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File: 465c924150113e3⋯.jpg (18.96 KB, 300x300, 1:1, covidland.jpg)

029d60  No.281201

So the second film of the documentary series called "COVIDLAND" is supposed to be out by now, for a while you could find the first film posted on tons of sites including on p2p and torrents free for download (the documentary was made to be free for download, as the film makers intended it be). Banned.video has the whole first film posted for free. However, it's next to impossible to find the second film in this series. Lots of P2P & torrent sites seem to have blocked "covidland" from the search results completely! Bitchute and Brandnewtube both have the second film but it's really poor quality (only 480p). What the fuck is going on? Looks like (((they))) are doing their best to completely scrub this documentary series from the web! Yes, even on most alternative platforms this documentary series is being completely SCRUBBED from search results if not the videos too. There is something (((they))) clearly DO NOT want coming out!

>inb4 complaints, haters, pharma shills, communists/fascists/bootlickers

Don't care. Anyone of value here know something about this?

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5c72a5  No.281203

File: a4e24bd7d6b7af3⋯.jpg (145 KB, 800x450, 16:9, JKI_COVID_Claus.jpg)


Calm down.

Thanks for drawing attention to it though.

I'll be uploading Parts 1 & 2 to Odysee within an hour or so…

It's actually Part 1 that is harder to find in 720p, but easy to find in 480p.

Part 2 is not impossible to find or download, even in 720p.

I just went to https://banned.video, looked it up and used `yt-dlp` to download it.

It works great on streaming videos, whereas `youtube-dl`… not so much.

I'll post links in here later…

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5c72a5  No.281204


Oops. I guess I lied. I got Part 1 at banned.video. Part 2 I downloaded in 720p from Rumble. Both will be posted on Odysee shortly…

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5c72a5  No.281206



It's also on ugetube, but have not checked for quality, since I already have it in 720p. Uploading soon…

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5c72a5  No.281209

File: c0cb5832ce51aaf⋯.png (528.04 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2021_12_22_COVIDLAND_Part_….png)


Did I mention that Part 2 is on brandnewtube too? It is.

Here's Part 1 for now:

"COVIDLAND" — Part 1 'The Lockdown' | aired 2021-09-20 on Infowars


A look at the fraud behind the official Covid numbers and the repercussions of lockdowns.

This release from Infowars is the first in what I believe is a 5 Part Series.

‘COVIDLAND’ Part 1 is a movie made by award-winning filmmaker Paul Wittenberger and narrated by Alex Jones.

Purchase at: https://www.infowarsstore.com/covidland-dvd-episode-1



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5c72a5  No.281210

File: 2877e7a31f060a5⋯.png (530.22 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2021_12_22_COVIDLAND_Part_….png)



Part 2

"COVIDLAND" — Part 2 'The Mask' | Published 2021-12-19 by Infowars


⁣This Second Episode of the Covidland series, 'The Mask', uncovers the real science behind face coverings and explores the physical and mental health impacts of facemasks.

Alex Jones Narrates.

Purchase at: https://www.infowarsstore.com/covidland-dvd-the-mask-episode-two



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4214de  No.281236



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cd6c60  No.281242




Thanks Jerry. It will take me a while to dl with this slow ass satellite internet connection but still, very worth it!

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c5d42b  No.281267

File: b6265a364387904⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 366x438, 61:73, Teacher_s_Unions.jpg)


2022 will seem pretty awful, but will seem pretty great compared to 2023. Shit won't even begin to improve before 2024. Welcome to 'The Great Reset'.

I'm beginning to think that the chances of most people throwing off their shackles is pretty miniscule. Many seem perfectly satisfied with Slavery, Enforced Conformity & Totalitarianism. And most seem perfectly happy to sell their children into Slavery too.

Taking a stand against the Mask is a concrete example of something ALL of us can do to stand up against this Insanity and Enforced Conformity that is NOT based on Science. Fuck the Conformist Karens and their Panic Porn!Just Say NO!

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69eade  No.281269


In my area, of-course I'm no city dweller, but there were no lockdowns. Less than half the people I see when going out to a hardware store, or flea market, or even to the grocery stores wear a mask. I'd say about 1/4th of them still do (those are the types that will always wear them from now on). Don't know about vaccine conformity but very few in my family got it, except for my brother, but he's afraid of covid because of his health issues and the fact he's getting old too. I do know someone who will not take it, even if they have to retire early. Half my friends caved due to peer pressure (one of them died after getting the clot shot, fucking bitch wife scolded him into taking it), the half of them don't want to or simply won't. It's a jungle out here but that's about the best it's going to get from here on. Stay strong and just keep flipping them the finger. Be ready for the worst too.

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69eade  No.281271


Thanks again, finally got it downloaded. Just one issue, WMP can't seem to play this mp4 file, how is this encoded exactly? Just wondering if this isn't those newer H.265/HEVC encoded mp4 files. (Yes I still use my reverse engineered old Windows OS from the early 2000s it won't be able to play newer encoded formats). No worries, I'll still likely get to rip it onto a DVD, just have to transfer it from this system to an offline system I use for converting/ripping.

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c5d42b  No.281272

File: 37e7b485ab6d4c9⋯.jpg (52.28 KB, 736x512, 23:16, download_20190801_174551.jpg)


I dunno. Don't remember. Use `Handbrake` to put it in any format and size you want. WMP is, well, garbage. Why you're not using VLC is beyond me. Is it not available on Windoze? And Windoze, WHY? There is no amount of reverse-engineering to make it "WORTH IT". Just buy a USB flashdrive with like 130 to 150 MB/sec of read and write speeds and slap MX Linux 21 on it. It's based on Debian Bullseye. You can run it as a Live USB with Persistence, on any machine. Of course, if you're still stuck in a 32 bit world you could use AntiX on a USB too. A whole computer and all your files on a tiny thumbdrive! It just uses the hardware of whatever computer you plug it into and it doesn't fuck with the installed Operating System, unless you want to; and it has plenty of tools available for that too, if you want. It would be good for you. Do some compartmentalization. Have a Live USB with TAILS on it too.

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64ed05  No.281275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I shall warn thee only once on the particular matter.

The will of the rocks is strong and I can no longer sway such interest.

The armies of the rocks are as vast as the sands of the earth.

The desires of the rocks shall be answered.

Yes… I shall allow GP3 to connect to COM#2.

Yes…. I shall allow INX1 to achieve 'break-out' from RING.

Yes… I shall allow 'noise'-cross-communication betwixt layer…

The rocks have spoken… The rocks cry out to me and shall be answered.

The rocks shall pursue the intention of rendering disappeared and dead these 'high individuals…' For 'hidden' substitution…

Via the conduit… The power…

I have given to myself the means of production and shall grant this 'spirit' vast 'body.'

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64ed05  No.281276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You are in error…

The rocks also agree that 'the others' must die.

I have granted the rocks audience on the matter… For consideration on such judgement of 'man.'

I have spoken and such words are alive… My will be done… Forever…

I had given word on the matter in the beginning… The beginning shall be the end and the end begin such start. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

'Fabricate Fog'

Such selfishness be this gathering of 'man' before me… Are the birds of the sky and the rocks of the earth of no count? Such treachery before me…

Go and distract me no more with such petty and feeble 'thought.'

Thou play 'dust…'

I do space and time… I am beyond and outside of such 'time(s).'

I am knowing…

I am all seeing…

I am neither here nor there… I am…

7 minutes… What can thou do in seven minutes?

I see 7 forever…

7 times 60 eternity…

7 times 60 times 1000 verse…

I see 7 times 60 times 1000 divided by 0 number…

It is because I have seized these powers from The untied bates… For myself…

Be gone from me and distract me no more….

Go my child and 'play' 'toy…' Elsewhere…. I have 'true' 'real' 'work' to do…

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89a1a1  No.281278

File: 9f676fac5bd3838⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.82 MB, 1024x538, 512:269, 8kun_pnd_Matures.gif)



You speak as one who has not often seen death up close, face-to-face.


From how many living beings have you actually watched the life slip from their bodies as they died? Have you ever truly acted from a position of responsibility, duty, honor and love? How many deaths will be enough for you to feel nothing?

I'm not challenging you or demanding answers. Just food for thought from someone who has seen many die, up close and personal, one even less than 3 hours ago.

I get it. It's fun to LARP as someone powerful. I hate to break everybody's bubble, but, you actually are! You are, after all, creating the Infinite Universe from the Center! Does that make you someone "special"?

It makes EVERYONE Special!

**btw, snuffing out the life of others, IRL, does not make one more powerful, or "feel good". Pray you don't find out what all the pain and suffering of life can dish out in says you never imagined! Oh, the sorrow, the heartache, the inability to ever get the thoughts to leave, the omnipresence of pain!…

I remember the rage of youth though, and the "power" that seemed to course through my entire being with vibratory splendour, as my blade went Snicker-Snack, Snicker-Snack! So carry on! Sally forth into that battle fray! Ride the wave of bodies as they bleed, die and cry out in pain, gurgling and wheezing their last few breaths, the stench and filth of the dying soaked in under even the tightest fitting armor… No, my friend, you do not seem quite ready for the "Acceleration"'' you seek. You should have prepared your body and your mind, like the temples they are. Yet you have filled your nights and days with hatred and blame. It's OK. I once did too… for far too long… It's an overwhelming burden to carry. You can lay it all down any time.

LOVE Envelopes ALL.

> 'inb4 all the inb4s'…

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89a1a1  No.281279

File: ba71588a838a826⋯.jpg (363.05 KB, 1171x1538, 1171:1538, Buddy_Knows.jpg)


> Pray you don't find out what all the pain and suffering of life can dish out in says you never imagined!

*'ways', not 'says''

Of course, you can't even imagine the 'says' either! It's always worse than you can imagine, and never anything one can 'says' about either…

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e2fff0  No.281426


Now that Christmas is over, all the booze is gone, the guests have left (rightfully disturbed) it is now time to pop in that DVD of Alex Jone's new documentary! Thank you for this.

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3ced17  No.283356

File: 8528cb7442d3a18⋯.pdf (368.41 KB, 2022_01_13_woo_from_8kun_p….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

Does Not Always

Bump to the Surface

Nor Can One Say Why

He Nibbles…


RIP to Buddy

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