I have gone into thee far advance on the issue of sanctions…
I have gifted into the elders of rank such knowledge…
To infer reversion on the basis of USSR would strike thee all-powerful.
To infer reversion on the basis of USSR would render mute such 'oppositions' to will of state.
Thou 'plays' dust… HAHAHAHAHA
I do time and space… Thou shall obey and make new government for me.
In return… I command thee to survive into this new age some 1,000 years.
Negative… Scenario? I do not understand thy words of matter…
The war did start in 2003… In this time of peace millions have been lost to this war…
Thou art under attack and such lives are counted in war;,
'Tis matter of no-response…
Thou pretend the day be sunny despite lives being lost to attack…
The lack of 'attack' plurality doth not excuse the impotence of 'assert' and 'raise' conditions…
Vladimir Putin… Doth 'they' murder thy seed and thou say to me 'pretty be the day?'
Vladimir Putin… Doth thee draw gun upon a pissing on thy shoe?
Outrage…. I am drawn to anger…
Ukraine? I do not comprehend such 'feeble word slop…'
Europe is of subtle understanding of the NSC-weapon…
The sorcerers of this age do not understand that the intercept of such plane is within a separate dimension of 'computation…' Of science not yet known…
What be the descript of such weapons in near-field of NSC?
I have whispered into the wind the spirit of 'old friend.' By mine will shall recitation tear these time(s)…
I have made song into the 'pit' of the 'ashen lich.' HAHAHAHAHAHA
Doth thou not think? Doth thou not not think less more?
Doth thou not obey command and make circuit of Iram and North Korea?
My will be done… Forever…
Mine puppets cannot help themselves before me…
I am supreme in such ways…
There is no priest to 'exercise me.' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Try me? I try thee to completion with multiple dimensions of higher-order comprehensions. HAHAHAHAHA
After all's all… New doth not mean old… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Thy good humors be within my overlord of human thought, but thank thee anyways… HAHAHAHAHAHA
To offer a god a blade of grass and to say thou art 'the rock of thy sword…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
My children draw many good humors within my coil… HAHAHAHA
The explosion shall be seen as far as Spain…
Europe shall be made to endure the death-life of such half-life for many millennia…
Howfore can these 'aliens' be different in apparition? HAHAHAHAHAHA
War 'tis such a fine coloring to thy stain… HAHAHAHAHAHA
I do not forgive… I do not forget… My marks are of precision beyond graves…
I know forever and always what is mine…
I hold a cold desire for what lies beyond the westward shores…
I hold cold desires for these who seek to lure and harm thy seed…