430f56 No.280754[Last 50 Posts]
As if everything else wasn't already comedy gold, there's even one more punchline :
The American Red Cross has announced its lowest supply of blood since they began…
The pandemic (and other comedy gold) has caused donations to dwindle, and in many regions of the US, blood supplies have dropped down to only ONE DAY'S WORTH….
I realize right now Marshmallow Sally is thinking to himself, "maybe I should sell some of my blood and buy a video game", but this isn't a douchebag BLOOD PLASMA COMPANY, douchebucket Billy goat Boy….
This is the American Red Cross
It turns out the pandemic is only part of the problem, because long before the pandemic ever began blood supplies had already dropped to an all-time low…
That's becauseMARSHMALLOW SALLY TYPESare a weird creepy generation, born with video game controllers in their effeminate inexperienced fat sheltered little hands.
Guys his age and younger AREN'T men…
sorry, but they're not
Not by the standards that I use to judge a man
And not by the standards that anybody uses to gauge any particular male's actual adulthood and manliness
The ability to be a man
To have balls and actually stand up for something
And intentionally accept the sacrifices associated
To take care of something or someone
To actually be the guardian
Instead of the little boy
Sitting in front of his computer
Any child can play Big Boy on the internet
But if you had balls, WE WOULD ALL KNOW IT
Ask anybody in here if you've got balls….
lol !!! HA !
(I just realized even YOU would say you don't have a pair)
Blood.. something..
Oh yeah now I remember
So the Red Cross is in a lot of trouble because of your generation.. you little fucking sawed off half ass want to be fantasy-based partially hydrogenated limp-rusted yellow Lily livered suffering succotash cock sucking faggot
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430f56 No.280755
The director of the American Red Cross said long before the pandemic ever began, blood supplies had already begun dwindling down, because as boomers get older, today's effeminate fucking bitch sissy boy video game image board want to be fantasy Hitler marshmallow anime cocksuckers don't have the balls or the integrity to pick up where the boomers left off and pitch in by donating blood in case of national emergencies
Because they're too busy not having a dick to donate blood
They're too busy trying to finish the video game in the living room before mommy comes home from work and they have to run and hide, hoping to minimize any interaction with her as much as possible, well he goes into image boards on his laptop in her spare bedroom.
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9d791a No.280756
Oh, let's see here…. they mandate people have the clot shots to share blood now? Hmmmmm, there may be a problem there, sorry, no blood donations for you!
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9d791a No.280757
That's alright, the 'elites' have plenty of adrenochrome supplies left from all the CPS'd children they raped and murdered!!!!
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430f56 No.280758
And see ….. pay attention…..
I'm going to keep it 100 here
Normally I'd be calling you a faggot right now
Or a stupid fucking idiot
Or one of many dozens
Of wonderful observations…..
Normally I would….
But quite honestly.. it's a very logical train of thought
So I'm not going to make fun of you right now
Yes.. I think any human being would wonder if this was associated with any kind of vaccination or whatever.. after all.. they're asking as many volunteers as possible to please come get a needle in their arm….
So it's very reasonable for you to make an inference
But the answer is
There are no covid vaccination requirements
They have very stringent rules about not accepting blood from anybody with even the vaguest covid symptoms
But from what I've read and watched in interviews
No requirements or associations or connections with vaccine or otherwise no vaccine that I've heard of
But then again this thread has nothing to do with the American Red Cross or any given blood shortage
This thread is about
Of young adult males
Watching anime and playing vidya
As each decade passes
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430f56 No.280759
Scroll upward to read where I just told you that normally I would be calling you a stupid fucking idiot right now
Or a homosexual
Or a child rapist or God knows what..
And I told you that I wasn't going to do it this time
…… At least not until I read this last post
at which point :
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430f56 No.280760
If you weren't joking…. Then you're a fucking idiot
I'm going to do you a favor….
And pretend you were just joking
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9d791a No.280761
I really should give them some blood, but honestly, I want it used for good human beings. I'm scared my blood will be used to save corrupt dirty communist scumbags. Honestly that is how bad things have gotten today. Really sad. Glad to know that though. PS: I was KIDDING about the adrenochrome *well, kinda, at least concerning the Red Cross**
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430f56 No.280762
……nope !!! I can't do it… Sorry… I can't do this…..
There's no way I can pretend you didn't mean it
You are literally The perfect blend :
50% idiot and 50% insane
It's hard to tell which half of you is more embarrassing right now
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9d791a No.280763
On the behalf of the Red Cross, yes that was a joke. Not so much what actually happens to some of those CPS'd children sadly, there is a black market for it, supposedly it gets you a huge rush and euphoric high and that's what rich criminals engage in.
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430f56 No.280764
Oh.. okay.. GOOD! THANK GOD
I was literally about to travel to Missouri with my tranquilizer gun….
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430f56 No.280765
The entire adrenochrome myth has actually no foundation in science or reality whatsoever
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9d791a No.280766
Insane, yes a bit, but I like to kid around too (God help me if I didn't have humor, I'd be dead from a stroke already lol).
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9d791a No.280767
No seriously, you can find that stuff online and actually buy it, I think even legally, I've seen screenshots of places selling adrenochrome. How they get it, that's all up to your imagination, you can let it run wild.
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430f56 No.280768
I realize you will always resist when I tell you there's no such thing as Jesus…. That he never actually existed….
I expect you to resist….
I'm definitely not expecting an epiphany on your part
You didn't get this gullible overnight
You've been working on that brainwashing
Moo moo moo cow
Zombie religion
Ever since
You were
…..a child…..
So I don't expect you to suddenly stop being a brainwashed gullible sucker just because I am telling you what you needed to hear…
Unlike the Jesus thing, there's no reason why you shouldn't be swayed and have an epiphany when I tell you :
If you think even one tiny bit of that story is true, then you're more gullible than I would have ever believed….
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430f56 No.280769
lol and you can also order super miracle hypernatural levitating mystery voodoo ultrascientific Gizmo flashy CGI logo alleged organic homeopathic fascinating fizzy raspberry flavored magneto pills…..
And whatever you want them to be, just $49.95 plus shipping and handling and that's what you're going to get !!!
Because if you're that uneducated regarding medicine and science, that you would actually believe some bullshit when you hear it, then you deserve to spend $49.95 plus shipping and handling you stupid fucking piece of shit
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9d791a No.280770
There were once screenshots from a British laboratory posted about it over on 8chan a while back ago, during the whole pedogate scandal. Ironically, and listen this goes WAY BEFORE Trump or "Q" or any of that crazy crap…. I used to listen to a man named Dave Hodges years before those days and he interviewed CPS whistleblowers back in the day that caught the CPS trafficking children, that reported it to the feds and it was all swept under the rug!! One time one of Dave's guests got killed after one of the interviews, serious shit! No "Q" bullshit AT ALL.
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430f56 No.280771
I'm having a hard time thinking of a word I could use to describe really really stupid gullible uneducated pieces of white trash trailer park human garbage who believe in this adrenochrome demonic satanic child murdering cult garbage…
This is the same group of idiots who used to believe the Geraldo show stories about satanic cults of teachers who raped and murdered their students back in the '80s and the '90s
The exact same idiots from back then
Most of them are older morons.. like old
Like really old
Like in their 70s
Crazy old coots
Most of them are fundamental Christians
Who don't actually go to church or read the Bible
Just old has been coots
Who will fall for anything
Literally fall for anything
Fucking idiots
Some of them are SO gullible and out of touch they even watch The Ropers and other garbage TV shows from their generation
I wish I could think of a word or a phrase I could use to describe those stupid fucking idiots right now
It's like I've got it on the tip of my tongue but
I just can't remember the word I'm trying to think of
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430f56 No.280773
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9d791a No.280774
There are likely teacher union executives and school board members that do that kind of shit. You have to understand the criminal mind can also be completely insane. Some people just get off on that shit seriously, think about how serial killers actually like killing and butchering people including children. It happens! It's a sick sick world we live in! Just ask someone who has been a cop for 20 years!
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9d791a No.280775
"stop with your conspiracy theories, get off the computer and come get dinner!" my daughter just yelled lol…. oh my, they know!
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430f56 No.280776
Nope.. in fact they've made documentaries about this.. it gets mentioned all the time in modern culture these days
It was a period in the late '80s and early '90s
It became a fad
A weird creepy inverted upside down trend
where beginning on one daytime 'talk' trash shows
like Geraldo or Sally Jesse Raphael or Phil Donahue
it was ALL bullshit…. total bullshit
but it "caught on"
and the next show did an episode
and the next show
and the next show
it was a trend
a creepy weird trend of LYING ON THOSE SHOWS
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430f56 No.280777
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
go eat
And when you're done eating….
Here's me and my girlfriend of 8 years Jill getting paid $1,600 a piece to lie and fill seats on the Geraldo show and keep the episode spicy
Plus $200 per diem for 3 Days in Manhattan
We just did it on a goof
Tell your daughter whenever she gets tired of her husband you know this really cool guy named Johnny that would like to buy her from you
And it's Friday so you might want to chase that dinner with a couple bottles of rot gut whiskey
Adios hombre
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430f56 No.280778
We taped that episode of Geraldo around the same time all of the bullshit "secret satanic cults of teachers murdering their students" garbage was happening on the exact same shows
Like I said.. you remember the days
Sally Jesse Raphael and all of that garbage
I'm living proof that they would pay people money to say spicy weird things and lie
They knew God damn good and well that Jill and I had nothing to do with organized crime or prostitution or anything
(Although some actual la cosa nostra organized crime families in Atlanta actually we're indeed some of my clients)
But the producers of the Geraldo show
(The executive producer was his wife CiCi)
New God damn good and well
Nothing we were saying was true
That's what TV was all about back then
and THAT'S where the original low IQ level source of the original satanic cults drinking children's blood bullshit urban legends came from
And it was all complete bullshit
It was proven to be bullshit
Investigated and completely disproven
And in case you needed more convincing :
They got paid a lot… It was a group of idiots who were doing the daytime trash talk show circuit
Getting booked on this show and that show and this show and that show
And getting paid each time plus per diem and staying in nice Manhattan hotel suites
I'm sure you can picture…. It was fun….
It was a lot of fun !!! Jill and I had a blast
We decided WHY NOT?
Why not do it?
That's the same attitude that the "satanic child killing teacher cult" idiots had when they were getting paid and traveling from New York to Chicago to LA
Of course.. it was fun
And it was all bullshit
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430f56 No.280779
I call you a stupid fucking idiot all the time
But you and I both know that you're not a stupid man
If you'll notice I generally only call you stupid when you start giving out bullshit medical advice
Because internal medicine is one of my hobbies you could say, that and pharmacology and a couple other of the medical arts…. So that's where I draw the line…. It's not just you so don't take it personally
If I see ANYBODY giving out bullshit medical advice with absolutely no training or understanding of internal medicine or any other particular specialized field of the medical arts of which they are waxing expert…. I WILL CALL THEM A FUCKING IDIOT AND WRITE TO THEIR FACE…. I will gladly remind them that they have no medical training whatsoever and don't understand even the most basic elements of internal medicine.
So don't take it personally
Don't get butt hurt when I tell you
That you are a God damn fucking idiot
.. because I'm just giving you shit
I'm not saying you're particularly intelligent
But you're not stupid
However I think it's important somebody get through that concrete hardened tiny little skull of yours and find your brain… And drill this into it :
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430f56 No.280780
Like I said don't be offended
Because although you're not stupid
It's almost like you are determined to only believe in the most specifically obviously the most fakest examples of complete bullshit on Earth
You never even accidentally believe in something real or cool
Seriously.. what you perceived as reality is really really weird and screwed up, but you already know that…. You've known that since you were a teenager… Your brain perceives all kinds of crazy weird things that other people don't see or hear
So it's almost like you go out of your way to
Absolutely nothing you focus on is real or sane or logical
With you it always has to have a hidden conspiracy plot behind it or you refuse to acknowledge it
So by definition it can't be relied on
Because you are only looking for a certain category of sensationalized bullshit
You absolutely refuse to ever admit that lots of things in life are completely unplanned
You refuse to admit that 90% of news stories actually happened, just like they said it did on the TV set
You refuse to admit that sometimes life can seem kind of boring…. That believe it or not.. life can happen without some global conspiracy story attached to it
So you purposely look for fake sensationalism to fill the void
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430f56 No.280781
You would be a lot more convincing you occasionally had the courage to come down to my level and admit that you are a fuck up
I'm a piece of shit
And so are you
And so is Jerry
And marshmallow salad
We're all pieces of shit
Fucking losers… That's what we are.. just look at us…. As if being here isn't enough proof of how much of a loser I am and you are and everybody else
It'd be a lot more convincing if every once while you focused on something other than the same old garbage
Like .. you're such a pain in the ass with your conspiracy paranoid nonsense… From you you would be refreshing to hear some baseball scores maybe barometric pressure read outs throughout history…. ANYTHING but the contrived prepackaged completely predictable "hey look at me I went out of my way to find another insane conspiracy theory" bullshit you pull on us every single day….
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430f56 No.280782
I've given you this example before :
If you think you're a conspiracy theory enthusiast
My Elvis enthusiasm outpaces your conspiracy theory enthusiasm tenfold I promise
Trust me.. I've been a hardcore Elvis fanatic much much longer than you've been a prepper or an insane pain in the ass online
I'm way way more into Elvis than you'll ever be into any conspiracy theory or prepping advice
But notice I rarely talk about Elvis
Imagine if I had no respect for anybody whatsoever, and every single day all I did was talk about Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis
And I'd stay up all night talking about Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis
And I got drunk so I can finally fall asleep Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis
And I woke up the next morning and I drank coffee and came straight back in here and started Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis
Then when my daughter told me dinner's ready I would take a break and come back later Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis
Dude give it a fucking break already
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430f56 No.280783
hee hee !!
*Slugs you in the shoulder*
*Noticeably harder than you might have expected a friend to slug you in the shoulder at A moment like this*
*aaaaand yeah…. wow…. Now your shoulders really starting to hurt*
*God damn that was really kind of passive aggressive*
*Shit that really hurts. You might want to lift your sleeve and see how badly it got bruised*
*Hold on a minute you're bleeding*
*Hold on.. what the fuck?*
You ought to occasionally just shut the fuck up
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430f56 No.280784
I know that sounds creepy
… ….. And made our skin crawl for a second
But we all know it's true
He's the one who made the decision
Not us
That's not how we are
We're not bitter jealous little boys like he is
We are actually men
We all gave him several chances
Really.. we did
We bend over backwards to try to give him a chance… And every time he would burn the bridge
We tried to turn the other cheek and give him another chance.. and another chance.. and another chance….
Just ask any of us…. Just ask marshmallow Sally
He remembers it very well
But it's simply not in his nature
He's never accomplished anything like
He has no experience fitting in
That's why he's such an awkward weirdo
He's never been part of any team
And it shows
Nobody's ever wanted him on their team
And Truth be said, neither do we
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430f56 No.280785
Whether Jerry or Killcen believe it or not
I consider myself to be on their team
They're TOTAL assholes
A couple of real dorks
But I'm on their team
I got their back
And I know they've got mine
No matter how much shit we might give each other
Because that's something marshmallow Sally's never done
Marshmallow Sally's never had a good friend that he gives a bunch of shit to
He's never been part of a team of guys who give each other a hard time but have each other's backs
That's an element that's been void in his life
A lot like having a penis
It's something he's never done
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430f56 No.280786
Of course I realized in Marshmallow Sally's perspective, he sees it that I have unfairly targeted him
But we all know that's not true
He made himself into a target
That's what he does
That's what people like him do
that they make targets out of themselves
If Sally thinks I'M unfair, just wait until he finally has a woman tell him what she thinks about him to his face…..
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430f56 No.280788
I mean this is really elementary school stuff
This isn't something you need to wait until you're 35 years old to figure out :
If you're going to stick out like a sore thumb, act like a fucking douchebucket loser, and go out of your way to make sure everybody notices you're a fucking loser….. DON'T BE SURPRISED WHEN EVERYBODY REALIZES YOU'RE A FUCKING LOSER
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430f56 No.280789
I'm seriously doubt Sally has the integrity to actually go donate blood for a good cause
But I'm pretty God damn sure he'd be more than happy to volunteer to let people empty their testicles down his fucking throat
It's not like he's ever going to get any pussy
So one of these days his clit is going to tingle
And when it does……
He'll gag on the first cock he sees
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430f56 No.280790
Cuz everybody knows…..
ANY 35-year-old man who lives with his mommy and fantasizes about being a mystical intimidating fantasy role play Antichrist instead of getting pussy ?…… That guy's going to suck some dick
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430f56 No.280791
We all know a motherfucking billy goat when we see one….
Don't we?
We don't care how many times you tell us it's a kitty cat…. You're not fooling us…
We know a motherfucking billy goat when we see one
Because we know a cocksucker when we see one
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430f56 No.280792
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430f56 No.280795
simple …….
Because it's not important to him..
Because he doesn't care about getting pussy….
If he was getting pussy
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430f56 No.280796
The only time men pretend like pussy isn't important
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430f56 No.280798
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0bcfeb No.280799
Hate to break up the party, but I have some thread-related information. My daughter just gave plasma today and says the paperwork makes it clear that only vaxxed blood is to be given to the vaxxed and unvaxxed blood to the unvaxxed. It's no wonder the supplies are short! Evidently it is the vaxxed who are so afraid of the blood of the unvaxxed that they would rather die than have their life saved with healthy untainted blood. Turns out that the vaxxed are whiny little conformity-enforcing fear-porn addicts who don't know that they are the tainted ones! Even their thinking is tainted. I'm surprised one of the questions wasn't, "Who did you vote for?"
Meanwhile, Killcen wouldn't let a Commie have his blood, Johnny wouldn't take the blood of a Trump voter to save his life, and I would accidently drip unvaxxed blood on my fake Christmas tree while setting it up for those who care.
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430f56 No.280800
That's interesting… I'm curious if it's regional… I've heard nothing about it whatsoever but then again I just saw this new story on TV tonight and decided it was an opportunity to remind marshmallow boy what a fucking loser he is
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430f56 No.280801
However in the name of candid honesty…
You started your little story with a bit of a white lie
You said your daughter GAVE plasma today, which seems to imply it was donated plasma
But that's not exactly true.. she actually SOLD her plasma today….
Which leads me to my next thought.. exactly how old is your daughter and why is she selling her plasma?
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430f56 No.280802
I'm guessing it's one of those heartwarming Christmas stories?
Like the man who bought the golden haircomb for the woman who sold her hair to buy him a Christmas present?….
Only in this case it was plasma?
Me?…………… I don't do needles
Never have… Never will…. Never never never never never absolutely never 100% never completely absolutely 100% goddamn abso fucking never never never never never never do needles
That's why I've never done any vaccinations in my life
And I wouldn't get any of these vaccinations if you paid me…. And not because I think there's anything particularly wrong or right about these particular vaccinations…. It has nothing to do with covid or this pandemic or the vaccinations whatsoever
I realize I told you Wendy and I both got the vaccine last year LOL
Good times.. I love feeding bullshit to people
I HAVE A HEALTHY MORBID PHOBIA ABOUT SYRINGES !!!! And that's why I could never be a needle user drug addict
I'm afraid of needles
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430f56 No.280804
I just figured at that particular moment.. telling you guys that we got the vaccine seemed like the right thing to say……
It just seemed like both of you needed a counterpoint….. A devil's advocate….
Someone to throw cold water on your little Trump tooting Rudy tooty fresh and fruity dry hump circle jerk Republican douchebag reciprocal handjob thing you were giving each other…..
So I decided why not ME ?
The only times I ever voluntarily allowed a doctor to give me a shot was pre-surgery situations, and all of those doctors had to administer versed (a benzodiazepine) to get me completely out of it before they could come anywhere near me with a syringe….
They have me listed at the hospitals as having a pronounced morbid phobia of syringes…. They always have.. wherever I go… That way future new staff won't give me a hard time about it.. they can look it up and see they have secondary protocol (administering the correct milligram amount of benzodiazepine to reach hypnotic level rather than anxylitic)
Yes benzodiazepines are an anxylitic….
Anti-anxiety…. But if you increase the milligram amount it becomes recategorized as a HYPNOTIC
and at that point……
I'll allow the doctors to give me a shot
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0bcfeb No.280805
You've never heard of "Donating" Plasma? It's like "Giving", but a different word, so no, there was no lie. Perhaps the people you know go to the kind of places where one "sells" plasma, but we don't live in a big city. Folks here just donate.
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430f56 No.280806
What a warm, "it's a wonderful life" zuzu's peddles Bedford falls old timey sensation I just got
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430f56 No.280807
lol and NO, country mouse…..
and just like in Portland
near your former dolophine clinic…
there was a PLASMA CENTER
and don't pretend like you're not familiar
but thanks for the CLARENCE moment
Mr. Mize
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430f56 No.280808
but I accept the fact that she was "DONATING", and I apologize for any misunderstanding
seriously, it wasn't meant to be an insult
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430f56 No.280809
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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430f56 No.280810
Jackson Galaxy says YES…..
YES…. of course they do ….
…………..as Jerry and I can both attest……
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430f56 No.280811
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Of course they do…… Duhhhh
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aecde8 No.280812
by the way, be sure to tell your daughter that you know a guy online (lie to her and tell her I'm a cool guy instead of telling her the truth about me) who said ITS VERY NOBLE OF SOMEONE HER AGE TO VOLUNTARILY DONATE PLASMA…. tell her how the red cross has a shortage, due to YOUNG PEOPLE NOT HAVING THE GIVING SPIRIT…. and tell her I find her Constitution to be quite impressive
It's almost as if she had a good role model in her life
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a758fa No.280829
yeah goy cattle, give your blood away for the JEW to make matzo balls and whatever else cainite demon abomination
you really think the young MEN today after watching their parents get ground up and thrown in the dumpster by the JEW/JUDEOMASONIC meat grinder, will sacrifice themselves also?
sure, lets all surrender all our personal wealth the federal reserve ( again) just like in 1933 when ROSENFELD seized personal assets and homesteads to further enrich himself and his JEW YORK BANKSTER buddies.7 million " americans" ( real ones, when WE were 90% GERMANIC) died as a result.
fuck you JEW
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aecde8 No.280842
it's NOT unexpected that you'd use a photo of A LITTLE GIRL to represent yourself
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a758fa No.280845
notice how the idf trolls never try to refute any of the FACTS that I clearly listed; just again to the insults. who says what I am? thought there were hundreds of " sexes" under YOUR JEW bs system.
watch out bigot,you may get caught in your own trap. the cabal will sacrifice lower ranking JEWS faster than anyone.
how does it feel knowing you are cannon fodder for the sos cabal that thinks you are cattle also?
heres a real insult from when I was a child almost 50 years ago;
" make me"
" I dont make trash, I burn it"
" oh, is that why your face is so black?"
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aecde8 No.280850
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you have ever said or thought was important enough for a response
You medicate your irrelevancy by trying to convince yourself that you have important opinions
You only go halfway, because ALL HUMANS ARE NIGGERS
All of us…. Completely worthless
But YOU are a special case, because you've never accomplished anything in your pathetic little life, nobody wants you on their team, no woman will climb into bed with you, you've never earned anything in your life, always looking for excuses and trying to distract with your false sense of overcompensation superiority bullshit predictability
And considering the fact that ALL HUMANS ARE GARBAGE, that puts you at the bottom of the dumpster where you belong
You'll never reproduce because no woman will be seen standing next to you
And when your clitoris eventually begins to tingle one of these decades, you will be the woman
You will be the one with the penis in your mouth
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aecde8 No.280851
You have convinced yourself that you are an intimidating entity
But you're not a man… Far from it… And nobody has ever been intimidated by you, and never will
Deep inside that big fat out of shape frame of yours, they remains a hidden inner little girl
And that's exactly why you subconsciously use imagery of little girls to represent yourself in your pathetic graphics
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aecde8 No.280852
this actuallyISyou
It's not by accident that you chose this laughable graphic image….
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aecde8 No.280853
ANY LITTLE GIRL can pretend that she is an intimidating man….
But you are incapable of presenting ANYBODY who has ever found you intimidating
The same way you are completely incapable of presenting ANY WOMAN who has ever perceived you as being a man.
I can easily present several women who will testify that my penis happens to be unusually wide
I have a long history of bedding beautiful women
And I have a long trail of men behind me who I have intimidated and destroyed
But you are left with nothing more than your own empty trumpeting of your own broken little horn
You're nothing.. you're a little girl
You're the farthest thing from a man anybody could ever possibly imagine
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aecde8 No.280855
ANY LITTLE GIRL can pretend that she is an intimidating man….
But you are incapable of presenting ANYBODY who has ever found you intimidating
The same way you are completely incapable of presenting ANY WOMAN who has ever perceived you as being a man.
I can easily present several women who will testify that my penis happens to be unusually wide
I have a long history of bedding beautiful women
And I have a long trail of men behind me who I have intimidated and destroyed
But you are left with nothing more than your own empty trumpeting of your own broken little horn
You're nothing.. you're a little girl
You're the farthest thing from a man anybody could ever possibly imagine
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aecde8 No.280856
You think nobody is aware that you are a little girl
Nobody on this board has even the slightest bit of respect for you or your opinions
We are all MEN, and we all laugh at you
Because you are an effeminate irrelevant unaccomplished unsuccessful inexperienced little girl
And the opinions of inexperienced little girls mean absolutely nothing to us or anybody else
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aecde8 No.280857
Go try to impress your mother……..
Because we all spit in your mouth
You are our public urinal
You are our spittoon
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aecde8 No.280858
Every time you post.. everybody in here laughs at you
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aecde8 No.280859
L I T E R A L L Y . . . .
We laugh in your face
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593c0c No.280860
> I can easily present several women who will testify that my penis happens to be unusually wide
> You're nothing.. you're a little girl
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aecde8 No.280861
lol indeed I can !!!!
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aecde8 No.280862
It wasnt my "good looks" that made it impossible for me to have an entire week WITHOUT a girlfriend or wife in my life….
literally NEVER WENT AN ENTIRE WEEK before the next one jumped on my train
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aecde8 No.280863
not since I was 15……. not even one week
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aecde8 No.280864
your sexual prowess is ALMOST as monumental a failure as your INTIMIDATION FACTOR
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aecde8 No.280865
lol @ YOU 'relating to' the candidate with the ONE INCH PENIS
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aecde8 No.280868
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dfacc9 No.280871
Johnny, "your side" may have won, but I can assure you the end will not be worth it, you'll die a needless death after the economic collapse, and you better say hello to the NEW super powers, Russia and China and the USSA goes down like the Titanic.
Rest assured, we are all fucked in the end. Your very lifestyle will be WIPED OUT and along with you too.
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dfacc9 No.280872
That smug fucker, if he is a traitor he'll be laughing along with the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons and the Bush crime families. I'm sure they all got their offshore safe havens all ready for what comes next.
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593c0c No.280873
> lol @ YOU "relating to" the candidate with the ONE INCH PENIS
lol @ YOU resembling those with a ONE INCH PENIS for whom "Persona" is EVERYTHING.
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dfacc9 No.280874
Americans won't need those blood donations, they'll all be dropping dead from the clot shots and economic collapse about to unfold.
Bye bye. I had a nice time while it lasts warning you so.
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dfacc9 No.280875
Get out of the system while you still can Jerry, it's going down. Bang or a whimper, it's going down.
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593c0c No.280876
> you'll die a needless death
Yeah, but at least he won't die a needleless death, amirite?
Workin' on it…
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aecde8 No.280877
In a rare moment of candid honesty…..
I'm going to openly admit that I enjoy being an antagonist, and trying to enrage people for absolutely no reason, other than some sick sense of satisfaction I seem to receive from it…
I have been guilty of this behavior ever since I was a child, and I seem to direct this misplaced upside down behavior towards my friends even more than my enemies…
I give both of you guys a lot of shit
A lot of it.. sometimes I take it too far
And I'm aware of it as it's happening
But I really don't dislike either of you
I actually consider both of you to be my friends
And in the back of my mind I sincerely hope each of you understand I have a bit of a mental disorder, and for some reason I can't stop being mean to people…
Sometimes the performance art goes too far and affects other people's perceptions and reality
I sincerely love you actually
I know you don't believe it
Because at this point
It would appear that everything I say is a lie
But I really do
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aecde8 No.280878
If it took you this long to finally realize he's completely incompetent and everything you ever thought you knew about him was nothing more than a poorly tossed together publicity campaign…
Then I assure you as each day passes, and we get closer and closer to the criminal charges, you will eventually understand what I've known the entire time…
Inb4 there won't be any criminal charges
(I think you'll be surprised at what's going to happen)
I don't have a team
I'm NOT "pro Biden"
That's my one pet peeve in life, and always has been…. Stupidity.. it's inexcusable
And he was definitely THE LEAST INTELLIGENT, LEAST REFINED, MOST IGNORANT UNEDUCATED STUPID EMBARRASSING HUMAN BEING I've ever seen, whether president of the United States or a simple civilian….
And that's exactly why he's not president anymore
Because the majority of Americans agreed with me… There was no trickery or stealing during the election.. it wasn't necessary.. nobody had to steal anything.. because he fumbled the ball for 4 years, making embarrassing faux Pas after embarrassing faux Pas after embarrassing faux Pas, and after 4 tedious mind-numbing years, THE MAJORITY OF AMERICAN VOTERS WANTED HIM GONE…
You voted for him in 2016 because you proceed him as being the lesser of two evils….
So you should certainly understand why America voted him out of office this time…
The American electoral system still works just fine
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aecde8 No.280879
What you perceive as "persona" is nothing more than your run of the mill every day entertainment industry tier CHARACTER ACTING
It's performance art
Being performed by a normal everyday human being who began using a CONCEPTUALIZED PSEUDONYM CHARACTER for his art business when he was a teenager.
The applied arts of my past (applied arts = paint.. pen and paper.. sculpture) morphed due to technology, and became a distorted "insult stand up comedy" performance art online…
But that's just my pseudonym.. that's just the character I play online..
That would be like me suggesting YOUR PERSONA IS A GIRAFFE
So your argument doesn't really hold water because it's off base in its very development
Persona this persona that persona persona persona
Maybe semantics aren't getting you as far as you thought?
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aecde8 No.280880
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Jerry.. Merry Christmas Jesus loves you
Killcen…. Elvis loves you
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aecde8 No.280881
I sincerely hope you and mommy
have a wonderful holiday
and that you eventually
learn how NOT TO
become a spittoon
(Whenever you're ready to stop being a cocksucker, come back and we will all warmly embrace you and include you in our reindeer games)
merry Christmas
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dfacc9 No.280882
I'm going to consume so much meat and alcohol this Christmas it will make those around me's heads spin!!!!!!!!
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dfacc9 No.280883
I am going to have THE BEST Christmas EVER! This one is the last solute to the REAL AMERICA before we all DIE!!!!
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dfacc9 No.280884
It's not about the election, you are all going to witness an economic collapse due to the clot shot mandates being upheld by the 6th Circuit and I know many will QUITE their jobs and there WILL be mass shortages as a result, just you wait and see!
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dfacc9 No.280885
I'm shoving so much fucking meat and booze down my throat this LAST FINAL Christmas!!!!!!!!
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dfacc9 No.280886
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dfacc9 No.280887
Why have just two bottles!? Why just two!? I need a third!!! I NEED TO GET THREE!! TWO FOR MYSELF and one for the guests!!!
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aecde8 No.280888
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aecde8 No.280889
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aecde8 No.280890
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dfacc9 No.280892
End Times predicted.
Accuracy status: HAPPENING.
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dfacc9 No.280894
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dfacc9 No.280895
Prepping For A Power Outage: What To Stock Up On
While authorities typically give out notices in advance of a blackout, SHTF scenarios will feature abrupt power outages that last for a long time. Days without electricity could put you and your family’s safety on the line if you’re not prepared for a sudden power outage.
MY COMMENT:THIS!Never expect any notice before/during a real SHTF crisis! You do need to be prepared NOW for it, before it happens. In fact, the major indication of SHTF/another major world war would be the power grid and/or internet going out without notice. You have about 8 hours before full-blown panic kicks in! Then suddenly, once all the mindless consumers "get it" they'll all be flocking to the stores to grab up as much supplies as they can manage, likely fighting over the supplies! You NEVER ever want to be one of those poor fools!
WHAT THIS LIST DID NOT MENTION:A LOT!You most definitely want a wood burning stove or fireplace during winter with plenty of wood stocked up! Of-course this is likely not allowed in most communist-run cities or metro areas, but most of America outside the cities have those utilities. It's most common out in the rural areas, out where I live everyone has wood stocked up for winter! There are some who don't even have power or internet today, they are THAT old fashion and I admire them for it. You'll also need guns/ammo to protect your family and property. Arm the kids during a crisis, they will be of help, just make sure they know how to shoot and safely handle the gun! You'll want a solar generator that can trickle charge 12V batteries and power inverters to hook the 12Vs up to, maybe a couple 2000 watt inverters. That's enough to cover the very basics like the box freezers and fridge! Have 4 or 5 12V batteries routinely charged ready to go, when you use a couple make sure you are charging the others! Rain water is a great source of water IF done right! You need plenty of water purification tablets, cheese cloth and water filters. Before drinking, you need to strain the water out with cheese cloth into a bucket, then you need to add the purification tablets in to kill the bacteria, then you need a really good water filter to clean all the chemicals out of it, then boil the water after it's filtered properly and PRESTO! Clean water from the sky! While you are guarding your family, you could become bored in the rural areas as nothing much will likely happen if you are very rural, so buy some crossword puzzle books and some cards to play Blackjack with the family. Also, if you drink a lot like I do, you better have at least 50 liters of Vodka stashed somewhere, just make sure the kids don't get to them, last thing you need is drunk kids playing cowboys and indians in the house!
AS WARNED: Do Prepare For ISP Bans And Blackouts To Cover Up Genocide/Civil War During USSA Demise
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dfacc9 No.280896
I've been thinking writing about this issue recently. This is something I got prepared for a while back ago, a decade maybe longer. I really got this down well and would like to share what I know. I assume most hardcore preppers already do the same, so this is NOT for you guys because you are already aware of what I will have to say.
Communist revolutions are dangerous and violent, they are empowered by systemic corruption, insolvency, greed and moral decay. The middle class and lower class are always the ones culled in a communist revolution, never the uber rich as they are well protected and have offshore safe havens and get-aways. It tends to be the rich who fund communist revolutions anyway as a means to cull the population. It is always the struggling lower and middle classes that get robbed and killed in communist revolutions. ALWAYS.
Now that this FACT is settled lets talk about one of their many hostile tactics to rob, rape and/or kill you. Communists have many radical tactics. They can blow up a levee or dam to flood out communities they cannot loot or control. They'll also use arson to subjugate their victims too. Sometimes they'll disrupt transportation, much like Antifa derails Amtrack trains and cargo shipments across the midwest! Very common tactics. Another thing communists will do is use a hijacked corrupted government to target families, often at night or early in the morning when people are sound asleep. Or sometimes they'll use mobs to do that too. Depends on the situations at hand. Gun grabs and gulag kidnappings go hand-in-hand during communist revolutions. They know very well the most vulnerable point in time for their victims is when they are sleeping! This is one area in which I have prepped pretty well for!
I have some mitigation tactics for those who plan this for me, and I'll be happy to share these tips with all of you:
(1) First off get used to sleeping in clothing, next to some boots by the side of your bed, cargo pants and a flannel shirt are great and comfy enough to sleep in. (2) You'll want to have a loaded handgun next to your bed, maybe on the nightstand, or you can sleep with it locked on safety mode. Either way have a loaded gun ready to use if you were to wake up during a B&E job or gulag kidnap gun grab. (3) You want something that is battery operated by the side of your bed or mounted to the wall next to you which will allow you to see in the dark. It could be night vision goggles, it could be a handheld portable LED light, it could be a small lamp hooked up to a 12V-powered 200 watt inverter. Maybe a heavy duty flashlight. Whatever it is, make sure you can see good in the dark, and make sure you can use it off-grid!! Have it handy and practice with it in the dark till you can utilize it within 5 seconds when need be. (4) Hardcore entry point fortification and some kind of alarm system that will alert you during a breach at night. When I talk about "entry point fortification" what I mean is having katy bars, floor locks, multiple dead bolts (with long strike plates + 3" stainless steel screws) to reinforce your exterior doors. If you have any patio glass door you need to knock it out and replace it by building an extended wall over it. Windows should also be covered or barred up from the inside, you can easily use wood bits to drill holes through the 2x4s around the frames of the windows and use stainless steel bolts with washers and nuts to mount thick plywood and/or warehouse shelving beams against the windows. Just make sure you get the measurements down correctly and have them leveled.
Basic review:
1) Well clothed, ready to hop out of bed and get into defensive mode.
2) Have a firearm handy next to where you sleep, with extra ammo nearby too.
3) Some kind of battery operated lighting or night vision goggles.
4) Some kind of alarm system for the hardened entry points encase they are breached.
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dfacc9 No.280897
Support your local farmers markets, make contacts and exchange info (business cards would do), buy from your local farmers around the area, consider buying quarter or half cow from a trusted source (half cow lasts one couple 2 years, longer if rationed). Cost of half cow is around 1.5K + small meat processing fee from the local processing plant. You'll need a box freezer to store most of it and your regular freezer to store the rest. Or you could go with two box freezers and have more freezer space to spare, either way.
If you are buying a quarter or half cow it's not at store cost (which would be a rip-off as stores charge extra per pound!) You won't be paying a price gouge fee, so it will save you a lot of money and that much beef will last you for some time! Just make sure to have a backup source of energy if the power grid goes down so you can keep all that meat from spoiling (12V deep cycle batteries, 2000W inverters & solar trickle chargers, or an off-grid solar panel system, or whole house propane or diesel generator.)
TIP OF THE DAY: If the power & internet ever goes out, or mass alternative websites including chat forums, alt news, image boards go down for extended period of time, prepare yourselves for war and prepare to defend yourselves!!! That is a major indication that could save your life.
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2ac0bf No.280912
I'm sorry, I don't understand why you're upset I wouldn't donate my literal self to a for profit organization that turns around and sells my donated fucking tissue for outrageous amounts of money to people who's literal choice is purchase it or die.
Fuck off you self entitled boomer fuck.
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facf66 No.280923
I tell you, vampires are thirsty and greedy motherfuckers.
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91ca52 No.281043
>The American Red Cross has announced its lowest supply of blood since they began
Good! This, just maybe, will be enough to send a hard message to the establishment that we are DONE playing their games. We are fed the fuck up already. We had enough of them, and their corruption. They corrupted and subverted every single institution known to man, including the churches, schools, hospitals, et al. Every fucking thing this 'government' has touched - EVERYTHING - they have destroyed and pillaged. And you expect us to keep bailing you fucking nihilistic POS bastards out over and over again. Get fucked! No. Better yet. Die in a fucking ditch already. We don't give a flying fuck anymore. Not only do we not give a flying fuck, we won't die for your pointless stupid wars either. Go get fucked and killed by China and Russia already!!!!
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78cf68 No.281134
we should start a hospital where only non-vax'd people get to use blood from non-vax'd.
Those that were dumb enough for the vax don't deserve our pure blood.
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8af95d No.281258
If they started paying people for their blood, and stopped accepting aids blood, then perhaps they'd have a better situation.
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59865e No.281288
You glowing faggot nigger
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917651 No.281302
I wish the medical system were better! As an antinatalist, I think medical care is a cornerstone of population stabilization.
We'll get to rejuvenation soon enough, and then people will look at forever and be like, "We'll be living in pods if we don't stop having kids! What's immortal rejuvenation worth if we end up stuck in pods!?"
Dropping the death rate doesn't just increase population. It also decreases birth rates!
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