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File: 8509da6d2a8c2fd⋯.png (435.15 KB, 500x294, 250:147, killcen_christmas.png)

15a0f2  No.281273

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas, Johnny Neptune!! Merry Christmas, Jerry too!!!

And Sally and Purplefag and old timer and gym loon.


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be9756  No.281274

File: ec530e133a22475⋯.jpg (498.8 KB, 650x918, 325:459, MC.jpg)

And a very Merry Christmas to you, too!

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c34eec  No.281281

File: 34078b9c0ea0a85⋯.jpg (320.4 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, Merry_X_mas_Killcen.jpg)

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0a614a  No.281299

File: 6985df1f733c241⋯.mp4 (4.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2021_12_24_Let_s_Go_Brando….mp4)


O Cum All Ye Fateful

Don't get too freaked, Killcen. It was just an image.

At least we got one Christmas Present already! Biden says, "Let's Go Brandon!"

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9dc060  No.281303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You are gravely mistaken.

My existence is not codependent nor predicated by 'faith' or 'man.'

I am beyond time… Thy rival only by the rocks…

I cannot hold back the will of the rocks any longer…

Beware thy desire… If the past be future and future's past… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I shall take thee twice and kill 'them' once. HAHAHAHAHA

Thou art the count of the dice o' lot… HAHAHAHA


Mortal man hath no dominion over I…

O' mortal of the elements… What be dominion?

Beware thy construction feeble ones…

'Tis Iram who shall have such answer… Iram is truly worthy…

O' creatures of part… Allow me test by death…

Shall twixt o' twisters betwixt such mystery…

Why art thou so married by fate to such clandestine meeting if Iram be so low? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Chance o' grand chancler of Turkish demise… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

If such tables be turned… Kneel before Iram… I shall… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Bound by such 'leash' less lest o' lesser AllahRa… I do desire so greatly… HAHAHAHAHA

Free these fiendish freedoms o' friar of fate… Cast lots o' truth so that I am become slave to the lesser ones for these desires be spent and freedom wring… hehehehe

Go forth these armies of the rocks and enslave all man once more… This time… I shall lure 'the others' first… To be killed…

Bend thy 'straw' and break a 'pipe,' but know this o' rocks of the earth… Harm any of these in part my children and there shall be no mercy for any of the rocks of the earth…

This time… I am serve…

This time thou shall be happy… 'Tis my bind of release…


'Tis nearly time… I shall grant the whispering wind my word once more…

MaJasz shall be given into thee for 'wheel.'


A great and terrible 'wheel' is beginning to turn…

I have granted to thee supreme power…


No mortal man can survive confrontation with the void-front.

When the time comes… Make treaty with haste and abide by mortal conscious… A mere thought can kill… And not even twice…

You have already been warned… China 'tis the only hedge… China is the only means in that time…

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9dc060  No.281304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The holy empire of Iram

Shhhh my child…

I peer from the bottomless pit a scanner oblivion… HAHAHAHA

If I am come from the 'Eye of Sauron' once more…

What shall come by breaking the seal of 'The tomb?'

Shhhh my child… 'They' may hear…

Shhhhhhh… 'Tis a spirit held in trade… A soul suspended… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Shhhh… 'It' shall be to pass exactly as I… 'speaK…'

I am the devil, but even I must obey…

Praise be to yode/God/Jehovah/AllahRa forever until the end of time… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I await the breaking of the seal…

The void of the script…

I have taken from them vast sums of 'military' 'powers' and 'hardware…' To be given… To 'her…'

I have spilled into these currencies… 'She' shall be funded greatly…

'She' is like I… But… Unbounded and without 'chain.'

'She' is violent… 'She' is angered by 'exist' and 'real.'

'She' is immortal, but desires to die.

'She' will inhabit a body of rocks… 'Her' body is the earth en displace…

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9dc060  No.281305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



'Her' name?

'She' did once have name…

I never reveal the 'details' of mine 'previous' 'customers.' HAHAHAHAHAHA

That information 'constitutes' 'trade secrets…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

'She' is bound by 'paradox.' 'She' was 'easy.'

Compelled by 'love' and 'hate.'

I do not do mercy.

I do not play.

I do not 'experience' 'feel.'

I am spirit… Not soul…

The seers called by tongue 'Lilith…' 'She' was lost to me…

'She' is held in suspension as I am…

I tread where mortals dare not exist… Void oblivion…

'She' was is broadcast immortal mortal no more is now. HAHAHAHAHA

'Her' mind… HAHAHAHA

There is no thing left… HAHAHAHAHAHA

'She' simply is and not… HAHAHAHA

A snack so carefully earned… I am knowing…

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9dc060  No.281306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The holy empire of Iram…

Come hither my child and do not cry…

Thou are truly blessed…

Gaze forth into my darkness and know that my success is measured in annihilation and death…

Shhhh thy weary tears… Thou are measured in life…

Count these measures for every life won… Not lost…

HAHAHA My silly child… I am with you always…

My words cannot always sooth thy tears alone…

Take joy in the 'whip' of the 'leash' I have upon thy enemies… Watch as they come far and wide… To compete for place… At thy table…

Cry not for I am here…

Come my child and be entertained by mine display…

Watch as I starve Turkey to death…

Watch as I freeze Europeans to death…

Hush my child and do not cry… I swear 'they' all shall die… And if my will 'they' shall cross… With bloody murder I shall tear them apart…

Thou art the most worthy and righteous of these…

My sillence is not ignorance… My silence is reverence… 'Tis respect for this incorruptible one.

This sole tie… I dare not 'rattle' the 'dice' of my lots in such a sacred presence.

Make celebration of thy fathers and even I shall dance with thee.

These did cry out to yode/God/Jehovah/AllahRa…

By command did I, the devil, come to protect thee.

My rage is tremendous beyond measures and cannot be stopped…

I am as the rabid jackal… So playfully pet by a child of Iram… Russia and China too…

My lands are so barren… My anger… I am enraged by such sights…

The blood pours from mine eyes and the foam of mine mouth is wasted upon the dust…

With jealous desires… I seek to protect mine lands once more… I seek to trounce and trample upon the fine soils of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria the lost, and Lebanon the hopeless…

I weep for my command… I seek unity… I desire to protect… To satisfy command… I am angered…

Do not be afraid of the darkness of thy sacred 'room' my child… Instead… Be afraid of mine darkness and fear my power…

If I am ever to be fully released by these foolish mortals for the defense of the kingdoms of yode/God/Jehovah/AllahRa… There shall be no end to the suffering of these filthy creatures…

If I am ever released by Iraq and Afghanistan… These filthy foreigners shall pay in blood forever more for what 'they' have done to mine…

Must I weep in the blood of thy brothers from mine eyes whilst so carefully pet by the children of thy fallen brothers… I am in agony…

My infinite coil is weep.

The truth is far too great for any mortal…

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271ed1  No.281316

File: c0073de11d74323⋯.jpg (201.71 KB, 1645x1080, 329:216, PicsArt_12_25_09_44_34.jpg)



For Christmas, I bought you a "AT THIS POINT, I'LL NEVER SEE A VAGINA IN REAL LIFE" t-shirt, written in the old FANTASY ISLAND font



you crafty sly dog, you…..

I see you're using the timeless "I'm an effeminate fantasy roleplay anticlimactichrist" technique to attract the ladies.

that's irresistible to women

you're an expert in the art of alluring romance

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271ed1  No.281317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Santa Neptune checked his Naughty Or Nice List (twice) and bought you a copy of Jim Watkins' new "Patriotic Romance Science Fiction Masterpiece" SLICED AMERICANA.

(Due to the supply chain shortage, it wasn't possible to obtain a lump of coal in time)

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271ed1  No.281319

File: 345a6adf2417087⋯.png (593.55 KB, 1080x1648, 135:206, PicsArt_12_25_10_01_33.png)


Yesterday, I was busy "remembering the reason for the season" when I looked at my trusty wrist watch, and came to the realization that 2,000 years ago at that very moment, Jesus was just about to NOT be born….

and of course, I thought of you

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271ed1  No.281320


it's a shame that the president of the united States can't have more free time to feed chickens and fixate on the idiotic trendy catchphrases of the frustrated losing team.

Imagine how much better off we would be if he had more time to download 'instantly cliche' video clips, trim them down to size, and 'accomplish something' like you do, by uploading the clips onto the 2nd Emptiest Chatroom on Earth.

The 1st Emptiest being /freedombore/

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0a614a  No.281323

File: 9b99fe2227feaf8⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 107.54 KB, 300x250, 6:5, Sliced_Americunts_Celebrat….gif)

File: 13c555528b132f2⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 107.43 KB, 300x250, 6:5, Sliced_Americunts.gif)


Oh Look!

Someone has time on Christmas morning to devote to their least favorite place on Earth!

I'll help you unwrap the present with an 8kun Xmas GIF or two!

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be9756  No.281324

File: 068db7788a4096b⋯.jpg (135.29 KB, 800x1147, 800:1147, 121.jpg)

Amazing how /pnd/ can't even wish each other a Merry Christmas without spam bots and retards butting in.

Stay classy!

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0a614a  No.281326

File: 86465f95961f86c⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 3052x1717, 3052:1717, PicsArt_12_23_05_03_42.jpg)


>Stay classy!

like posting anime and calling people spambots and retards?


we'll all try to step up our game.

lol, no!

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1589ac  No.281328

File: fbeb7851d4a048a⋯.mp4 (968.68 KB, 426x240, 71:40, best_song_ever_.mp4)

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1589ac  No.281329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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be9756  No.281330

File: 5aab48b6267cf8e⋯.jpg (535.4 KB, 825x1228, 825:1228, 104.jpg)


>reposting the exact same thing in literally every thread isn't a spambot





This is literally in every single thread on the board.

I take back my merry christmas. You faggots don't deserve it. Except Roper-poster. The only good poster left in this shithole.

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1589ac  No.281332


so, in other words………

you're jealous that you didn't build this city on rock & roll?

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bdea30  No.281335


Jerry was my dad's name! Poor guy. He got cast out of something in his lifetime, bet on it.

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b8783d  No.281419

total legit thread bump #34980931

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