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File: 6af761070f56b46⋯.jpg (346.63 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, exodus_to_florida.jpg)

16d7a4  No.281270

American Migration Wave Continues To Pound Florida

The pandemic-led trend of people moving to Florida in 2020 has continued into 2021 as former residents of large, metropolitan areas seek more comfortable living in the Sunshine State.

"I'm one who told myself when I was younger, 'I am never moving to Florida. That's where people go to die,'" Paula Miller told Fox News Digital. "But I've changed my mind, and it really didn't have so much to do with the weather."

Miller used to live in Evanston, Illinois — just 12 miles north of Downtown Chicago.

"The taxes I was paying in Cook County … were getting really insane. My property tax went up $1,000 in one year. And I realized that that trend was going to continue," she explained, adding later that she is paying less for a three-bedroom condo in Florida than a two-bedroom condo in Evanston.

Miller is also happier with the politics in her new Florida town. In Evanston, a majority of the city council voted in June 2020 to strip funding from the Chicago suburb's police department. The city council also voted in favor of paying reparations to Black residents in March 2021, becoming the first US town to do so.

Former Chicago resident Lauren Callahan said something similar. Callahan was robbed in Chicago in October 2019 and became increasingly concerned that the city was not the right place to raise a family in the future.

"Our plan was to reassess in the summer of 2022 where we wanted to go," Callahan said, "but with COVID and city life in general … we decided to come to Florida in November."

The top driving forces behind Callahan's move were Chicago's COVID-19 protocols, which kept her and her fiancé inside a "small, one-bedroom" apartment for a long period of time as city businesses and restaurants shut down, as well as "out of control" crime.

"It was creeping up into the North Side, which is where we lived. … You know, it's a city, so everywhere has its issues, but it's typically one of the safer areas. Carjackings, robberies — just to the point where I didn't feel safe alone outside if it was dark out," she said. "It just isn't a good way to live."

The majority of respondents in a Dec. 9 survey from Move.org, a moving assistance company, of 1,000 U.S. residents who moved in 2021 said they went to Florida. Nearly half of overall respondents said they moved in 2021 for affordability reasons, while 43% said they moved to experience a better culture, and nearly 40% said they moved for political reasons.

Warren Cohn, the owner of a New York City-based digital advertising business, recently moved to Miami from Bergen County, New Jersey — just across the river from Manhattan. He moved to Florida to avoid the high taxes of New Jersey and New York and embrace outdoor living.

"It's an opportunity to live outside, as well as get some tax benefits," he said. "And also, it's a state that has …various freedoms. … I think that the governor has done a good job here allowing people to decide what's comfortable or not for themselves."

Florida's Office of Economic and Demographics Research (EDR) predicts that between April 1, 2021 and April 1, 2026, the state's population will grow by an average 309,867 net new residents per year, or 849 new residents per day, which is "analogous to adding a city about the size of Orlando every year," according to a Dec. 16 report.

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62bd9e  No.281290

Certainly Jewish DeSantis will take good care of them.

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62bd9e  No.281291

Surely it is not a trap\honeypot to draw 8n certain people. Concentrating them in one area… Pfft. Conspiracy!

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e74f32  No.281318


" live outside"

lived here 25 years because these same yankee slave cattle destroyed the cheasapeake bay with all the same bs

they use up, destroy, poison, import invasive hordes, push faggotry, drug use and all other degeneracy, then; when its time to reap what theyve sown they abandon their homes and communities they destroyed and begin their same shit.

yankee slave cattle are tools of the jew and if you welcome, tolerate or accept these vermin into your lands it will cost you and your children

they truly are slave cattle, a big stupid herd that has never had an original thought and all they do is break and shit on everything.

brevard county had 400 manatee killed by boatstrike last year.

thats what stupid yankee slave cattle bring; death and destruction, just like their jew masters have programmed

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4a1128  No.281338

Sometimes I wonder if we need internal migration subsidies just to accelerate trends and get some clarity in politics.

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4a1128  No.281339


Ihroun-post, check my ID. :)

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4a1128  No.281340


P.S. Antinatalism is a good idea and population stabilization is important! We should be trying to create a sustainable economy!

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65c05a  No.281492


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65c05a  No.281497


You won't be safe from the mindless hoards unless you live rural and own some private property to separate yourself from them. That should be on every prepper's mind today.

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4a1128  No.281503


I'm glad "the silent majority" isn't a real thing. People who believe in it have been going to Florida to die for decades now.

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986a18  No.281506


Moving to Florida wasn't always about politics like it is today, it was more for being near public beaches, loose girls, lots of partying, boat cruises, fishing, living under the sun, etc.

Until covid came around. Once States started lockdowns, quarantines, mask mandates, vaccine passports, etc. this drove so many freedom-loving Americans out of those draconian States and into States like Texas and Florida which don't enforce those kinds of hostile policies against citizens.

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986a18  No.281508

The balkanization of USSA Today continues, another great read from a to-be-former city dweller: https://amgreatness.com/2021/12/27/you-bastards/

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4dc4fc  No.281514


Rahm Emmanuel signed a bill into law that raises Cook county property taxes 1%/year for thirty years. No shit the property taxes went up. With Beetlejuice as mayor and the (((fat))) guvner with the nightmarish (((tranny brother))), Illinois is in the 5th circle of Hell.

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986a18  No.281516


I just read a report on Zerohedge about people moving out of Illinois in droves this year, and it's only going to accelerate. My question is this all planned by design? Do they want so many people leaving these States, and if so, why exactly? To what benefit? To sell off chunks of land and properties to foreigners?

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