*Statement and Release Of Document*
December 13, 2021
Update On Mr. Bond:
As most of you are aware of by now, Mr. Bond was arrested on January 20, 2021 in his home in Carinthia, Austria. He is still awaiting trial as I type this. I would like everyone to know that I am happy to inform you that contact has been made with both Philip ("Mr. Bond") and his legal defense.
It was not an easy task whatsoever, obtaining his information so we could find him. Even then, trust had to be earned, and the understanding of our intentions to help Philip had to be made clear.
Ten months later, I have written to Philip and have received a letter from him back. I have established as much trust as one can hope given the circumstances with his lawyer.
We do not take this situation lightly at all, and trying to decide what information should be released wasn't easy either. After many discussions with the others that make up #team freemrbond, and Philip's lawyer, the decision was made– I was entrusted with a 32 page long PDF file of Philip's "Anschuldigungen" or "Accusations" file. Meaning his indictments. What this man is facing is absolutely horrifying.
We understand that many of you have wanted to help out, and maybe even donate– but have been hesitant to because until now, we have been unable to provide any proof that we've been in contact with either Philip or his legal defense. While this hesitation was understandable, the information in this "statement" should lay to rest any doubts you may have had.
Philip H is Philip Hassler, and he was first taken to the Klagenfurt prison, then transferred 10 days later on January 30, 2021 to the Josefstadt prison in Vienna, Austria. He has a birthday coming up on the 28th of this month as well.
Whether you like his music or not, he is our brother. A man who has committed no crimes, he simply made parody songs and used satirical undertones the same as other musicians have done. Only they aren't sitting in a prison cell facing up to 20 years. Imagine that for just a moment… imprisoned and looking at a prison sentence sometimes actual murderers don't even get…
To keep this from turning into a novel, we are asking you for your help. Not for ourselves, but for our brother, who has a name, a family, and a home. Who is guilty of no crimes other than being able to think outside the proverbial box, and using artistic expression and humour to convey these thoughts. Was he aware of the risks? Sure. Does that mean he deserves the consequences? No, it means he put his love and passion for music and for his people - us, and what he felt it conveyed before his own life and freedom. He believed it was worth the price he is now paying. That alone speaks volumes about the honor Philip has. And honor is loyalty.
As loyal fans and supporters, we hope that you will not only donate whatever you can, but also help us spread this message as far and wide as possible! And to as many people as possible!
Even if there are some that don't and won't appreciate his music, hopefully they will be supporters of freedom of speech, artistic expression, and freedom of thought. The most basic human right and basic human nature- thought.
If you have any questions, concerns, etc…please don't hesitate to reach out, contact information below.
"An attack on one of us, is an attack on ALL of us!"
Thank you,
Shill-Killa Linney
Along with many others….
Telegram (http://t.me/shillkilla)
ϟ𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖑-𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖆 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖊𝛄
https://www.freemrbond.com "My Honor Is My Loyalty"