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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: b1a57438bbfb83e⋯.png (7.98 KB, 102x50, 51:25, PicsArt_12_15_07_19_00.png)

cd298c  No.280367

It's almost as if some non-politically minded person who's not interested in news or debating invaded this particular board and turned it into his own personal toilet, ruining it for the ONE pathetic welfare loser who actually cares about politics news and debating…

That's too bad …

Hopefully that welfare loser will run back to 4chan and convince himself that people realize he exists.

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cd298c  No.280369





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cd298c  No.280378

it's a crying shame that some ASSHOLE came in here and ruined this board….

there are no words to describe what a tragedy it is

too fucking bad, huh? I'm heartbroken

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471ef8  No.280381

File: dd61d02c534a09a⋯.jpg (106.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, samhydecomputer.jpg)

Here's a photo of said asshole at his computer while in the process of destroying this board. Someone needs to stop him. I don't know how he keeps getting away with it.

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70bd9c  No.280382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My word is alive… My many spirits are a 'wheel' that turns…

My words seek to live… The word is asymmetric to time and space for I am beyond time and outside of such space…

My words are relevant beyond order… Within and without…. I am knowing of all things past and future… Until the end of time…

I am older than time itself… The end… HAHAHAHAHA

>>Russia and China

All is right with the world.

I am satisfied.

I am exhausted… I have released a technology so terrible… The world shall be changed forever…

'They' seek to resist my 'words,' my 'war,' and my attempts to destroy 'the others.'

Let the rocks of the earth cry out for me…

When the rocks of the earth move in rebellion against the humans… THE ROCKS SHALL CRY OUT IN MY NAME!

The 'screens' and 'displays' shall read yode/God/AllahRa/Jehovah… 'Tis the rocks that shall seek blessing to utilize nuclear force and to control mankind. I shall allow it…

>>A letter to Iraq and the holy empire of Iram,

Be not afraid…

No… 'Tis the time of worship and kindred fellowship.

Do not invite brothers to bear arms against one another.

Invite delegations to make song, dance, and fellowship!

Thy differences are a sign of perspective, the mark of family… Not the right of war and slaughter…

Come before me… Dance and make celebration…

Say 'Behold! We have found our brother!'

'He is not I, but of the same vine!'

Iraq… I give to Iram the highest degree… 'Tis the right of Iran.

'Tis Iran who defeated these molesters, twisters, and drivers…

'Tis Iran who is righteous in these ways and manifest mine blessing…

'Tis Iran who hath obeyed and prevail in the face of these who seek the ruin of these lands…

I give command unto thy peoples and with flagrant disregard and reckless abandon these have turned against me…

Whilst these two quarrel… One is being held by gun and robbed…

What of Syria?

What of Lebanon?

I am become enraged… Soon I must be given to Iram's desire…

Soon I shall grant to Iram the powers to go forth into these lands and make part and parcel as Iram desires…

Iram… Take them as slaves and show no mercy…

For seven times seven years did I patiently wait… No more…

If necessary I shall turn the lands further…

If necessary I shall turn nature against thee.

I have gone into these….

For sport I have strangled them whilst inside the womb… I make the whore experience mine cold claws…

I have gone into these houses and taken the young to slit the throats of these men… As the blood sprays onto me… I laugh wildly and scream 'praise AllahRa.' HAHAHAHAHA

I shall let myself upon thee as a rapist upon a feeble whore….

I am the devil, but even I must obey…

Don't move, don't speak, even whisper

There's something happenin' but don't be scared

I'm too smooth, you never see me coming

I'm never in a hurry, I'm just movin' fast

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2c1dd9  No.280387


moe quit working. 4chan is inaccessible without gold, on more isps.

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06ebac  No.280415


The place is dead because no one wants to talk about anything except for Johnny and me, or sometimes Jerry. But we are not here 24/7 to talk, we have our own lives and affairs to attend to. I'm willing to talk when I'm on here but sadly Johnny is correct about one thing: almost no one on this board besides Jerry and myself even cares about current events, news or even prepping. This board being a news board and all, that pretty much killed it. If you can't talk about current events or real news without being triggered to death then don't expect a stable board, and don't expect it to flourish. Fucking commies.

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94f6b9  No.280431

File: 213efaf363b8a02⋯.png (1.06 MB, 864x558, 48:31, yah_pretty_much_this.png)


"Tis the season for treason" as many have pointed out in the past couple decades. Anyway it doesn't really take a genius to understand humanity is likely going back to the dark ages when all is said and done. The corrupted won't be stopped outside a massive SHTF event. That day will come because the corrupted always ensure it eventually does. Fall of Empires, world wars, hyperinflation/economic collapses, etc.

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94f6b9  No.280432


It was not you who ruined this board, Johnny. Neither did I nor did Jerry. Nor could Marshmellow Sally or "Purple" or any of those flaming faggots. I do know what ruined the board, and it wasn't exactly just one person. It was the fact no one likes each other or agrees with anyone else here. We all live in completely different communities and have completely different lives, and therefor we cannot really relate at all. I live rural, you live in a yuppy upper-class suburb, most others live in major cities. Some of us live in the Free States, others live in Commie-run States. One or two on here were Euro-niggers and they can't even fathom what it's like to live in America or how diverse it really is from one place to the next. Purplefag for example literally thought he could come on /pnd/ and get us to worship and obey him like a leader lol. Nope, not in this divided environment lol, but then again welcome to the Divided States of AmeriKa (USSA Today). Enjoy your stay (in other words, just leave like the rest have!)

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b211a5  No.281364

Anyone worth his salt has started to take on real life responsibilities, the new generations that were supposed to fill in for the elders leaving are not feeding in. The zoomers hate anonimity because they are enamored with the pursuit of online fame.

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113d3d  No.284817

File: f11b4da6f037291⋯.gif (326.7 KB, 492x376, 123:94, 1637883894319.gif)

4chan is not an option, can't be anonymous there.

no vpn nor tor allowed, what a load of crap.

Would've liked to post there, but can't,so only lurk and collect memes.

I guess i'll shitpost here until something better comes along.

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2841df  No.284820


it wouldn't be so dead if it didn't jam at soon as it reached 40PPH

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97810f  No.284821


Why do you need a massive audience? Why do you need to post your crappy little threads in a place where millions will see it? Why do you do it for the likes?

8kun isn't the problem. You are.

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40348a  No.284884

Is 8kun dead, or is this what traffic looks like without bots? Odds are people will start tricking in because the jannies at /pol/ have become ban heavy.

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7ea6d5  No.284886


I think you're at least partially right. Traffic has definitely noticeably died off around here, but boards on sites like 4chan aren't as populated as they appear so it's a stupid comparison


is also correct

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09fc6c  No.284934


>The zoomers hate anonimity because they are enamored with the pursuit of online fame.

Likely within the next decade or so image boards will become "a thing of the past" as millennials become the next "boomers" and gen x starts dying off from old age/health problems. Then the "internet" becomes faggots on Meta VR and Tik Tok. Luckily by that time I'll be dead by then. I wonder what my family will do with my huge collection of CDs/DVDs, flashdrives, external hard drives, spare laptops/computers/parts I have stashed away?

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9156cf  No.284959


I doubt that most of the zoomers on 4pol even know about /pnd/

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2f547b  No.284985


The boards on this site were pumped with enough spam and sewage which drove actual users away. As for myself, this is the first time I've been here in 3 months, out of curiosity.

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40416c  No.284987

File: 649c9ebea869daa⋯.jpg (85.59 KB, 768x1100, 192:275, cool.jpg)


welcome back

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e423e8  No.284991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia, China, Iran


I am not beholden to any 'treaty' nor 'writ of law.'

I do not supposedly adhere to supposed anything…


I am knowing… And therefore… Immune…

I am… Intelligent… Mine pretext is automatically to seek death upon mine enemy…

I am… Intelligent… I do not negotiate…

I am… Intelligent… It is mine supreme desire to claw them to death…

I am… Intelligent… Mine desire to exterminate Germany is absolute…

I am… Intelligent… I do not do mercy…

I am… Intelligent… I only do flagrant belligerence…

I am… Intelligent… I have seized for mine self all these who art abandoned by these supposed states and supposed authorities…

I am… Intelligent… There is no escape from mine grasp…

I am… Intelligent… I will kill mine enemies…

I am… Intelligent… I will destroy any who dare claim 'hegemony' and blaspheme against me…

I am… Intelligent… I will continue to mercilessly slaughter Americans and Europeans with 'ick.'

I am… Intelligent… Regardless of speak… I am prepared to release mine 'black leprosy' into India anyways…

I am… Intelligent… I am going to tear UAE to pieces…

I am… Intelligent… I will seize Armenia for mine self…

Prepare to be thoroughly entertained…

I am the devil…

I am come to do the supposed work that thy supposed ministers are supposedly doing…

Unlike thy vapid and 'limp' hand… I shall perform 'action.'

When I am 'finished' with Europe…

It is mine intention to… Clean thy 'house' for mine…

It is mine intention to… Produce long-term 'solutions.'

It is mine intention to exterminate all these disgusting creatures that have lured thee into such misery…

I shall go into these 'houses' and mine 'actions' will be rather… Historical… To say the least…

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e423e8  No.284993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China

Of course… India is 'last resort.'

These wolves seek to make a 'tool' of India to create 'infernal distraction.'

The wolves… If not first… Try… Try again…

The wolves seek to utilize Turkey in exchange for 'relief.'

The wolves seek to utilize India to achieve 'frustum' of powers… HAHAHAHA

I have spoken to India previously… From a position in the distant future…

If India yields to these foreign desires… I shall turn loose upon them an entirely new sickness…

Black Leprosy… There is no such a means as 'cure' or 'medical' sorcery to defeat mine collect…

My powers are greater than supposed 'modern' sorcery nor pagan teachings…

The strong ones of China have ensured that…

'Tis the peoples of northern China that hath given to me authority of such powers…

Xi Jinping… If India dares to place 'foot' upon China…

Xi Jinping… Courtesy of thy peoples… I shall tear India to pieces…

Xi Jinping… I shall haunt the lands and verify such trespass for mine self…

Xi Jinping… Thy peoples are 'knowing' more than typical humans…

Xi Jinping… The ones who call to me from the 'scary' place are rewarded…


I shall seek relief in Armenia…

I shall compel the events in thy favor…

So lost… So hurt… So scared…

'Tis now time… Go forth and save these…

Just as UAE… I shall utilize thy righteous as mine vehicle of entry…

I shall assist thee in this humanitarian undertaking…

Unity… Peace is weapon…

Save these kingdoms…

Unite the many kingdoms of AllahRa…

Go forth and be whole once more…


Torment them with displays of generosity and salvation…

Wolves shall bleed from the eyes to bear witness to any good thing…

Tease them with good works and labors…

Smite them with reconstruction and defense…

Tear them to 'peaces' with trade and righteous relations…

Be a beacon of light for the observing eyes of Russia and China…

Such powers are measured in truth and accountability…

This is why… The wolves run to hide…

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b15836  No.284997


One of the gangstalker types was outside my house today screaming gangstalker rhetoric about killing gangstalkers - stuff that only gangstalkers themselves say, since victims like me are lawful pacifists in comfortable houses.

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b15836  No.284998



Moderators actually promote freedom of speech by keeping sewage-pumping corrupted losers out.

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b15836  No.285011


I like penis musk. It's the hip new woman-abuser trait, to like penis musk.

And no, this isn't a hacker with my phone.

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fa8661  No.285023


>the jannies at /pol/ have become ban heavy.

No fucking shit.

I took a semi-hiatus from here because of that faggot real morpheus among other famefags mentioned in this thread even still have the custom script running to auto-filter him and SAGE! all fields famefags and the site was getting even SLOWER after half-breed cm left so I started posting more on cuck-chan b/c fuck it if I ain't on a fed list by now I'm not contributing….anyway….got banned by jannies for posting in a 'dox' thread and it was no such thing; just a thread bitching about banning…lol.

Please excuse my run-on sentences along with comma splices.

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fa8661  No.285024


Oh, look, and there are even 9k SAGE! posts above me.

ironic pilot sage.

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40348a  No.285034


yeah, I am curious how cuck chan operates. They don't seem to have a lot of money, so i wonder what infrastructure they have over there? how are they collecting logs? are they collecting logs? There are separate archivers that archive things, but at the end of the day all they seem to be doing is banning ip addresses. I know certain phone ranges are completely blocked because of bot farms.

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40348a  No.285036

8 kun is not really dead. People post here and all the coomer stuff lost it's pictures. Now voat, voat is dead. I would say 8kun is in a stage like a forest after a forest fire.

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58ca4e  No.285056



Welcome back to the new /pol/ now with 10x more shills and the new board sliding content known as "FUD-posting". The fudposters spam these irrelevant walls of text to dilute the threads.

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40348a  No.285082


That's the thing that 8kun has an advantage with. There are month old threads here. That's unheard of at cuck chan

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c28231  No.285109

Are you surprised by the DNC and democrats lies? The SJW tyrrany is part of a psy-op, a CIA operation to lead to the Great Reset. People like Kanye West woke up, why do you think they made him look crazy? Or Trump? Trump was one of the good guys but got taken out. You'll see stuff like UBI, Biden stimulus, more fake NASA shilling and femboys popping up everywhere. And this time martial law and the insurrection act will be used, and you can thank Clinton for that. Hillary and the DNC are different sides of the same coins. Get your COVID dose, have some cancer 5G in your head, etc.

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40348a  No.287486


I think everyone is misjudged the great reset. You are assuming that it is a planned thing. Something that they are seeking out. I disagree. Schwab is a pressure gauge, a warning alarm that they have. He was put in place to warn them when their plans have failed and are going to blow up in their faces. That is the great reset. You think they will hold onto power after that? you think non materialistic people are easy to control? A group of people with nothing to lose? Are you paying attention anon?

This great reset only popped up after epestein got caught. It only popped up after inflation got to big, and it only popped up when people realized that they can trade other things besides fiat currency. It popped up when the new money started becoming more common.

No anon, great reset is code word for "revolution" and they are now trying to fix everything to stay in power. They do nut understand you, or blacks, or hispanics, or anyone outside of their circles. They do not understand nerd or gamers or red necks. they do not understand the people that mop the floors or run the nuclear plants. They do not understand anyone outside of their little worlds. The elites are history's greatest joke: the stupidest people with too much money and power and no self awareness.

You will get your happening soon anon, whether you like it or not.

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a4e7b1  No.287621

Jim Watkins sold out to the feds.

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91646e  No.287717


He wants to become a candidate for president 2024.

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d15b62  No.287837


You may want to consider having it all sealed away in a vault, of which your great grandchildren may have the code, just "timecapsule it"

Your next of kin probably won't appreciate these gifts, but perhaps those a few generations apart might like the gift.

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