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09fa78  No.281007

Lured by America's push toward legalized cannabis, cartels have abandoned many decades-old marijuana farms in Mexico, moving their operations to Northern California where they can blend in seamlessly alongside legitimate grows, said Mike Sena, executive director of Northern California's High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area task forces.

"Why try to bring that bulk marijuana into the United States, when you can just grow it in the United States in remote locations like Mendocino County and then move it across the entire country?"



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c1e878  No.281073

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c1e878  No.281087

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9eac68  No.281136

Seems like mexico is bringing more problems to usa than entire middle east.

Perhaps its time to invade mexico?

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c1e878  No.281155

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335911  No.281292


Problems? Wild west? Sounds like they are bringing free market capitalism, open gun ownership and use… Direct government. I mean… I think a bunch of Mexican cartels would be a far better Government than the one we have there now.

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