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505632  No.281569

The Final Global Currency Reset Outcome With New System Is Here

Full article, source: https://illusioncyber.wordpress.com

The final result of the global financial system battle is up to the players and each nations.

But in this article I will provide and give you a fair sample global financial system.

The new global financial system structure will have 2 currency types:

1. International Currency backed by physical silver, gold.

2. Domestic Currency backed by small local regions/states and their people.

There could be 2 new big international organizations that will represent each new currency type and become the referee of the new economy game.

– International Currency here mean the currency trade between official nations like USA, China, India, Russia, Japan, etc.

– Backed by physical silver, gold mean people will buy/sell with each other in silver/gold metric across border for physical items. So there won’t be any currency exchange rate between nation that using paper backed silver/gold.

Full article, source: https://illusioncyber.wordpress.com

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