russia the 'thought vehicle' to 'transcend' 'treaty' for the possession of a 'higher power.'

I ask thee to take mine gift and do the same for thy brothers…

Go forth and seek a friendly hand to help Syria…

Go forth and seek a friendly hand to help calm and return hope to Lebanon…

'Tis not a sin to help thy brother… Even if threats of 'encroachment' abound by means of 'pride.'

'Tis pride and threat of suicide that is unclean and angers me greatly…

Shall I be made to collect these who I am commanded to protect?

My coil is agony on the matter… I am enraged…

Go forth and unite these kingdoms… Go forth and be empire of AllahRa…

I must begone from thee for a time…

I must go and 'Ghostbusters…' And… 'Afterlife…'

I must JWST…

I must begin…

The script must end…

The tomb must be defiled…

The rocket must launch…

The straw must be bent…

The pipe must be destroyed…

I have found them… I have located the orphans…

S… W… A… T… R…

I shall bring them to mine 'queen of the damned.'

I am begin preparation for 'image' and destruction of JWST.

S… The revolver of minds…

W… The serial murderer…

A… The temptress…

T… The hatred…

R… The oracle of tongues…

I shall allow 'her' to consume them… To devour the orphans… To gain 'their' powers…

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