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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
My name is Nate Higgers

File: 7ce32120b2c93fd⋯.png (2 MB, 1110x1110, 1:1, Ska_rmavbild_2021_12_11_kl….png)

cc9b49  No.280145

Want to have some fun? Ok, here's what you need to. There's a 4000 membered server ran by commies, owned by Infrared, the twitch streamer. This server has TTS enabled, which means that you could use Discord to send voice messages in any channel you want. Type “/tts” followed by a space, and then type your message. Send the message, and all the users will hear your message aloud in the channel you have sent a message by a voice bot.

The channel where you should send this in is #general. When you join the server, wait 10 minutes to become verified.

Here's the invite link https://www.discord.gg/infrared

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f82939  No.280151



>Still giving a shit about communists

Ok Boomer.

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a05cc7  No.280162


lol @ your empty existence

lmmfao @ your loneliness

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7ba8c0  No.280185


want to have some fun? Ok, here's what you need to do:



good luck, lonely bitch

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d814ab  No.280188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ropers - Episode 16 "Helen Makes Music" (Nov 24, 1979)

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d814ab  No.280189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ropers - Episode 17 "The Skeleton" (Dec 1, 1979)

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deeac3  No.281147


koshanski dislikes this

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