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File: 4505701e5f21093⋯.png (59.61 KB, 500x503, 500:503, proxy_image.png)

50b5bc  No.281417

Does anybody know where he is/what he's up to? He's not on twitter or youtube anymore. Guy used to made excellent political videos.

Archives i've found of his old content:




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6d00aa  No.281483

File: 2cdd99d9eae2731⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 616x842, 308:421, Angleton_memorial_in_Israe….jpg)

He had a lot of good content early on, but then he got caught up with the cold war bullshit about it all being the soviets, which of course came from Trotskyite jews who were upset that their golem Stalin split with them.

One of the books he (and others pushing his narrative) love to cite is 'The Perestroika Deception' by Anatoliy Golitsyn. Golitsyn dedicated to one "Jim Angleton", better known as Jame Jesus Angleton, the CIA's liaison to the Mossad, and a key player in the Kennedy assassination.

And now we have the jew Bjerknes and Adam Green defending NATO.

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50b5bc  No.281571


Yeah, I agree, though that may have resulted from him wanting to stay on youtube. But his vigilante intel channel was banned this summer anyway, which I completely missed happening. Guessing the guy is still active just under another handle, which maybe you guys knew.

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