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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 7f7e743a8bed412⋯.png (93.42 KB, 740x389, 740:389, America_What_Happened.png)

07e4c3  No.280469

“The truth is I’m not a liberal or a conservative. I’m an institutionalist.”

“I believe in this place and my love of country I yield to no one. But the darkness on the edge of town has spread to the main roads and highways and neighborhoods. It’s now at the local bar, and the bowling alley at the school board in the grocery store.”

“Grown men and women — who swore an oath to our Constitution, elected by our constituents, possessing the kinds of college degrees I can only dream of — have decided to join the mob and become something they are not, while hoping we somehow forget who they were.”

“They’ve decided to burn it all down with us inside.”

MY COMMENT TO BW: It is called communist Marxist indoctrination. Government hijacked the public educational system DECADES AGO. They took the word of God and prayer out of the public schools. Later they removed the history lessons that warned about despotism and authoritarianism, genocide and democide. Then they removed Constitutional studies. Then they took the rifle teams and shooting sports out of the schools. Years later they implemented "zero tolerance policies" and brought the local police into the schools. Then they implemented "Common Core" to dumb down the children and subvert basic math. Next they implemented "Critical Race Theory" and told children to hate successful White people, claiming if you are White you are guilty of racism. Then they pushed transgenderism and pedophilia on the kids. Now they are maiming and killing children with the clot shots. America has been hijacked, our government has been hijacked. If you don't think these people want us dead and gone you are living in fantasy land!!!! Be prepared for war because you are in the middle of a war!!!

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56a44f  No.280470


The Man Who Can't Differentiate Between YOUR and YOU'RE suddenly pretends like he knows the difference between capitalist communist or socialist?

Shouldn't you be pretending to believe in Jesus right now?

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56a44f  No.280471



It's amazing you can spell the word 'god', since you're incapable of spelling other one syllable words…

What do you care about the American education system?… You dropped out of high school, UNABLE TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEENYOURandYOU'RE

You thought you were smart enough to drop out of school, because you decided you didn't need an education…

But here you are, months away from an agonizing stroke and imminent death…


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56a44f  No.280472

Just admit it.. you're an uneducated old fool

You're gullible as fuck, and you have driven away any real life friends or family with your incessant schizophrenia

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56a44f  No.280473

You are more strung out on alcohol than Jerry was ever strung out sharing heroin syringes with other junkies.

You're a fucking junkie

And junkies aren't worth a shit

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07e4c3  No.280475


You have accepted the Devil into your life, I will not. I will not accept the Devil or his demonic tyranny!

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07e4c3  No.280476


No, on the contrary my family understands and accepts the fact I am an alcoholic, and they also realize that the world is being turned upside down, which does not particularly help my problem either. Even you know the world we knew it is coming to an end. Even you know this won't end well for most of us. It certainly won't if you are not prepared for the worst. Deep down, you do know it and the demons are subverting you to keep you from saving yourself and your wife. Playing with the Devil can cost you your life and your soul. Not recommended.

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07e4c3  No.280477


>What do you care about the American education system?

Because this is how our future generations became so subverted, and believe me, many are ready to burn this nation down to the ground with me and you motherfucking in it.

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56a44f  No.280478

personally, I've never taken advice from a fucking junkie

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56a44f  No.280479




Personally, I've never taken advice from a paranoid schizophrenic junkie

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56a44f  No.280480


I'm amazed that JFK knew your secret

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07e4c3  No.280481


You better get on your knees and BEG God for mercy, all of you!!!! This will not end well without some Divine Intervention!!!!!

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07e4c3  No.280483

I am the most sane. It's the insane world we are living with that is challenging my sanity to be perfectly honest. I am always up to the challenge but truth be told, I'm getting too old for this. It's not right that I have to die in a battle that I have not started. I will withdrawal for the time being, but I am ready for this war when it comes to me and my family and my livestock.

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56a44f  No.280484


AN INSTITUTIONALIST : that's what you're going to call your daughter, when she rightfully has you institutionalized immediately after Christmas

………it's for your own good……..

……..but even more good for her……

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ddda43  No.280486


lol I'm going to be alive 35 years after you die from a stroke

You're correct… It does not end well FORYOU

You won't be able to speak or blink your eyes or move the left side of your body, and they're going to give you a colostomy bag and catheter.


So forgive us if the world respects him more than you

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ddda43  No.280487

You're not even smart enough to understand what he was saying when he called himself an institutionalist…

But what would you expect from an illiterate alcohol junkie High School dropout?

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ddda43  No.280488

File: fcd88db69645194⋯.png (677.52 KB, 1080x937, 1080:937, PicsArt_12_16_05_35_48.png)

here's hoping you drink yourself unconscious tonight, and a 1-year-old child crawls into the room.

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ddda43  No.280489

Remember when your daughter was only 1 year old?

From what I hear, I'm certain you remember it fondly

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bf1fb2  No.280500













Hi. I was just wondering where I could subscribe to your amazing newsletter full of things I never knew about or thought about before. I want to become just like you and spend all day making about 30 or possibly even 50 posts a day to every thread. Is the secret pain medication? I wish to know more.

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1ca6e8  No.281142


arent swimming pools more deadly then accidental shootings?

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7a511f  No.281853

File: 34d0f7f535be202⋯.gif (848.61 KB, 480x360, 4:3, welp.gif)


They’ve decided to burn it all down with us inside.

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bec15e  No.281932


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a5f24f  No.282155




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9b2f0d  No.282167








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