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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: a38d38a6ee0c4fc⋯.png (488.48 KB, 1325x624, 1325:624, putin_cucks.PNG)

d98781  No.279601[Last 50 Posts]

Good morning, sirs.

Fearing action from the superior United States, Putin does the needful and cucks out on attacking Ukraine.

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115820  No.279604


No surprise there. He lost his pet.

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7d6180  No.279606


it's 4 in the afternoon, dipshit that doesn't understand the meaning of NEEDFUL

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7d6180  No.279607


Imagine a world in which you actually knew what was happening

Now, keep imagining it

That's the closest you'll ever get

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7d6180  No.279608


judging by your lack of mastery regarding WORDS, I'm guessing you must've ENRIQUE, Marshmallow Sally's boyfriend

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7d6180  No.279612

Putin has amassed troops Ong the border for a very good reason :

a chess game

the US has been quietly setting up military sites all around Russia, creating an unfair advantage for NATO

imagine Russia surrounding America's borders with nuclear missile silos and launch pads for invasions

Trust me….

Putin WILL invade Ukraine…..

because he stated the terms

"Legally Binding Agreement To

Stop Building NATO bases Around

Russia's Borders"

but America won't listen


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7d6180  No.279613



America's military is at its lowest point in decades

Russia would mop the floor with America

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a1a43d  No.279615


you obviously don't read JANE'S DEFENCE

WEEKLY™ ….because you're too busy not

being able to construct coherent sentences

there are approximately 78,000 troops amassed

but Putin is planning on ramping the numbers up to 175,000 troops, at which point, they're ready to invade Ukraine

you should try getting a little bit of fresh air occasionally

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c656fd  No.279620


Hey, Enrique……

Shouldn't you be massaging Marshmallow Sally's diminutive little testicles right now?

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d98781  No.279627

poor commie cant cope with russia's geopolitics being dictated by sleepy joe biden. dugin, you say? nah. biden LOLOL

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c656fd  No.279628

File: 890333cd7ad9f36⋯.jpg (107.72 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, url.jpg)

I'll tell you who's a CUCK ….


the American military literally

Struggled to maintain a tiny shitty

place like Iraq

America had their ass handed to them by

a small group of ragtag disheveled turban scumbags

They don't stand a chance against Russia

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d98781  No.279631


>oy vey america pulled out of iraq and even let the taliban win afghanistan!

>no more wars for israel oooooy vey!

stay mad, grussad

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c656fd  No.279633

I'll tell you who's a CUCK ….


the American military literally

Struggled to maintain a tiny shitty

place like Iraq

America had their ass handed to them by

a small group of ragtag disheveled turban scumbags

They don't stand a chance against Russia

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c656fd  No.279635



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d98781  No.279639

File: 529839acd61e905⋯.png (392.84 KB, 1919x935, 1919:935, neptune_bolshevik_0.PNG)


Stay defeated…by Sleepy Joe Biden


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0a8066  No.279649


/PND/ is like a nice subdivision in an affluent area

andyou'relike a ghetto housing project

built right on the edge of our neighborhood

YOUrepresent poverty, a lack of education, and a lack of proper nutrition, which led to your dysfunctional intellect and sexual inabilities

you're like /pnd/s AFFIRMATIVE ACTION guest

you are /pnd/s underbelly…. the "one that never had a chance"

you're our affirmative action WELFARE GUEST

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d98781  No.279650

File: 32179f9b7722a41⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 600x726, 100:121, mfw_bored.jpg)


You're just mad I took control of /pol/ and now /pnd/. You lost your safespace and your place of business. You lost your chat room here and your propaganda distribution center there. And now you're crying about it like a woman on her period. I've done these things without any effort. That's what really has you upset because you've tried and still try so hard but in the end it doesn't even matter..


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0a8066  No.279651




You can't even take control of that tiny dead flaccid little thing between your legs

You're incapable of achieving an erection within 200 ft of a female

You're white trash, Sallyboy

Dysfunctional white trash garbage

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0a8066  No.279652


The only thing you've ever mastered was INABILITY

Laughable inability

Across the board

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d98781  No.279653

File: f00ea3218568088⋯.png (98.18 KB, 979x689, 979:689, homestead_shill_dugin_1.PNG)

File: 468ce527faf1ba8⋯.png (970.47 KB, 1226x705, 1226:705, homestead_shill_dugin_2.PNG)


Are you taking a break from using the homestead niche to try and fail to spread Nazbol on /pol/? You continue to try and push that boulder up hill, don't you, little Sisyphus?


Stay defeated.

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0a8066  No.279654


I realize you are happy making do with a measly $26 a day… But in case you ever decide to get a job, you could always be a projectionist

I know that you consider yourself to be theatrical

But the projection booth is more your speed

From months you've been grappling with the fact that I stumbled into this worthless empty board

And like a chunk of modeling clay, in true Pygmalion fashion, I managed to sculpt this board into whatever I wanted it to be….


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0a8066  No.279655



As if right on cue, you once again demonstrated the fact that you suffer from an overwhelming ADHD situation….

You're such a fucking idiot you actually think I go to 4chan

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d98781  No.279656



Sore loser who only has petty insults and scripted responses left to wield. Stay defeated :)

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0a8066  No.279657

Absolutely nobody in here gives a flying fuck about political bullshit

Nobody in here cares about Jews

Nobody in here gives a fuck about the news

Nobody is interested in debating anything in here

I managed to turn this place into my own personal toilet

And there you sit in your little housing project

Collecting your welfare and food stamps

Mooching off your mother

And fantasizing about being powerful

Only you care about your stupid beliefs

And every time you open your mouth

Everybody else instantly ignores you


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d98781  No.279658

File: 5660f924f61b277⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 946x1087, 946:1087, nobody_patch.jpg)


>n-no i took control!

>pol\ is mine too!!!!11

yes yes. and communism will win in two more weeks also. youre VERY accomplished :) well done

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0a8066  No.279659



What you perceive as "scripted responses" are merely simple observations

Nobody needs to carefully "script" the fact that image board douchebags like yourself never get any pussy

No script writer is needed to make a simple observation that 99.5% of image board douchebags like yourself are sexually dysfunctional misfits

You all grew up the same way :

With a video controller in one hand

And the other hand tightly clinging to your mother

It's just a simple fact of life

And it applies to almost all of you



You don't have a job.. you can't take care of yourself

Somebody's paying the internet bill

But it's not you

Do I need to continue?

Do you think this is scripted?

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0a8066  No.279660


/POL/ IS GARBAGE, and I've never even been there

I don't need to go there to know it's worthless garbage

You're the only one in here who goes there

Except for the effeminate board operator

Because he doesn't know who or what he is

You go there because you think it's important

You actually think you make a difference where you go

Nobody pays attention to you

Not in real life and not on the internet

You are insignificant

You are a weak little man

And nobody pays you any mind

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d98781  No.279661

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, merchant_damage_control.gif)

File: ea2d98d49f8c43b⋯.png (239.96 KB, 1863x774, 207:86, neptune_scripted_response_….PNG)



I didn't think you'd stoop to such blatant damage control. You're out of your depth here, yid.

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0a8066  No.279662

A G A I N , D I P SH I T :









You are the only idiot stupid enough to assume I actually go to that worthless website

And the only reason you assume I go there is because you are the idiot who actually goes there

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d98781  No.279663

File: cd0f8e1963f80f9⋯.jpg (82.98 KB, 840x473, 840:473, kvetching_kike_2.jpg)


stay mad and defeated, sore loser. No Zionism, no Nazbol. They're both dead and soon your "people" will follow them into the Pit. You know it. I know it. The feds reading this thread know it. I can't wait. Now bump my threads until then.

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0a8066  No.279664



That doesn't mean that everybody else is a fagot who's not sexually attracted to females, and lives with their mother collecting welfare and food stamps


that doesn't mean that everybody else is a video game anime image board obsolete computer Sissy effeminate little creampuff who spends their lives fantasizing about being powerful



Which is why you keep returning

You are the queen of effeminate image board homosexuals

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0a8066  No.279665



Because you are irrelevant

Because you have never accomplished anything in your life, other than getting approved for SSI welfare disability benefits (and you had to ask your mother for help to get approved)

You've never actually accomplished anything on your own

You are beneath the level of a seven year old child

You spend your days mooching off others

Hibernating isolated in your mommy's spare bedroom

You accomplish NOTHING

Nobody cares about anything you say or think

Because you are an irrelevant weak little man

Who is incapable of accomplishment

So of course you like to play fantasy games

And fantasize that there are federal agents watching you

Fantasizing that you are somehow powerful

Fantasizing that you have accomplished something




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0a8066  No.279666


I technically sold my first professional illustration at the age of six….


And somebody purchased one of my illustrations

At the age of 12, I was commissioned to execute my first magazine cover

By the age of 15, I had already started my own graphic design company in Atlanta Georgia

By the age of 16, I had been selling paintings and drawings for thousands of dollars… I was even paid $16,000 to paint a skyline of Atlanta for a restaurant, and it only took me 3 days to finish.

I had just turned 16 years old when I moved in with my 36-year-old beautiful drop Dead gorgeous genius registered nurse live in girlfriend JOY….

I was also working as a doorman in nightclubs since the age of 15, which is how I met Joy….

By the time I was 18, I had been hired as a strip club DJ, with a minimum guarantee of $1,600 per night…. That meant that if for some odd reason, I only made $1,200 in tips, the strip club would guarantee me an extra $400 before I walked out the door… Meaning I never left with anything less than $1,600 cash per night…. But that rarely ever got implemented, because I'm a normal night I would make closer to $3,600….


By the time I was 20, I had fucked more women than any other man I ever met in my life… I actually fucked more women than George Clooney has…..

In my early twenties my art career took off in a major way, and suddenly I found myself working for Warner Bros records, getting paid up to $11,000 per day

I'm not joking…. Several times, Warner Bros actually paid me $11,000 for one day of doodling with a pen and paper…..

By the time I was 25, I was regularly dining with multi-millionaires in the entertainment industry…

When I was 12 years old, I began painting portraits of Elvis Presley for celebrities… I became friends on a first name basis with people like Mick Jagger, David Gilmour, Paul McCartney, and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on….

I accomplished all of these things before I was 25 years old


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0a8066  No.279667


The man who sits in his mommy's spare bedroom into his mid thirties will NEVER FIND A WOMAN

The man who sits in his mommy's spare bedroom collecting welfare benefits will NEVER ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING

So it's understandable why image boards are so important to you

This is the opposite of real life

And since you failed so miserably at real life

This is all you've got…………

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d98781  No.279668

File: b9cbbc105f5d496⋯.jpg (218.82 KB, 1273x1024, 1273:1024, mfw_your_post.jpg)

Yet here you are crying about me on a dead board. You rely on your own power, I rely on someone else's. That's the difference between you and I – I recognize my limitations while you believe that you yourself are sufficient. Your mindset has caused you to lose, time and time again, to me and my mindset. You're defeated because you defeated yourself. Now stay mad and defeated

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0a8066  No.279669

And DON'T Get Me Wrong….

Please don't misinterpret my words…

I am NOT saying I'm "better than you"

I'm not saying I'm better than anybody else

I'm not patting myself on the back

I'm not bragging or gloating……

In fact, the truth of the matter is I'm a loser

I didn't do nearly as much with my life as I wish I had

I didn't even accomplish a fraction of what I wanted to accomplish

I failed miserably to be honest

I could have easily accomplished anything I wanted

(I was actually planning on becoming an attorney)

So don't misinterpret my words

Don't think I'm saying I'm better than you

Because I'm not



I'm simply here to remind you

YOU in particular….

That you're definitely not better than anybody

You aren't half the Man of even the weakest Jew

You aren't shit

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0a8066  No.279670


CRYING ?……… lol

crying about YOU ??!!!…….

hahahahahaha !!

You must have missed that day at school when they taught all the other students the difference between CRYING and RIDICULE

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0a8066  No.279671

File: 886400edc192a6a⋯.jpg (555.93 KB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, PicsArt_12_11_01_40_50.jpg)

It's funny that between us, I'm the only one with big enough balls to admit how worthless I am

It's funny you can't let go of your ego…..

That's one of your major downfalls… The need to continually reassure yourself of some imaginary superiority….

You wouldn't be a bad guy… If you knew how to be cool

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d98781  No.279672

File: 85ccff42b102cad⋯.jpg (61.72 KB, 1823x210, 1823:210, moarpheus_warrior_of_god.JPG)


>we're all garbage

Not really. You might be garbage. In fact, I'm certain of it. You claim to have all this talent yet here you are.. bragging about yourself with no one else to sing your praises. You try and spread propaganda but are defeated each time. Your IQ could be 211, your net worth 2 billion $$$, your network expansive, all the talent in the world could be yours… and it wouldn't matter. You would still lose to me, as well as anyone or any cause against whom I set myself. Petty childish insults and ridicule is all you have left you and yours have lost the ability to run successful propaganda and psyop you have been exposed as the uncultured, unintelligent, bratty child that you are. And soon the Gates of Hell will given dominion over the multitude just to ensure you understand how defeated (((you))) actually are. Then maybe that unhealthy and inflated ego will burst and we can get somewhere authentic. I doubt it, but maybe. Keep bumping my threads with your kvetch until then.

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0a8066  No.279673

You're not particularly astute….

Paying attention to details isn't your strong point…

You seem oblivious to the fact that I have never engaged in any political conversations in here, that I have never "debated" news or politics in this shithole…

It goes right over your head that I never ever ever engage you or anybody else in another boring conversation about Jews or whatever the fuck it is that you focus on…..

The reason I never discuss those topics :

Because I'm not interested

That's not who I am

That's not what I do

That's not what I care about

That's not why I'm here

But you have no idea why I'm here

Everybody else figured it out in short order..

Because it's really not complicated..

But unlike the others, YOU always have to apply your "template of insecurity and inferiority", always overcompensating by fabricating some imaginary scenario where you are important, and I was sent here to monitor you somehow….

I don't need you in here

You make no difference to me whatsoever

You have nothing to do with why I'm here


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0a8066  No.279674

File: c54370fb30219cf⋯.jpg (553.39 KB, 1382x1080, 691:540, PicsArt_12_11_01_43_35.jpg)


There you go again with your little fantasy world

Your fantasies are important

Because that's the only way

You can ever feel like you matter

So you fabricate intricate effeminate fantasies

Just like a woman

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d98781  No.279675

File: 69838046c08f16e⋯.png (27.58 KB, 653x131, 653:131, johnny_neptune_bolshevik_1.PNG)

File: 1ec7939c88491b2⋯.png (20.67 KB, 466x244, 233:122, neptune_bolshevik_1.PNG)

>damage control, denial, and diversion

>petty insults, ridicule, projection

those are your only remaining weapons and they've already been turned against you. you and your cause are non-existent at this point.

now continue kvetching about it

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0a8066  No.279676

File: d262f34c2fe31b7⋯.jpg (437.41 KB, 928x1307, 928:1307, 20211211_135612.jpg)


Just like a bored, neurotic, slightly psychotic divorced middle-aged woman…..

He fabricates another fantasy of intrigue

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0a8066  No.279678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've never been much on fantasizing…..

I prefer to rely on ACTUAL MEMORIES


It's strange.. in retrospect, it was always the struggle that was most fun…

The only things that were truly FUN seemed terrifying at the time

But how would you know?

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0a8066  No.279679

R O L E P L A Y : for women and children

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0a8066  No.279680


And that says a lot…. Because I literally threw that video together in 2 hours, using only a smartphone

imagine what YOU could accomplish if you simply stood up on your own two feet, stopped relying on excuses, turned off your stupid little computer, and walked out there into the real world, ready to grab the bull by the horns….


No woman is ever going to accidentally stumble into your mother's spare bedroom, see you sitting in front of your computer fantasizing about being an "intimidating powerful entity", and suddenly declare that she has been looking for a child trapped in an adult male's body, with absolutely no life experience or romantic history…

That's not how it works in real life

That's just another one of your fantasies

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0a8066  No.279682

File: 576a975f12598c1⋯.jpg (201.67 KB, 1080x1285, 216:257, PicsArt_12_11_02_15_31.jpg)


so out of touch with reality, that he thinks I actually have a "cause"

hahahaha wow

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0a8066  No.279683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When I was 24 years old, my live-in girlfriend Jill and I each got paid $1,600 (plus $200 a day per diem for 3 days) to appear on The Geraldo Show, and "fill seats"….

("filling seats" is what the daytime talk shows used to call LYING…. Lying about your situation, "acting" like you're telling the truth, and spicing the show up a bit)

I had already become accustomed to commuting back and forth to NYC from the luxury high rise apartment I shared with Jill, so we just looked at this as "a fun opportunity"….

Something goofy and wild to remember when we got older

Not exactly one of my life goals

But a crazy experience to accomplish nonetheless

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70f491  No.279684


Swallowing Neo-con war propaganda much? Since when did Putin said he was going to invade Ukraine. Our media and Zionist neo-cons have been saying that for over 2 years now. Not going to happen. Putin said he's simply building border defenses along the Russian side.

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0a8066  No.279686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know you're not good at paying attention to details, but MAKE AN EFFORT…..

I was 24 years old ….

Not 34

Not 35

Not 40…..


And I was living in a badass luxury high rise apartment ($3,200 month rent) in the most exclusive section of Atlanta, with a gorgeous genius talented illustrator live in girlfriend

And just on a goof…. We decided to fly to New York and get paid to "fill seats" on Geraldo…

Those are the type of crazy memories you will want when you get older

The exact type of crazy memories you will never have

Not as long as you continue to spend your life sitting all by yourself in front of that shitty obsolete computer

(Computers are a product of planned obsolescence by manufacture, becoming obsolete every 6 months, and you've been riding that same dinosaur for a couple years now)

Because you are not an active participant in real life, you will never have any crazy wild memories to reflect on in the future….

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0a8066  No.279687


Actually you're wrong

Sorry.. but you're mistaken this time

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d98781  No.279688

File: 3152de8d99562c5⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 1027x840, 1027:840, _putin_3.JPG)


>zionist neo-con

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0a8066  No.279694


Russia has recently achieved several levels of technological military superiority..

Multiple interwoven levels of extremely advanced high-tech superiority over NATO and America

He has also made it very clear over the past several years how he feels about the NATO armaments being built up around Russia

And this is his response

He is more than prepared to invade Ukraine.. simply to push America into a reaction

When he met with Biden during teleconference recently, he once again stated the goal :


Of course he never expected Biden too concede or capitulate… That's part of the plan…. But he gave Biden an opportunity….

That way he will go down in the history books as having given America a chance…

Russia could mop the floor with the United States military, because we are at our lowest point since before world war II

Putin would be tickled pink to put America in its spot, and that's why Biden cowered and wouldn't commit to troops on the ground..

Just like China intends on doing with Taiwan in 2023, Russia is going to use the invasion as a way to force America's hand…

America talks a big game, but are we willing to commit harikari over Ukraine or taiwan?

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0a8066  No.279696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Earlier, I asked you to work on paying attention to details….

If you have been paying attention, then you probably noticed THIS is one of the VERY FEW political 'conversations' I've engaged in

Because politics are boring….

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0a8066  No.279697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia and China both have military superiority over the United States and NATO

And they are prepared to use it

The United States is not prepared to risk it all, especially not right now, not when all of our soldiers want to play video games and urinate into empty Pepsi bottles….

Our military is garbage

And now Russia and China both intend on clarifying who the real superpowers are

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115820  No.279698


Nonstop, constant posting doesn't mean you're in control. Everything can be filtered. If you can be filtered, then you're not in control.

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70f491  No.279699


The most ironic thing is, Johnny, none of this had to happen in the first place. If only we didn't have such a corrupted government and decent people in leadership our military would still be stronger than ever, Russia wouldn't be of any concern to us, China wouldn't hate our fucking guts nor would the Middle East, our military got totally corrupted and subverted after the 9/11 false flag operation and when Obama purged 300+ high ranking brass and replaced them with commies and social justice warrior Marxist types it was OVER.

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d98781  No.279700

File: 893cb0b47e26b5c⋯.jpg (146.84 KB, 962x911, 962:911, Anglin_trump_spam.JPG)


I don't find politics boring. It's a great way to upset kikes. They're either Zionists or Bolsheviks and they run propaganda for both sides. When you destroy their efforts, which are backed not only by money but years of planning, there's nothing better.


Pic related. I can't be filtered. My ideas are seeds planted in the collective unconscious of man. The one I oppose can not succeed even when supported by $$$ and years of planning. That's just how it is.

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70f491  No.279701


No one cares about 4cuckistan around here and you are not in control of anything.

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d98781  No.279703


stop samefagging johnny neptroon

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0a8066  No.279704

Although American News organizations never cover the story, for the past few years, Putin has been OPENLY discussing a preemptive nuclear strike on America.

They already had the "dead hand system" Doomsday computer program in place throughout the entire Cold war, but last year Russia reached an even more troublesome level of Doomsday superiority….

Perhaps you were unaware of this…..

I realize it's hard to keep up with world events when you're busy repeating trendy catchphrases in shitty image boards, desperately trying to fit in with all of the other image board parrots…

But yeah….. You should research the two new airplanes Russia has launched…

It's no longer even in human hands….

They are not afraid of mutually assured destruction

In fact, they are ready to get the show on the road

But Putin has been making some very disturbing comments over the past few years, comments that have become increasingly more and more disturbing with each passing year….

If you think Putin is not prepared to push it to the brink, you might want to think again…

The Russian think tanks have correctly assessed that America does not have the balls to stand up to them….

Because we are lazy and spoiled and stupid

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0a8066  No.279705


More fantasies on your part?

Everybody is ME…. right?…..

I'm everywhere, right?

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0a8066  No.279706


Hold on a minute.. if you are ME, then why didn't I (you) notify myself (us) that I was going to samefag?

oops !!! I just said SAMEFAG

Look at me! I'm just like marshmallow Sally trying to fit in by repeating catchphrases

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d98781  No.279707

File: dd7ec49c27a5b14⋯.png (147.43 KB, 1357x557, 1357:557, neptune_cant_code_1.PNG)


you samefag to try and create a false consensus. you try and use bots to achieve the same result except you cant code.

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70f491  No.279709


See, again, you are delusional. You think you have power over others but you don't. You do not have any control over this board and more than likely no control over 4chan either as it is controlled by control freak moderators. Keep deluding yourself about things very few here cares about.

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70f491  No.279710


Yep, he said the same about purplefag and Jerry too. He's delusional.

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d98781  No.279711


trump lost. stay mad.


post sauce

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0a8066  No.279712

File: 79a450fcd37ccdc⋯.png (795.55 KB, 2172x1080, 181:90, PicsArt_12_11_02_58_23.png)


It appears that he had no problem accepting the $790 per month that went along with his "little psychiatric issue", but he seems non-compliant when it comes to taking his psychiatric medication

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70f491  No.279713


So what? We got an another idiot in office instead, one that has dementia? So what?

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0a8066  No.279714

sure I do, "Big Show"……

sure I do

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d98781  No.279715

File: 72325b4961ea90b⋯.png (41.49 KB, 862x316, 431:158, biden_israel_iran.PNG)


>so what

So the Jewish State falls first, then Diaspora.

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0a8066  No.279717


I don't think anybody would ever claim that Joe Biden is sharp and young and vital and charismatic

I think everybody is pretty realistic about how dull and dim he is……

But that's not why he was elected

Nobody voted FOR Biden

They all voted to get Trump out of the White House

Everybody talked about the 2016 election being the lesser of two evils

And of course that's exactly what happened this time as well… We simply couldn't afford another 4 years of the idiotic illiterate bumbling fumbling chaos created by the uneducated caveman

There was no trickery involved

Nobody had to steal anything

America wanted Trump gone

And that's exactly why he lost

So now we have the lesser of two evils in office

And I don't think anybody is particularly proud of Biden, but to be honest with you.. it's quite refreshing to not have the idiot in office anymore

It's kind of refreshing to get things back to normal again

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0a8066  No.279718


Because you haven't used any of your signature "tells", of course there's no way for me to be certain Who You Are

But I'm assuming that you are KILLCEN

and if so, there's a couple of things I've been meaning to mention to you

and if you're NOT Killcen, then I never claimed to be psychic

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0a8066  No.279719


NUMBER ONE : when I was just creating the post about Biden being the lesser of two evils, how he was put in the office to get rid of the stupid illiterate chaos…. I almost mentioned one of your most recent quotes :

The other day, you actually said that "Biden isn't really doing that bad of a job"

and you're correct….

He's not necessarily doing a GREAT job

But he's definitely not doing a BAD job

Say what you want about dementia, but you have nothing more than his creepy speech impediment to back up your claim….

I haven't seen any signs of dementia.

And I have a very close clinical understanding of what technically defines dementia, not just some slang term I throw around as an insult

I see no indication of actual dementia

All I see is a bit of a lightweight, a slightly frail old man, who still suffers from his stuttering problem, and all too often, his words seem to run together, as he desperately tries to control his speech impediment issue…

But don't confuse that with Alzheimer's

And don't confuse his speech impediment struggles with incompetency

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0a8066  No.279721

These days everybody expects some kind of insane explosive twist and turn around every corner

We forgot what it was like to have a normally functioning government

Some people might view it as "boring", but those people are idiots…

Stay the course.. smooth and steady..

This is the way government should be run

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0a8066  No.279722


and now comes NUMBER TWO…..

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0a8066  No.279723



I realized that you are set in your ways, and you are not one to be easily "swayed" by others….


Recently I've noticed an uptick in your insultory inclusion of "Jews" into your normal everyday rhetoric

You never used to do that in the old days….

I am very very familiar with your content

And I can honestly say

This is a new facet of your performances

the "anti Jew" angle

You never used that contact in the past

And I happen to know for a fact that in real life, you have NEVER actually interacted with any Jewish people….

you e NEVER done business with any Jewish people…

You're actually completely unfamiliar with their culture and their character

That's why it's obviousyou've allowed yourself to be swayed by others

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0a8066  No.279724

Not that long ago, you and I had a brief conversation about a Jewish guy you saw "talking on the phone"





Not by picking up on someone trendy image board catchphrase cookie cutter template anti-semitism stupidity


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d98781  No.279725

johnny neptroon #1 and #2 stop posting at the same time

why samefag if youre gonna be so obvious about it?

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0a8066  No.279726




Are you enjoying your latest fantasy?

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0a8066  No.279728



And I was quite surprised to learn

That the stereotypes are a product of jealousy

And that the actual malfeasant dysfunctional greedy bitter weasels are the ones who cast the stereotypical stones

Whereas real life experience clearly demonstrated time and time again, that they were some of THE most intelligent, brilliant, funny as shit, completely honorable people of character I've ever met.

(In all honesty, whites can't hold a candle to them when it comes to integrity)

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d98781  No.279730

File: 2d2e567b899ec63⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 426x510, 71:85, brainlet_merchant_2.jpg)


When the total annihilation of the Jew-ISH people becomes an undeniable reality come see me. Maybe I stop it. Maybe I don't. Who knows.

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70f491  No.279731


Wrong. I don't care about Jews, but I do point out the hypocrisy when someone claims they are against Jews and yet they swallow neo-con propaganda (and all the neo-cons are hardcore Zionist Israel supporters, that is a FACT!)

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d98781  No.279732

File: ff702bd50651ea5⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 800x450, 16:9, putin_western_wall.jpg)


>neo-con zionists

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70f491  No.279733


You are making a fool out of yourself, not that it matters on a pretty much dead board anyway.

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0a8066  No.279734



Unaccomplished men approaching the age of 40, with no girlfriend and no wife and no children, and no talent and no history of success, who spend their lives sitting unbathed isolated in their mother's spare bedroom, with no real life redemption whatsoever, self-imprisoned in a cage of virtual closet homosexuality, specifically desiring to be surrounded by other similarly socially and sexually dysfunctional adult males, all desperately trying to "for in" and be accepted by the other cookie cutter predictable trendy parrots


Those losers are going to resent anybody who's successful


Almost being eliminated as a race, yet still managing to persevere and secure a future for their grandchildren…. of course this is the type of monumental scale of success that bothers unaccomplished losers the most


This gets under their skin,

Because the unaccompassed loser

Can't even get his own life together

Let alone changing history and securing a future for his grandchildren's grandchildren


The unaccomplished loser resents anybody who has achieved even the most moderate level of success….


the success of Jews is the most embarrassing thing in Marshmallow Sally's life, becauseJews prove that Sally's Excuses ARE BULLSHIT

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d98781  No.279735

File: 04da2d5d02bb9b3⋯.png (2.29 MB, 824x5368, 103:671, _Putin_Jewish_plant.png)


tell me more about zionist neo-cons

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0a8066  No.279736



Unaccomplished men approaching the age of 40, with no girlfriend and no wife and no children, and no talent and no history of success, who spend their lives sitting unbathed isolated in their mother's spare bedroom, with no real life redemption whatsoever, self-imprisoned in a cage of virtual closet homosexuality, specifically desiring to be surrounded by other similarly socially and sexually dysfunctional adult males, all desperately trying to "for in" and be accepted by the other cookie cutter predictable trendy parrots


Those losers are going to resent anybody who's successful


Almost being eliminated as a race, yet still managing to persevere and secure a future for their grandchildren…. of course this is the type of monumental scale of success that bothers unaccomplished losers the most


This gets under their skin,

Because the unaccompassed loser

Can't even get his own life together

Let alone changing history and securing a future for his grandchildren's grandchildren


The unaccomplished loser resents anybody who has achieved even the most moderate level of success….


the success of Jews is the most embarrassing thing in Marshmallow Sally's life, becauseJews prove that Sally's Excuses ARE BULLSHIT


Managing to overcome such great adversity

Proves that Marshmallow Sally's endless excuses

the "reasons he can't accomplish anything" that he

has told his mother year after year after year, THEYRE ALL BULLSHIT

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70f491  No.279737


The same jackasses who are fanning war propaganda in the Middle East for their "Greater Israel" agenda are the same douches who fan war propaganda against both China, Russia, Syria and Iran and almost any other country they can't fully control and/or subvert!!

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70f491  No.279738

Reality: Xi Jinping and Vlad Putin are as much a threat to America as Syria and Iran, in all reality! However, if we were to pick a war with China and Russia, that would be fucking stupid because it would end in a M.A.D scenario….. and I mean back to the dark ages, globally!!!

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d98781  No.279739

File: f9f8695dd44bb9c⋯.png (463.69 KB, 793x944, 793:944, Biden_Israel_hates_him.png)


Who are these jackasses? Biden ended the Iraq occupation and gave Afghanistan to the Taliban. Plus, Biden is siding with Iran against Israel. Meanwhile, Putin along with Trump and Xi are still trying to suck Israeli cock. So aside from Putin, Xi, and Trump who are these douchebags you're referring to?

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0a8066  No.279740


You still have never even eaten an everything bagel with lox spread, tomato and onion

You've never even taken the first baby step towards learning for yourself


I'm willing to bet $150,000 cash

That you would end up realizing


That you understood them

That you trusted them


There's no use in trying to understand him

And flights of fantasy roleplay are the only thing he can be trusted for

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0a8066  No.279741



He will be the one that doesn't realize TRUMP crafted the deal with the Taliban regarding Afghanistan

Biden had nothing to do with it

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d98781  No.279742

File: 9101643ea57d15a⋯.jpg (134.63 KB, 886x716, 443:358, trump_chess_migapede.jpg)


lmao cope harder migapede

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0a8066  No.279743



You looking another person directly in their eyes

Sharing a bottle of whiskey, or perhaps a pot of coffee, and LISTENING to eachother


Has nothing to do with real life whatsoever

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70f491  No.279744


I have had lox bagels before. And with capers too.

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0a8066  No.279745


….. Says the man who thinks having a conversation with myself…..


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0a8066  No.279746


I never said LOX BAGELS


Preferably in a Jewish deli

Because the bagels you've eaten all contained yeast, and we're not boiled before being baked

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70f491  No.279747


I am actually glad that we are out of Afghanistan, we never should have been there in the first place. However, that was a fuck up by both Trump and Biden, just like the USSR tried to takeover Afghanistan and failed too. Regardless, we need to get out of these wars, and stop trying to make new wars.

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d98781  No.279748


>trump came up with the plan but couldnt execute it in 4 years but biden could in just 1!

>trust the plan wwg1wga!!!!!!!!!1111

youre an idiot and a terrible shill.

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d98781  No.279749


Biden left Iraq, Afghanistan, and is siding with Iran over Israel. So the only Zionist neo-cons I can see are Trump, Putin, and Xi. Prove me wrong.

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0a8066  No.279750

File: 0e321618d60326b⋯.png (570.56 KB, 1080x2179, 1080:2179, PicsArt_12_11_03_51_07.png)


Because you're always engaged in some fantasy role play character, it's hard to tell exactly who we're talking to at any given moment…

Are you a man or a woman this time?

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0a8066  No.279751


4 years ?….. LMMFAO

Trump signed the agreement with the Taliban in February of last year, you uneducated, pseudo intellectual, socially deprived and isolated, powerless little man, you

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70f491  No.279752


>Biden left Iraq, Afghanistan, and is siding with Iran over Israel.

That's good and fine. Now we need him to stop trying to push the clot shots against American workers so hard. If he stopped with that, he would be a decent president.

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0a8066  No.279753

Every American has wanted us out of Afghanistan for a very long time….

But no American thought the deal with the Taliban was a good idea EXCEPT THE UNEDUCATED ILLITERATE CAVEMAN

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0a8066  No.279754


Every country on Earth is participating equally in the same vaccination agenda

You seem to think you are a victim

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d98781  No.279755

File: 4eaef3f9ce97b2a⋯.png (44.59 KB, 1326x496, 663:248, trump_taliban_1.PNG)



the israeli MIGApede disinfo shill reveals himself


Don't switch topics. I asked you to prove me wrong. Xi, Putin, and Trump both support Israel. They are the only Zionist neo-cons in this conversation. Isn't that correct?

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0a8066  No.279756


Why do you constantly play the role of victim?

Every country planet Earth participating in the same level of vaccination agenda

Why are you so myopic?

Plus, obviously you have no intention of getting the vaccination, SO HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY PRETEND LIKE YOU'RE A VICTIM?

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0a8066  No.279757


I could easily prove you wrong on a shimmering multifaceted tower of varying levels…

But I prefer to prove you GAY

Because one of your biggest WRONGS is the "I'm not sexually attracted to females" imageboard trendy fabricated justifications for LATENT HOMOSEXUAL IMPULSES

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70f491  No.279758

FACT: whether you are democrat or republican, you are OK as far as: #1 you stop pushing for endless wars, #2 you stop pushing gun control policy, #3 you stop pushing clot shots (vaccines) on people who don't want them and #4 you mind your own damn business and leave us Americans alone. That is what makes good leadership. Biden may have some good qualities but not all of them good. It was the same with Trump, just in different facets of policy making.

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d98781  No.279759

File: eb9bd1a9595da00⋯.png (70.72 KB, 888x544, 111:68, trump_saved_israel.PNG)


>trump created a plan but never followed through with it!

sounds like his MO. no wall, no lock her up, no withdrawals. But Biden is getting it done, isn't he?

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0a8066  No.279760



as in: A L W A Y S

firstly, you continually grasp for straws, desperately trying to insist that everybody is a "shill", when you can't even tell your ass from a hole in the ground

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d98781  No.279761




Admit that Trump, Putin, and Xi are the only Zioinst neo-cons in this conversation.

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0a8066  No.279762



Don't tell me.. now I'm a NEO CON ZIONIST "SHILL", and this conversation is a VAST GLOBAL CONSPIRACY AND FALSE FLAG EVENT…

right ?

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70f491  No.279763


I'm not a victim, I made damn sure years ago I won't be, not without one hell of a fight, other Americans on the other hand have become victims. I don't like that. And I call corruption out, archive it, post about it, plain and simple.

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d98781  No.279764


he didnt carry through with his deal, did he?

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70f491  No.279765


It is an Anti-western agenda! It is to kill off the white populations of the Western world, it really is that simple! And I will call it out!

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0a8066  No.279766


I'm curious……..

How do you sleep at night, after greedily accepting your monthly welfare benefits funded by the American taxpayers, when this same system propped Israel up after world war II?

It seems like if you had any integrity, you would refuse the taxpayer dollars, and stand up for your beliefs

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d98781  No.279767


not an argument, moshe.

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613cf3  No.279768

File: cb9caefeb34e09e⋯.png (748.75 KB, 1080x1455, 72:97, PicsArt_12_11_04_33_40.png)


I'm curious……..

How do you sleep at night, after greedily accepting your monthly welfare benefits funded by the American taxpayers, when this same system propped Israel up after world war II?

It seems like if you had any integrity, you would refuse the taxpayer dollars, and stand up for your beliefs

I mean, seriously………….

Everybody knows the "imageboard fantasy antichrist" gig doesn't pay very well….

so, I guess it was either sell out like a whore

……or start cooking french fries at Mickey D's

And integrity has always taken a backseat with you

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613cf3  No.279769


And that explains why EVERY DIFFERENT RACE ON PLANET EARTH IN EVERY COUNTRY ON EARTH are receiving the same vaccinations?

And your claims of population control and conspiratorial murder cannot be backed up by numbers

It's just more paranoid rhetoric

Because you actually have no real information whatsoever

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613cf3  No.279770

Everybody expects you to continue making unrealistic farfetched exaggerated reactionary easily debunked claims about non-existent conspiracies, and an endless stream of psychic predictions that never come true, so poorly executed that the hands of time are all that is required to debunk them….

But nobody expects you to be able to give a brief summary of THE HISTORY OF JEWSIN YOUR OWN WORDS

Certainly, since you have begun critiquing your alleged NEO CON ZIONIST PLOT, you obviously are well educated on Zionism….



And prove that you're not just another goofball parroting another goofball trendy catchphrase

Show me that you actually know what you're talking about this time

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613cf3  No.279771

HINT : next time you want a scapegoat

Next time you are looking for an event on which to pin your "global depopulation conspiracy" hogwash….



You might want to find something with death rates that can back up your empty claims?

Because so far, this is THE least effective global depopulation conspiracy I've ever seen

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d98781  No.279772

File: 7b281020fc0a7f3⋯.jpg (535.22 KB, 1300x664, 325:166, putin_kike_3.jpg)

File: 8cdcb9ca68b8211⋯.jpg (328.14 KB, 1120x1626, 560:813, _China_Controlled_by_Israe….jpg)


better than you do knowing how imminent total annihilation is

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613cf3  No.279773

14.5 MILLION PEOPLE : got cirrhosis from drinking alcohol last year

700,000 PEOPLE : have died from covid in the past 2 years

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613cf3  No.279774



Catch me in 6 years.. THEN you can tell me about how imminent total annihilation is….

I've heard this same bullshit since I was 11 years old

And forgive me if I'm not impressed

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613cf3  No.279775



It's all completely insignificant bullshit

But you continue fixating on it, because you think it masks your inability to grow and accomplish life's goals

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613cf3  No.279776


the 'imminent total annihilation' routine might work with your mother.. because she's concerned you might hurt yourself….

But it doesn't fly with me….

You haven't distracted me from the real issue at hand

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d98781  No.279777

File: 8813e5421de3e79⋯.png (83.36 KB, 280x368, 35:46, america_israel.PNG)


no american ally, no survival for jewish state.


>oy vey

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613cf3  No.279778

File: 2d22b43e2e64676⋯.png (860.05 KB, 1080x1455, 72:97, PicsArt_12_11_05_02_19.png)




And he hasn't gotten a single prediction right in over 22 years

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613cf3  No.279779


Whatever happens happens…..

And of course, when it's all said and done, no matter WHAT happens, you're going to claim "I TOLD YOU SO"

Because instead of accomplishing anything with your life, you have chosen to sit in a stasis, insisting that you are not insignificant

So of course it's not in your nature to simply admit that you don't have any particular insight or knowledge or experience to back up any of your delusional fantasies

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d98781  No.279780

File: ae308e9638e6502⋯.png (136.71 KB, 844x482, 422:241, israel_us_2.PNG)



no jewish state, no protection for worldwide diaspora.

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613cf3  No.279781

I can't help but Wonder……

Back when you were a kid, back before you jumped on the trendy 'jew this Jew that" wagon…

back before you had "imminent total annihilation" in your repertoire….

exactly WHAT did you tell your mother to justify your refusal to advance through life's stages?

Your mother rightfully wanted to know why you weren't developing like other boys your age, interacting with girls, dating, and becoming a man

so WHAT was your excuse before the "imminent total annihilation" bullshit?

lemme guess :

"Mommy they say mean things to me" ???

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613cf3  No.279782



AGAIN: I couldn't possibly care any less about your "worldwide diaspora jewish state" mumbo jumbo

It means absolutely nothing to me…..

All I see is a man trying childish distraction techniques

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613cf3  No.279783

File: 3e31fc1f3e6071b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1308x1080, 109:90, PicsArt_12_11_05_14_07.png)



cause somehow you manage to miss THE JOURNEY INTO ADULTHOOD……..

Jews celebrate their young boys

becoming MENAT AGE 13

Which makes a lot of sense actually…..

Families like yours set some arbitrary imaginary age like 18 or 21 to denote when their sons become MEN….

And coincidentally enough, families like yours and up with a 35-year-old child living in mommy's spare bedroom, with no girlfriend, no wife, no children, no life accomplishment, and no prospect of any of these things suddenly appearing out of the blue in the next 35 years

If your mother had remarried to a Jew

You would have actually become a life success

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613cf3  No.279784


I want your essay on THE HISTORY OF JEWS on my desk by tomorrow morning

And I'm looking forward to seeing how badly your ridiculous "Christianity" garbage prevents you from actually understanding ANYTHING about Jews whatsoever

This essay is going to be an uphill battle for you

But I know that as a man of integrity, you are going to jump right on it, and prepare a documentation which proves that you actually understand the history of Jews

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d98781  No.279785

File: fa3ff437fe605ff⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1823x2029, 1823:2029, moarpheus_predicted_this.jpg)


jewish state destroyed, worldwide diaspora threatened, means either destruction of the human race or subjugation of the world by those like myself. no third option, no compromises, no second chances. fake jew, real jew, nationalist, bolshevik… wont matter. every body burns black. nobody escapes. it will be beautiful and terrifying. i cant wait. honestly im hoping to skip the whole 1,000 years of peace thing and just go straight into the final abyss with the rest of you.

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613cf3  No.279787

File: 915f980818c2705⋯.jpg (156.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, odd_man_out.jpg)


"…or subjugation of the world by those like myself"

lol at you thinking there are other FANTASY ANTICHRISTS OUT THERE….

granted, there is an entire generation of young adult males who frequent imageboards because they never get any pussy because video games because anime because rejection because fear of trying because when surrounded by other similar failures, they think they can blend into the woodwork and nobody will notice what a failure they are….

But you're the ONLY "effeminate fantasy roleplay antichrist" to rear her ugly little head in here

So I guess you're going to be doing all of that INTIMIDATING SUBJUGATION by yourself?

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613cf3  No.279788


don't bother auditioning for the role of Nostradamus….

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613cf3  No.279789

speaking of which :

Nostradamus was full of shit

even HE never got one prediction correct

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613cf3  No.279790

okay, my WIFE just got home from work

and now it's time to make a delicious vegan dinner

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d98781  No.279791

File: f54015dd725ef2a⋯.png (84.42 KB, 1301x395, 1301:395, anglin_predictions_LOL.PNG)


>So I guess you're going to be doing all of that INTIMIDATING SUBJUGATION by yourself?



I told you: Your mindset has made everything about you and you believe you are sufficient enough. I don't share that mindset.


You know who has never been accused of making a bogus prediction? Moarpheus. Do you know why? They're not "predictions." They are promises.

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613cf3  No.279793


btw, one of your biggest obstacles in life is


you'd be terrible at taking care of animals

or children….. or the elderly….

you seriously need to teach yourself


something as simple as cleaning the house

and preparing an amazing dinner for a woman

you'd be amazed at how fast you gained


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d98781  No.279794

File: 81fd3c443664b97⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 990x990, 1:1, Kvetcheddd.jpg)

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613cf3  No.279795


Yeah, I also had an alter ego (when I was a CHILD)

well, maybe not an alter ego…

it was a character I invented…

and I made comic books about him…

and sold them at elementary school…..

he was kinda like ELVIS….

he was the world's most famous entertainer

but behind the scenes…

He was actually like JAMES BOND

secretly, behind the scenes, the world's most famous entertainer was actually a SECRET AGENT

who was continually SAVING THE WORLD without anyone's knowledge…

the world's most badass secret agent

went "undercover" on stage, as a rockstar….

The character's name was JOHNNY NEPTUNE

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613cf3  No.279796


I'm not kidding ……

it was a cartoon character I developed in elementary school, and I drew the cartoons, xeroxed them, and sold them to my schoolmates


right under everybody's noses…..

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d98781  No.279797



you still act like a childish cartoon character. you still post presly. LOL See: >>279672

get off the internet before you expose yourself further as exactly what i claimed you are.

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613cf3  No.279798

Then, when I was 12 I got commissioned to illustrate a magazine cover….

and instead of signing my name…..

at the last minute, I decided to sign it

"Johnny Neptune"

and for some reason, everybody liked it

the artwork was excellent, tbqh

But the NAME is what caught people's attention

So……. I started signing all of my work with my new pseudonym

and I stopped drawing my JOHNNY NEPTUNE COMICS

and here's the funniest part :

EVERYONE started calling me Neptune


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613cf3  No.279799


so ……. Here's the weirdest part…….

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d98781  No.279800


the weirdest part is you know exactly what makes you human garbage, you admit to these things, and then proceed to pretend like you're not human garbage.

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613cf3  No.279801

I got a front row seat to THE most unusual

in-depth study into ABNORMAL HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY and in particular a study into


Because…… without exaggerating….

I actually BECAME neptune

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613cf3  No.279802


you're SUCH an amateur !!!

you're trying to pretend that

you don't already know that



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d98781  No.279803

File: 2f4a349face7a75⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 540x328, 135:82, jesus_meme.jpg)


Then fix yourself.

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613cf3  No.279804

File: fdbe5e1cb756862⋯.png (634.64 KB, 2300x1023, 2300:1023, PicsArt_12_11_06_13_38.png)


YOU of all people

know good and well….

that I'm ALWAYS admitting being a piece of shit

….a loser…..

I mention it all the time

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613cf3  No.279805

File: 45b6cfc50f81e6b⋯.png (487.73 KB, 714x710, 357:355, PicsArt_12_11_06_17_35.png)


In fact, being a COMPLETE PIECE OF SHIT has been part of my LOGO for almost 30 years

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d98781  No.279806


Taking pride in one's refusal to improve is another example of the self-sufficient mindset. It can go in either direction:

>I'm enough because I'm great

>I'm enough because I know I'm not great

You are simply not enough.

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613cf3  No.279807

File: 160ea1561f376f8⋯.jpg (363.34 KB, 1693x1080, 1693:1080, PicsArt_12_11_06_21_24.jpg)


so don't try to pretend like you didn't realize that




tsk tsk tsk

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613cf3  No.279808

File: d3e0caf4566b2f7⋯.jpg (369.71 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, PicsArt_12_11_06_15_57.jpg)


there is no ME………..

you don't get it, do you?

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d98781  No.279811


The thinker who thinks

>there is no ME

is the "me"

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70f491  No.279812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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70f491  No.279813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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70f491  No.279814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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70f491  No.279815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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70f491  No.279816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ropers - Episode 5 "The Family Planning" (Apr 10, 1979)

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70f491  No.279817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ropers - Episode 6 "Opportunity Knocks" (Apr 17, 1979)

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70f491  No.279818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ropers - Episode 8 "Days of Beer and Rosie" (Sep 22, 1979)

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d98781  No.279819

File: cd798a5c0b05ebb⋯.png (355.83 KB, 663x567, 221:189, assange_stroke.PNG)

The other day you said I'd have a stroke by next year. But I'm not like the others. Let them have the stroke instead.

Stop taking pride in the falsehood of your self-sufficiency. Whether great or terrible you are not enough.

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70f491  No.279820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ropers - Episode 9 "Power Play" (Sep 29, 1979)

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70f491  No.279821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ropers - Episode 10 "Baby Talk" (Oct 6, 1979)

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70f491  No.279822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Stop taking pride in the falsehood of your self-sufficiency.

What's wrong with being self-sufficient? You hate freedom or something? Here's another The Ropers episode to cheer you up.

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70f491  No.279823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ropers - Episode 12 "Puppy Love" (Oct 20, 1979)

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70f491  No.279824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ropers- Episode 13 "All Around the Clock" (Oct 27, 1979)

The clock Stanley gives Helen for their anniversary turns out to be stolen from Brookes' apartment.

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d98781  No.279825


Wrong context. You "advertise" your failures in the same way as another might advertise his successes. In fact, you've advertised both failure and success in this thread. Truth is what matters, not your personal failure or achievement.

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70f491  No.279826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ropers - Episode 14 "Odd Couples" (Nov 3, 1979)

This one is a real gasser! A fire in the kitchen leads to the Ropers having to stay with the Brookes family until their place is ready again. Just guess who really started that fire?

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613cf3  No.279827

File: a94ee9bf291b265⋯.jpg (109.91 KB, 1056x886, 528:443, PicsArt_12_11_06_10_52.jpg)


who ?….. ME ?……

which me ?

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70f491  No.279828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I was offline for three or so hours, just got back on to bump some real news plus advertise The Ropers!

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d98781  No.279829

File: 5397e9655e6a5e7⋯.png (150.49 KB, 731x600, 731:600, brainlet_merchant.png)

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70f491  No.279830


Unfortunately, you'll all have to wait for episode 16, Tee Vee Classics has yet to upload the next episode! Enjoy it for now, the whole show can also be found on archive.org if you dig for it.

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70f491  No.279831


I know you hate Jews and Fake Jews, but can you tell us something you do like? I mean even prepping and being self-sufficient seems to turn you off. It seems like everything does. Perhaps you should watch The Ropers, it will calm you down.

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613cf3  No.279832

File: 94262cf74db14e9⋯.jpg (253.38 KB, 1280x1170, 128:117, 20211211_183515.jpg)


I'm willing to bet $1,234 cash that you've never met anyone before who literally adds "IM A PIECE OF SHIT" in their artwork contracts…

who openly posts that I'm a piece of shit

an open invitation for anyone to inquire further

a red carpet for them to ask me for details

so I can explain my theory on humans

ALL HUMANS… including ME

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613cf3  No.279833


Norman Fell was a JEW……….

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d98781  No.279834

File: e673387b188ab3c⋯.jpg (333.48 KB, 2048x1174, 1024:587, Jews_VS_Kikes.jpg)


I dont hate either.


Consciousness and will makes a "human," without which they're just decaying matter. The concept you have of "yourself" is a product of consciousness and will, but what determines consciousness and will? You are who or what you perceive yourself as. So how could I hate you or anyone else?

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d98781  No.279835


*You are not who or what…

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613cf3  No.279838


The whole thing.. I don't have a concept of myself

There isn't really a ME….

I was trying to tell you earlier….

Before the age of 13

My own mother began calling me Johnny Neptune


Everybody called me that

So that's what she called me

So they know who she's talking about

And it was like a really trippy study in psychology

Because I never thought of myself as ME

Not after the age of 13

Nobody referred to me by my name

Not even my own mother

And everybody referred to me

As an imaginary figure

I created when I was bored

It was really bizarre.. living an entire life as a fictional entity

But it worked.. that's what got me hired by Warner Brothers

The name of the fictional character

To be honest with you I'm not sure who the fuck I am…. All I know is I'm A HUMAN

And humans are worthless pieces of shit

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613cf3  No.279839


That's okay if you don't hate me….

Because that's not a prerequisite for me

Let IT supplies that I have enough hatred for the entire human race to go around several times over

as a whole….. ALL OF US SUCK

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613cf3  No.279840




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613cf3  No.279841

I'm actually NOTHING…..

. I'm nobody

… I'm certainly not who you think I am

not am I the opposite

I honestly don't care about anything

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613cf3  No.279842

I truly don't

none of this matters

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613cf3  No.279843

Politics are boring as shit

Just like talking about sex or religion

You get tired of going in circles after 5 or 6 decades

Nothing gets achieved in discussing politics

there are 8 BILLION OPINIONS out there

and I'm not interested in ANY of them

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613cf3  No.279845

File: 31e46ede74b6dd2⋯.jpg (8.79 KB, 318x159, 2:1, Z.jpg)

=="Russia has completed work on two new "Doomsday planes", according to Russian state media. The planes are based off the Il-96-400M airliner and will replace Russia's current fleet of Il-80s.

"Doomsday" planes serve as flying command and control centers in a disaster like nuclear war. These newest additions are autonomous, and on-board computers are programmed to deliver "apocalyptic full-blown global doomsday nuclear strikes", as a last gesture, even if all humans are already gone.

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613cf3  No.279846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I used to be a "bot"…..

as if anyone would program THIS "algorithm" lol


then I was CIA, FBI, NSA & MI6

then I was Killcen

then I was EVERYBODY

then I was a BOT (again)

all of my "propaganda"…..

right ?……

I'm a secret agent who spreads propaganda


WHAT propaganda ??!!!!



THATS my 'propaganda'?????

that's some weak propaganda

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613cf3  No.279847

File: a5da344b4601619⋯.jpg (60.94 KB, 750x481, 750:481, url_1_.jpg)

Dead Hand (Russian: Система «Периметр», Systema "Perimetr", lit. "Perimeter" System, with the GRAU Index 15E601, Cyrillic: 15Э601),[1] also known as Perimeter,[2] is a Cold War-era automatic nuclear weapons-control system (similar in concept to the American AN/DRC-8 Emergency Rocket Communications System) that was used by the Soviet Union.[3] The system remains in use in the post-Soviet Russian Federation.[4][5] An example of fail-deadly and mutual assured destruction deterrence, it can automatically trigger the launch of the Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) by sending a pre-entered highest-authority order from the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Strategic Missile Force Management to command posts and individual silos if a nuclear strike is detected by seismic, light, radioactivity, and pressure sensors even with the commanding elements fully destroyed. By most accounts, it is normally switched off and is supposed to be activated during times of crisis; however, it is said to remain fully functional and able to serve its purpose whenever it may be needed.[6]

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613cf3  No.279848

File: 6487c7bb4fad187⋯.jpg (235.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_12_11_07_05_02.jpg)

I guess it was more "exciting" when I was a BOT

imagine a crew of highly trained counter intelligence operatives utilizing state of the art psychology and subversion to programME

ME….. the guy who's a piece of shit

who hates all humans

and thinks Elvis was "Jesus"

talk about your BLACK OPS, huh?

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d98781  No.279849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The concept you have of "you," whether full of attributes or none at all, is a product of this world and your experiences in it, how you reacted to those experiences, etc.. One day that "you" will be cut off and thrown into the fire leaving only the you behind "you" which isn't corrupted by the world but instead suffers because of it. The goal is to cast that false you into the Abyss while still living.

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613cf3  No.279853


hahahahaha wow…. you're SO lost

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613cf3  No.279854

"thrown into the fire"

"cast forth into the abyss"

melodramatic much?

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d98781  No.279855


I was speaking literally. The Abyss is a Placeless Place, and the fire is felt.

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613cf3  No.279856

File: 3011b1db1bfb4a4⋯.png (663.61 KB, 1280x1170, 128:117, 20211211_204257.png)

lol @ your stated LIFE GOALS

no wonder, huh ?

that explains a lot

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d98781  No.279857

File: 00cdfbf43d81579⋯.png (423.86 KB, 720x720, 1:1, jesus_meme_2.png)


Die daily to your self.

Romans 6:6

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613cf3  No.279858

File: f42de618d307259⋯.jpg (403.33 KB, 1080x1625, 216:325, PicsArt_12_11_08_54_38.jpg)

that's just a wee bit predictable

like I've heard it in EVERY cheesy horror gothic fag flick and cookie cutter heavy metal album

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613cf3  No.279860

File: 1708f74b2a7e635⋯.jpg (329.16 KB, 1080x1626, 180:271, PicsArt_12_11_09_09_22.jpg)

I've got my own version

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613cf3  No.279861


Trust me, if I was weak enough as a child to let somebody brainwash me with his bullshit Christianity, I would definitely want to die every 30 seconds

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613cf3  No.279862

File: 7edb9733ca2d4da⋯.jpg (626.45 KB, 868x1307, 868:1307, 20211211_213323.jpg)

if you were a kid, and some asshole tried molesting you, you could easily stop it by yelling and screaming and running AWAY

so WHY did you allow some assholes to brainwash you with RELIGION ?

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640897  No.279863

File: 844959a7f96f3e7⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB, 488x360, 61:45, Legend_of_the_rent.mp4)


> The goal is to cast that false you into the Abyss while still living.

Sounds like a good recipe for wandering in the Abyss for a mighty long time, or at least, longer than one expected…

That would be Experience talking.

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613cf3  No.279864

File: 85d34cac9a3869f⋯.jpg (549.82 KB, 868x1307, 868:1307, 20211211_214937.jpg)

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640897  No.279865

File: 79815831237cfdb⋯.jpg (125.46 KB, 590x480, 59:48, 79815831237cfdb61cbbfebaa7….jpg)

File: 65a5c29f3c45429⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 600x500, 6:5, poster414.jpg)


> so WHY did you allow some assholes to brainwash you with RELIGION ?

Honest Question:

Why did (You)?

How did (You) not recognize 'Woke'ism as the Religion it is? Maybe (You) can't recognize the COVID Religion as a Religion either. Most religionists like you cannot see the absurdity of their positions, or the ridiculousness of their own particular obsessions. But they all seem hellbent on judging the stances employed by others! Everyone "Else" is "doing it wrong"! amirite?

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613cf3  No.279866

File: b91d26803b68ab6⋯.jpg (728.74 KB, 869x1307, 869:1307, 20211211_221509.jpg)


you might want to clean off that filter you see through

it's so foggy, that you actually thought you saw me as being WOKE

lol Wendy got a kick out of that

"ME"…… "WOKE"….. lol

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d7216a  No.279867

File: 2315cbf735f0391⋯.jpg (175.12 KB, 1080x2180, 54:109, PicsArt_12_11_10_31_24.jpg)


It's either a dirty filter that needs cleaning

or perhaps a vision problem that deserves looking into

but if you thought "I" WAS "WOKE"

then yeah….. you couldn't be

more off base

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70f491  No.279869


"BASED" as fuck, my only hope is America has this too, and we fucking outsource the technology to every fucking country on the entire planet…… seriously this would would be much safer if any nigger could simply say "fuck off, let us be, or we'll get rid of all of you with us all at once!"

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70f491  No.279870


Sounds a lot like hell. All you need to do is repent for your sins and try to be a better person and accept God into your life. That's it. Let God deal with the "Jew" issue, He always has before, human history has proven this, the corrupted are never wanted and are always cast aside and killed or chased off eventually.

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70f491  No.279871


Look at life more positively Johnny, you will always be Killcen lol.

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70f491  No.279872

File: bad844147f7bdff⋯.jpg (78.3 KB, 1199x668, 1199:668, ivermectin_africa.jpg)

File: e996d6ba699ccec⋯.jpg (95.48 KB, 846x1296, 47:72, Ivermectin_India.jpg)



Mandatory vaccines are largely being pushed in white Western countries with only a few exceptions, such as China because they always had problems with "overpopulation". Just look at any country that is hardcore mandating routine clot shots, it's mostly White Western nations!! India has backed off after many died from the clot shots now handing out ivermectin , nations like Africa and Mexico do not enforce clot shots either. Russia is making their own vaccine because they do not trust the corrupt West. Etc. The clot shots are mostly aimed at White Western people, FACT.

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70f491  No.279873


It would serve humans right if the dumb ones get us all wiped off the entire planet. It doesn't have to happen, but one thing I can agree with Mushroom Sally on is it very well could and may happen. And……. if it does …….. BOO HOO! …. it was our own stupidity, God willing, so be it!

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8d3669  No.279876


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640897  No.279877

File: bac8857ea2e6e5a⋯.jpg (767.01 KB, 2803x1869, 2803:1869, Buy_Wenny_an_M_P_Shield_Pl….jpg)

File: 7a006e491b38442⋯.jpg (126.74 KB, 720x810, 8:9, Too_Easy_REALly.jpg)

File: 6dbe7b5624e7e7e⋯.jpg (116.36 KB, 1120x680, 28:17, AMA_Pushes_CRT_Shit.jpg)


> you saw me as being WOKE

Did somebody get a little defensive here?

> you might want to clean off that filter you see through

I merely asked you an Honest Question:

WHY did you allow some assholes to brainwash you with RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGIES you share with the Religion of COVID (please boost yourself), and the Religion of 'Woke'ism.

Why did (You) take on characteristics emblematic of those Religions?

Your severe TDS has also become more than a Religious fervor, but makes you a part of a Cult; a Cult of Extremism & Hate, Divisiveness & Destruction. Those are the kinds of Religious Ideologies (You) are attracted to, and that (You) borrow from "Other" Religions.

As for the Religion of 'Woke'ism… recognizing it, and those traits in it that everyone shares to some degree or another, may awaken some humility in inquiring minds who want to know. Of course, some would rather lay judgment on "others". We all do, to some degree or another…

Enjoy some links!


Pretty well written article, actually.


Johnny will never survive the ads on that site. It will invoke his Hatred, yes HATRED of certain people, certain types of people, certain ideologies that people have, and it will just further remind him that HE HATES PEOPLE; ALL PEOPLE; ALL HUMAN LIFE, INCLUDING HIS OWN.

It's a "Religious" Stance if I ever saw one. One he shares with the 'Woke' Religionists, and the COVID Religionists too (although they exhibit a bit more fear of death, but yeah, they hate humans too, and they ESPECIALLY HATE FREEDOM, as does "Johnny" .

His Opinions May Be Safely Discarded.

Look at the pandemic response and tell me that there's no such thing as the Religion of COVID.

Look at what has become of "Science", and how it has quickly become nothing more than a mere Religion!

When the State determines what is True and what isn't, and data no longer matters,THAT IS A RELIGION.

Pretty much all (You) spout out all day are Religious Ideologies.Hence, all the Division & Hate, focus on the Sexual activities of "others", the Conformity, the Conformity Enforcement, the constant sniping at "others" who do not share your Ideology of Hate…

Random Link:


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640897  No.279878


Also, lay off the booze Killcen.

You'll need to keep your wits about you.

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640897  No.279880

File: 700a5552c4a4fb6⋯.jpg (185.48 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Putin_does_the_needful.jpg)

Also, >>279601

> pic related

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d98781  No.279887


God tells us to protect the widow and orphan.

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d98781  No.279888


If your right eye offends you pluck it out and cast it away.

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7d23a2  No.279898

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7d23a2  No.279899

Fucking stupid slow glitching site!!!!!!!!!!


Booze helps me just as much as it fucks with my head. It's a necessary evil unfortunately, it often helps me from blowing up and going into a violent rage. I have issues with stress and the booze helps neuter it, plus when I drink most of the time I simply stay offline away from the computer and listen to older music which calms me down. No more heavy rock 'n roll like I used to listen to anymore. I'll stick to Slim Whiman or Frank Sinatra, or my huge doo wop music collection. The world is beyond fucked so I won't bother trying to "save the world" archive binging anymore, whatever is going to happen will happen. I'm done with it all honestly. I'm going to live the rest of my life drinking and trying to have as much fun as I can, till I'm six feet deep. If anyone tries to stop me so help me God I'll take time off the booze to fucking murder them, butcher their bodies and hang them on the tree branches as a message NOT to fuck with this crazy old goat out here yonder.

That said, I am sorry Jesus, give me the strength I need to endure and protect my family and property. Help the world keep the peace, for I do not want war, but I am not afraid of it.

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640897  No.279910

File: 0f38d3b1fd3fecb⋯.jpg (25.17 KB, 300x250, 6:5, pnd_Ron.jpg)

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468a04  No.279917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia, China, and Iran

I am prepared for war… The end…

Prepare to be entertained to completion…

I have rendered before them my image and make speak of action…

NATO shall defend Russia.

Germany and Turkey shall be completely destroyed.

The untied bates shall be dragged into a three front war via Canada, Mexico, and the East.

Japan shall be drowned and forever disappear beneath the waves.

Variable-yield nuclear weapons shall be used in large quantity.

Chernobyl shall ignite by my word.

Africa shall become the beginning and the end.

The rocket shall launch and grant invitation to 'the others.'

(Leans in uncomfortably close)


I am the devil… 'Tis not as seems, but exactly as appears… HAHAHAHAHA

Disappointment? No… I am fully satisfied.

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7d23a2  No.279933


People like you are just pissed you can't get your way all the time, so you want to see the whole world destroyed. Pretty childish, unfortunately there are a lot like you in positions of power so there will likely be a doomsday mad max event. Oh well….. you'll still lose. God will win.

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c656fd  No.279947

File: a8c299a89d1adbd⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, km_20211213_720p.mp4)


You're SUCH an effeminate little pussy

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468a04  No.279948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia direkt…

Vladimir Putin… I am knowing in these ways…

I am not deceived on the matter and have made speak of such supposedly 'private' conversations…

Europe is becoming increasingly aware that threats of war with Russia are a front for attempted hostile 'takeover/mass regime change.'

I have moved upon Europe to render them as vassals before me… I stated repeatedly that I have grand plans…

I shall violently assert once more… I have erected mine image before mine enemies…

I shall move upon them as a thief and kill them in increasingly large numbers…

I will not stop… Until I am satisfied…

Vladimir Putin… Thou hath prayed to me for salvation directly! I have seen thy thoughts and heard thy display…

Vladimir Putin… Such paradise be held betwixt the two… Does it not?

Vladimir Putin… Do not blaspheme against me…

Vladimir Putin… If Moscow were annihilated… Would the resulting government be liable to these treaties and 'thought currency?'

Vladimir Putin… Doth thou not 'stir pot' to keep the west 'at bay?' Consumed by 'regime change' in Europe?

I am knowing… I see these… I do not rue the ruling of such action… 'Tis I who blessed thee…

You are I and I act as you do… HAHAHAHAHA

Blessed, Russia shall survive and continue some 1,000 years beyond the fall of man… HAHAHAHA

Blessed be the livid for they can never die… No matter the desire… Forever… Eternal…

'Tis I who part these souls to say a man shall be woman who was white 'tis now black… HAHAHAHAHAHAH



What form?

Thou hath no concern before me… Begone and distract me no more with such petty and simple thoughts…

Vladimir Putin… Thou 'plays' dust…

Vladimir Putin… I, the devil, 'do' time and space… HAHAHAHA

Such fair creature… More innocent than most…

'Tis a babe… In the palm of mine many hands…

No thing, but fabled 'view,' 'opinion', and 'vague' 'belief' of supposed darkness. HAHAHAHA

Oblivion… Thou art truly spared… Sheltered by mine hands…

'Tis Europe who I rape…

France… Spain… Germany…

Go forth and 'stir pot' more my 'playful' child…

Spill thy cup 'o servant so that I may whip our guest… HAHAHAHAHAHA

I desire to lash them further… I desire to kill themselves…

In time even AUKUS shall burn as paper before me.

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07b23e  No.288991

File: e8d26c0f64b2614⋯.jpg (15.96 KB, 223x255, 223:255, e22111edbd932881a5fd4e0c7f….jpg)

Hmm. war games are never done in one day.

Now it is the diplomacy stage. Putin said he does not want Ukraine in Nato.

He could easilly take Ukraine in a few weeks, i think Putin is smart enough to not take the bait. (optics game)

Putin has no interrest in war because he got too little to gain and all to lose. Nato is looking for a war to distract from the current mismanagement of the covid situation.

Also nato could gain a lot from a war with russia.

You see when a war breaks out , EU will raise an EU army (this has been a long time wish) , yet the people resist this kind of powergrab from Brussels.

Basically kicking of a war validates the excuse to raise that EU army.

The USA may want EU to have an standing federal army in order to offload some of the nato burden and potentially to have an extra army to control. (not sure)

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a70824  No.289022


Most of Ukraine is an infighting shithole today, a third world failed State. It would be counter-productive for Russia to try taking over all of Ukraine. The only two regions the Russians really care about is Crimea (for the ports) and a few areas where there are a majority of Russian-speaking migrants who own territory and resources there (particularly the wealthier ones).


Makes some sense, and it's always the (((banksters))) behind the wars, if you are fighting for any side of their wars you are just a dirty pawn playing their game for their dirty interests. OP is either a glow nigger (brainwashed useful idiot for the State), or someone who stands to financially benefit in some way from a war with Russia. Not sure which, but not too interested in finding out.


>I am prepared for war… The end

Hey schizo, I'm prepared too, not prepared to fight for any State, but prepared to be amused, prepared to sit back and watch the world go to shit because of very corrupt and stupid governments around the world (I'm hoping they all collapse so we can get back to some SANITY, old fashion living and productivity!!).

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d32616  No.289087

>Ukraine forces pushing to cut off traffic between Donetsk and Luhansk

>Ukraine positioning to Mariupol for Rostov provocations

Canadian horse cavalry are smart enough to only try to trample unarmed women. How smart are Ukrainians?

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c06caf  No.289089


>Canadian horse cavalry are smart enough to only try to trample unarmed women.

They never tried anything like that, you liar. It was and still is a peaceful protest, no matter how violently government behaves.

>How smart are Ukrainians?

We'll see how smart they are when they decide to war with Russia. I'm getting my popcorn ready, best believe!!

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c2e8ed  No.289094

File: 6d8af1522e9ff24⋯.jpg (47.62 KB, 960x474, 160:79, 6d8af1522e9ff24166a4b06e4d….jpg)

>he didn't do a thing we said he was going to because we said he was so now he won't

>I am very smart

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80aa3d  No.289096

Oh NOES! That means dementia joe will have to find a NEW scape goat to distract people from the inflation and the bullshit covid restrictions.

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