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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 31db0708bbadb65⋯.png (266.73 KB, 461x457, 461:457, external_content_duckduckg….png)

a303ac  No.281150

It was only a matter of time before hard evidence that Robert Sepehr was discovered to be Jewish and not "Zoroastrian Aryan scholar". His Jewish-Iranian father, Ben-Hur Sepehr even made and produced a handful of holocaust films.

>Video timestamp of Robert Sepehr at his fathers premiere of the holocaust film The Desperate.


>Atlantean Gardens listed as a Jewish organization


>If you do a web search for Ben Hur Robert Sepehr you'll find that both a Ben Hur (Shokuhisepehr) Sephr and a 46 year old Robert Sepehr live at the same California address…





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a303ac  No.281151

File: 4f58fd7f939d3ca⋯.png (983.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Screenshot_2021_12_22_at_0….png)

Here is his father's full holocaust movie


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c1c5d0  No.281237


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a303ac  No.281251

File: 95daa865c023814⋯.png (24.37 KB, 735x566, 735:566, 1640257096881.png)

I've never seen anyone with more 'consensus cracking' vpn comments than Sepehr who wasn't an actual famous deep-state agent.

I guess being a Hollywood jewish trust fund baby affords you certain privileges – like being unbannable.

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7e2a2f  No.281284

I thought he was openly jewish? I know when I first heard of him a few years ago, it was just accepted that he was.

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a303ac  No.281287

File: 5943b9954566f0f⋯.png (591.88 KB, 955x669, 955:669, Gnostics_alt_right_leader_….png)


He claims on twitter to be an Iranian-German Zoroastrian who's grandfather was an SS officer. Old 8pol always called him out for being a Hollywood jew trust-fund baby that shilled all the esoteric threads. But then he moved to 4cuck and became famous on youtube thanks to useful idiot anons and his own VPN self promotion.

He's known for shilling the Kabbalah version of history. Mainly he preaches in a hundred different ways that "Aryans are serpent seed archon alien nephelium who should worship Lucifer so read Serrano and Blavasky!"… and that "Hitler escaped to Antarctica because of alien tech underground bases". Basically Alex Jones pillpull or what Jews teach to Hollywood fags like Jay-Z and Tom Cruise (durrrrIllumination).

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de1ad1  No.281554


He liked to edit Hyperborea vids and inject his pictures into them.

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388c1f  No.281736

WHAT'S IN THE BAG! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjQKvxbLojA (part 2 - see 1)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqhMGVLUSB0 (Atlantis

member when oldfags tried to tell you this shit but you listened to the (((gnostic))) jews instead?

Fuck all you hoes

Detroit till I die motherfucker

Talking all that bullshit

Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live

I'm a moonshine sipper straight slipping in the darkness

Far from heartless, I'm more like the sharpest

Tool in the shed, no I never been the smartest

But make no mistake, I hit the fucking hardest

Devil without a cause, you heard me scream it

And twenty years later, bitch I still fucking mean it

Bucka bucka, you ain't never met a motherfucker like this

Kiss my ass then you can suck a dick, sideways

My way or the highway, listen up

Ain't nothing changed here, I still don't give a fuck

So what the fuck's up with all the backlash

You snowflakes, here's a newsflash

Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live

Years ago, we all thought it was a joke, see?

That every kid got a motherfucking trophy

But yo homie, here's the situation

A nation of pussies is our next generation

And these minions and their agendas

Every opinion has a millennial offended

But this amendment one, it rings true

And if you don't dissent, bitch, then see number two

Ain't nothing new, right church, wrong pew

Get a clue, a crew, your fake news and views

Can all get the bottom of my motherfucking shoe

I'm the last of a few still screaming fuck you

Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live

Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live

Oh, I'm gonna soar like an eagle

My wings will carry me away

I've got the heart of a lion

And I get stronger every day

You'll never tell me shit, you'll never flip my script

Because I'm more outrageous than the Vegas strip

You're like Mayberry bitch, I'm hard and crisp

High risk hillbilly but I'm filthy rich

You're like Milli Vanilli, kinda silly and shit

I'm like Shotgun Willie smoking phillies and shit

I'm like Reverend Run or David Lee Roth

Like Springsteen bitch, I'm the motherfucking boss

James Dean, shit, I'm more like Brad Pitt

A little less pretty but I sling more dick

I twang more riffs, I slide through grass

I rip more lines than a ten pound bass

Pass the mic, I'm like sloe gin fizz

It ain't nobody, it ain't nobody

Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live

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