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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 425b1534ddae7c1⋯.jpg (13.93 KB, 333x500, 333:500, 41N_NmXfE_L_AC_SY780_.jpg)

fc05d9  No.280564

Because he's AFRAID….


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fc05d9  No.280565

If he actually believed in Jesus, he wouldn't live in continual FEAR

it's really just that simple

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a2b5a7  No.280571


You have nothing to fear as long as you prepare and keep your faith in God, which I have done. You should only fear if you do not have faith and are not prepared for the End Times prophesied.

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4b8f21  No.280730



>grown-ass adults believing in fairy tales

lol sad

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202d33  No.280742





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4b8f21  No.280748


>this is literally the only argument I have for believing in Santa Claus

lol sad

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986e4d  No.280834

these are always great

never see the JEW attack buddha or muhummad or whatever ooga booga " god" africans or indians pray to, never see the JEW hating on all the prayer shrines in Asia

the JEW, with its unbridled cainite demonic hatred have clearly pointed us to the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD.

thanks again, losers

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986e4d  No.280836

File: ca570e6b28f4645⋯.png (563.75 KB, 625x679, 625:679, Screenshot_2021_10_18_09_4….png)

Emmanuel is so " make believe" that lubavitch used their puppet ghw ( " w" is " walker" part of rockefeller clan) to push law 102-14; babylonian talmud noahide laws also passed by " congress".

this forces everyone to worship the JEW and if you dont or refuse to denounce Christ you get beheaded.

its on the books. public law 102-14 " education day". more false religion from the jews and judeomasons

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723099  No.280903


The Jews crucified Jesus. Jesus was against their usury. I think you confuse Christianity with Catholicism by the way. Catholics are the pacifists who's institutions are totally subverted and corrupted. Not all Christian denominations are subverted. Keep in mind there are also non-denominational Christians too who do not belong to any institutionalized church or religious organization. Non-denomination are much more open minded and can clearly see past all the corruption and subversion within organized religious establishments. Killcen is a non-denominational Christian.

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c8aa41  No.280911


The Lutheran Church is a cuck factory tbqh. I remember when I was losing my mind. I was watching a church play about helping refugees. The lady I was watching with was like “this is fucking disgusting”. I doubt she actually said that but the truth is there. Bringing in savages to destroy our society under the guise of Christ. I my self like to think that what I heard was God showing his displeasure. I mean think about it. If Christ was real. Why the fuck would he want you to help the sworn enemy while destroying your own faith?

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6e6eaf  No.280914




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35c572  No.280933


>The Lutheran Church is a cuck factory tbqh

Not even the slightest hyperbole, even the damned churches are all corrupted to the core now. There is literally no institution (((they))) haven't completely subverted and ruined.


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986e4d  No.280961


the irs controlled 501c3 " church" is the enemy. they will plainly tell you they are forbidden by the us govt to criticize any " authority"

the catholic " church" is controlled by rothschild since 1829 and after they stirred up the " american civil war" they purged old catholic families in the south, especially maryland so they could have the judeomasonic citystate of dc unopposed.

theres thousands of " denominations" which is a d@c. the Gospel is simple thats why He came, to do away with all the laws of man that were being used against the people and the old laws were subverted too.

the " evangelicals" are a nightmare, with their six pointed stars and praising " shekinah" in their worship services, and " pastors" quoting their ( talmudic) " rabbi friend".

thats the worst. its that post ww2 " religion"

Hitler is satan, the ( fake) " 6 million" who died for the sins of european " racists are the redeemer, and that makes the cainite " jews" gods to be worshipped.

it really is that bad. our puppet " leaders" bow to them and do everything they want and if you question it in any way you are punished. so what we have is, if you point out that " jews" are cainites who oppose good and everything theyve gained is through lies and deception you are guilty of " heresey".

this is the world we live in. remember, we are His children and are passing through.

stay strong and know this is only a test and the real world is on the other side.

this is something the jew and their judeomasonic and muslim helpers and all the 100s of millions of brown invasive hordes theyve flooded us with can ever have, and thats why they hate us. We belong to the Creator.

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8f860c  No.292329


Killcen is doing the wood burning now.

It looks like he's getting pretty good at it.

He might do a Jesus on knotty pine.

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