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File: 08d6b7b0f2c462b⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 640x550, 64:55, martial_law_USSA.jpg)

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6be02f  No.280930

New York Legislation Provides For Indefinite Detention (Death Camps) Of Unvaccinated At Governor’s Whim

In January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly will vote on a bill that would, if passed into law, grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis.

Bill A416 presents a serious risk to the basic liberties of all Americans in the state of New York, including their right to choose whether or not to receive medical treatment and vaccinations related to thus far undetermined contagious diseases.

The bill gives the Governor of New York, his or her delegates – including but not limited to the commissioner and heads of local health departments – the right to remove and detain any individuals or groups of people through issuing a single order. The orders only have to include the individual’s name(s) or “reasonably specific descriptions of the individuals or groups.”

The department can decide to hold a person or group of people in a medical facility or any other they deem appropriate. The language is purposefully vague.

If the despots pass such unconstitutional crime and cops are willing to enforce it they deserve whatever happens to them.

Never give up the guns America, this is what these despotic Anti-American TRAITORS want to roll out NATIONWIDE.

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6be02f  No.280931

Make no mistake, I see another major exodus coming out of this total shit State.

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95b442  No.280941


>New York Legislation Provides For Indefinite Detention (Death Camps) Of Unvaccinated


>another major exodus

We can't miss you if you don't leave.

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6be02f  No.280942


So you support State genocide?

I hope people like you get shot someday, the world would be a much better place without you scumbags.

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95b442  No.280946


>So you support State genocide?

Yes, you dumb faggot, and so do you.

Every post you've made crying about how "muh libruhl leftists shud be hanged' proves it. You support the State killing everyone you don't like. So do I. Cope, faggot.

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6be02f  No.280947


No, my point was if the State resorts to genocide then they should be the ones put out of their misery, not innocent people. It's people like you that will guarantee people like me will shoot to kill in the event anyone comes after us.

As far as liberals, I don't care about those idiots as long as they leave me and other people alone. It's when they threaten, harass, abuse, scold, censor, lie, cheat, steal and kill that are the ones that need to be imprisoned, as well those who undermine US Constitutional Law.

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a25cbd  No.280951

File: 14b931c49c35b40⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1167, 360:389, PicsArt_12_19_11_49_45.png)


LMMFAO !!!! Typical Christian.. one minute pretending like he actually believes in Jesus.. the next minute he's completely freaking out in an ever-increasingly worse psychotic downward spiral

Obviously you don't have very much faith in Jesus.. because Christians always choose FAITH OVER FEAR.

But not you.. obviously you don't have very much faith that Jesus can handle it.. you don't seem very confident that he's going to be coming back..

You seem like a very scared man.. always terrifying… You literally live your life trembling in unnecessary pointless fear, seriously.. youre like a terrified woman….

Just like a worried neurotic old grandmother, you simply don't know how to just relax and be cool

Even when there's nothing to be afraid of…

You'll literally make it up off the top of your head

You'll fabricate a far-fetched end of the world conspiracy theory quicker than Al Jolson could say "MAMMY"….

You are literally insane.. you're incapable of controlling your emotions and your behavior.. you're addicted to cortisol and stress

You are such a neurotic pain in the ass that you willgo out of your way to attach one of your insane end of the world conspiracies to ANYTHING

A N Y T H I N G . . . .


It doesn't even have to news story….

You will fabricate and attach one of your stupid conspiracy theories to everything…

Like lunch….. Waking up…..

And Thanksgiving….

And Christmas


I feel so sorry for your family

And I don't blame your wife for killing herself


I visualize you as the type of older rural middle class American insane grandfather type, who wears his pants way too high up over his waist, and you probably have a collection of plaid short sleeve shirts perfect for pocket protectors… You probably button the collar all the way up…

And I'm pretty sure you wear glasses

And not cool stylish glasses…

I picture you wearing some of those dorky 1968 television repair man out of style old-fashioned glasses…


I think you need a hobby

I think you'd really enjoy

And you've got some kind of creepy beard thing happening…

But you definitely seem like the type of guy who would enjoy a LEATHER & WOODBURNING KIT

you could make leather wristbands for young boys

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accebc  No.280959

is this to lockdown the handful of people left in jew york?

ive seen my ( once small) town explode over the last decade by 10x the population and I get jew yorkers/jewsians and other yankee slave cattle want to leave, but do you have to break and shit on everything in the ( still occupied) south?

the northeast and great lakes were blessed with the most abundant resources on the continent. what happened?

stupid yankee slave cattle happened, and now; they are in our lands repeating the same thing

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c51f18  No.280963

File: 5d632c445bebcba⋯.png (23.85 KB, 395x322, 395:322, 2021_12_20_buddhasay_forsa….png)

⫖⦔⧴ iching

Hexagram No. 49 ䷰
Revolution (Molting)
革 (gé)

Revolution. On your own day
You are believed.
Supreme success,
Furthering through perseverance.
Remorse disappears.

Fire in the lake: the image of Revolution.
Thus the superior man
Sets the calendar in order
And makes the seasons clear.

Lines are changing! Consider:

Line 3 changes:
Starting brings misfortune.
Perseverance brings danger.
When talk of revolution has gone the rounds three times,
One may commit himself,
And men will believe him.

Line 5 changes:
The great man changes like a tiger.
Even before he questions the oracle
He is believed.

Changes into:

Hexagram No. 5 ䷄
Waiting (Nourishment)
需 (xū)

Waiting. If you are sincere,
You have light and success.
Perseverance brings good fortune.
It furthers one to cross the great water.

Clouds rise up to heaven:
The image of Waiting.
Thus the superior man eats and drinks,
Is joyous and of good cheer.


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c51f18  No.280965

File: 4336a62ee82731e⋯.jpg (57.3 KB, 570x380, 3:2, NOBODY_CARES_Johnny.jpg)


> …I picture you…

< pic related

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2f7bdb  No.280966


God will eventually deal with people like you, in His time frame and on His terms! While we are still here on this Earth for now, I will continue to call out despotism and corruption as our dear Lord ordered me to!!!

About this whole vaccine issue: this is really not about "left vs right" it's about "right vs wrong" and there are still many unvaccinated who are naturally immune to covid who are liberals too! I know one leftists in my life who himself, like me, will not take it! I know another person who is not political at all, he's a business man, he manages a company that repairs vehicles, he too will not take the clot shot, he said if his company mandates it he will QUITE and retire early (aka pull the 401(k) and take the minor loss of a fee for doing so). I don't blame them, they are smart people and all they want is to be left alone and continue to live their lives, like so many other millions of Americans today!!!!

Mark my words, all those who are trying to force this Mark Of The Beast depop agenda, my response is GOD WILL SOMEDAY DEAL WITH YOU. And soon, once those clot shots take hold over your broken hearts.

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2f7bdb  No.280967


I don't know exactly the intent of all of this, it certainly seems like they want to drive taxpayers away from the State and they're doing a good job so far. My only concern is they bring their parasitic destructive gang cultures and corrupted/subverted political worldviews to our areas and then trash our areas and drive them into failed no-go zones too. My question is at what point is enough, enough? Are they acting much like a disease in a host, ruining one place, moving to the next and ruining that place, then moving on to ruin another? Because that is the definition of a malignant cancer. At some point we have to get rid of it, or we all die with it.

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accebc  No.280977


the cabal has been d@c ing us for a long time. we can look at rome and the problems they had with the Germanic tribes. as long as those tribes were busy fighting each other, rome had an easy time extorting, enslaving and playing them against each other. when the Germanics united in a common goal, rome ended. then the " romans" created a fake " religious empire" and went after cathars and celtic christians. Isnt it odd that those were the same people rome had problems with?

then we have the uk and their judeomasonic " king" james proclaiming all scots, irish and welsh are " criminals, again; the same Germanics rome couldnt conquer. the ukranians were germanic chrustians that catherine the great gave sanctuary to and look what the jewssr did to them with the holodomor and rosefeld with his 1933 war powers act making all " citizens" and enemy seizing personal wealth and homesteads then crashing the " money" system and 7 million americans ( real ones, as we wete 90% germanic then) died.

its the same shit again and again. they will program your own people and use them against you.

its so obvious now when Bismarck united the german states that " americans" were propagandized to see them as an enemy. we used ti speak German openly here and we went over there into our own homelands and brutally butchered our brothers, twice.

what did we get out of it? it enriched a bunch of jew banksters and we murdered our own family.

thats the cold, hard truth. we can break this program and fight against the slavers. I have faith in my fellow Germanics and when they realize how hard we were played and the horrors committed in our name, there wont be anywhere the cabal can hide.

it wont be easy, but we can and will win.

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dbb623  No.281003


> exodus shit state

then they'll come to states that no better….to vote in jew or jew-lovin' pols who will mess up the states they exit to.

It never ends.

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b3fa1e  No.281088


Why do you still hold to the constitution, when the government is totally corrupt? I want to dissolve the federal government, not try to fix what is unfixable.

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15cc94  No.281089


The US Constitution happens to be the only binding law of the land holding the federal government back from pretty much disarming and/or exterminating us (as clearly they are trying desperately to do). It was the US Constitution from the very beginning that gave States and individuals sovereignty, it's the (((federal government))) that has fought tooth and nail to undermine and destroy our Constitution. If they get their way, America as we knew it is GONE, no matter where you try to run & hide. Death would start to look preferable to people like me.

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b3fa1e  No.281096


I agree, use the constitution however it suits your purposes. It's not a matter of if, but when America ends. I'd prefer a swift end than a protracted one, but it will be death by a thousand cuts as inflation winnows us down. My plan is to escape to El Salvador and pay my way with Bitcoin.

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76de4b  No.281129


at this point its pretty much illegal to mention the constitution. Mentioning it immediately gets you socially ostracized in the university.

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f9dda7  No.281247


Good! NY Lawmaker Pulls Covid Prison Camp Bill, Blames "Conspiracy Theorists"

A New York lawmaker has taken down his bill that would authorize the state to detain infected individuals and their contacts deemed a threat to public health during a pandemic, blaming “conspiracy theorists” of spreading misinformation about his proposal.

The bill in question, known as A416, was first introduced by Assemblyman Nick Perry in 2015, nearly a year after the nationwide panic over a potential outbreak of Ebola in the United States. The Brooklyn Democrat said the measure was prompted by an incident in which a nurse refused to be placed in quarantine after returning from West Africa, where she’d helped treat Ebola patients.

Like many other bills, A416 had been reintroduced year after year and died in committee. The latest version of the bill would allow the state governor, by “issuing a single order,” to “order the removal or detention” of any person or group of people deemed to be a suspected case, contact, or carrier of a contagious disease and poses “an imminent and significant threat to the public health in severe morbidity or high mortality.”

The bill, which received little public attention over the past years, became a center of controversy when Perry once again put it up for the 2021-2022 legislative session amid the CCP virus pandemic. Opponents of the measure argued that it would allow then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo to build internment camps for New Yorkers who refuse to comply with his public health policies.

“This is straight up detention camp stuff in NY! A bill giving [Gov. Andrew Cuomo], Health Commissioner or any designated official full power to remove any person/group of people from their home if deemed contagious,” Elizabeth Joy, a Republican candidate running against Rep. Paul Tonko, wrote.

Facing mounting opposition, Perry on Monday announced he no longer seeks to advance the bill, which he said was misinterpreted by “conspiracy theorists” and internet trolls.

“Conspiracy theorists, and those who spread misinformation online are once again trolling on social media, posting concocted stories about A416,” he wrote in a statement on Dec. 20. “To deprive these individuals the ability to use this issue for fuel to spread their fire of lies and mistruths, I will take the appropriate legislative action to strike the bill, remove it from the calendar, thus ending all consideration and actions that could lead to passage into law,” he said. “Get vaccinated and stay safe.”

At the very least he now understands knee-jerk reactions will only cause knee-jerk responses.

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f9dda7  No.281249


>at this point its pretty much illegal to mention the constitution.

No, it's not. Not at all true. You are being bullied and intimidated is all, and you likely live a pretty sheltered life if you don't know we still own our firearms and talk tons of shit. Fuck the government, it deserves to burn. See.

>Mentioning it immediately gets you socially ostracized in the university.

Those Marxist institutions can lick my asshole after I put a .44 to their fucking head. Tell that to your commie teachers and send them my way kid, I need more fertilizer!

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