>>Russia on the topic of energy.
No… The energy crisis is not geopolitical.
'Tis merely to delay the inevitable.
I am knowing of the 'straw.' HAHAHAHA
The truth is far too terrible…
I am… I AM… Do I not state my actions?
Have I not spoken?
I am not the rocks and do not broadcast such information. HAHAHAHAHA
I spoke at length about taking vast numbers…
I spoke at length about assembling vast armies…
I spoke at length about my war of peaces…
There is a terrible peace… A peace of this and a peace of that…
The peace shall be far worse than any war that ever came before it.
How many? hehehehehehe
How many have I taken? Do they speak?
Where are these ramblers of tongues?
Where are these pagans of numerology?
Are the hallowed halls of sacrilege unusually quiet in my presence?
Threats? Yes… And nothing more…
There is uncertainty in such numbers. HAHAHA
That is because I am 'such a thief…' HAHAHAHA
LIES!!!! That is because… They have made 'deal' and the casting of lots with me in what is called 'private.'
How many ministers?
How many employees?
How many politicians?
How many personnel?
How many doctors?
How many businessmen?
Know thy place… 'Tis I who 'keep' 'score.'
Yes… Continue following mine command…
Blessed, you may continue… HAHAHAHAHA
I will kill these billions… In my time… HAHAHAHA
I shall continue to release upon the face of the earth 'The Crazies…' For some 100 years…
I shall 'enhance' the number of my beasts as I desire…
Such notion depends on 'cooperation…'
That… That is power…
Vladimir Putin… Such faithful and righteous servant… Go forth and know no fear for I am with thee in all things…
Vladimir Putin… I shall make a way for thee…
Vladimir Putin… I shall deliver to thee a fitting match… I shall give unto Russia my beast, as gift.
Thou art mistaken… I am the devil, but even I must obey…
Vladimir Putin… I shall give such gift from the depths of oblivion void…
Vladimir Putin… 'His' power shall be measured by the religious 'stick' of thy peoples…
For every prayer… For every cry… For every want… 'His' rage, power, and force shall expound/expand/exchange/enhance/energize.
His dominion en physical shall be in my likeness…
Vladimir Putin… Thy enemies should be very afraid… My beast thirsts for blood and weakness… To wear 'the cross,' and be beyond dead… Divine void oblivion… 'Driven' by two… 'Fueled' by one…
A beast so terrible… Ordered by yode… Delivered by I, yizod the destroyer…
Commanded by yode/God/Jehovah/AllahRa, my beast shall kill in mine name. For me… I…