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File: c85a6c37c1e622c⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 719x539, 719:539, Pepe_with_the_Real_News_.jpg)

09489e  No.280566

Please post any news that is important for folks to know.

Any sort of news, that is important.

Political news, happy news, sad news, expected news, unexpected news, any type of news that is importnat.

Please post whatever you have here, if it is important for people to know!

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acc750  No.280575


Jerry made a $136,000 bet that Trump would be president again on Jan. 1st 2022.

if he defaults on his bet and tries to Welsh on the $136,000, a 79 year old woman is going to beat the shit out of him

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acc750  No.280576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Killcen admitted that his faith in "Jesus" isn't as strong as his fear that Jesus is a myth

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acc750  No.280577


today, Marshmallow Sally will receive yet another $26 in SSI WELFARE BENEFITS

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bd89d2  No.280578


the BO of /pnd/ discovers he's fat and has bumpy skin from not scrubbing off dead skin cells during his infrequent baths

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2da172  No.280653

File: 302f9a16a24190d⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1439x2303, 1439:2303, JN_on_FBI_Watch_List.png)


Post Proof or STFU.

If you don't even know what you bet, how do you expect to collect? You already lost your money and hers, and Trump had nothing to do with it! You are a barely walking, barely breathing, exhibition of the worst case of TDS in human history. Truly a rabid dog that needs to be put down. Luckily, "The Hordes Are Coming"! You won't stand a chance. If this is your last stand, your last hurrah, let me be one of the many to inform you how pathetic and weak your stance is, besides being hypomanic (and that's putting it nicely.) Take your meds. And take Sally's meds too. You are in extreme danger of being harmful to yourself and others, if you don't keep getting yoursrlf all worked up like this, with your hateful extremist ideologies (Ideologies you share with the likes of Marshmallow Sally, I might add…)

Authorities have already been alerted to your possible imminent Manifesto.

It looks like you're gearing up to post it here anytime.

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dda994  No.281139


that new harvard study of vaccines being ineffective.

Thats probably news worthy.

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